Exhibits 1 & 2

5843-EX-PL-1997 Text Documents



            AT&T Corp.
            FCC Form 442
            Item 4

Exhibit 1

              {and3no0)    mo0s                  NoNR    O
              (3nd3no)     noos              sEvooxs     OR
              (3nd3no)     moos              ezvooxs     O
              (2ndgno)     moos              sE40X9T     OR
*5000 °0      (and3no)     moos              ezaoxst     O      000£0°8§T
                                                                —~000 44‘ LST
              (andano)     moZ               #EaoX9T     OK
              (andgnc)     mor               szaoxst     OR
£5000 °0      (and3no}     moz 4* ararzot                OK      DO9FL * LST
              (andano)     MoZ      EEA0X9T              OR
              (andgno)     moZ      @raoust              O
*5000 °0      (3nd3no)     mo?      szazrxot             OR      000v8®*TST
              {andgno)     moz      ZE40X9T              OR
              (2ndano)     mor °*‘ azaoust               OX
*5000 °0      (andgno)     mort* C @razxot               OR      oores*Ist
              (and3n0}     moos          NoR             OR
              (3ndano}     moos     aevooxs              O
              (2nd3no)     moos     azvooxs              OK
              (2ndano)     moos     sEadX9Tt             OK
*5000 °0      (and3no)     moos     ezaoxst              OK     000T8®IST
              (2ndano}     moZ               scaorst     OW
              {3ndgno}     morz              szaoust     oK
*5000 °0      (3nd3no}     moz               @razxot     oK      0o98y‘IST
              (3nd3no}     moos                  NoX     on
              (2ndgno)     moos              #evooss     on
              {andgno}     moos              ezvooxs     on
              (3nd3no)     moos              SE40X9T     on
 *200‘0       (3ndano}     moos              azaoxst     oK     00099°£¢
                          KOOT        114 a 4 5 cRON     OK

              (indife) MGOT                  EE¥OOXS     on
              (and3no0)    M00T              @I¥O0N$     on
              {and3no)     M00T              SEA0XST     on
 %200‘0       {2ndano)     MOOT              ezaoxst     o       00091‘ E€¥
              (andgno)     mo05s                 NOR     oK                   A
              (2ndano)     moos              aEvooxs     on
              (32nd3no)    moos              ervooxs     on
              (3nd3no)     woos              EEZ4OX$T    on
 *200 * 0     (and3no)     M005              SZADMST     ox     00099°St
              9"?"?“”      MOOT       ; .,      _ NOK    old
              {andano)     woot       0~"dégowot         on
 %200 °0      (2ndano)     mo0Tt =_      ~~ez40X5T       OR     00091°St
      (reAancy c   g      C <— C                                                  ZHH
  (—/+) "          #33@m femog          zojeubtseq       u;§
sourzeroL          pertsouany             uotes tug     serto   Aouenbeaa

      Frequency     Class    Emission           Authorized                           Tolerance
                     Stn    Designator         Power watts                              (+/—)
MHz                                          2,F +4
      158.09400      mo      io0r2r2e,}9" °_ 20w (output)                               0.0005%
                     MO      15KOFP2B            20W        (output)
                     MO      16KOF3E             20W            (output)
      158.10000      mo      10K2r2si0F9° 20w               (output)                    0.0005%
                     MO      15KOF2B             20W        (output)
                     MO      16KOFP3R            20W            (output)
       454 .45000    MO      6KOOA2B            600%            (output)                0.0005%
                     MO      6KOOA3E            600#            (output)
                     MO      8OKOFP2B           600#            {output)
                     MO      8OKOFPIE           600¥        (output)
                     MO     NON                 600%            (output)
      454 .45000—
       454 .97500    MO      6KOOA2B            600#            (output)                0.0005%
                     MO     6KOOA3E             600#            (output)
                     Mo      8OKOP2B            600#        (output)
                     MO     80KOP3E             600W%       (output)
                     MO     NON                 600#        {output)
      459.37500 —
       459.45000     MO     6KOOA2B             600#        (output)                    0.0005%
                     MO     6KOOA3E          _« ,§00W       (output)
                     o      soxor2as }>‘ goow               (output)
                     Mo      80KOFIE |          600#        (output)
                     MO     NON                 600#            (output)
       459.97500     MO     6KOOA2B             600¥            (output)                0.0005%
                     MO     6KOOA3E             600%            (output)
                     MO     80KOF2B             600¥        (output)
                     MO     8OROF3E             600#        {output)
                     MO     NOH                 600#            {output)
      824.00000—                                 is             C
                     in c   pma LCC
       849.00000     MO     30KODXW              12W            (KRP)                   %
                     Mo     30KOF2B,.),,,, 12W              (ERP)                        es     ass
                     MO     30KOFP3®             12W        (ERP] «:               rojig/f 0w     0C
                     M0     NOM., 30800. 12M, r‘rfi’                            |
                     FX     30KODXN             300W        (       )
                     FX     3OKOF2B    _        300W            (BRP)
                                Porapo D          —              *
                     PX     30xrGri%            300W            (ZRP)
                     PX     30KOP7TW            300W            (ERP)
                     FX     NON                 300NW           (ERP)
      869.00000—     o       1 m eLrd            sw es er 2
       894.00000     MO      30RODXN             12W        (ERP)                       *
                     MO      30KO®P2B,. ,,,, 12W.           (ERP)
                     MO     30KROP3E             12W        (ERP)
                     hesd         3 Z    )            P41        2y        y

