experimentaion description

0237-EX-PL-2006 Text Documents

Advanced Navigation & Positioning Corp.



                                            May 12, 2006

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TPLT-05001 Rev A Ver 0.1                  Rev. A TLS SDS                                          Date
                                     Systems-Level Requirements

                           © Advanced Navigation and Positioning Corporation, 2006
                                            All Rights Reserved
                                   11 Third Street, Hood River, OR 97031

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                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................5
   1.1 Purpose...............................................................................................................................5
   1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................................5
SECTION 2: TRANSPONDER LANDING SYSTEM (TLS) OVERVIEW ......................................6
   2.1 Functionality........................................................................................................................6
     2.1.1 Tracking .......................................................................................................................6
     2.1.2 Guidance......................................................................................................................6
   2.2 Basic TLS Operation...........................................................................................................7

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      TPLT-05001 Rev A Ver 0.1                Rev. A TLS SDS                                            Date
                                         Systems-Level Requirements


1.1   Purpose
      This document is to support an application for an FCC Experimental Radio License for the TLS
      engineering site at The Dalles Airport. ANPC has maintained an STA (callsign WA9XGD) for
      the installation since 1999. The intent is to transition from the STA process to obtaining an
      experimental license of longer duration.

1.2   Scope
      This document provides the top-level system description for the Transponder Landing System
      (TLS), developed by Advanced Navigation and Positioning Corporation (ANPC) of Hood River,
      Oregon. The goal of the effort is to develop a navigational aid that provides improved all-
      weather access to runways by providing flexible installation requirements and not requiring new
      avionics on the aircraft.

      A TLS implementation description and operational overview is presented in section 2.

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 2.1    Functionality
        Transponder Landing System (TLS) is a precision guided-approach landing system primarily
        servicing aircraft flying terrain-challenged approach paths. TLS incorporates Secondary
        Surveillance Radar (SSR) interrogation schemes to identify and track cooperative aircraft within
        the service volume. To provide guidance to subject aircraft, TLS emulates Instrument Landing
        System (ILS) guidance signals but has more flexible siting criteria than ILS systems. This
        combination of capabilities enables TLS to support precision approach procedures to
        problematic runways without requiring additional equipment on board ILS equipped aircraft.
        From a pilot’s perspective a TLS approach is similar to an ILS approach except that transponder
        operation with a specific transponder code is required.
        To facilitate acceptance and integration by regulatory bodies, the functions of the TLS guidance
        will be designed to:
           •   Satisfy ICAO signal-in-space requirements for a Category I ILS.
           •   Minimize transponder occupancy to that which provides the necessary track accuracy
               and system availability.

2.1.1   Tracking
        The TLS can resolve and identify the transponder codes from the synchronous replies. The TLS
        maintains a position track for the transponder codes of interest (the criteria for code selection
        will be described in the operational description below). This position track is used to determine:
           •   the difference in azimuth of the approaching aircraft in reference to the centerline of the
               designed approach course and
           •   the difference in elevation of the approaching aircraft with respect to the desired Glide
               Slope for that approach.
        The system then provides guidance information (equivalent to an ILS Localizer signal and a
        Glide Slope signal) to the aircraft. The guidance information on that uplink channel is only valid
        for the intended aircraft.

2.1.2   Guidance
        TLS provides:
           •   the means for aircraft transitioning from en-route navigation to final runway approach.
           •   clearance signals for the pilot to complete the localizer and glide slope intercept. A
               clearance signal is defined as a full scale deflection on the CDI outside the proportional
               guidance volume.
           •   precision guidance to CAT I approach minimums.

 2.2    Basic TLS Operation
        The operational sequence for establishing track and providing guidance to a landing aircraft is
        as follows. An aircraft operating under Air Traffic Control (ATC) Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
        procedures intending to make an approach is assigned a transponder identification code. The
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TPLT-05001 Rev A Ver 0.1                 Rev. A TLS SDS                                            Date
                                    Systems-Level Requirements

TLS system is commanded to search the tracking area for this transponder identification code.
The TLS transmits an interrogation signal which, when received by any transponder in the TLS
service volume, stimulates a reply. At the same time the interrogation signal is broadcast, the
TLS receive sensor arrays will begin a data collection cycle. For a period following the start
pulse, the sensors store the transponder pulse returns from all aircraft in the tracking area,
along with carrier signal measurements that allow aircraft position angles to be computed. The
TLS then searches the pulse returns for the assigned identification code. This interrogation and
search cycle is repeated several times each second.
Note: For TLS Rev. A,      an operator utilizes the Remote Control Unit (RCU) to control the
When the user aircraft enters tracking volume and its identification code begins to show up in
the data from the sensors, the TLS identifies that aircraft as the one to be tracked and starts
computing its position. Range is computed based on the Time-of-Arrival (TOA) of the
transponder reply pulses relative to the start pulse. The azimuth and elevation angles are
determined by the carrier signal phase measurements derived from the Angle-of-Arrival (AOA).
Once confidence criteria on the accuracy of the tracking solution are satisfied, the TLS begins to
transmit guidance corrections based on the aircraft’s horizontal and vertical offset from the
predefined approach path. Interrogations, position measurements, and guidance transmissions
then continue cyclically several times per second. As long as the aircraft being tracked remains
inside the service volume the cycle is continued until the aircraft reaches the runway approach
threshold or leaves the TLS guidance volume. The TLS then terminates guidance and performs
any required diagnostics. The system will then become available to await a command to search
for the next user aircraft.
The following is a description of the functional steps in system operation after:
After the TLS is initialized and system acquisition has started, the TLS transmits interrogation
pulses (1030 MHz). Any aircraft within the TLS service volume will be capable of receiving this
The transponder(s) respond to the interrogation signal by sending a pulsed reply at 1090 MHz.
The transponder reply signals are received at the sensors where pulse characteristic
information about the aircraft replies is measured. This data is sent to Base Station computers
where software determines the position of the approaching aircraft.
The TLS determines the displacement from the desired approach path that is stored in the
system and then determines the message content of the Glide Slope and Localizer signals.
The TLS generates the required ILS guidance signals and broadcasts these signals into the
service volume over standard ILS frequencies.

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        STEP 1: TLS Interrogates all of the aircraft
                 transponders within the service
                 volume with mode 3/A request
                 (1030 MHz)

                                                            STEP 2: Aircraft
                                                                    Transponder                   STEP 3: TLS sensors
                                                                    Responds                               measure the pulses
                                                                    (1090 MHz)                             of the desired
                                                                                                           transponder reply
                                                                                                           and software
                                                                                                           determines aircraft’s

         STEP 4: TLS determines the
                   displacement from the
                   desired approach that is
                   stored in the system
                                                                                  STEP 5: TLS calculates the required
                                                                                           course adjustments and
                                                                                           broadcasts a modulated signal
                                                                                           into the service volume over
                                                                                           standard ILS frequencies

                                                 Figure 1          TLS Operation

TLS version Rev. – and Rev. A requires a ground-based person, the Remote Control Unit
(RCU) operator, to enter the transponder code of the approaching aircraft. Guidance is only
valid for aircraft transmitting this transponder code. Since the RCU operator is unique to TLS,
special pilot training is required and therefore TLS is a special approach.

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Document Created: 2006-05-12 12:30:40
Document Modified: 2006-05-12 12:30:40

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