Exhibits 1 & 2

5620-EX-PL-1996 Text Documents



at   2e   ue       C

                                                                                                        I HIBITli
               ATA&T CORP.
                                                                                              Kgoszf    EXHIBIT        1

                             Frequency      Classa                       Enission     Authorized         Tolerance
                                             8tn                        Designator   Power vwatts          to/—)

                              3§ . 16000                                 20KOF3IE     100#
                                                                                              (ERP) .     0.0i%_

                              35. 22000—
                               35. 66000                                36KOF3E       soow    (ERP)        0. O01%

                                             5556565 %%s
                                                                        BKOOAZD       soow    (ERP)
                                                                        @xo0a3r       500#    (ERP)
                                                                        SKO0Oa8E      soow    (ERP)
                                                                        SKOORIE       Soow    (ERP)
                                                                        MOM           soow    (RRP)
                              43. 16000                                 20KOFP3E      100¥    (ERP)         .018
                              43. 22000—
                               43.66000                                  36KOFP3E     Ssoow   (ERP)         . O0rs
                                             65585 B6 55 GG

                                                                                      500W    (BRP)
                                                                                      sOow    (RRP)
                                                                                      sOoY    (ERP)
                                                                                      SOon#   (ERP)
                                                                                      soow    (ERP)
                             152. 48600                                  10K2F2D       2008   (ERP)         . O05%
                                                                         1SKOF2D       20#    (ERP)
                                                                         16KOF3E       20°    (EBRP)
                             152 .51000—
                              152.81000                                  40KOFP2D     GOow    (ERP)         . 0058
                                             6 55 555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6

                                                                         40KOF3E      6060#   (RRP)
                                                                         SKOOAZD      €Oow    (ERP)
                                                                         GxOooa3l     €00uw   {ZRP)
                                                                         NOR          €oow    (BRP)
                             182 .83400                                  10K2F2D       200#   (ERP)         . O008S%
                                                                         15KOP2D       2008   {ERP)
                                                                         16KOFP3E      204    {ERP)
                             182 .84000                                  10K2F2D       209    (ERP)         . O05%
                                                                         15KOFZD       2094   (RRP)
                                                                         16KOP3ER      204    (ERP)
                             157 .746006                                 10K2P2D       204    (ERP)         . O0St%
                                                                         15KOP2D       20w    (ERP)
                                                                         16KOF3E       208    (ERP)
                             1857 .77000—
                              1886.070006                                40KOFr2D     €Oou    <ERP)         . 0058
                                                                         40KOF3E      €oow    {RBRP)
                                                                         GKOOA2ZD     600#    (ERP)
                                                                         BKOOA3R      soow    {ERP)
                                                                         NOn          €60w.   (ERP)
                             158 .09400                                  10K2F2D       200    (ERP)         . O08St%
                                                                         15KOFPED      20#    (BRP)
                                                                         16KOFPIAE     2004   (BRP)
                             188 .100060                                 10K2F2D       204    (ERPD)         . o05%

a&.   & 2   PW        L2e   i k       raem   en ty lb   d   t   (grk W s d    w6 i gk ML   & w   2 k mE e a ty Cuon _

                 AT&AT CoORP.                                                                                            >
                                                                                                                  EXHEBIT 1      (ceont‘d)

                                  Frequency             Class                Enission              Authorized                  Tolerance
                                                            setn        Designator               Power watts                     te/=)
                       MHz                                                         ,
                                                                M             1S5KOF2D               20w      (BRP)
                                                                MO           16KOF3E                 20W      (IRP) |
                                  454. 37500—                    Do
                                   454 . 45000                  o            GoKorap               €OOW        (BRP)             0. oss
                                                                MO           BOKOFP3ER             600¥        (BRP)
                                                                MO           S8KOOAID              €OOow      (IRP)
                                                                O            BKOOASL               €O0OW       (BRP)
                                                                MO           NON                   6O0OW       (ERP)
                                  AKe . 45000—
                                   €84.97500                    MO           BOKOF2D               6O0Y¥       (ERP)    ~*__     0. oss
                                                                MO            SOKOP3E              G6OO0W      (ERP)                 .
                                                                10           BKOOA2D               600Ww      (ERP)
                                                                160          GKOOA3IE              6dow       (ERP)
                                                                MO           NON                   60O0W      (RRP)
                                   €59.45000                    MO           8OKOFr2D              600¥         (ERP)            0. 08%
                                                                100          GOKOP3SER             €Oow       (BRP)
                                                                MO           8KOOAZD               6O0W        (EBRP)
                                                                6O           BKOOA3LR              GOOWw       (BRP)
                                                                MO           NON                   GO0W       (EBRP)
                                  459. 45000 —
                                   459. 97500                   160          §OKOF2D               600#        (ERP)             6. 0ss
                                                                w            AOKOFPAEI             6O0W        (EBRP)
                                                                MO           OKOOAID               6OO0¥#¥     (BRP)
                                                                16            BKOOA3R              €60O0HW    (IRP)
                                                                K0            NON                  €GO0OW     (RBRP)
                                   890 .00000                   MO           30OKOFAID             300W       (ZEARP)            o. ost
                                                                MO           3OKOFZD               3O0W        (RBRP)
                                                                160          B@KOOAID              300W       (BRP)
                                                                MO           OKOOJ3E               300W¥       (BRP)
                                                                MC           B8KOOR3E              300W       (BRP)
                                                                MO           NON                   300W         (ERP)
                                  890. 00000—
                                   902 .00000                   MO           150KFP3R                20W       (EBRP)            0.05%
                                                                &             150KFP3F               20W¥      (ERP)
                                                                MO            150KFON                20W       (ERP)
                                                                MO           NON                     2004      (ERP)
                                   928. 00000—                                         *
                                    940 .00000                  MO           150KF3E                 20W       (ERP)             6.08s
                                                                MO           150KF3F                 20¥        (BRP)
                                                                MO           150OKFAW                20W       (ERP)
                                                                M            NOR                     20¥        (RRP)
                                  1910 .0000                    MO            10M0OA7W                32K (ERP)                 0. 05%

