STA Data

0331-EX-ST-2002 Text Documents

Alcatel USA Marketing Inc.


Electronic Filing

September 5, 2002

Experimental Radio Service
P.O. Box 358320
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5320

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to request an Special Temporary Authority (STA) to operate a transmitter in certain selected
bands between 11.7 GHz to 12.2 GHz, and 14.0 to 14.5 in Plano (Collin County), Texas, and Miami (Dade
County), Florida, as described below. In accordance with 47 CFR chapter 1, (10-1-00 edition), section 5.61,
the attached Exhibit A – System Description is being provided to support the application.

Alcatel USA is planning a DVB-RCS platform to be used for a satellite 2-way broadband access
demonstrations to customers for a limited period of time. Demonstrations are to begin on September 16,
2002 and will run until January 16, 2003. Since all outdoor work under this grant must be finished by
September 16, Comsearch respectfully requests the FCC to expedite the approval of this STA request. If
you have any questions please call.


Kenneth G. Ryan
Director, Spectrum Management Services
(703) 726-5685


                              Exhibit A– System Description

A.1 - Name, address, phone number of the applicant.

Alcatel USA Marketing, Inc..
Attn: Ravi Chari
660 Data Drive
Plano, Texas 75075
Voice: (972) 477-2573

A.2 - Description of why a Special Temporary Authority (STA) is needed.

Alcatel USA Marketing Inc., of Plano, Texas, is developing a project to test a DVB-RCS
platform out of Montreal, Canada, into their Plano, Texas and Miami, Florida sites where
terminals are located. This platform is to be used for a limited time, for a satellite 2-way
broadband access demonstration to customers.

The reason for the STA request is to perform outdoor demonstrations between the hub
location in Montreal, Canada and selected terminals in Plano, Texas and Miami, Florida.

A.3 Description of the operation to be conducted and its purpose

Alcatel will perform real-time satellite link testing of their DVB equipment using a hub earth
station located in Montreal, Canada and two US based transmit-receive VSATs, located in
Plano, TX and Miami, Fl.

The points of contact for each transmitting site are as follows:

Plano, Texas Site                       Miami, Florida Site

Ravi Chari                             Olivier Badard
Alcatel USA Marketing, Inc.            Alcatel USA Marketing, Inc.
660 Data Drive                         Andesat
Plano, Texas 75075                     7065 NW 52nd Street
Voice: (972) 477-2573                  Miami, Florida 33166
Email:          Voice: (305) 569-1440


A.4 Time and dates of proposed operation.

There will be demonstration sessions, from the Plano and Miami locations. It is
anticipated that tests will be run during business hours and on weekends during daylight,
beginning around September 16, 2002, and extending until about January 16, 2003.

A.5 Class of station

The transmitters, in both Miami and Plano, will be fixed all of the time.

A.6 Description of the location and, if applicable, geographic coordinates of the
proposed operation.

All transmit signals will be from rooftop locations at the Plano, Texas (Coordinates: 33° –
00’ - 32.5”North Latitude and 96° – 45’ – 26.9” West Longitude), and Miami, Florida
(Coordinates 25O 904’ 15.4” North Latitude and 80 O - 18’ - 43.5” West Longitude) sites.

A.7 Equipment to be used, including name of manufacturer, model and number of

The VSATs will use a Channel Master 1.2 meter antenna, model # 123, and 2 watt RFT
transmitting at 1.8 watts. The 1.2 meter antenna gain is 43.3 dBi, the maximum EIRP out
of both transmitting locations is 45.9 dBW. Both Miami and Plano will have same VSAT

A.8 Frequencies Desired

The tests will be performed in the US domestic FSS Ku-band. Transmissions will be
between 14,000 and 14,500 MHz and reception will be between 11,700 and 12,200 MHz.

A.9 Maximum effective radiated power (ERP) or equivalent isotropically radiated
power (EIRP)

A transmit antennas in Plano, Texas and Miami, Florida are Channel Master 1.2 meter
earth stations (Model 123), with a gain of 43.3 dBi (at 14.25 GHz). The high powered
amplifier is rated for 2 watts maximum. The maximum total EIRP at the feed flange of the
earth stations will be 45.9 DBW, or a total RF power of 1.82 Watts.

