Exhibit B Cover Letter re Aloha Networks STA

0327-EX-ST-2001 Text Documents

Aloha Networks, Inc.


         D ICKSTEIN S HAPIRO M ORIN & O SHINSKY                            LLP
                     2101 L Street NW • Washington, DC 20037-1526
                        Tel (202) 785-9700 • Fax (202) 887-0689

                                  Writer’s Direct Dial: (202) 833-5017
                                 E-Mail Address: FurmanV@dsmo.com

                                    September 7, 2000


James R. Burtle, Chief
Experimental Licensing Branch
Electromagnetic Compatibility Division
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W., Room 7-A267
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:    Request for Expedited Approval of Special Temporary Authorization

Dear Mr. Burtle:
       On behalf of Aloha Networks, Inc. (“Aloha”), pursuant to Section 5.61 of the
Commission’s Rules, we hereby request that the Commission grant Aloha a Special Temporary
Authorization for a period of 180 days, beginning on September 17, 2001.

        As more fully explained in “Exhibit A” to Aloha’s request for Special Temporary
Authorization, Aloha has developed advanced commercial VSAT services using the ALOHA
access protocol. Aloha plans to use its Special Temporary Authorization to conduct system
testing to ensure proper system performance prior to launch of a commercial version of this
product. Aloha proposes to employ a 4.5 meter hub earth station and VSAT terminals
employing antennas ranging in size from 45 cm to 1.2 meters as remotes. Using a moderately
large number of distributed remote terminals over a several month period will allow Aloha to
accurately analyze the product’s performance and identify the feasibility of certain remote
configurations and assist in the optimization of the design.

       Aloha’s system testing is scheduled to begin on September 17, 2001. In late July, Aloha
requested that Comsearch prepare the supporting documentation to be attached to Aloha’s
experimental license application. At that time, Comsearch advised Aloha that the supporting
documentation would take one to two weeks to complete. Based upon this information, Aloha
intended to submit its application by mid-August in order to receive its authorization by its
scheduled September 17, 2001 testing start date. However, due to delays resulting from the need
for additional antenna pattern data from the antenna manufacturer, Comsearch did not provide
Aloha with the supporting documentation to be attached to Aloha’s experimental license
application until this week.

       Aloha has expended considerable financial resources in connection with its planned
system testing, a portion of which will be lost if testing does not begin on schedule. Therefore,

James Burtle, Chief
Experimental Licensing Branch
September 7, 2001
Page 2
Aloha respectfully requests expedited approval of its request Special Temporary Authorization to
enable Aloha to begin its system testing on September 17, 2001.

       Please direct any questions regarding this filing to undersigned counsel.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO MORIN & OSHINSKY LLP
                                       Attorneys for Aloha Networks, Inc.

                                 By:          /s/ Valerie M. Furman
                                              Valerie M. Furman


cc:    Lew Paper
       Uday Mathur

Document Created: 2001-09-10 17:36:09
Document Modified: 2001-09-10 17:36:09

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