AC5 collision prob v3

0408-EX-ST-2013 Text Documents

Aerospace Corporation, THE


 Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only;
 Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document shall be
 referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 AeroCube 5 and Pea
 Collision Probability Analysis

     B Jenkin
Alan B.
John P. McVey

January 14, 2013

  © The Aerospace Corporation 2013


   •   AeroCube 5 (AC5) will be deployed as a secondary payload on Atlas V mission
   •   A previous analysis generated the long-term orbital evolution and lifetime of the AC5
       mission orbit ((Ref. 1))
   •   In addition, AC5 will eject brass/glass tubes (“peas”) into orbit; a long-term evolution
       and lifetime analysis was also performed for these “peas” (Ref. 2)
   •   At the request of David Hinkley (Mechanics Research Office),
                                                              Office) a long-term
                                                                        long term collision
       probability analysis was performed; the results are presented in this briefing package         Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                               only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document          shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 AeroCube 5 Drag Enhancement Device

   •   In order to comply with the 25-year LEO de-orbit requirement, a passive electrodynamic
       tether is deployed from AC5 bus.
         – Orbit decays faster due to electrodynamic force
         – Increase in surface area also increases orbit decay rate (atmospheric drag)

   •   The tether has an end mass plate for stabilization. The electrodynamic forces should
       passively stabilize the spacecraft and deployed tether system in a gravity gradient
         – Device provided by a commercial company Tethers Unlimited Inc.
         – Total device mass = 83 grams
         – Tether tape dimensions (16 m length, 75 mm wide)
         – End plate dimensions (100 mm x 83 mm x 6.5 mm)
         – Deployed two years after spacecraft operations are complete           Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                 only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document            shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 AeroCube 5.0 Case Descriptions
                                                                                                            Case 1
•   4 cases were considered:                                                                                                                          C
                                                                                                                                                      Case 2
    1. Aerocube body only (assumes average tumble configuration)
       •   Assumes tether is not deployed.
                                                                                                                                      ram direction
    2 Aerocube
    2. A      b and d ttether
                         th device
                              d i ddeployed
                                      l   d ((assumes gravity
       gradient stabilization)
       •   Tether system is fully deployed and in a gravity gradient
                                                                                                                     Case 3                           nadir
           stabile orientation until reentry.
    3 Aerocube
    3. A       b and d tether
                          h d  device
                                   i d deployed
                                           l   d ((gravity
                                                       i gradient
       stabilization with libration of the tether of ~30 degrees from
       •   Tether system deployed but uncertainty in the stabilization

                                                                                                                         30 d
             – Assumption taken from conversations with Nestor Voronka                               ram direction
               and Rob Hoyt of Tethers Unlimited
    4. Aerocube and tether device deployed (alignment with velocity                                                  nadir
       vector with libration of the tether of ~30
                                               30 degrees from the
       velocity vector )
       •   A different orientation to determine the range of lifetimes.                                                    Case 4
                                                                                                         ram direction

                                                                                                                                            30 degrees              Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                    only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document               shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 AeroCube 5.0 Initial Conditions
 •   Area estimation:
       The AeroCube 5 satellite core body is 10.26 x 10.26 x 17.02 cm
       – Case 1: Aerocube body (assuming tumble) area = 0.023 m2
       – Case 2: Aerocube body + tether system (gravity gradient alignment) with = 0.79 m2
       – C
         Case 3:
              3 Aerocube
                 A       b body
                            b d + ttether
                                     th system
                                           t   (
                                                    it gradient
                                                          di t alignment
                                                                li     t with
                                                                          ith 30 d
                                                                                 degree libration
                                                                                        lib ti
         about nadir)= 0.74 m 2

       – Case 4: Aerocube body + tether system (velocity vector alignment with 30 degree libration
         about ram direction) = 0.41 m2
       – All areas with
                    ith tether
                        t th take
                               t k into
                                   i t accountt twist.
                                                t i t
             •   Ref. Noord, J.L., West, B., Gilchrist, B., “Electrodynamic Tape Tether Performance with
                 Varying Tether Widths at Low Earth Altitudes.”, AIAA, 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting
                 & Exhibit, Reno, NV, 2001
 •   M
     Mass estimate:
            ti t 2.22 2 kkg
       – includes CubeSat + tether drag device
 •   Atmospheric Assumption: Considered 50th percentile (nominal) level of solar flux
     (F10.7 ) and geomagnetic index (Ap)
       – Used NASA Marshall Space Flight Center monthly predictions (based on NOAA data) from
         November 2012 to 2030; for years after 2030, repeated last 11-years (2019-2030) of
         Marshall predicted data
 •   Initial orbit (provided by David Hinkley)
       – 469 x 972 km perigee/apogee altitude, 120 Inclination, Epoch: December 1, 2013              Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                    only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document               shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability Assessment

