Above ISS Deployment Letter

0255-EX-CM-2017 Post Grant Documents

Aerospace Corporation, THE


                                                                                           November 3rd, 2017

                                                                                    1424 K St Northwest
                                                                                            Lower Level
                                                                                  Washington, D.C. 20005

Darren Rowen
The Aerospace Corporation
2310 E. El Segundo Blvd.
El Segundo, CA 90245-4609
Mail: P.O. Box 92957
Los Angeles, CA 90009-2957

Re: OA-8 above International Space Station Satellite Deployment Approval

Dear Darren,
NanoRacks would like to you (as demonstrated in the attached Jettison Authorization Form (JA-037b)
and the June 28th ISS Program Multilateral System Engineering & Integration Control Board) that the
International Space Station Program and NASA are committed to proceeding forward with the intent to
deploy the two AeroCube 7 (B/C) satellites from the Orbital ATK 8 Cygnus Cargo Resupply Vehicle
after unberthing from the ISS. The post deploy altitude of these two satellites should be no less than 45
kilometers above the ISS orbit. The final payload orbit should be as close to co-elliptic with the ISS as
The ability to accomplish this is dependent upon availability of sufficient propulsion capability of the
Cygnus. The actual availability of the remaining propulsion budget will not be known until after launch
and berthing of the OA-8 vehicle; however, if the launch and rendezvous profile are executed as
planned, there should be sufficient margin to accomplish the deployment at higher altitude – this is the
baseline plan.
Should you or other parties you deliver this memo to have any questions, then please do not hesitate to
contact me at the information below. We are looking forward to a successful mission.

Kind Regards,

Henry Martin
Senior Mission Manager
NanoRacks, LLC
(859) 559-7322

7/10/2017                                             Systems Engineering & Integration Control Board

                Multilateral Systems Engineering & Integration Control
                                   Board (MSEICB)
                                                       7:30 am Central
                                                     Summary Minutes
                                                              June 28, 2017
                                                  Building 4 South, Room 4419
                                                  Board Chair: Jeffrey J. Arend

     Topic                                                                                                Presenter
     Introduction/Opening Comments                                                                        OM/Jeff Arend
     MSEICB - Special Topics
     OA8 eNRCSD Candidates                                                                  OM/Charles Gray
     Summary: Mr. Gray presented the jettison analysis results and recommendation
     for the External NRCSD Satellites that are to be deployed above the ISS from
     OA8 while the vehicle is in free flight. It was noted that the revised jettison
     policy now includes criteria for these types of deployments. External
     deployments have been previously discussed at the MSEICB; however, this is the
     first one for formal approval. Background for each of the satellites can be found
     in the presentation. It was also noted that this request is for more satellites in one
     deployment than we have done in the past. All candidates have mass below 5 kg.
     The impact to ISS operations has a 1% likelihood of a debris avoidance per
     satellite deployed above the ISS; however, there is no immediate risk after
     deployment as they are so high up and remain in their orbit for several years.
     None of the satellites deployed above the ISS thus far have decayed to our altitude
     yet. The BNs with these satellites should not present any risk at 480/460 km;
     however, we will have a better understanding where they will go once we receive
     the real-time analysis and are 45 km above the ISS. All the candidates meet the
     jettison criteria with the exception of AeroCube as it has a warm water propulsive
     system. Usually prop systems have a higher risk; however, the PD indicated that
     the AeroCube has a max dV of 0.03 m/s for one thruster firing which cannot
     present a risk of conjunction with ISS within the six month prox ops timeframe.
     The SRP is to review these satellites later this week. If any issues are identified,
     then Mr. Gray will bring the topic back to the Board. Orbital lifetime predictions
     were provided. The recommendation is to approve the 10 satellites presented
     from OA-8 external NRCSD.

     Disposition: The Board provided approval with the recommendation.


    1. Reference                                          International Space Station
    Number:                 JA—O37b                             a                      a        =                                Page:     1   of   2
                                                         Jettison Authorization Form

    2. Board: ] Space Station Control Board (SSCB)                                                      3. Date: Oct 18, 2017
                [ ISS Mission Management Team (IMMT)
                K Multilateral Systems Engineering and Integration Control Board (MSEICB}
    4. Title: OA8 external NRCSD Cubesats
    5. The following items have been approved for jettison by the general partnership of the International Space Station Program, as agreed to by the
    International Partner Program Managers or their MSEICB designees.
         a) Lemur—2 (8 Satellites)
         b) CHEFSat
         c) AeroCube 7 B/C (2 Satellites)
         d) PropCube
         e) ISARA
         f)   Asgardia

