Cover Letter (Aug 14, 1997)

5842-EX-PL-1997 Text Documents



                                              YOUNG & JaTLow—                       rccmerron AlJG§ 15 199
                                                 2300 N STREET, N. W.

                                                      suITE 600

                                             WASHINGTON, D. C. 20037
DAVID C. JATLOW                                                                                        TELEPHONE
FRANCIS L. YOUNG*                                                                                    (202) sea—2oso
                                                                                                     (202) 331—8001

                                                   August 14, 1997

         Mr. Paul Marrangoni, Chief
         Experimental Radio Branch
         Federal Communications Commission
         2000 M Street, NW.
         Washington, D.C. 20554

         Inre:       AT&T Corp.
                     Application for Experimental Radio Authorization

         Dear Mr. Marrangoni:

                     Transmitted herewith on behalf of AT&T Corp. is an original and one copy of an
         application for an experimental license. This application is one of nine applications AT&T
         is filing contemporaneously herewith.

                     This application and the 8 additional applications being transmitted serve to
         replicate licenses AT&T has held for various frequencies, power levels and modulation
         techniques for many years. As explained in greater detail in Exhibit 1, when Lucent
         Technologies was spun off from AT&T the license for KM2XHS (and the 8 others) were
         assigned to Lucent. The intent of the parties was to have both AT&T and Lucent retain
         separate licenses for the frequencies in question. Thus, this application and the 8 other
         applications are intended to replicate the licenses originally held by AT&T and remedy the
         inadvertent administrative error.

                 Should there be any questions with regard to this matter, kindly communicate
         directly with the undersigned.

                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                   )cw@() CoJfetloyiy
                                                   David C. Jatlow
                                                   Counsel for AT&T Corp.

         cc: Mr. Doug Young

Document Created: 2001-07-30 19:08:06
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 19:08:06

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