  •   Used an orbit trace crossing method
         – All crossings of the orbit traces of the primary (AC5 or “pea”) and the background objects as
           they evolve are determined
              •   U d TRACE evolution
                  Used         l ti results
                                        lt ffor AC5 and
                                                      d ““peas””
         – The collision probability at each crossing is computed assuming the in-track position of the
           background object is uniformly distributed over 360 deg
         – Collision probabilities are accumulated across all orbit trace crossings
                                                                                 g over the probability
           assessment time interval            Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                  only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document             shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Computation of Collision Radius
  •   C lli i probability
      Collision  b bilit att an orbit
                                  bit ttrace crossing
                                                  i d depends
                                                           d on th
                                                                the collision
                                                                      lli i radius
  •   For AC5 cases with no tether (Cases1, 5, and 9) and for a “pea”
        – The primary (AC5 or “pea”) mean contact radius was computed by randomly picking unit
          vectors in three dimensions
                           dimensions, using a simple rectangle model to represent the surfaces
                                                                                       surfaces, and
          computing the root mean square
        – For a “pea”, the same process was used except a simple cylindrical model was used to
          represent the surfaces
        – For each primary/background object pair
                                             pair, the mean collision radius is the sum of the mean
          contact radius of both objects
  •   For AC5 cases with a tether (Cases 2-4, 6-8, 10-12)
        – An analytical
                  y     formulation was developed
                                               p that computes
                                                           p      the combined mean collision radius
          given the AC5 tether configuration length, average width, and the background object contact
          radius (formulation assumes 3D random orientation of straight AC5 tether configuration)
        – This formulation is more accurate than the above method when the primary is elongated          Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document           shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

  Background Objects
  •   Used the current (as of November 20
                                       20, 2012) version of the Aerospace Debris
      Environment Projection Tool (ADEPT) model of the current and future background
      population (Ref. 3)
        – Model includes orbit trajectories and sizes for each object
        – Extends from LEO to GEO
        – Selected the Business as Usual population (background objects follow Disposal Option 2:
          “weak post-mission disposal,” see Ref. 3)
        – Retained objects larger than 10 cm for this study
  •   Model projects out 200 years and includes the following populations:
        – 0’th generation objects: Recent unclassified catalog population, a statistically-derived
          population of unknown objects (difference between cataloged and tracked populations), and
          future launched objects
        – 1st generation debris from future explosions and from collisions between 0th generation objects
          (100 Monte Carlo scenarios)
        – 2nd ggeneration debris from collisions between 0th and 1st g  generation objects
                                                                                     j     was not included
          in the collision probability analysis (contribution is small)           Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                 only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document            shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
 MSFC 5th percentile solar cycle, Cases 1 and 2
   •   The plot shows cumulative collision probability vs. time for AC5 for the MSFC 5th
       percentile solar cycle profile (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris
   •   Collision probability < 0.001
                               0 001 for all cases

                                                                                        Case 2 (tether in gravity gradient
                            Case 1 (no tether)
                                                                                            alignment, no libration)

                     AFI 91-217 threshold                                                  AFI 91-217 threshold

                                 min = 8.69 x 10-4
                                 avg = 8.98 x 10-4                                                          min = 9.27 x 10-5
                                 max = 9.33 x 10-4                                                          avg = 9.41 x 10-5
                                                                                                            max = 9.68 x 10-5

           Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                      only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                 shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
 MSFC 5th percentile solar cycle, Cases 3 and 4
   •   The plot shows cumulative collision probability vs. time for AC5 for the MSFC 5th
       percentile solar cycle profile (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris
   •   Collision probability < 0.001
                               0 001 for all cases
                  Case 3 (tether in gravity gradient                                             Case 4 (tether in velocity
                     alignment with libration)                                                   alignment with libration)

                     AFI 91-217 threshold                                                  AFI 91-217 threshold

                                 min = 9.62 x 10-5
                                 avg = 9.76 x 10-5                                                          min = 1.43 x 10-4
                                 max = 9.98 x 10-5                                                          avg = 1.45 x 10-4
                                                                                                            max = 1.49 x 10-4

           Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                      only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                 shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
 MSFC 50th percentile solar cycle, Cases 1 and 2
   •   The plot shows cumulative collision probability vs. time for AC5 for the MSFC 50th
       percentile solar cycle profile (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris populations)
   •   Collision probability < 0.001 for all cases

                            Case 1 (no tether)                                          Case 2 (tether in gravity gradient
                                                                                            alignment, no libration)

                     AFI 91-217 threshold                                                  AFI 91-217 threshold

                                 min = 3.27 x 10-4
                                 avg = 3.35 x 10-4                                                          min = 6.59 x 10-5
                                 max = 3.53 x 10-4                                                          avg = 6.67 x 10-5
                                                                                                            max = 6.83 x 10-5

           Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                      only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                 shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
 MSFC 50th percentile solar cycle, Cases 3 and 4
   •   The plot shows cumulative collision probability vs. time for AC5 for the MSFC 50th
       percentile solar cycle profile (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris populations)
   •   Collision probability < 0.001 for all cases

                    Case 3 (tether in gravity gradient                                        Case 4 (tether in velocity
                       alignment with libration)                                              alignment with libration)

                     AFI 91-217 threshold                                                  AFI 91-217 threshold

                                 min = 6.79 x 10-5
                                 avg = 6.87 x 10-5                                                          min = 8.50 x 10-5
                                 max = 7.03 x 10-5                                                          avg = 8.62 x 10-5
                                                                                                            max = 8.84 x 10-5

           Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                      only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                 shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
 MSFC 95th percentile solar cycle, Cases 1 and 2
   •   The plot shows cumulative collision probability vs. time for AC5 for the MSFC 95th
       percentile solar cycle profile (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris populations)
   •   Collision probability < 0.001 for all cases

                                                                                        Case 2 (tether in gravity gradient
                             Case 1 (no tether)
                                                                                            alignment, no libration)

                     AFI 91-217 threshold                                                  AFI 91-217 threshold

                                 min = 1.63 x 10-4
                                 avg = 1.68 x 10-4                                                          min = 6.09 x 10-5
                                 max = 1.77 x 10-4                                                          avg = 6.18 x 10-5
                                                                                                            max = 6.34 x 10-5

           Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                      only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                 shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
 MSFC 95th percentile solar cycle, Cases 3 and 4
   •   The plot shows cumulative collision probability vs. time for AC5 for the MSFC 95th
       percentile solar cycle profile (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris populations)
   •   Collision probability < 0.001 for all cases

                  Case 3 (tether in gravity gradient                                         Case 4 (tether in velocity
                     alignment with libration)                                               alignment with libration)

                     AFI 91-217 threshold                                                  AFI 91-217 threshold

                                 min = 6.04 x 10-5
                                 avg = 6.12 x 10-5                                                          min = 6.56 x 10-5
                                 max = 6.28 x 10-5                                                          avg = 6.65 x 10-5
                                                                                                            max = 6.83 x 10-5

           Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                      only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                 shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Collision Probability
   •    The plots show cumulative collision probability vs. time for a single “pea” for all three
        MSFC solar cycle profiles (one curve for each of 100 Monte Carlo debris populations)
   •    Collision probability < 0.001 for all cases

           MSFC 5th percentile                                 MSFC 50th percentile                                  MSFC 95th percentile

         AFI 91-217 threshold                                AFI 91-217 threshold

                                                                                                                       min = 1.57 x 10-5
                                                                                                                       avg = 1.60 x 10-5
                                                                                                                       max = 1.69 x 10-5
                 min = 1 08 x 10-4
                 avg = 1.11 x 10-4                                      min = 3.59 x 10-5
                 max = 1.15 x 10-4                                      avg = 3.67 x 10-5
                                                                        max = 3.97 x 10-5

       Cumulative collision probability curves become horizontally flat after re-entry                   Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                         only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document                    shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

   •   The range off collision
       Th              lli i probability
                                b bilit between
                                         b t    the
                                                th AC5 with
                                                        ith no ttether
                                                                  th and
                                                                       d llarge
       background objects is
         – 8.69 x 10-4 to 9.33 x 10-4 for the MSFC 5th percentile predicted solar cycle
         – 3.27 x 10-4 to 3.53 x 10-4 for the MSFC 50th percentile predicted solar cycle
         – 1.63 x 10-4 to 1.77 x 10-4 for the MSFC 95th percentile predicted solar cycle
   •   The range of collision probability between the AC5 with the tether deployed and large
       background objects is
           9 2 x 10-55 to 1.49
         – 9.27           1 49 x 10-44 for h MSFC 5th percentile
                                       f the                 il predicted
                                                                   di d solar
                                                                          l cycle
         – 6.59 x 10-5 to 8.84 x 10-5 for the MSFC 50th percentile predicted solar cycle
         – 6.04 x 10-5 to 6.83 x 10-5 for the MSFC 95th percentile predicted solar cycle
   •   The range of collision probability between a “pea”
                                                     pea and large background objects is
         – 1.08 x 10-5 to 1.15 x 10-4 for the MSFC 5th percentile predicted solar cycle
         – 3.59 x 10-5 to 3.97 x 10-5 for the MSFC 50th percentile predicted solar cycle
         – 1.57 x 10-5 to 1.69 x 10-5 for the MSFC 95th percentile predicted solar cycle
   •   All ranges are less than the 0.001 threshold in AFI 91-217           Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                 only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document            shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

   1 McVey,
   1. McVey JJ.P.,
                 P Jenkin
                    Jenkin, A
                              B “AeroCube
                                  AeroCube 5 Lifetime Analysis,
                                                      Analysis ” Aerospace briefing
      package, January 8, 2013
   2. McVey, J.P., Peterson, G.E., “AeroCube 5/Peas Lifetime Analysis,” Aerospace
      briefing package, January 11, 2013
   3. Jenkin, A.B., Yoo, B.B., McVey, J.P., Peterson, G.E., Sorge, M.E., “MEO Debris
      Environment Projection Study,” Aerospace briefing package, September 17, 2012     Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                           only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document      shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

 Study Analysts
   •   John McVey
         – Long-term propagation of AeroCube 5 and “peas”
   •   Alan Jenkin
         – Collision p
                               y computation
                                    p          Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
                                only; Administrative Use, 31 March 2013. Other requests for this document           shall be referred to The Aerospace Corporation PICOSAT Program

Document Created: 2013-04-01 13:42:08
Document Modified: 2013-04-01 13:42:08

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