    6. Initiator Name:                                              Organization/Company:                                            Phone:
    Charles Gray                                                    OM                                                               281—244—8525
    7. NASA Responsible POC:                                        Organization:                                                    Phone:
    Charles Gray                                                    OM                                                               281—244—8525
    8. Flight Effectivity: OA8                                                                      [ EVA (if applicable): N/A
    9. Requirements from PPD 1011, Multilateral 1SS and ISS Visiting Vehicle Jettison Policy (see PPD 1011 Rev B for complete list of criterion)
      KX 3.1—1 — The jettison candidate(s) shall be trackable by the Space Surveillance Network (SSN).
         [X Expedited Approval Criteria: Candidate has metallic cross sectional area > 100 cm> on three orthogonal sides.
          3.1—2 — Jettison candidate has demonstrated that risk of on—orbit fagmentation has been controlled.
          3.2—1 — Analysis has demonstrated that jeftison candidate will not contact any ISS structure during jettison.
              Expedited Approval Criteria: Jettison is planned to occur from a location and in a direction which has been previously approved for jettison,
              utilizing a jettison/deployment method that has been previously analyzed and approved.
      K 3.2—2 — Jettisoned object demonstrates safe relative motion with the ISS.
              Expedited Approval Criteria: Candidate pre—activation and operational Ballistic Number (BN) meet the following criteria:
                                                             Deploy dV (m/s)               BN (kg/m*)
                                                                     <0.5                    100

                                                                     > 0.5                   <120

     M 3.2—3 — Candidates with systems capable of modifying or adding energy into the candidate‘s orbit have demonstrated that they do not pose a
        collision hazard with ISS or visiting vehicles.
        [] Expedited Approval Criteria: Jettison candidate does not have systems capable of modifying or adding energy into the candidate‘s orbit.
        3.3—1 — Jettison shall be scheduled such that there is sufficient time to determine the jettisoned object‘s orbital parameters and assess effects
        on any visiting vehicle operations.
     [] If the above criteria cannot be met, see blocks 11 and 12 for exception to the policy.
   10. Jettison Rationale (must fall into one or more of the following categories)
      []   items that pose a safety issue for the ISS or for return onboard a visiting vehicle (contamination, materials, degradation, etc.)
      C    Items that negatively impact ISS utilization, return or on—orbit stowage manifests
      C]   Items that represent an EVA timeline savings
      B    Items that are designed for jettison
   11. An exception is granted to the following requirement(s):
   3.2—3 Expedited Approval Criteria: All Cubesats meet the Expedited Approval Criteria with the exception of the 2 AeroCube 7 B/C satellites, which
   have a warm water propulsion system.

   12. Rationale for the exception:
   Analysis provided by the AeroCube 7 Payload Developer and NanoRacks validates that the satellite still meets the 3.2—3 Requirement: the dV
   capability of the satellite is so low as to not pose a collision hazard with ISS or visiting vehicles. AeroCube conservative maximum dV is 0.033 m/s.
   Taking this value into account, TOPO analysis demonstrates that the risk posed by this propellant system is not appreciably greater than the risk
   posed by a non—propulsive satellite.

1SS_CM_O48 (Rev 06/2017)
Previous versions are obsolete. Verify correct version.

    1. Reference              JAbBZe                      International Space Station
            —                                                    &                     a    &                             P          :     2          fo   2
    Number:                                               Jettison Authorization Form                                          age                °

                                                                       13. Submitting Signatures

     13a. Initiator
     Print Name:            Charles Gray                                                                         Phone:                  281—244—8525
    Signature:               2g go~                                                                              Date:                   is | g’{ 17
    13b. NASA Responsible POC                              6
    Print Name:             AdaryBaky(       e       i                                                          Phone:                   281 —483—274?
    Signature:                               _
                                                                     14. Concurrence Signatures

    14a. ISS Safety Review Panel:
    Print Name:        |                                                                                        Phone:


    14b. Multilateral Systems Engineering & Integration Office:
    Print Name:             Jeff Arend                                                                          Phone:                   281—244—7038

    Signature:                                                                                                  Date:

   15. International Partner                                                                        Approve of Decision                        Dissenting

   Roscosmos                                                                                           ¥   0        n     O                        E
   Canadian Space Agency                                                                               ¥   0O       N     0                       0
   European Space Agency                                                                               ¥   0O       N     0                       O
   Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency                                                                  ¥   0O       N     0O                      0
   Agenicia Spatiale Italiano                                                                          ¥   O        N     O                       {Q

  Official Poll Taken By:                                                                              Date:    0       y>4      I7

                              O                                gram,    L Operations Integration Manager or N MSEICB Chair

ISS_CM_048 (Rev 06/2017)
Previous versions are obsolete. Verify correct version.

Document Created: 2017-11-03 10:13:25
Document Modified: 2017-11-03 10:13:25

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