
5843-EX-PL-1997 Text Documents



                                              YOUNG & JATLOW
                                                2300 N STREET, N. W.
                                                    suite 600
                                             WASHINGTON, D. C. 20037
DAVID C. JATLOW                                                                                        TELEPHONE
FRANCIS L. YOUNG®*                                                                                   (202) ees—aoso
*AoMiTTE© iN Texas
                                                                                                     (202) asi—s001

                                                   August 14, 1997

         Mr. Paul Marrangoni, Chief
         Experimental Radio Branch
         Federal Communications Commission
         2000 M Street, N.W.
         Washington, D.C. 20554

         Inre:       AT&T Corp.
                     Application for Experimental Radio Authorization

         Dear Mr. Marrangoni:

                     Transmitted herewith on behalf of AT&T Corp. is an original and one copy of an
         application for an experimental license. This application is one of nine applications AT&T
         is filing contemporaneously herewith.

                     This application and the 8 additional applications being transmitted serve to
         replicate licenses AT&T has held for various frequencies, power levels and modulation
         techniques for many years. As explained in greater detail in Exhibit 2, when Lucent
         Technologies was spun off from AT&T the license for KB2XTG (and the 8 others) were
         assigned to Lucent. The intent of the parties was to have both AT&T and Lucent retain
         separate licenses for the frequencies in question. Thus, this application and the 8 other
         applications are intended to replicate the licenses originally held by AT&T and remedy the
         inadvertent administrative error.

                 Should there be any questions with regard to this matter, kindly communicate
         directly with the undersigned.

                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                   David C. Jatlow
                                                   Counsel for AT&T Corp.

         cc: Mr. Doug Young

Document Created: 2001-08-25 14:28:57
Document Modified: 2001-08-25 14:28:57

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