Exhibit 1

4767-EX-PL-1995 Text Documents



                                        Exhibit 1

AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") is planning to offer a new Experimental Mobile Service using C—
band frequencies via INTELSAT Satellites in the Atlantic Ocean Region (AOR) to and
from ships at sea for Voice, Fax, Data and Video Transmission.

The elements of the proposed experimentation will include:

       (1) 2.0 meter C—band U.S. registered ship antennas authorized under CFR
           47 part 5

       (2) Onshore Earth Station owned by AT&T in Roaring Creek, Pennsylvania

       (3) Space Segment to be leased by AT&T from Comsat World Systems

       (4) Terrestrial Connection to the public switched telephone network

       (5) Satellites INTELSAT V, VI, and VII series in the AOR and POR

The objectives of the experimentation will be to:

       (1) Determine the ability of enhanced gyroscope stabilizing mechanisms used
            to stabilize 2.0 meter C—band Antennas for use on seagoing vessels that
            can qualify for certification under INTELSAT standards

       (2) Determine if there is C—band interference

       (3) To analyze AT&T‘s role in providing two—way space segment

       (4) Access service quality using C—band frequencies in a maritime environment

       (5) Evaluate calling patterns to obtain valid information

AT&T‘s program of experimentation will foster the development of a new service and
contribute valuable information on the use of Fixed Space Satellite (FSS) frequencies in
the maritime environment used in conjunction with Shipboard Earth Stations.

              This authorization supersedes all previous international
                      authorizations issued under Call Sign WA—33

                             United States of America


                                  Radio sfiation License

                  e                                                   waA—3:
(Nature of Service)                                              (Call Sign)

Earth                                                                —94—182—
(Class of Station)                                               (File No.)

              Licensee :
                            295 North Maple Avenue
                            Room #1136K3
                            Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
the Communications Satellite Act of 1962, as amended, subsequent acts and
treaties, and all present and future regulations made by this Commission,
and further subject to the conditions and requirements set forth in this
license, the grantee is authorized to construct, use and operate the
radio facilities described below for radio communications for the term
beginning _DPecember28,1994 (3 a.m. eastern standard time) and ending
June4,2002_ (3 a.m. eastern standard time) .

                                             Roaring Creek 1
                              d       reek           la               V
                                  (Location of Station)

       o      *       #                      = 76° 26‘ 21.8" W   0
           (Geographical Coordinates of Station Site NAD—27 datum)

                                      Page 1 of 7

                                                                      FCC Form 456
                                                                        July 1981

     Range of azimuths of center of main
     lobe of radiation with respect to
     true north:                                       102 — 258 degrees

     Range of elevation angles (E/W) :                 5.0 —   5.0 degrees

     Range of satellite longitudes :                   4.6 — 14B.2 degrees West

     Maximum radiation density
     transmitted toward the horizon:                   + 20.0 adBw/4kHz

                                    Maximum       Maximum
     Frequency                      E.I.R.P./— E.I.R.P.            Special
                      Emissions Carrier Density
     *5.850—6.425     18M0O0Fr8W—   85.4 aBw      61.4 dBwW/4kHz   1,2    (TV)
                      1M13FBW—      71.7 daBwW    50.1 dBwW/4kHz  1,3 (FDM)
                       36MO0F8BW     B7.9 aBw      50.6 dBwW/4kHz
                      3OM7G7TW      77.0 aBw      38 .2 dBwW/4kHz 1,4 (Cable)
                      66MBGTW       81.2 dBW      39.0 aBwW/4kHz  1,5 (Cable)
                      72M0G7W       B4.8 daBw     42.2 daBW/4kHz  1,6 (TDMA)
                      307KG7W       55.7 aBwW     36.9 daBwW/4kHz 1,6 (TDMA)
                      614KG7W       55.7 aBwW     33.8 dBwW/4kHz  1,6 (TDMA)
                      1M23G7W       55.7 daBw     30.8 dBW/4kHz   1,6 (TDMA)
                      3&8K4GTW      66.5 aBw      56.7 daBwW/4kHz 1,7 (SCPC)
                      54K6G7W—      67.5 daBW—    56.1 dBW/4kHz—  1,8 (IDR)
                       6M84G7W       B5.9 dBwW     53.6 dBW/4kHz  1,8 (IDR)
                      B1K9GTW—      68 .0 daBw—   54.9 dBW/4kHz—  1,9 (IBS)
                       11M2G7TW      8B.6 dBwW     54.1 dBW/4kHz  1,9 (IBS)
                      S4K6G7W—      69.6 dBwW—    5B.2 dBW/4kHz-» 1,10 (IBS)
                       7M44G7TW —    90 .1 dBW     57.4 GBwW/4kHz 1,10 (IBS)