A.10 Emission designator and description of emission (bandwidth, modulation, etc.)

The VSAT return link transmission is digital data at 210 ksps in an allocated bandwidth of
360 kHz. The received emission is a digital DVB signal at 7373 kbps in an allocated
bandwidth of 11 MHz.


A.11 Overall height of antenna structure above the ground

Both the Plano and Miami transmitters will be roof mounted no higher than 6’ above roof
top level.


                           EXHIBIT B Miami, Fl Site Data
                             SATELLITE EARTH STATION

Company                    ALCATEL USA
Earth Station Name, State                           MIAMI, FL
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83)                              25 49 15.4 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83)                             80 18 43.5 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (Ft/m)                           5.02 /     1.53
Antenna Centerline AGL (Ft/m)                         50.00 /    15.24

Receive Antenna Type:         FCC32                 FCC Reference
          12.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)           41.8 /      1.2
             3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth               0.75 /     1.50

Transmit Antenna Type:        FCC32                 FCC Reference
          14.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)           43.3 /      1.2
             3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth               0.60 /     1.20

Operating Mode                                      TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE
Modulation                                              DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)                  11M0G7D / 11700.0000 - 12200.0000
Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)                 360KG7D / 14000.0000 - 14500.0000

Max. Available RF Power (dBW)/4 kHz)                 -16.00
                        (dBW)/MHz)                     8.00
Max. EIRP               (dBW)/4 kHz)                  27.30
                        (dBW)/MHz)                    51.30
                        (dBW)                         45.90

Max permissible Interference Power
         12.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/1 MHz)                   -165.0
         12.0 GHz, 0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)               -155.0
         14.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/4 kHz)                   -151.0
         14.0 GHz, 0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)               -128.0

Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
             Degrees Longitude                      123.0 W / 123.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                               244.7 /   244.7
Corresponding Elevation Angles                         34.2 /    34.2

Radio Climate                                              B
Rain Zone                                                  1

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance (Mi/Km)
         12.0 GHz                                      261.1 /   420.2
         14.0 GHz                                       81.1 /   130.5

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius (Mi/Km)
         12.0 GHz                                      337.3 /   542.9
         14.0 GHz                                       62.1 /   100.0

Note:   Horizon is less than 0.2 degrees at all azimuths


                   Table of Earth Station Coordination Values

Earth Station Name      MIAMI FL
Owner                   ALCATEL USA
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 25 49 15.4 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 80 18 43.5 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)        5.02 /     1.53 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     50.00 /    15.24 AGL
Antenna Model              FCC Reference 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive      -165.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit     -151.0 (dBW /4 kHz) TX Power    -16.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon     Antenna             12.0 GHz                   14.0 GHz
 (Deg) Elevation     Disc.    Antenna     Coordination   Antenna     Coordination
         Angle       Angle     Gain         Distance      Gain         Distance
         (Deg)       (Deg)     (dBi)          (Km)        (dBi)          (Km)

      0    0.00     110.67    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
      5    0.00     114.63    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     10    0.00     118.52    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     15    0.00     122.31    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     20    0.00     125.97    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     25    0.00     129.48    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     30    0.00     132.80    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     35    0.00     135.88    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     40    0.00     138.67    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     45    0.00     141.09    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     50    0.00     143.08    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     55    0.00     144.56    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     60    0.00     145.47    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     65    0.00     145.75    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     70    0.00     145.40    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     75    0.00     144.43    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     80    0.00     142.88    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     85    0.00     140.84    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     90    0.00     138.37    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
     95    0.00     135.55    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    100    0.00     132.44    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    105    0.00     129.10    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    110    0.00     125.57    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    115    0.00     121.89    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    120    0.00     118.09    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    125    0.00     114.19    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    130    0.00     110.22    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    135    0.00     106.20    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    140    0.00     102.13    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    145    0.00      98.02    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    150    0.00      93.90    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    155    0.00      89.77    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    160    0.00      85.64    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    165    0.00      81.52    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    170    0.00      77.42    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    175    0.00      73.35    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    180    0.00      69.33    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7


