Confidentiality request

0261-EX-CM-2018 Text Documents

Airobotics Inc.


                                                               Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                                               Columbia Square
                                                               555 Thirteenth Street, NW
                                                               Washington, DC 20004
                                                               T +1 202 637 5600
                                                               F +1 202 637 5910

December 13, 2018


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Re:       Airobotics Inc.
          Request for Confidential Treatment
          Experimental Licensing Service File No. 0261-EX-CM-2018

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Airobotics Inc. (“Airobotics”) respectfully requests that the Federal Communications
Commission (“Commission” or “FCC”) afford confidential treatment to the entire scope of its test plan
included in its modified experimental radio service license application pursuant to the provisions of
sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s rules governing the submission of confidential
materials.1 Airobotics additionally requests that the Commission not place any of the Confidential
Information in the Commission’s public files. Airobotics is providing this information to the
Commission in a Confidential Narrative Statement and Confidential Exhibits to accompany its
application, File No. 0261-EX-CM-2018. The confidential information qualifies as “commercial or
financial information” that “would customarily be guarded from competitors” regardless of whether or
not such materials are protected from disclosure by a privilege, is closely held by Airobotics, is not
available to the public, and not revealed except under cover of confidentiality.2 The FCC previously
afforded confidential treatment for these materials as part of Airobotics’s original experimental
license application, File No. 0265-EX-CN-2018 and recent amendment, File No. 0201-EX-CM-2018.
Airobotics therefore requests that the Commission continue to restrict public inspection of these

        In support of this request and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 0.459(b), Airobotics makes its request
for confidential treatment based on the following information:

    47 C.F.R. §§ 0.457, 0.459.
  See 47 C.F.R. § 0.457(d); Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d 871, 879 (D.C. Cir. 1992)
(“[W]e conclude that financial or commercial information provided to the Government on a voluntary
basis is ‘confidential’ for the purpose of Exemption 4 if it is of a kind that would customarily not be
released to the public by the person from whom it was obtained.”).
    See 47 C.F.R. § 0.451.

Marlene H. Dortch                                                                  December xx, 2018

        1. Airobotics seeks confidential treatment for the entire scope, specifications, and objectives
of the experiments to be conducted under this application, other than the FCC Form 442, this
Request for Confidential Treatment, and the Stop Buzzer contact information provided in Exhibit 2 to
the Form 442 (the “Confidential Information”).

       2. Airobotics is submitting the Confidential Information as part of an experimental application
to conduct the experimentation described in its response to Question Seven of the application.

       3. The information regarding Airobotics’s proposed experiments is privileged commercial
information and is restricted solely to Airobotics.

       4. The market for unmanned aerial systems (“UAS”) is innovative, fast-developing, and
competitive. Airobotics’s business of developing communication modes in support of UAS is subject
to competition from other device, software, and network developers.

        5. Due to the competitive nature of Airobotics’s business, disclosure of information about its
test plans would result in substantial competitive harm to Airobotics. Knowledge of Airobotics’s
technologies and specifications of its testing plan would allow competitors to infer or confirm
information about Airobotics’s business strategy of which they are currently unaware or uncertain,
and could jeopardize Airobotics’s competitive position in the market.

      6. Airobotics strictly limits information about its technologies and test plans to Airobotics
employees and potential clients, subject to execution of binding non-disclosure agreements.

       7. Airobotics has not made the Confidential Information publicly available and the
Confidential Information is not generally available from any other source.

         8. Airobotics requests that the proprietary information be withheld from disclosure for an
indefinite period, at a minimum the entire duration of the experimental license.

       9. The premature disclosure of Airobotics’s Confidential Information would harm the
competitive position of Airobotics and potentially put it at a disadvantage compared to its

       Airobotics is submitting a Confidential Narrative Statement providing information regarding
the specifications of the experiments to be conducted under its amended application. Airobotics
requests that the Commission return this submission if its request for confidentiality is denied.4
Please direct any questions to me.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        /s/ C. Sean Spivey

                                                        C. Sean Spivey
                                                        Senior Associate
                                                        Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                                        (202) 637-3280
                                                        Counsel to Airobotics Inc.

    See 47 C.F.R. § 0.459(e).

Document Created: 2019-02-24 16:04:16
Document Modified: 2019-02-24 16:04:16

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