AT&T CORP.                                                             EXHIBIT 1/ (cont‘d)

          1990 .00000                    10OMOA7TNW   32K                    0.0st

          2130.00000                     10M0F7B        K                    0.08s

                                         10MOFrOE       K
                                         NON _ ~        AK
         2130 . 00000 —
          2150 .00000                    AOOKaT        32K    {ERP)          6. 0ses

          2100.00000                     100MF7R        aK    (BRP)          0. 0st

                                         10MOFr8E       sK    (BRP)
                                         NON            4K    (ERP)
          2200 .00000                    BOOKATW       32K    (ERP)          0 .05%

          4200 .000060                   20060RTW      209    {ERP)

                                         20M0F3E       209    (ERP)
                                         20M0rTW       204    (ERP)
                                         20M0FEW       200    (BRP)
                                                       208    (BRP)
          €65785.00000                   3OMOB7H      250vw   (ERP)          0.05%
                            L665 kkk

                                         3OMORSN      280#    (BRP)
                                         30M0P3E      250M¥   (BRP)
                                         30M0P3FP     280#    (ERP)
                                         301060FTW    250     (ERP)
                                         30OFAW       250#    (BRP)
                                         NON          2S5OW   (BRP)
              6875 .00000                10M0a7VW     100K    (ERP)          0.05%

                                         2 O0M0ATW    100K    (ERP)
         10550 .00000—
          10680 .00006                   SKOOFEW       10W    (ERP)          0.05%

                                         NON           109¥   (ERP)
         10700 .00000—
          11700.00000                    40060F3E      SOw    (ERP)          6.05%

                                         4060F°3F      Ssow   (ERP)
                                         40M0FTV       5ow    (CRP)
                                         40MOPFSW      5OW    (ERP)
                                         NON          5OW     (ERP)
          12200 .00000                   SO0FOW        10W    (ERP)           0.05%

                                         wNON °        10W    (ERP)
          19300.00000                    TMOOFAR       2004   (BRP)           0.084%
                             & & 5 5o0

                                         TMOOFOE       20w    (ERP)
                                         TNMOOFBN      20     (ERP)
                                         on            2Ow    (EBRP)

AT&T CcORP.                                                          E X H?BIT      1

              Frequency     Clasa    Enioesion    Auchorigzed                 Tolerance
                             &tna   Designator    Power watts                   (+/—)
             19700.00000     mo      220MiD        20W     (ERPY                0.98s4 m     m—
                             O        220MF19      20W     (EAP)
                             wo       220@1Dp      20W     (ERP)
                             MOo     220MF3E       20W     (ERP)
                             mo      220074         20W¥   (ERP)
                             MOo      220MFf84H     20W     (ZAP)
                             2       NoN            20W      (BRP)
            19400 .00000—
             19700.00000      m       700iB         20¥     (ERP)       ~*—      o.oss
                              MO     ?00M°M         20W    (ERP)
»                             MO     ?00MF8E        20W    (ERP)
                              mo     ?0orgw         2008   (BRP)
                              MO     NOX            20W    (RRP)
            21200 .00000—
             23600.00000      MO     16MOATU        10W     (ERP)               0. 0s
                              MO     16M0ABW        10W     (BRP)
                              mo     1@orN          10w     (ERP)
                              MO     NOX            10W¥   (SRP)

             40000.00000 MOoO 5MoOrF7ZW             50W     (ERP)
                         MO 20MOF7ZW                5OW     (ERP)

                                                          EXHIBIT 2

The purpose of this license is to allow AT&T Laboratories and other AT&T groups to do
testing of equipment and propagation phenomena at the various frequency levels. It will
allow testing of new experimental equipment and antenna‘s to make better use of the
frequency spectrum.

AT&T had previously held experimental licenses at these frequencies for these purposes.
With the breakup of AT&T into several new separate companies and the transfer of
AT&T Bell Laboratories to Lucent Technologies the existing licenses were transferred to
Lucent Technologies. AT&T still has a part of the Laboratories to conduct various
experimental development of ideas and equipment and has a need to do various testing.

Document Created: 2001-07-31 10:03:37
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 10:03:37

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