                   Table of Earth Station Coordination Values

Earth Station Name      MIAMI FL
Owner                   ALCATEL USA
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 25 49 15.4 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 80 18 43.5 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)        5.02 /     1.53 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     50.00 /    15.24 AGL
Antenna Model              FCC Reference 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive      -165.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit     -151.0 (dBW /4 kHz) TX Power    -16.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon     Antenna             12.0 GHz                   14.0 GHz
 (Deg) Elevation     Disc.    Antenna     Coordination   Antenna     Coordination
         Angle       Angle     Gain         Distance      Gain         Distance
         (Deg)       (Deg)     (dBi)          (Km)        (dBi)          (Km)

    185    0.00      65.37    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    190    0.00      61.48    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    195    0.00      57.70    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    200    0.00      54.03    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    205    0.00      50.52    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    210    0.00      47.20     -9.85         383.1        -9.85         119.2
    215    0.00      44.12     -9.12         390.7        -9.12         121.5
    220    0.00      41.33     -8.41         398.1        -8.41         123.8
    225    0.00      38.91     -7.75         405.1        -7.75         125.9
    230    0.00      36.92     -7.18         411.2        -7.18         127.7
    235    0.00      35.44     -6.74         416.1        -6.74         129.2
    240    0.00      34.53     -6.46         419.2        -6.46         130.2
    245    0.00      34.25     -6.37         420.2        -6.37         130.5
    250    0.00      34.60     -6.48         418.9        -6.48         130.1
    255    0.00      35.57     -6.78         415.6        -6.78         129.1
    260    0.00      37.12     -7.24         410.6        -7.24         127.6
    265    0.00      39.16     -7.82         404.3        -7.82         125.7
    270    0.00      41.63     -8.48         397.3        -8.48         123.5
    275    0.00      44.45     -9.20         389.8        -9.20         121.2
    280    0.00      47.56     -9.93         382.3        -9.93         118.9
    285    0.00      50.90    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    290    0.00      54.43    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    295    0.00      58.11    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    300    0.00      61.91    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    305    0.00      65.81    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    310    0.00      69.78    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    315    0.00      73.80    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    320    0.00      77.87    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    325    0.00      81.98    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    330    0.00      86.10    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    335    0.00      90.23    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    340    0.00      94.36    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    345    0.00      98.48    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    350    0.00     102.58    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7
    355    0.00     106.65    -10.00         381.6       -10.00         118.7


                   Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name      MIAMI FL
Owner                   ALCATEL USA
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 25 49 15.4      N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 80 18 43.5     W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)        5.02    /     1.53 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     50.00    /    15.24 AGL
Satellite Arc Range       123.0 W
                          123.0 W

    Satellite    Azimuth    Elevation       Satellite
    Longitude   (Degrees)   (Degrees)         Name

      123.0        244.7        34.2       Galaxy 10R


                            Exhibit C – Plano, TX Site Data
                                SATELLITE EARTH STATION

Company                    ALCATEL USA
Earth Station Name, State                             PLANO, TX
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                33 0 32.5 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83)                               96 45 26.9 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (Ft/m)                           700.03 /    213.36
Antenna Centerline AGL (Ft/m)                           75.00 /     22.86

Receive Antenna Type:           FCC32                 FCC Reference
            12.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)           41.8 /      1.2
               3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth               0.75 /     1.50

Transmit Antenna Type:          FCC32                 FCC Reference
            14.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)           43.3 /      1.2
               3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth               0.60 /     1.20

Operating Mode                                        TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE
Modulation                                                DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)                    11M0G7D / 11700.0000 - 12200.0000
Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)                   360KG7D / 14000.0000 - 14500.0000

Max. Available RF Power (dBW)/4 kHz)                   -16.90
                        (dBW)/MHz)                       7.10

Max. EIRP                  (dBW)/4 kHz)                 26.40
                           (dBW)/MHz)                   50.40
                           (dBW)                        45.90