       Frequency      Class     Emission        Authorized                       Tolerance

                               Designator      Power watts                          (+/—)
                        MO      NONQ; oi w     ; 128‘g RP)
                         FX     idxopx«        " sbow (Enp)
                         FX     §9KOF2B >       300W             (ERP)
                         FX     iorogis 7       soow             (gkp)|
                         FX     30KOFTW         300W             (ERP)
                         FX     NON             300W             (ERP)

        1990.00000___    MO     10M0A7W             })z;x ,(’O:ltp‘lxt“)        p6) %        .   \OYMA’N
       2110.00000—                                   84 m 2 Sn    n w       *

        2130.00000       MO     10MOPFLB              4K         (output)           0.001%
                         MO     10M0F2B               4K         (output)
                         Mo     10MOF7B               4K         (output)
                         MOo    10M0F8E               4K         (output)
      9 ..               Mo     NON                   4K         (output)
        2150.00000       Mo     8OOKaA7W             32K         (ggtggq)           %
                         MO     800KA7TW             32K         (output)           %
 "      2200.00000
             C                   e                    =*+k c¢rec>
                         Mo     20M0F2B              20W          {output)          %s
                         mo     20M0F38              20W         (output)
                         xo     zonor7!/_);fl57¥§6w               (output)
                         MO     20M0P8W              20W          {output)

                         mo     NON                  20W          (output)
                                                                   {output)             %
        6575.00000       Mo      30M0F2B              20W
                         MO      30M0F3E              20W          {output)
                         MO      30MOF3F              20W         (output)
                         Mo      30M0P7W              20W         (output)
                         MO      30M0F3W              20W         {output)
                         Mo      won                  20W         (output)                       se       2
       6525.00000—                                                              e m2t ]'f:"‘r)
        6875.00000               10m0a7Y             100® (output) ~~ % /)
                                 20M0A7N             100K         (oucPut)g

      10550.00000—               Lkd                  the P
                                    F8 esc in20W n{output} )                             *                 ;
       10680.00000               SHOO!BW
                                                      20W     {output)           _  .            aw ,   nl2"
                                 dome Pb     d o‘       ame rep, 4 9m0C          e =4
     * 10700.00000—
                                                       50W        {output)                  0 .05%
        11700.00000              40M0r7W
                                 220MF1B               20W         {output)                 %
                                 220MF2B               20¥        .loutput)
                                 220MFP3E              20W         (output)
                                 220MF7B               20W         {output)
                                 a3m Japw

                 (andano}        MOT             NOR      OR
      %          (andano)         MOT       MSYORST       OR     co000°00TEZ
                 (3ndano}         mOZ            NON      OM
          ¢» iIL(fl:;gn}:!:u:‘oc)‘f mor,     MBanoTZ       OK
              * "{andafko)~      mbz~" "°~" gramore       OX
                 (and3no)         moZ       HEAMOTZ       OR
                 (andgno)         moZ       HZIROZT       OR
      %          (3ind3no)       moZ        @TAROTE       OR     00000 °00461
                 {and3no}        mOZ             NOR      OR
                 (3nd3no)         moZ       MBAKOTZ       OR

  (~/*)                sq27ra zemod       zojvubtseq      us
ecurcetorp             pezrfsoy3ny         uotes turg    s#¥TO   Aouenbeas

                                                                        AT&T Corp.
                                                                        FCC Form 442
                                                                        Items 4 & 10

                                                 Exhibit 2

         The instant application requests an experimental license to enable AT&T Corp.
("AT&T") to engage in experiments to test RF equipment, RF propagation, new and
developing technologies (as well as enhancements to existing technologies) and services.
The application proposes the use of a wide variety of frequency bands, modulation
techniques and power levels. Depending on the experiment in question, the tests may be
conducted in numerous and varied locations thereby necessitating that the experimental
license be granted for nationwide use.

         As the largest telecommunications company in the world, AT&T is constantly
engaged in the process of developing and testing technologies for suitability for new
services to ensure that innovative and competitive services can be commercially deployed
at the earliest possible time to the benefit of the public.

         It should be noted that this application for an experimental authorization is
identical to Experimental License KB2XTG, currently licensed to Lucent Technologies
("Lucent").‘ When Lucent was spun off from AT&T it was the intention of the parties
that both AT&T and Lucent would retain sets of experimental licenses so they could
independently continue to engage in experimental testing in a wide variety of frequency
bands, using different power levels and modulation techniques. Due to an inadvertent
oversight, the licenses were fully assigned to Lucent rather than a duplicate set oflicenses
being obtained by AT&T and Lucent."

         In order to enable AT&T to continue to engage in experimentaltesting to bring
new and innovative services to the public and to remedy the inadvertent oversight that was
committed when Lucent was spun off from AT&T, AT&T submits that grant of the
instant application would serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

‘ Contemporaneous with the filing of this application, AT&T is submitting eight others based on similar
2 "Duplicate" sets of licenses were issued at various times since the AT&T divestiture in 1984, such as for
example, when BellCore and AT&T became independent.

Document Created: 2001-08-25 14:30:40
Document Modified: 2001-08-25 14:30:40

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