Exhibits 1 & 2

5840-EX-PL-1997 Text Documents



            AT&T Corp.
            FCC Form 442
            Item 4

Exhibit 1

             {andano)     MOT        @2a0ast     OM
%§000 °0     (andano}     MOT        staox0t     OR      00001‘ @ST
             (and3n0)     MOT        s€4019Tt    On
             (and3no)     MOZ        SZIOMST     OR
%5000 °0     (andaro)     MO T       @ZIOX0T     On      00¥60°BST
             (and3no}     00 9           NON     OR
             (and3n0)     MO09       st¥0049     OR
             (3ndano)     ©009       az¥OOXs     On
             (3ndano)     M00S       EE40X9T     OR
%5000 °0     {2nd3no)     ©009       @za0Xst     O      00040 °@ST
                                                        ~000L4" LST
             {andano)     MOZ        AE10M9T     OR
             (32ndano)    MOZ        HrzA0XST    O
*5000 °0     (a2nd3n0)    MOT        €Z4010T     OR      O09FL * LST
             (and3n0)     Lidd       AE40XST     OM
             (32ndano)    MOT        @zaONST     OR
*s000 °0     (32ndano)    MOT        €EaOX0T     O       C00v8®IST
             (andano)     MoT        EEa0M9T     OR
             (and3no}     MOT        azaoxst     on
*5000 °0     {(32ndano)   mOT        azaox0t     on      CorE8*IST
             (2nd3n0)     M009           NOR     OR
             (32nd3no)    009        EtEvOOus    On
             (2ndano)     M009       azvoors     OK
             {a2ndano)    009        EEA0M9T     OR
*5000 °0     (andano)     M009       @IZa0MST    OR     ObOIB'ZST
             (2ndano}     MOT        @E40M9T     OR
             (2nd3no)     MOT        EIZE0XST    OR
*5000 °0     (and3n0)     MOT        @EaTXOT     O       00989 IST
             (3ndano)     moos |         NON     OR
             {2ndano)     Mo 0S      EEvOOXS     OK
             (and3n0}     MOO05      ez¥004s     OR
             (and3no)     Mo05       AE4019T     OR
 *200 °0     (andgno}     MDOS       SZI0XST     on     00099‘ €F
                                                        ~000ZZ* EP
             (and3no)     MO 0S          NOX     OH
             (andano)     M005       HZNYODNS    OX
             (and3no)     mo 0S      azvooxs     OR
             (3nd3no}     M00Ss      HEA0X9T     OH
 %200 °0     (3nd3no)     MoOS       S2a0XST     OX     00099 °§€
             {and3no}     MOOT           NOX     OR
             {(andano)    M00T      EEA0X9T      OR
 *200 °0     (2nd3no)     MOOT      daza0xst     OH      0009t‘St
   (~/+)          #37em semog      gozeubtseq    u3s
ecuezsetof       perfaouany        uotss fug    se¥TD   Asuenbeca

                         Emission    Authorized                Tolerance
Frequency       Class
                 Stn    Designator   Power watts                 (+/—)

                  MO     16KOP3E       20W        (output)

454 .37500 —
                  Mo     6KOOA2B      600#        {output)       0.0005%
 454 .45000
                  MO     SKOOA3ER     600#        (output)
                  MO     BOROF2B      600#        {output)
                  MO     BOKOF3E      60ow        {output)
                  MO     NON          600#        {output)
454.45000 —
                  MO     6KOOAB       600#        {output)       0.0005%
                  MO     6KOOA3E      600#        (output)
                  MO     80KOF2B      600#        (output)
                  Mo     8OKOF3E      600#        (output)
                  MO     NON          600#        {output)

                         §KOOA2B      600#        (output)       0.0005%
 459.45000        MO
                  MO     SKOOA3E      E00w        (output)
                  MO     BOKOFP2B     s0ow        (output)
                  MO     BOKOPF3E     6oow        (output)
                  MO     NON          600#        (output)
                         6KOOA2B      soow        (output)        0.0005%
 459 .97500       Mo
                  MO     6KOOA3E       6O0w        (output)
                  Mo      BOKOP2RB     600#        (output)
                  Mo      BOROP3E      6O0w        (output)
                  MoO    NON           600#        (output)

                          30KODXW       12W        (ERP)          0.0005%
  849.00000       MO
                  MO      30ROP2B       12W        (ERP)
                   MO     30KOF3E       12W        (ERP)
                   Mo     NON           12W        (ERP)
                   FX     3OKODXNW     300#        (BRP)
                   FX     30KOF2B      300#        (ERP)
                   FX     30KOF3E      300#        (ERP)
                   FX     30KOF7W      300#        (ZRP)
                   FX     NON          300#        (ERP)

 8693 .00000—
                                        12W         (ERP)          0.0005%
  894.00000        MO     30KODXW
                   Mo     30KOFP2B      12W         (ERP)
                   Mo     30KOP3E        12W        (BRP)
                   MO     NON            12W        (ERP)
                                         32K        (ERP)          0.001%
 1990.00000        Mo      10MOA7W
2110.00000 —
                                             4K     (output)       0.001%
 2130.00006        MO      10M0F1B