Max permissible Interference Power
         12.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/1 MHz)                     -165.0
         12.0 GHz, 0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)                 -155.0
         14.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/4 kHz)                     -151.0
         14.0 GHz, 0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)                 -128.0

Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
             Degrees Longitude                        123.0 W / 123.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                 222.1 /   222.1
Corresponding Elevation Angles                           42.4 /    42.4

Radio Climate                                              A
Rain Zone                                                  2

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance (Mi/Km)
         12.0 GHz                                       173.0 /   278.4
         14.0 GHz                                        69.5 /   111.9

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius (Mi/Km)
         12.0 GHz                                  62.1 /         100.0
         14.0 GHz                                  62.1 /         100.0
Note: Horizon is less than 0.2 degrees at all azimuths


                   Table of Earth Station Coordination Values

Earth Station Name      PLANO TX
Owner                   ALCATEL USA
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 33 0 32.5 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 96 45 26.9 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)      700.03 /   213.36 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     75.00 /    22.86 AGL
Antenna Model              FCC Reference 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive      -165.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit     -151.0 (dBW /4 kHz) TX Power    -16.9 (dBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon     Antenna             12.0 GHz                   14.0 GHz
 (Deg) Elevation     Disc.    Antenna     Coordination   Antenna     Coordination
         Angle       Angle     Gain         Distance      Gain         Distance
         (Deg)       (Deg)     (dBi)          (Km)        (dBi)          (Km)

      0    0.00     123.22    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
      5    0.00     126.09    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     10    0.00     128.73    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     15    0.00     131.11    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     20    0.00     133.19    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     25    0.00     134.92    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     30    0.00     136.25    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     35    0.00     137.15    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     40    0.00     137.59    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     45    0.00     137.56    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     50    0.00     137.05    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     55    0.00     136.09    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     60    0.00     134.69    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     65    0.00     132.91    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     70    0.00     130.79    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     75    0.00     128.37    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     80    0.00     125.69    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     85    0.00     122.80    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     90    0.00     119.72    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
     95    0.00     116.50    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    100    0.00     113.15    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    105    0.00     109.70    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    110    0.00     106.17    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    115    0.00     102.58    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    120    0.00      98.94    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    125    0.00      95.27    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    130    0.00      91.58    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    135    0.00      87.89    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    140    0.00      84.20    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    145    0.00      80.53    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    150    0.00      76.90    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    155    0.00      73.32    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    160    0.00      69.80    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    165    0.00      66.36    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    170    0.00      63.03    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    175    0.00      59.83    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    180    0.00      56.78    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6


                   Table of Earth Station Coordination Values

Earth Station Name      PLANO TX
Owner                   ALCATEL USA
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 33 0 32.5 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 96 45 26.9 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)      700.03 /   213.36 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     75.00 /    22.86 AGL
Antenna Model              FCC Reference 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive      -165.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit     -151.0 (dBW /4 kHz) TX Power    -16.9 (dBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon     Antenna             12.0 GHz                   14.0 GHz
 (Deg) Elevation     Disc.    Antenna     Coordination   Antenna     Coordination
         Angle       Angle     Gain         Distance      Gain         Distance
         (Deg)       (Deg)     (dBi)          (Km)        (dBi)          (Km)

    185    0.00      53.91    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    190    0.00      51.27    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    195    0.00      48.89    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    200    0.00      46.81     -9.76         272.6        -9.76         109.2
    205    0.00      45.08     -9.35         274.8        -9.35         110.2
    210    0.00      43.75     -9.02         276.6        -9.02         111.0
    215    0.00      42.85     -8.80         277.8        -8.80         111.6
    220    0.00      42.41     -8.69         278.4        -8.69         111.8
    225    0.00      42.44     -8.69         278.4        -8.69         111.8
    230    0.00      42.95     -8.82         277.7        -8.82         111.5
    235    0.00      43.91     -9.07         276.4        -9.07         110.9
    240    0.00      45.31     -9.40         274.5        -9.40         110.1
    245    0.00      47.09     -9.82         272.3        -9.82         109.1
    250    0.00      49.21    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    255    0.00      51.63    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    260    0.00      54.31    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    265    0.00      57.21    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    270    0.00      60.28    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    275    0.00      63.50    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    280    0.00      66.85    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    285    0.00      70.30    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    290    0.00      73.83    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    295    0.00      77.42    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    300    0.00      81.06    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    305    0.00      84.73    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    310    0.00      88.42    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    315    0.00      92.11    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    320    0.00      95.80    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    325    0.00      99.47    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    330    0.00     103.10    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    335    0.00     106.68    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    340    0.00     110.20    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    345    0.00     113.64    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    350    0.00     116.97    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6
    355    0.00     120.17    -10.00         271.4       -10.00         108.6


