Exhibit 1

0010-EX-PL-1998 Text Documents

Alligator Communications, Inc.


"Over—the—Air" Control                                      Remote Power Level Adjust

All Model 1888 radios are available with Advanced           Another available feature allows adjustment of the RF
Diagnostics that, when interfaced by the Alligator          power output. Use this feature to take advantage of
Software, provide a comprehensive analysis of the           ideal transmission conditions, and lower a radio‘s pow—
radio‘s status and performance. Monitoring and chang—       er output. This will reduce power requirements and ex—
ing a radio‘s parameters can be performed at the            tend battery life, further reducing trips to remote sites.
remote site or "Over—the—Air" via the remote‘s master
station. Available Alligator Interface modules allow
connection by telephone line or microwave link to the       The Model 1888‘s "Over—the—Air" adjustment capability
master station. It is possible to monitor and reconfigure   greatly reduces trips to remote radio sites, saving you
an entire network of Alligator radios from your office or   time and money.
any location with land line or cellular telephone
services. Changing frequencies, alarm limits, power
levels, deviation, sleep timers, and operating para—
meters can all be performed without dispatching a           Event Counters
technician to the remote site.
                                                            The Model 1888 radio also has a set of event coun—
                                                            ters. These counters keep track of several different
Alarm Limits
                                                            events such as PTT keying, receiver squelch, and
                                                            transmit time out. Tracking these variables helps pin
Also available on the Model 1888 is a group of user
                                                            point the source of nagging data errors.
programmable alarm limits. These limits monitor the
performance of several diagnostic parameters and
generate an alarm condition should any parameter            Radio Upgrade by Telephone
exceed its limits. With the RTU monitoring the alarm
status output of the radio, alarm conditions can be         Any optional features or future enhancements can be
quickly noted and corrective action taken to prevent        upgraded without sending the remote radio back to the
further degradation of radio performance. With early        factory. An Alligator technician can dial—up and access
detection and Alligator‘s "Over—the—Air" capabilities,      the radio through its associated master station and
most corrections can be performed without visiting the      upload the selected features directly to the remote.
remote site.
                                                            Simple Loopback Test
Remote Frequency Fine Tune
                                                            Every Model 1888 radio is equipped with loopback test
The Model 1888 is also available with a frequency fine      capabilities. Performing a loopback test requires a
tune feature. With this feature installed, the user can     handset equipped with a touch—tone pad connected to
fine tune the remote‘s frequency offset to account for      the master station orderwire. Use the handset to key in
the unavoidable long term crystal aging. Like all other     the loopback code and the address of the remote of
features, frequency offset tuning can be performed          interest. The remote will then respond with either a
"Over—the—Air". Yearly visits to all remote sites for       steady three second tone or three short beeps. A
frequency calibrations are a thing of the past.             steady tone indicates all is well. Three short beeps