            (2ndano)     mot     sranott

                                              § f
 50 °0      {andgno)     mOT     ETamM0T?                  0c0o00®oorét
                                                           —00000° 00L£LT
            {and3no)     mOoS          NOR

                                              s s 8g8 ff
            {and3no)     MOS     MSA0ROY
            (and3no0)    MOS      uL40M0¢
            (and3no)     MOS      €Ea0M0+
            (2ndgno)     MOS      4£40M0%
 %50 °0     (3ndano}     MOS      EZIOMOY                  00000 °00£1T
            (3ndano)     MOT           NOR

                                              8 8 8
            (andano)     mOT     8400X5
 %50°0      {and3n0)     MOT      w140045                  0000008901
               (aug)     1001     MLYOMOT        OK
 sEo‘0         (axe)     2001     MLYOMOT        OR        ao000°®sL89
                                                           —00000° Sz§9
            {2nd3no}     MOT           NOR       OK
            (2ndano)     MOZ      EEAEROT        OK
            (2nd3no)     MOT      M840M0 t       OX
            {andgno)     MOT      MLAOROE        OM
            {2nd2no)     MOT      4E40R0¢        O
 *E0 °0     (2ndgno)     MOT      SIIOMOt        O         00000 ° §4§9
            (2ndano)     MOT      MB4OMO T       OK
            {2ndgno)     MOZ      H840M0T        OK
            (3ndano)     MOT      Mwik0WO T      OK
            (3nd3no)     MOZ      ZEZ40MOTZ      OX
 k6o‘ o     (2nd3no}     MOZ      urdaomor       OK        00000 ®00%Tr
*100 °0         (au®e)   xTC      MLWHOOR        OK        00000 °0022
            (2nd3no)     ‘¥¥           NON      OK
            (3nd3n0}     Xb       §L40R0T        O
            (3nd3no)     Xp       E{a40M0T       O
            (32ndano)    xt       SIA0MOT       OK
*100 °0     (2ndano)     xt       HT40M0T       OK         00000 °O8TZ
%100°‘0         (a48)    NCE      mLWHOO8       OR         00000 °0§STZ
            (andano)     xt            NOX      O
            (andano)     A9       H840M0 T      OK
            (and3no)     xt       HLA0#M0T      On
            (and3no)     Ab       @zaOM0T       O
  (—/*)          s32rm zemod    sojeub;seq         uag
ecurcetor        pezfaouany      uotss puy    ssrto        Anuenbeas

            (3ind3no)   MOT           HOR    OR
 *50° 0     (and3no)    MOT      MEYOMST     OR      00000 °O0ZEZ
            (andano)    MOT           NOR    OR
            (and3no}    MOT      MBAKOTT     OW
            (and3no)    MOZ      HLAMOTT     OK
            (3nd3no)    MOT      EEAXMOTZ    O
            (and3no)    MOoT     @Tawogt     OK
 *50 °0     (3ndano}    MOZ      ETAXMOTZT   OK      0000000 L6T
            {3ndano)    MOZ           NON    On
            (2ndano)    MOZ      MBAKOTT     OK
            (3nd3no}    MOZ      @LaWOTZ     OK
  (—/*)         Bj38M Ifemod   sozeub;tseq   ugg
esuesetor       pezrfzoyany     uot;ss pug   #S¥ID   Aouenbesa

                                                                       AT&T Corp.
                                                                       FCC Form 442
                                                                       Items 4 & 10

                                                Exhibit 2

         The instant application requests an experimental license to enable AT&T Corp.
("AT&T") to engage in experiments to test RF equipment, RF propagation, new and
developing technologies (as well as enhancements to existing technologies) and services.
The application proposes the use of a wide variety of frequency bands, modulation
techniques and power levels. Depending on the experiment in question, the tests may be
conducted in numerous and varied locations thereby necessitating that the experimental
license be granted for nationwide use.

         As the largest telecommunications company in the world, AT&T is constantly
engaged in the process of developing and testing technologies for suitability for new
services to ensure that innovative and competitive services can be commercially deployed
at the earliest possible time to the benefit of the public.

        It should be noted that this application for an experimental authorization is
identical to Experimental License KB2XTF, currently licensed to Lucent Technologies
("Lucent).‘ When Lucent was spun off from AT&T it was the intention of the parties
that both AT&T and Lucent would retain sets of experimental licenses so they could
independently continue to engage in experimental testing in a wide variety of frequency
bands, using different power levels and modulation techniques. Due to an inadvertent
oversight, the licenses were fully assigned to Lucent rather than a duplicate set of licenses
being obtained by AT&T and Lucent."

      In order to enable AT&T to continue to engage in experimental testing to bring
new and innovative services to the public and to remedy the inadvertent oversight that was
committed when Lucent was spun off from AT&T, AT&T submits that grant of the
instant application would serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

‘ Contemporancous with the filing of this application, AT&T is submitting eight others based on similar
* "Duplicate" sets oflicenses were issued at various times since the AT&T divestiture in 1984, such as for
example, when BellCore and AT&T became independent.

Document Created: 2001-08-26 12:18:05
Document Modified: 2001-08-26 12:18:05

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