Request for Confidential Treatment

0825-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

American Tower Indoor DAS LLC


                                                                                     1025 Connecticut Ave, NW
                                                                                     Suite 1011
                                                                                     Washington, DC 20036
                                                                                     telephone 202.789.3120
                                                                                     facsimile 202.789.3112

September 30, 2019


Anthony Serafini
Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:     American Tower Indoor DAS LLC Application for Experimental License

Dear Mr. Serafini:

        American Tower Indoor DAS LLC (“ATID”), by counsel, hereby requests that the information
contained in the Attachment to ATID’s application for experimental license filed contemporaneously with
this request (File No. 0825-EX-CN-2019) be held in confidence and not made available for public
inspection, pursuant to Section 0.459 of the Commission’s rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 0.459. As detailed
herein, confidential treatment is appropriate under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act
(“FOIA”), which applies to information constituting “trade secrets and commercial … information” that
“would not customarily be released to the public.” See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4), 47 C.F.R. § 0.457(d).

       In support of this request, ATID provides the following information, as required under Section
0.459(b) of the Commission’s rules.

        1.      Specific Information for Which Confidential Treatment Is Sought – § 0.459(b)(1): ATID seeks
confidential treatment for the information set forth in the Attachment to its application, which includes a
description of the experimental plan that is proprietary to ATID and is subject to a non-disclosure
agreement between ATID and the manufacturer of the small cell radio access equipment to be utilized in
the experiment.

       2.      Circumstances Giving Rise to the Submission – § 0.459(b)(2): The proprietary information
submitted to the FCC is required in connection with ATID’s application for an FCC experimental license
under Part 5 of the FCC’s rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 5.1 et seq.

                                                                             Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
                                                                                              September 30, 2019
                                                                                                           Page 2

        3.       Degree to Which the Information Is Commercial or Financial, or Contains a Trade Secret or Is Privileged
– § 0.459(b)(3): The information for which ATID is requesting confidential treatment contains
commercially sensitive information “which would customarily be guarded from competitors.” See, e.g.,
James A. Kay, Jr., 17 FCC Rcd 1834 (2002) (withholding such information from public inspection). This
information includes, but is not limited to, details of the testing methodology to be employed by ATID.
Disclosure of this information to competitors would be competitively harmful. Accordingly, public
disclosure of the confidential terms of these documents could materially impair ATID’s business.

        4.      Degree to Which the Information Concerns a Service That Is Subject to Competition – § 0.459(b)(4):
As the Commission is aware, there is substantial competition in the wireless industry among both facilities
providers, such as ATID, and equipment manufacturers in the emerging field that is the subject of the
application. Because new and innovative equipment and services are just now being tested for near-term
launch, competition among equipment vendors and service providers is particularly keen at this time, and
service providers and equipment manufacturers alike have a strong interest in protecting from disclosure
proprietary information concerning their potential future products and service offerings.

         5.       How Disclosure of the Information Could Result in Substantial Competitive Harm – § 0.459(b)(5):
Information about ATID’s proposed experimental program could be misused by current and potential
competitors to gain commercially exploitable knowledge, thereby allowing them to reap unfair advantages
in formulating their own plans for technical development of competing equipment and/or systems. This
is a particularly critical time for a company that is pursuing product development to protect its plans from
disclosure to third parties. Release of the details of this experimental program to potential competitors
would allow others to benefit from plans and information that ATID has spent considerable time and
money developing, and to adapt their own plans based on this proprietary information.

        6.      Measures Taken by the Applicant to Prevent Unauthorized Disclosure – § 0.459(b)(6): ATID has
agreed to limitations on the use and sharing of proprietary information pursuant to a non-disclosure
agreement with the manufacturer. Information included in the Attachment falls within the category of
confidential information under this agreement. ATID has strictly limited access to the information solely
to those employees, contractors, and agents who require knowledge of the tests described in this
experimental license application in order to perform their duties and fulfill ATID’s contractual obligations.

        7.       The Information Submitted Is Not Available to the Public and Has Not Previously Been Disclosed to
Third Parties, Except for Appropriately Limited Circumstances – § 0.459(b)(7): Disclosure has been limited to
employees, counsel, contractors, and agents of ATID who have a specific need to review and analyze
proprietary technical information relating to the proposed experimental testing.

         8.     Period During Which the Submitted Material Should Not Be Available for Public Disclosure – §
0.459(b)(8): ATID respectfully requests confidential treatment indefinitely. At the present time, there is
no time horizon within the information will become significantly less sensitive, and there is no temporal
limitation on ATID’s non-disclosure obligations. Accordingly, ATID requests that the Commission
maintain confidential treatment of the material at least until it expressly notifies the Commission that
confidential treatment is no longer required or necessary.


                                                                   Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
                                                                                    September 30, 2019
                                                                                                 Page 3

        For all of the foregoing reasons, ATID requests that the Commission withhold the Attachment to
ATID’s experimental license application from public inspection, according it full confidential treatment.
In the event that a request for examination of this document is filed, ATID requests an opportunity to
respond and to provide a partially redacted version in lieu of full disclosure.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     /s/ E. Ashton Johnston

                                                     E. Ashton Johnston
                                                     Counsel to American Tower Indoor DAS LLC


Document Created: 2019-09-30 15:59:22
Document Modified: 2019-09-30 15:59:22

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