Consummation Letter generated (May 31, 2001)

0025-EX-TU-2000 Text Documents

Aerial Communications, Inc.


                                        Wirmer, Cutier & Pic«ering
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                                                                                                 RUK DFZ LA LOI 1B WETSTRAAT
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                                                    May 31, 2001
                                                                                                TELEPHONE O!) {B2M ReE—4000
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    Mr. James Burtle, Chief
    Experimental Licensing Branch
    Office of Engineering and Technology
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12th St., S.W.
    Room 7—A321
    Washington, D.C. 20554

               RE:        Notice of Consummation of Transfer of Control of Experimental Licenses,
                          IB Docket No. 00—187

                          0029—EX—TC—2000             KAZXEK >              APT Minneapolis, Inc.
                          0030—EX—TC—2000             KAZXEM                APT Kansas City, Inc.
                          0031—EX—TC—2000             KAZXEN                APT Tampa/Oriando, Inc.
                          0032—EX—TC—2000             KAZXER                APT Houston, Inc.
                          0033—EX—TC—2000             KAZXES                APT Pittsburgh Limited Partnership
                          0034—EX—TC—2000             KS2XFG                APT Columbus, Inc.
                          0035—EX—TC—2000             WAZXHB                Aerial Communications, Inc.
                          0036—EX—TC—2000             KK2XCV                Omnipoint Corporation
                          0037—EX—TC—2000            KF2XEH                 Omnipoint Corporation
                          0038—EX—TC—2000            WAZXDG                 Omnipoint Communications, Inc.

    Dear Mr. Burtle:

               On behalf of Deutsche Telekom AG ("DT"), and in accordance with Section 5.59(e) of

    the Commission‘s Rules, we hereby notify the Commission of the consummation on May 31,

    2001, of the transfer of control of VoiceStream Wireless Corporation ("VoiceStream"), pursuant

    to the Commission‘s grant of approval in the above—referenced proceedings in Memorandum

Opinion and Order, FCC 01—142, released on April 27, 2001. Notification with respect to the

remaining authorizations and licenses that are the subject of this proceeding is being effected

electronically via the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau‘s Universal Licensing System

("ULS"), or by separate letter to the Secretary‘s office, as 'appropriate.

        Any questions regarding this notice of consummation should be directed to the


                                                Respectfully submitted,

ec:     Louis Gurman
        John T. Nakahata
        Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.

Document Created: 2001-06-07 13:38:36
Document Modified: 2001-06-07 13:38:36

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