Aerospace Corporation, THE


Status: Grant Expired Due to New License


Documents and Communications: [refresh]

E-Mail generated [Jun 8 2012]Correspondence2012-06-08
Grant E-mail Notification generated [Jul 20 2012]Correspondence2012-07-20
AC4 orbit lifetimeText Documents2012-05-24
AC4 satellite designText Documents2012-05-24
AC4 AdvRadio bandwidthText Documents2012-05-24
AC4 Freewave FGRM bandwidthText Documents2012-05-24
AC4 orbital debris statementText Documents2012-06-08
AC4 satellite antenna patternText Documents2012-05-24
AC4 FAA sketch and antenna figures v1Text Documents2012-05-24
Application Form:
OET Special Temporary Authority Report

Applicant Name
Name of Applicant:  Aerospace Corporation, THE

Attention: David Hinkley (M2-241)
Street Address: 2350 E. El Segundo Blvd
P.O. Box:
City: El Segundo
State: CA
Zip Code: 90245
E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Best Contact
Give the following information of person who can best handle inquiries pertaining to this application:  
Last Name: Hinkley
First Name: David
Title: PICOSAT project manager
Phone Number: 310-336-5211

Please explain in the area below why an STA is necessary:
A STA is required due to the non-commercial, unique research-oriented and short-term nature of the operation. The experiment will be conducted over the maximum STA award period for the AeroCube-4 satellites because they have rechargeable power systems.

Purpose of Operation
Please explain the purpose of operation:  Picosat THE RF TECHNICAL DETAILS IN THIS GRANT REQUEST ARE IDENTICAL TO THOSE IN THE GRANT 0246-EX-ST-2011 EXCEPT FOR THE ADDITION OF GROUND SITES. AeroCube-4 Test. The purpose of the operation is to conduct research regarding the space application of microelectronic technologies. The operation includes a demonstration of principles of the physics of the low-earth-orbit space environment and its effects on microelectronics. Three AeroCube-4 satellites comprise this flight to study the physics of formation flying. The AeroCube-4 is a PICOSAT class satellite, weighs less than 1.3 KG and is 4x4x4 inches in dimension (see ?satellite design? Exhibit). It is being launched on NROL-36, slated for August 2, 2012- but it may slip. The orbit is 490 x 778 km with 66 degree inclination. Orbital debris analysis predicts a lifetime between 12.3 and 21.2 years (see ?orbit lifetime? Exhibit). The AeroCube-4 satellite has two radios for redundancy. The first is the tried-and-true Freewave Technologies, Inc. FGRM radio inside which outputs 2 Watts. It has a fixed frequency (i.e. not hopping or spread spectrum) at 914.7 MHz (see ?Freewave bandwidth? Exhibit) so that the ground station can quickly link up with the satellite rather than waiting for the hopping sequence to sync up. The second radio is called the AdvRadio that is built by The Aerospace Corporation around a Texas Instruments CC1101 transceiver chip. It also operates at a fixed 914.7 MHz frequency (see ?AdvRadio bandwidth? Exhibit) and outputs 1.5W. The satellite chooses which radio to use - both are not used at the same time. Both radios attach to an omni-directional patch antenna on the AeroCube-4. We have the pattern calculated and tested but use -10dB as the gain for 90% of the sphere area (see ?satellite antenna pattern? Exhibit). When the AEROCUBE-4 satellite is ejected, it will power-on. However the radio will be in receive-mode only. As the satellite flies over a ground station, the station will be continuously beaconing upwards towards the satellite. When the satellite radio hears the beacon, along with the proper serial number code, it will respond and a link will be established. At that point, the ground station will ask the satellite for whatever information it wants ? typically state of health log files, images from the cameras or other onboard telemetry. The satellite will respond by down-loading the requested information. When the link is lost due to the satellite passing out of view while the satellite was transmitting, the satellite will try 256 times to complete the last packet transmitted. If each packet is 72 bytes long and the radio data rate is 38.4 Kbaud, then it will try for only a couple of seconds before the 256 attempts are exceeded. At that point the satellite will go back into a passive receive mode again and again wait for the next beacon from a ground station with the correct serial number. We would like to use two types of ground stations to communicate with the AEROCUBE-4 satellite. The first is a fixed 16? dish antenna at The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA, near LAX airport. It has 30 dB gains, 5 deg beam width and also would use a 2W Freewave FGRM radio or an AdvRadio on the feed horn. The second ground station is a portable 2-meter diameter dish. This has 22 dB gain, a 10 deg beam width and would use a Freewave FGRM radio or an AdvRadio with the output passed through a 9 W amplifier. This portable station we would like to use somewhere that is RF quiet and also advantageously located for maximum satellite coverage. A typical satellite pass is 5 minutes long, twice per day - so the system spends a lot of time not in use. We requesting approval for the same remote locations approved in STA 0246-EX-ST-2011 with the addition of: 1) Texas A&M, College Station, Tx and 2) University of Florida, Gainsville, FL. See ?FAA? Exhibit.