                    Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name      PLANO TX
Owner                   ALCATEL USA
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 33 0 32.5      N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 96 45 26.9    W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)      700.03   /     213.36 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     75.00   /      22.86 AGL
Satellite Arc Range       123.0 W
                          123.0 W

    Satellite    Azimuth      Elevation      Satellite
    Longitude   (Degrees)     (Degrees)        Name

            123.0           222.1         42.4    Galaxy 10R


                      Exhibit D – Radiation Hazard Study

                      Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation
                     for a 1.2 Meter Earth Station System

This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for a 1.2 meter
earth station system. The analysis and calculations performed in this report
are in compliance with the methods described in the FCC Office of Engineering
and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and revised in 1997
in Edition 97-01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in
conformance   with the    FCC R&O 96-326.   Bulletin No. 65    and the    FCC
R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are
dependant on the situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the
status of the individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum
Permissible   Exposure (MPE) limits for persons in a General Population/
Uncontrolled environment are shown in Table 1. The        General Population/
Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an exposure
period of thirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an
Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational
MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of six
minutes or less. The purpose of the analysis described in this report is to
determine the power flux density levels of the earth station in the
far-field, near-field, transition region, between the subreflector or feed
and main reflector surface, at the main reflector surface, and between
the antenna edge and the ground and to compare these levels to the
specified MPEs.

  Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure(MPE)

  Frequency Range (MHz)              Power Density (mWatts/cm**2)

        30-300                                   0.2
       300-1500                          Frequency(MHz)*(0.8/1200)
      1500-100,000                               1.0

  Table 2. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure(MPE)

  Frequency Range (MHz)              Power Density (mWatts/cm**2)

        30-300                                   1.0
       300-1500                          Frequency(MHz)*(4.0/1200)
      1500-100,000                               5.0

Table 3 contains the parameters that are used to calculate the various power
densities for the earth stations.


                                                                   EXHIBIT D
                                                                   Page 2 of 5

Table 3.   Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Densities

     Parameter                Abbreviation       Value               Units
     Antenna Diameter             D              1.2                 meters
     Antenna Surface Area         Sa             II * D**2/4         meters**2
     Feed Flange Diameter         Df               7.6               cm
     Area of Feed Flange          Fa             II * Df**2/4        cm**2
     Frequency                    Frequency      14250               MHz
     Wavelength                   lambda      300/frequency(MHz)     meters
     Transmit Power               P                  1.8             Watts
     Antenna Gain                 Ges            43.3                dBi
     Pi                           II             3.1415927           n/a
     Antenna Efficiency           n              0.67                n/a

1.   Far Field Distance Calculation

The distance to the beginning of the far field can be determined from the
following equation:(1)

     Distance to the Far Field Region,(Rf) = 0.60 * D**2 / lambda                (1)
                                           = 41.0 meters

The maximum main beam power density in the Far Field can be determined
from the following equation:(2)

     On-Axis Power Density in the Far Field,(Wf) = Ges * P / 4 * II * Rf**2 (2)
                                                 = 1.818 Watts/meters**2
                                                 = 0.182 mWatts/cm**2

2.   Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the
entire length of the defined Near Field region. The region is contained
within a cylindrical volume having the same diameter as the antenna.
Past the boundary of the Near Field region the power density from the
antenna decreases linearly with      respect to increasing     distance.