                                    103.77 dBW total
                                    for all carriers

*    The extended C—band frequencies 5850—5925 MHz and 3625—3700 MHz have
     been cleared with the National Telecommunications & Information
     Administration on 12—5—94.

                               Page 2 of 7

                                                                   FCC Form 456 .
                                                                     July 1981

                                                         No       —   94—   182 —M


     (a.)   The following space stations      located in the geostationary

            Atlantic Ocean Region satellites of the INTELSAT system
            located in the arc from 4.6 to 148.2 degrees West Longitude.

     (b.)   The earth stations listed in Comsat‘s international tariff
            provisions for the space segment components of international
            television with associated audio,     IBS and related digital
            video services, international message telephone service (IMTS)
            .(switched services) using FDM, SCPC, TDMAand IDR.    This earth
            station will be used to provide cable restoration for the
            existing TCS—1 and TAT—8/9 cables. All services shall be on
            a common carrier basis and in accordance with the Licensee‘s
            appropriate Section 214 authorizations.


     Antenna:      32—meter Toronto Iron Works with Cassegrain feed.

     The antenna sidelobe emission pattern meets the requirements of
     Section 25.209 of FCC Rules and Regulations as amended for 2°

                             Maximum Rated                Special
     Transmitter :           Output_Power      Tolerance Provisions
     * (22) Varian Model     3000 Watts each 0.001% or    1 to 10
            VZI2700H                           better
     (14 spares)
     (4) AYDIN Model         3000 Watts each
     (2 spares)
                             (9487 Watts maximum
                              at the antenna flange)

            These transmitters are shared with co—located earth stations
            Call Sign KA—444, KA—445 and KA—446.

                                Page 3 of 7

                                                                 FCC Form 456
                                                                   July 1981

               —94—18   2 —ML

Page 4 of 7

              FCC Form 456 _
                July 1981

                                                               SG—94—     =ML


Communications antenna

Type:         32—meter‘ Toronto Iron        Works   with   Cassegrain   feed.
              Intelsat Standard A.

Frequency Range     (Transmit) :        5.850 — 6.425 GHz
                    (Receive) :         3.625 — 4.200 GHz

Antenna Gains:      Tx:;   64.0 dBi at 6.0 GHz
                    Rx:    60.3 dBi at 4.0 GHz

Beamwidth :         Tx:    3dB/15 dB:      0.09/0.42 degree at 6 GHz
                    Rx:    3GB/15 dB:      0.14/0.62 degree at 4 GHz

Site elevation:                 971 feet/ 296.04 meters (AMSL)

Antenna Centerline Height: 75.0 feet/ 22.87 meters            (AGL)
                                1046 feet/318.90 meters (AMSL)

Maximum Antenna Height:            128.5 feet/ 39.18 meters     (AGL)
               '                1099.5 feet/335.21 meters (AMSL)

Receiving System
Noise Temperature:         95 K at an antenna elevation angle of 10
                           degrees at a frequency of 4.0 GHz

Gain to Noise
Temperature (system) :          40.52 dB/K at an antenna elevation
                                angle of 10 degrees at a frequency of
                                4 .0 GHz

Polarization:_     Circular, transmit and receive.

                             Page 5 of 7

                                                                FCC Form 456
                                                                  July 1981

1‘    Subject to the reporting requ:.rement set forth in General
      Provision C below, authority is granted to transmit any number
      of RF carriers with the specified parameters on any discrete
      frequencies within these bands, subject to any additional
      limitations that may be required to avoid unacceptable levels
      of inter—satellite interference.

      Television with associated audioco.

3.    FDM/FM (frequency division multiplex/frequency modulation) 12
      through 972—FM Modulation.        International Message Telephone
      Service (IMTS)   (switched service).