Callsign: WF9XVN
Class of Station: FX MO
Nature of Service: Experimental

Requested Period of Operation
Operation Start Date: 08/01/2012
Operation End Date: 02/01/2013

List below transmitting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so state) if additional rows are required, please submit equipment list as an exhibit:  
Manufacturer Model Number No. Of Units Experimental
Freewave Technologies FGRM 1 No
The Aerospace Corporation AdvRadio 1 No

Neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. The applicant hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the prvious use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests authorization in accordance with this application. (See Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.) The applicant acknowledges that all statements made in this application and attached exhibits are considered material representations, and that all the exhibits part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application; undersigned certifies that all statements in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. Applicant certifies that construction of the station would NOT be an action which is likely to have a significant environmental effect. See the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR1.1301-1.1319.
Signature of Applicant (Authorized person filing form): David Hinkley
Title of Applicant (if any): Project Engineer, Sr.
Date: 2012-05-21 00:00:00.0

Station Location
City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
El Segundo California North  33  54  52 West  118  22  49
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   No
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   5.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   Yes
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:   7.00
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:   10.00
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:   3.00
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft: None
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 2.000000 W 1535.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 2.000000 W 1535.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Anchorage Alaska North  61  10  0 West  150  1  0 20 miles south of Airport on Seward Highway 1 1.00
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Irwindale California North  34  6  44 West  117  58  53 Intersection of Buena Vista St and Galen St 1.00
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Maui Hawaii North  20  42  29 West  156  15  26 AEOS (Adv Electro Optical System), Mount Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii 1.00
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
WSMR New Mexico North  33  45  10 West  106  22  21 North Oscura Peak, White Sands Missile Range, NM 1.00
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 9.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Salt River Bay United States & Possessions North  17  39  1 West  64  37  18 0.10
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft: Mountain range.
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000-914.70000000 MHz FX 2.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000-914.70000000 MHz FX 2.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Kilauea Hawaii North  22  12  2 West  159  25  51 0.10
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft: Mountain range
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 2.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz FX 2.000000 W 775.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Low earth orbit California North      West      490 x 778 km elliptical orbit at 66 degree inclination
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   No
Exhibit submitted:   No
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:  
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz MO 2.000000 W 3.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 357KF1D GFSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000- MHz MO 2.000000 W 3.000000 W P 0.01600000 % 1M09F1D 2-FSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
College Station Texas North  30  36  41 West  96  20  52
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000-914.70000000 MHz FX 9.000000 W 1258.000000 W P 0.00016000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000-914.70000000 MHz FX 9.000000 W 1258.000000 W P 0.00016000 % 357KF1D GFSK

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Gainsville Florida North  29  38  53 West  82  20  39
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:   15.00
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000-914.70000000 MHz FX 9.000000 W 1258.000000 W P 0.00016000 % 1M09F1D 2FSK
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
Modified 914.70000000-914.70000000 MHz FX 9.000000 W 1258.000000 W P 0.00016000 % 357KF1D GFSK


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