The distance to the end of the Near Field can be determined from the
following equation:(3)

     Extent of the Near Field,(Rn) = D**2 / (4 * lambda)                         (3)
                                   = 17.1 meters

The maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined from the
following equation:(4)

     Near Field Power Density,(Wn) = 16.0 * n * P / II * D**2                    (4)
                                   = 4.245 Watts/meters**2
                                   = 0.424 mWatts/cm**2


                                                                 EXHIBIT D
                                                                 Page 3 of 5

3.   Transition Region Calculations

The Transition region is located between the Near and Far Field regions.
The power density begins to decrease linearly with increasing distance
in the Transition region. While the power density decreases inversely
with distance in the Transition region, the power density decreases
inversely with the square of the distance in the Far Field region. The
maximum power density in the Transition region will not exceed that
calculated for the Near Field region. The power density calculated in
Section 1 is the highest power density the antenna can produce in any of
the regions away from the antenna. The power density at a distance Rt
can be determined from the following equation:(5)

     Transition region Power Density,(Tt) = Wn * Rn / Rt                       (5)
                                          = 0.424 mWatts/cm**2

4.   Region between Feed Assembly and Antenna Reflector

Transmissions from the feed assembly are directed toward the antenna
reflector surface, and are confined within a conical shape defined by the
type of feed assembly. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide
flanges, horns or subreflectors. The energy between the feed assembly and
reflector surface can be calculated by determining the power density at
the feed assembly surface. This can be determined from the following

     Power Density at Feed Flange,(Wf) = 4 * P / Fa                            (6)
                                       = 158.714 mWatts/cm**2

5.   Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector is determined in the same manner
as the power density at the feed assembly. The area is now the area of
the reflector aperture   and can be determined from      the   following

     Power Density at the Reflector Surface,(Ws) = 4 * P / Sa                  (7)
                                                 = 6.366 Watts/meters**2
                                                 = 0.637 mWatts/cm**2

6.   Region between Reflector and Ground

Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power density
between the antenna and ground can be determined from the following

     Power Density between Reflector and Ground,(Wg) = P / Sa              (8)
                                                     = 1.592 Watts/meters**2
                                                     = 0.159 mWatts/cm**2


                                                                   EXHIBIT D
                                                                   Page 4 of 5

Table 4. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment

                               Calculated Maximum Radiation
                                    Power Density Level
      Region                          (mWatts/cm**2)      Hazard Assessment

1. Far Field (Rf)   = 41.0 meters           0.182              Satisfies FCC MPE

2. Near Field (Rn) = 17.1 meters            0.424              Satisfies FCC MPE

3. Transition Region
   Rn < Rt < Rf, (Rt)                       0.424              Satisfies FCC MPE

4. Between Feed Assembly                    158.714            Potential Hazard
   and Antenna Reflector

5. Main Reflector                           0.637              Satisfies FCC MPE

6. Between Reflector                        0.159              Satisfies FCC MPE
   and Ground

Table 5. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment

                               Calculated Maximum Radiation
                                    Power Density Level
      Region                          (mWatts/cm**2)     Hazard Assessment

1. Far Field (Rf)   = 41.0 meters           0.182              Satisfies FCC MPE

2. Near Field (Rn) = 17.1 meters            0.424              Satisfies FCC MPE

3. Transition Region
   Rn < Rt < Rf, (Rt)                       0.424              Satisfies FCC MPE

4. Between Feed Assembly                    158.714            Potential Hazard
   and Antenna Reflector

5. Main Reflector                           0.637              Satisfies FCC MPE

6. Between Reflector                        0.159              Satisfies FCC MPE
   and Ground

It is the      applicant's responsibility     to    ensure that the public and
operational    personnel are not exposed      to    harmful levels of radiation.


                                                                   EXHIBIT D
                                                                   Page 5 of 5

7.   Conclusions

Based   on   the above   analysis   it    is concluded that   harmful levels of

radiation will     not exist in regions     normally occupied by the public or

the earth station's operating personnel.        The transmitter will be turned

off during antenna maintenance so that        the FCC MPE of 5.0 mW/cm**2 will

be complied with for those regions with close proximity to the reflector

that exceed acceptable levels.


Document Created: 2019-04-27 20:14:24
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 20:14:24

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