7 AC7 ProxOps CONOPS Appendix

0586-EX-PL-2015 Text Documents

Aerospace Corporation, THE


Proximity Operations CONOPS

Joseph Gangestad

14 February 2014

Astrodynamics Department

© The Aerospace Corporation 2013

                                                        2. Approach “staging
                                                            point” for RPO
              1. Begin with radial/in-               • Propulsive correction for orbit-plane
                                                          differential (inclination, RAAN)       3. Arrive at staging point,
             track/cross-track offset
                                                       • Close in-track via differential drag    ~2 km in-track from target
                     (>10 km)                          (bang-bang attitude-control scheme

           4. Staging-point tests with              5. Depart staging point for                   6. Begin RPO from start
              warm-gas propulsion                   RPO start point, ~1 km in-                             point
             • Test eccentricity change: reduce          track from target                       • Reduce cross-track excursions below
                       radius of Hill’s orbit         • Via differential drag or propulsion,                       50 m
          • Test plane change: reduce cross-track                        TBD                          • Reduce radius of Hill’s orbit
                           excursions                                                           • Induce small in-track relative motion in
               • Test evasive maneuvers with                                                                direction of target
                differential drag and propulsion

                  7. Perform RPO                                8. End RPO                       9. Repeat RPO as desired
            • Chaser “corkscrews” around target     • Chaser passes target and reaches ~1        • “Corkscrew” back and forth around
              • Perform radar and imaging tests           km in-track offset beyond target                      target
                                                    • In-track motion stopped via propulsion

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                            2
Astrodynamics Dept.

RPO CONOPS Notional Diagram
             1. Start from distance >10 km

                                2. Use differential drag to                                  AeroCube
                                approach “staging point”

 3. Arrive at staging point 2
        km from target

                                4. Perform
                                                                    6. Begin RPO                        8.End RPO
                           tests at staging point                  from start point

                                                                                      7. Perform RPO:
                                            5. Depart staging point for               chaser AeroCube
                                                 RPO start point                        “corkscrews”
                                                                                       around target.

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                         3
Astrodynamics Dept.

Initial Conditions

•   After deployment and during checkout, AeroCubes will drift due to
    initial deployment dispersions and checkout activities.
•   Begin RPO with substantial (>10 km) in-track separation between
    AeroCubes, plus some radial and cross-track separation
     – Will use differential drag during checkout if available to minimize in-track
       separation as much as possible
•   Assumptions for this analysis:
     –   Orbit is 500 km circular, 65 deg inclination
     –   Min drag area: 150 cm2
     –   Max drag area: 500 cm2
     –   Mass: 2 kg

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                    4
Astrodynamics Dept.

Approach Staging Point
•   RPO process begins with approach to a “staging point” to ensure
    control of the spacecraft and efficacy of planned maneuver
•   Use on-board propulsion to correct plane differences between
     – Based on AeroCube-4 experience, as much as 0.002 deg of inclination
       change, costing 30 cm/s of ΔV.
     – As much as 0.005 deg of RAAN change, costing 75 cm/s.
     – Budget 2 m/s total, performed in small amounts over many orbits.
     – Can perform plane change maneuvers at any time.
•   Use differential drag with a bang-bang attitude-control scheme to
    approach the target AeroCube within 2 km in-track. This is the
    “staging point.”
     – At end of differential drag process, mean motion of chaser and target are

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                5
Astrodynamics Dept.

Approach Staging Point, In-Plane Motion
                         Preliminary Differential-Drag Motion,                      Differential drag with a bang-bang attitude-
                                  In-Track vs. Radial                                  control scheme brings the spacecraft
                   110                                                                    together within 2 km and holding
                                                              Begin here                                   Preliminary Differential-Drag Motion,
                   90                                                                                               In-Track vs. Radial
                   80                                                                                3.0

   In-Track [km]


                   50                                                                                2.0

                                                                                     In-Track [km]
                                                                                                     1.5                            In-track motion
                   30                                                                                                               mostly eliminated
                                                                                                                                    at staging point
                   20             Target                                                             1.0
                                satellite                 Converge on
                   10                                     staging point
                                at origin
                         -20   -15   -10    -5    0       5     10    15   20
                                              Radial [km]                                            0.0
                                                                                                        -0.50       -0.25      0.00       0.25          0.50
High-fidelity orbit propagation with TRACE                                                                                  Radial [km]

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                                     6
Astrodynamics Dept.

