Area of Operation

0709-EX-ST-2013 Text Documents

Applied Research Associates, Inc


Operating Area for Nighthawk UAS Experimental Certificate                                           Page 1
Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA)                                                           5-Mar-13

                        Operating Area – Randolph, VT

  c. Operating Areas.
     (1) How do you ensure that there is no unusual ground activity under the flight operations area?
         For example, are there any weekend events scheduled? Are there housing areas or public
         gathering places?
           The primary operations area is ARA property. The overall identified operating area is
           sparsely populated rural farming and wooded areas to minimize the potential for unplanned
           activities being encountered. As part of the UAV preflight checklist, operational checks of
           the onboard payload module will be verified. This payload provides downward 360 degree
           video capability which will provide real time situational awareness of unusual ground
           activities occurring in the area. Most operating missions will be relatively short in their
           travel from the launch point to minimize the potential of encountering unusual ground
           activity and will be conducted adjacent to our facility.
           For flights departing within our proposed operating area, but not adjacent to our facility (i.e.
           flights performed at another launch point with improved visibility) we will be reviewing
           current NOTAM’s and TFR’s prior to departure.
     (2) Identify any military or civilian routes through the proposed operational area.
           We have identified that Victor Airway 447 transverses our proposed operating area. Due to
           our proposed 1000 foot AGL altitude restriction and 3500 foot terrain adjacent to our
           western operating area boundary we are confident that aircraft travelling Victor Airway 447
           will not be affected by our operations.
     (3) Identify the proposed operating area on an aeronautical chart. The proposed area needs to
         define lateral boundaries and requested altitudes.
           The proposed operating area for Nighthawk UAS operations (as shown in Figure 1 and
           Figure 2) is an area surrounding the ARA Randolph, VT facility. This operating area
           encompasses three potential launch points (see Figure 2), where the primary point will be
           the ARA facility. The area is bounded by a southern line from Lat(43°54'24"N)
           Lon(72°39'32"W) running easterly for approximately 1.8 nm to Lat(43°54'32"N)
           Lon(72°37'0"W); then running in a northerly direction for approximately 2 nm to
           Lat(43°56'35"N) Lon(72°37'26"W); then running in a southwesterly direction approximately
           1.3 nm to Lat(43°55'48"N) Lon(72°38'54"W); then running in a southerly direction
           approximately 0.7 nm to Lat(43°55'8"N) Lon(72°38'48"W); then running in a westerly
           direction approximately 0.7 nm to Lat(43°54'55"N) Lon(72°39'49"W); returning in a
           southerly direction approximately 0.6 nm to the starting point at Lat(43°54'24"N)
           Lon(72°39'32"W). Within this area the primary operations area would be centered around
           our ARA facility, located at approximately Lat(43°54'47"N) Long(72°39'35"W). Operating
           altitude within the entire operating area would be up to a maximum of 1000 ft AGL.

Operating Area for Nighthawk UAS Experimental Certificate                      Page 2
Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA)                                      5-Mar-13

                     Figure 1. Map of operating area on FAA sectional map.

Operating Area for Nighthawk UAS Experimental Certificate                                 Page 3
Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA)                                                 5-Mar-13

         Facility                                                                    Other

   Figure 2. Map of operating area (from GoogleEarth), outlined in yellow, showing ARA’s
 facility (primary launch point) and two other planned launch points within the operating area.

Document Created: 2013-07-21 22:28:54
Document Modified: 2013-07-21 22:28:54

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