17 FCC 031419 prompt response v2

0827-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Aerospace Corporation, The


March 14, 2019 telecon
Hinkley, Kensinger
Request for more information on 1) propulsion, 2) probe release, 3) expected conjunctions

   1. The AC10 propulsion unit is identical to the one on the AC7a and AC7b satellites (license
      WI2XBG). When the AC10a and AC10b satellites are released on orbit, they have the usual
      CubeSat springs between then to separate them and consequently they will drift apart. The
      mission objective of one satellite to illuminate the other is practiced from different ranges, with
      a current mission plan of ranges from 1 km to 10 km, although it is possible that later in later
      phases of the experiment, a closer approach will be executed. Only the AC10b satellite has a
      steam propulsion unit, so that satellite will be tasked to change the range. The propulsion unit
      has been characterized in the laboratory and provides significant control for very low thrust to
      facilitate fine adjustments in orbit. We do not plan to exceed a closure rates of 10 mm per
      second. Both AC10a and AC10b satellites have GPS and they collect position data and we
      expect to know their location to within a sphere that will be substantially smaller than the
      closest approach that would be attempted, by a factor of 10. Any closer approach will use the
      techniques described for AC7.Thrust events are each planned individually. Once the event
      occurs, telemetry is downloaded and analyzed to confirm that the plan was successfully
      executed Our mission plans factor in the time between earth station passes such that there is
      ample time for a new thrust event to be planned and uploaded so that we maintain appropriate
      satellite position control.

   2. The AC10a contains 28 identical probes. The plan for deployment is that AC10a and AC10b will
      be deployed from the NG-11 Cygnus resupply vehicle following its undocking from ISS, at an
      altitude of 500 km. NASA ISS safety reviews confirm that probes will be visible to the radars that
      track orbital debris. Based on agreements with NASA focused on ISS safety, no probes will be
      released at altitudes between 472 km and 393 km. The probe releases are individually planned
      events involving the release of one or two rapidly successive probes as a single release
      event. The Aerospace Corporation will coordinate release events with the CSpOC. The probes
      have no active means for providing their position so CSpOC will be used to identify and track the
      released probe(s) and provide radar sighting data to the mission scientists. CSpOC will have an
      advantage for properly tagging a probe(s) because they will know when and where it was
      released. Because this is new and there are many participants, the mission plan is to release one
      probe initially and verify that the probe is being tracked sufficiently that NASA can comfortably
      integrate it into ISS safety operations before proceeding with any more releases.

   3. The AC10a probes are very lightweight with a large surface area. They will decay quickly. The
      CSpOC is aware of the ballistic coefficient and will fold this into their models that predict the
      orbit period so that custody of the probe will not be lost. All probe releases will be coordinated
      with the CSpOC who will place the probes on a list of objects with high priority. This means that
      additional care and resources will applied to tracking them. These combined actions are
      intended to reduce the covariance and prevent unnecessary conjunction warnings.

Document Created: 2019-03-19 18:15:58
Document Modified: 2019-03-19 18:15:58

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