Approach Staging Point, Out-of-Plane Motion
                                                                    Motion at 2-km Staging Point,
    At the staging point, the target                                   Cross-Track vs. Radial
    has some cross-track motion.

                                                            0.15                                  Target's line
     The line of motion (the orbit                                                                of motion at
     velocity vector) of the target                         0.10                                  origin
    AeroCube goes into/out of the

                                         Cross-Track [km]
    screen in this plot. The chaser                         0.05
    AeroCube “orbits” around that
             line of motion                                 0.00


    Risk mitigation: by following this                      -0.10
      trajectory, the chaser never                                       Chaser corkscrews
     crosses the path of the target,                        -0.15        around target
          preventing collisions.
                                                                 -0.20       -0.10      0.00           0.10            0.20
                                                                                     Radial [km]
                                                                                     High-fidelity orbit propagation with TRACE

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                          7
Astrodynamics Dept.

Tests at Staging Point: Eccentricity Reduction
                                                                                             Small burns (~10 mm/s) performed in the
                      Eccentricity Reduction Test                                         radial direction reduce the radius of the Hill’s
                                                                                            orbit (left). These burns can occur as often
                          In-Track vs. Radial                                                 as every half-orbit. In practice, will use
                      3                                                                    longer lead times. Note that the cross-track
                                                                                            motion (below) is not affected; the chaser
                                               Finish, 5 burns and
                                               2.5 orbits later                              still never crosses the path of the target.
                                                                                                                    Eccentricity Reduction Test
                      2                                                                                               Cross-Track vs. Radial
     In-Track [km]

                     1.5                               Start

                                                                                  Cross-Track [km]
                           -0.5       -0.25       0       0.25      0.5                                      -0.2        -0.1           0         0.1   0.2
                                  To Earth    Radial [km]                                                                To Earth   Radial [km]
                                                               Rule of thumb: ~10 mm/s
                                                                of DV reduces radius of
                                                                  Hill’s orbit by ~20 m.
joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                                      8
Astrodynamics Dept.

Tests at Staging Point: Cross-Track Reduction
                    Small burns (~10 mm/s) performed in the
                   cross-track direction reduce the cross-track                                             Cross-Track Reduction Test
                    excursions of the Hill’s orbit. These burns                                               Cross-Track vs. Radial
                    can occur as often as every half-orbit. In
                       practice, will use longer lead times.
                             Cross-Track Reduction Test                                                                              Start

                                                                        Cross-Track [km]
                              Cross-Track vs. In-Track                                     0.05
                   0.06                                                                    -0.05
                   0.04                                                                                                             Finish, 4 burns and
Cross-Track [km]

                                                                                            -0.1                                    2 orbits later
                      0                                                                    -0.15
                                 Each burn reduces the                                               -0.2        -0.1             0          0.1          0.2
                                 out-of-plane component                                                            To Earth   Radial [km]
                   -0.08         of the Hill’s orbit
                           1.7    1.8   1.9     2     2.1   2.2   2.3
                                          In-Track [km]

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                                                  9
Astrodynamics Dept.

Note on Risk from Staging-Point Tests

•   In the event that a test burn is misaligned entirely in the in-track
    direction, the chaser will continue to corkscrew around the line of
    motion of the target due to cross-track motion. Closest approach to
    target’s line of motion >50 m.
•   If a test burn is misaligned in the cross-track direction, the change
    in cross-track motion is minimal.
•   No individual burn is sufficient to put the chaser AeroCube on a
    collision course with the target.
     – Until we have high confidence in the performance of the thruster later in
       the mission, each burn will be followed by orbit determination and
       thruster-performance analysis to ensure that the new desired orbit was
     – In the event of an anomaly or undesired behavior, no further burns will
       be performed to ensure the safety of both spacecraft.

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                10
Astrodynamics Dept.