                  Alligator Model 1800


Transmitter                                                                            General
RF Power:                                          5 Watts, adjustable 0.5 to 5 W      Frequency Agility:                                  895 — 960 MHz*
Impedance:                                                              50 Ohms                                                             350 — 512 MHZ
Duty Cycle:                                                            Continuos       Input Voltage:                         13.8 Vdc Nominal (11—16 Vdc)
Tx Attack Time:                                                           < 1 ms                                                  24, 48, 125 VDC Optional
Frequency Stability:                          .00015%(1.5 ppm) —30 C to +60 C          Current Consumption:
Bandwidth:                                                        12.5 or 25 kHz             Sieep Mode:                                      Typical 15 mA
Modulation Deviation:                                                                        Receive Mode:                             No options < 120 mA
      12.5 kHz Band:                                                    + 3.0 kHz                                                    With options < 150 mA
      25.0 kHz Band:                                                    + 5.0 kHz      Transmit (5W):                                                 <1.7 A
Spurious and Harmonic Emissions:                                           — 65 dB     Data Rate:                                           300 to 9600 bps
Tx Time—out Timer:                                                1—255 seconds        Connectors:
Audio input level:                                               —~20 to +10 dBm             Antenna:                                         Type N female
Frequency Response:                                    +1/—3 dB: 300 to 3000 Hz              Power:                               4 Pin Circular (AMP—CPC)
                                                                                             Data:                                                DB—25 pin
Receiver                                                                                     Temperature:                                   —30 C to +60 C
                                                                                             Humidity:                                         95% at 40 C
                                                                                             Dimensions:                                   7/‘ x7‘/," x 2*4,"
Type:                                    Double Conversion Super—heterodyne
                                                                                       Weight:                                                     3 pounds
Frequency Stability:                      .00015%, (1.5 ppm) —30° C to +60°C
Bandwidth:                                                      12.5 or 25.0 kHz
Sensitivity:                                     —117 dBm (0.3 *V) 12 dB SINAD         Options & Accessories
Selectivity:                                     —100 dB min / Adjacent Channel
Desensitization:                                —60 dB (EIA) at 12.5 kHz spacing       Diagnostics            Provides the ability to monitor all radio diag—
                                                —70 dB (EIA¥) at 25.0 kHz spacing                             nostic parameters and program internal alarm
Inter—modulation:                                                   —75 dB (EIA)                              limits by local connect or the RF path
Spurious/Image Rejection:                                                —80 dB        Alarm Limits &         Provides programmable power output, Event
Audio Output levels:                                     —20/+6 dBm, Adjustable                               Counters event counters, and diagnostic lim—
Frequency Response:                                                                                           its, each adjustable over the RF path
       Filtered:                                         +1/—3 dB 300 — 3000 Hz
                                                                                       AGFC                   To compensate for long term crystal aging,
       Unfiltered:                                       +1/—3 dB 300 — 6000 Hz
                                                                                                              the internal TCXO is always calibrated to the
Bit Error Rate:
                                                                                                              remote radio‘s associated master in an intelli—
       1200 bps:                                        BER 1*10—6 at —110 dBm
                                                                                                              gent manner
         4800 bps:                                      BER 1*10—6 at —110 dBm
         9600 bps:                                      BER 1*10—6 at —108 dBm         ADC                    To compensate for long term variations in FM
                                                                                                              modulation deviation to avoid violating FCC
                                                                                                              Emissions rules
*FCC Information                                                                       ALC                    To accommodate an audio input level any—
                                                                                                              where from —20dBm to +10dBm without re—
FCC Part:                                                                  94                                 quiring any adjustments
FCC Identifier:                                                   JILMPR1888A          Internal Modems:
FCC Emission Designators:                                                                     1200 bps        Belt 202 Compatible; Digital Interface—RS—232
     12K5F1D                                                           25KOF1D
                                                                                              300—4800 bps    Auto—Select, Asynchronous operation; Digital
     11KOFZ2D                                                          16KOF2D
                                                                                                              Interfaces — RS—232, or TL
         12K5F3D                                                       20KOF3D
                                                                                              9600 bps        Asynchronous or Synchronous operation;
                                                                                                              Digital Interfaces — RS—232, or TTL (for 25.0
                                                                                                              kHz bandwidths)

                                                                                       Internal DC/DC Converters:   24, 48, & 125 VDC

                                                                                       Interface Modules:
Contact factory for other frequency bands and power levels.                                   HART Protocol Flow Transmitter Interface Board
                                                                                              Orderwire Interface Module
                                                                                              Dial—up Interface Module

                                                250 North Wolfe Road                                             TP 408—737—7888
                                                Sunnyvale, CA 94086                                             FAX: 408—738—8882
©1997 Alligator Communications, Inc.
Rev. A   Printed in U.S.A. for Overseas Distribution                                                                                             1888 0697 3M

Document Created: 2002-03-11 07:22:57
Document Modified: 2002-03-11 07:22:57

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