4.    TCS—1 Cable restoration, 45 Mb/s, QPSK, 7/8 FEC.

5.    TAT—8/9 Cable restoration,       140 Mb/s,   8PSK, 5/6 FEC.

      TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) 120 Mb/'s, QPSK, 7/8 FEBC
      and 128kb/s to S512kb/s, BPSK, 1/2 FEC (IMTS)       (switched
      service) .

      SCPC (single—channel—per—carrier) 56 kb/s,           QPSK,    7/8   FEC
      (IMTS) (switched service).       .

      IDR (intermediate data rate), 64 kb/s to 8448 kb/s, QPSK, 3/4
      FEC, using QPSK modulation or other digital type {IMTS)
      (switched service) .
9.    IBS (Intelsat business service and related digital video) ,
      kb/s to 8448 kb/s,     QPSK,   1/2 FEC.

10.   IBS,   64 kb/s to 844B kb/s, QPSK, 3/4 FEC.

A.    The hours of operation of this station are not limited.

      The nominal E.I.R.P.‘s specified in Section 1 of this license
      are for clear sky conditions and an earth station antenna
      elevation angle of 10 degrees. Actual values may be higher or
      lower depending upon operational requirements and local
      weather conditions. Maximum powers specified may not be
      exceeded.               '

                           Page 6 of 7

                                                              FPCC Form 456
                                                                   July 1981

     C.   The Licensee(s) shall maintain on file with the Commission a
          current list or plan of the precise frequencies in use at the
          station,   specifying for each frequency the RF center
          frequency, polanzat:.on, emission designator, nominal E.I.R.P.
          (in dBW) and maximum E.I.R.P. density (in dBW/4kHz).      This
          list or plan may be submitted either on a station—by—station
          basis or on a system—wide basis and shall be updated within
          seven (7) days of any changes in frequency usage at this
          station. The Licensee(s) need not notify the Commission of
          temporary usage of frequencies for periods less than seven (7)
          days.        However,     the       Licensee(s)    shall maintain          accurate
          station records of the times and particulars of such temporary
          frequency usage.

          In     the       event   of   the   failure   of   a   satellite     with     which
          operations are authorized in Section 2(a)                      of this license,
          operations are authorized in conjunction with any INTELSAT
          satellite in the affected Ocean Region that provides any
          authorized services herein in order to maintain the continuity
          of  commercial   service;   provided   that  the   Licensee(s)
          immediately notify the Commission of the nature of this
          emergency and its expected duration; and provided that the
          operational limits of elevation angle and azimuth range
          specified in Section 1 of this license are not exceeded.    In
          the event that such emergency operations require emissions not
          specified in Section 1 of this license, such emissions may be
          utilized provided that the E.I.R.P.‘s of such emissions do not
          exceed the limits set forth in this license.

          The authority granted here is limited to the operation of the
          facilities described above and does not include any authority
          to install and operate channelizing equipment or any other
          authority under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
          as amended, to establish channels of communication.

          With respect to potential co—channel interference to or from
          terrestrial microwave radio stations, the transmit and receive
          frequency bands listed in this license have been cleared for
          transmissions to and from satellites located in the
          geostationary orbit for the emissions designated in Section 1
          of this license.

          Upon completion of the station, the Licensee(s) shall certify
          in writing to the               Commission that     all   terms,    conditions,
          obligations   and technical parameters set forth in the
          Commission‘s authorization and inthis license have been fully
          met.         A    copy of     the   certification      shall   be   sent     to   the
          Engineer—in—Charge of the Field Office responsible for the
          radio G@istrict in which the station is located.      Call
          Enforcement          Division of      Field Operations         Bureau   at    (202)
          418—1150 if you cannot determine your district.

                                        Page 7 of 7

                                                                               FCC Form 456
                                                                                  July 1981

                               GBNERALPROVISIONS FOR LICENSE (cont.)
                                    Obstruction marking and lighting specifications are required
                                    in accordance with the following paragraphs of FCC Form 715:
                                    Operation of this station is governed by the terms, conditions
                                    and limitations in Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules and
                                    Regulations and the following additional conditions:

                                    1.      This license shall not vest in the Licensee(s) any right
                                            to operate the station or any right in the use of the
                                            frequencies designated in the license beyond its term or
                                            in any other manner than authorized in the license;

                                    2.      Neither the license nor the right granted under it shall
                                            be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the
                                            Communications        Act    of     1934,     as   amended,    or     the
                                            Commission‘s Rules and Regulations issued under it; and

                                    3.      This station is subject to the right of use or control
                                            conferred by Section 706 of the Communications Act of
                                            1934, as amended.