Transfer: Staging Point to RPO Start Point
                  Transfer: Staging Point to                                                                  Transfer: Staging Point to
                          RPO Start                                  Transfer from the                                RPO Start
                                                                    staging point to the                         In-Track vs. Radial
                     In-Track vs. Radial
                                                                   RPO start point can
                 3                                                 occur over different                      3
                                                                 timescales. The longer
                2.5                                               the transfer takes, the                   2.5
                                                                    cheaper it is in ΔV.
                 2                                                                                           2

                                                                                            In-Track [km]
In-Track [km]

                1.5                                               Start: Staging point                      1.5

                 1                                                                                           1

                                                                 End: RPO start point                       0.5

                 0                                                                                           0
                      -0.5      -0.25       0       0.25   0.5                                                    -0.5      -0.25       0       0.25   0.5
                             To Earth   Radial [km]                                                                      To Earth   Radial [km]

                 1 orbit transfer, ΔV = 12 mm/s                                                               3 orbit transfer, ΔV = 4 mm/s

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                                11
Astrodynamics Dept.

RPO: Initiate In-Track Drift and Approach Target
                        RPO: In-Track Drift to Target                     A small burn (~10 mm/s) induces in-track motion
                                                                            relative to the target. The chaser corkscrews
                            In-Track vs. Radial                          around the target over the course of several orbits,
                 1.5                                                     passes the target, and then performs another burn
                                                                             (~10 mm/s) to stop 1 km beyond the target.
                                                                                                             RPO: In-Track Drift to Target
                                                                                                               Cross-Track vs. Radial
                 0.5                                                                           0.1
 In-Track [km]

                   0                                                                          0.06

                                                                           Cross-Track [km]
                 -0.5                                                                            0
                  -1                                                                          -0.04
                                   End                                                        -0.06
                        -0.5     -0.25         0       0.25   0.5                                     -0.2         -0.1       0         0.1   0.2
                                To Earth   Radial [km]                                                                    Radial [km]
                                                                          Because of out-of-plane
                                                                         motion, the chaser never
                                                                         crosses the target’s path.
joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                         12
Astrodynamics Dept.

RPO: Chaser-to-Target Range
          The duration of the RPO depends on the amount of in-track drift induced. For this ΔV = 20
         mm/s (start and stop) example, the RPO takes about one day, with closest approach halfway.

                                               AeroCube-OCSD RPO: Chaser-to-Target Range
                       Range [km]

                                          0    100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
                                                                 Time [min]

                                              In this example the closest approach is ~50 m. As confidence
                                                     grows, the radius of the Hill’s orbit will be reduced.

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                             13
Astrodynamics Dept.

RPO: Chaser-to-Target Relative Velocity
    In this example, the relative velocity between the chaser and target does not exceed 0.35 m/s (<1 mph).

                                                    AeroCube-OCSD RPO: Chaser-to-Target Relative Velocity

               Relative velocity [m/s]






                                                0      100   200   300   400    500 600 700         800   900 1000 1100 1200
                                                                                   Time [min]

                                                       Even is a collision did happen, these relative velocities are not high
                                                           enough to cause fragmentation or a catastrophic breakup.

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                                                         14
Astrodynamics Dept.

ΔV Budget
     Event                                    ΔV [m/s] Comment
     Plane corrections                        2
     Staging-point test: eccentricity         0.1         ~10 mm/s per maneuver
     Staging-point test: cross-track          0.1         ~10 mm/s per maneuver
     Transfer from staging point to           0.12        Maximum possible cost (for
     RPO start point                                      transfer in 1 orbit)
     RPO: start and stop in-track drift       0.02
     RPO: modify radius of Hill’s orbit       0.01        Changes radius by ~20 m

                A full RPO cycle, including Hill’s orbit modifications, costs ~30 mm/s.

                  Even with this conservative DV budget, the 10 m/s capacity of the
                   AeroCube-7 system should permit dozens of RPO cycles with
                                   considerable propellant margin.

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                       15
Astrodynamics Dept.


 •     The AeroCube-7 RPO CONOPS has been designed to minimize
       risk to both vehicles and to build maximum confidence via
       incremental testing of maneuver schemes.
       – “Dress rehearsal” maneuvers at a staging point will characterize control
         authority on chaser AeroCube without risk to target.
       – Cross-track amplitude is always maintained to ensure that the chaser
         AeroCube never crosses the path of the target, preventing collision.
          • During RPO, chaser “corkscrews” around target
       – Radius of Hill’s orbit will be reduced incrementally over several RPO
 •     ΔV budget has considerable margin
       – Each RPO cycle costs ~30 mm/s
       – Can perform dozens of RPO cycles

joseph.w.gangestad@aero.org                 16
Astrodynamics Dept.

Document Created: 2015-02-19 21:29:19
Document Modified: 2015-02-19 21:29:19

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