                                    This license shall be forfeited automatically if this station
                                    is not ready for operation within the time specified below
                                    unless,     prior     to    the     date    of   required     completion       of
                                    construction, the Commission receives an Application for
                                    Additional Time to Construct a Radio Station (FCC Form 701)
                                    filed     by   the    Licensee(s)          showing    good   cause    why     the
                                    Licensee(s)     could not complete construction on time.

                                    This authorization is not to be construed as permitting the
                                    provision      of   any    service   between earth station            locations
                                    within the United States.
                                    All operations shall be on a common carrier basis.

                                    The date of required completion of modification is December
                                    28,1995 .

                                 December 28,      1994                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                        Washington, D.C.        20554

                                                               Page B of 7

                                                                                                     FCC Form 456 .
                                                                                                          July 1981

neommnime e eemnmemenome uio

       James A. McCullough                                                        Room 1139L1
       District Manager — Facilities            .                                 295 North Maple Avenue
       Federal Government Affairs                                                 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
                                                                                  908 221—6957
                                                                                  FAX 908 221—4593

April 25, 1995

Mr. William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street,        Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

Attn: Experimental Radio Service

Re: Application for experimental authority pursuant to Section 5 of the Commission‘s
    Rules. (Salt Creek, California)

Dear Mr. Caton:

AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") in accordance with CFR 47, Sections 5.51, 5.52, 5.54, and 5.55 of the
Commission‘s Rules requests experimental authority to transmit data, voice, fax, and video
transmission using the INTELSAT Satellites in the Pacific Ocean Region (POR) to and from
seagoing vessels using C—band earth stations.

The Public Interest will be served by fostering the development of new maritime services using
C—band earth station technology aboard ships.

The experiment will entail the use of a land based earth station at Salt Creek, CA (Call Sign KA—
373) in conjunction with leased space segments in the POR provided by COMSAT World
Systems initially using two vessels, one a cruise ship and the other a naval vessel.

A petition for rule—making to amend CFR 47, Part 80 of the Commission‘s Rules to permit the
use of C—band frequencies by shipbound earth stations is pending before the Commission.

AT&T intends to charge for the use of the INTELSAT space segment in connection with this
proposed experimental authorization and will file a tariff with the Commission.

      %9 Recycled Paper

p                Coordinati

Frequency Coordination is not required pursuant to Part 25 of the Rules. AT&T and its
customers understand that all experimentation must be conducted on a non—interference basis,
and in the unlikely event that harmful interference occurs, transmissions will cease immediately.

Envi                   1 Considerati

A grant of this application will not have a environmental impact within Section 1.1307 of the
FCC rules.

Legal. Financial            and Technical Qualificati

AT&T‘s legal, financial and technical qualifications to be a satellite earth station licensee have
previously been documented in AT&T‘s march 1973 amended application for a domestic
communications satellite system, which was granted by the Commission in AT&T, 42 F.C.C. 2d
645 (1973). FCC Form 430, Licensee Qualifications Report, was filed with the Commission on
March 31, 1995.
FAA       Notificati

FAA notification is not required pursuant to part 17 of the Rules.

Waiver.      Section     304

As required by Section 304 of the Communications Act, AT&T waives any claim to the use of
any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of
the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.

Please address any questions concerning this application to:

                       AT&T Corp.
                       Mr. Stanley Edinger — Manager
                       Federal Government Affairs
                       295 North Maple Avenue Room 1136K3
                       Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
                       Telephone: (908) 221—3064


for   S1b2
      James A. McCullough

      Attachments: FCC Filing Fee $45.00
                   FCC Form 159
                   FCC Form 442
                   Exhibits 1 and 2

      Copy to: Mr. Franklin Wright (FCC) Washington, D.C.

Document Created: 2001-08-24 10:39:33
Document Modified: 2001-08-24 10:39:33

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