Application For Experimental Authority

4767-EX-PL-1995 Text Documents



      James A. McCullough                                                         Room 11398L1
      District Manager — Facilities             .                                 295 North Maple Avenue
      Federal Government Affairs                                                  Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
                                                                                  908 221—6957
                                                                                  FAX 908 221—4593

April 25, 1995

Mr. William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

Attn: Experimental Radio Service

Re: Application for experimental authority pursuant to Section 5 of the Commission‘s
    Rules. (Salt Creek, California)                                                  |

Dear Mr. Caton:

AT&T Corp. ("AT&T®") in accordance with CFR 47, Sections 5.51, 5.52, 5.54, and 5.55 of the
Commission‘s Rules requests experimental authority to transmit data, voice, fax, and video
transmission using the INTELSAT Satellites in the Pacific Ocean Region (POR) to and from
seagoing vessels using C—band earth stations.

The Public Interest will be served by fostering the development of new maritime services using
C—band earth station technology aboard ships.

The experiment will entail the use of a land based earth station at Salt Creek, CA (Call Sign KA—
373) in conjunction with leased space segments in the POR provided by COMSAT World
Systems initially using two vessels, one a cruise ship and the other a naval vessel.

A petition for rule—making to amend CFR 47, Part 80 of the Commission‘s Rules to permit the
use of C—band frequencies by shipbound earth stations is pending before the Commission.

AT&T intends to charge for the use of the INTELSAT space segment in connection with this
proposed experimental authorization and will file a tariff with the Commission.


      James A. McCulilough                                                        Room 1139L1
      District Manager — Facilities                                               295 North Maple Avenue
      Federal Government Affairs                                                  Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
                                               '                                  90B 221—6957
                                                                                  FAX 908 221—4593

April 25, 1995

Mr. William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

Attn: Experimental Radio Service

Re: Application for experimental authority pursuant to Section 5 of the Commission‘s
    Rules. (Roaring Creek, Pennsylvania)

Dear Mr. Caton:

AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") in accordance with CFR 47, Sections 5.51, 5.52, 5.54, and 5.55 of the
Commission‘s Rules requests experimental authority to transmit data, voice, fax, and video
transmission using the INTELSAT Satellites in the Atlantic Ocean Region (AOR) to and from
seagoing vessels using C—band earth stations.

The Public Interest will be served by fostering the development of new maritime services using
C—band earth station technology aboard ships.

The experiment will entail the use of a land based earth station at Roaring Creek, PA (Call Sign
WA—33) in conjunction with leased space segments in the AOR provided by COMSAT World
Systems initially using two vessels, one a cruise ship and the other a naval vessel.

A petition for rule—making to amend CFR 47, Part 80 of the Commission‘s Rules to permit the
use of C—band frequencies by shipbound earth stations is pending before the Commission.

AT&T intends to charge for the use ofthe INTELSAT space segment in connection with this
proposed experimental authorization and will file a tariff with the Commission.

      @ Recycled Paper

p         y Coordinati

Frequency Coordination is not required pursuant to Part 25 of the Rules. AT&T and its
customers understand that all experimentation must be conducted on a non—interference basis,
and in the unlikely event that harmful interference occurs, transmissions will cease immediately.

Enyvi               ] Considerati

A grant of this application will not have a environmental impact within Section 1.1307 ofthe
FCC rules.

Legal. Financial         and Technical Qualificati

AT&T‘s legal, financial and technical qualifications to be a satellite earth station licensee have
previously been documented in AT&T‘s march 1973 amended application for a domestic
communications satellite system, which was granted by the Commission in AT&T, 42 F.C.C. 2d
645 (1973). FCC Form 430, Licensee Qualifications Report, was filed with the Commission on
March 31, 1995.
FAA Notificati

FAA notification is not required pursuant to part 17 of the Rules.

Waiver.   Section     304

As required by Section 304 of the Communications Act, AT&T waives any claim to the use of
any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of
the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.

Please address any questions concerning this application to:

                    AT&T Corp.
                    Mr. Stanley Edinger — Manager
                    Federal Government Affairs
                    295 North Maple Avenue Room 1136K3
                    Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
                    Telephone: (908) 221—3064


06   AAbL
     James A. McCullough

     Attachments: FCC Filing Fee $45.00
                  FCC Form 159
                  FCC Form 442
                  Exhibits 1 and 2

     Copy to: Mr. Franklin Wright (FCC) Washington, D.C.

p                  Coordinati

Frequency Coordination is not required pursuant to Part 25 of the Rules. AT&T and its
customers understand that all experimentation must be conducted on a non—interference basis,
and in the unlikely event that harmful interference occurs, transmissions will cease immediately.

Enyi                     | Considerati

A grant of this application will not have a environmental impact within Section 1.1307 of the
FCC rules.

I         l   E-         -]     II   l   e   lQ   ]-fi   «

AT&T‘s legal, financial and technical qualifications to be a satellite earth station licensee have
previously been documented in AT&T‘s march 1973 amended application for a domestic
communications satellite system, which was granted by the Commission in AT&T, 42 F.C.C. 2d
645 (1973). FCC Form 430, Licensee Qualifications Report, was filed with the Commission on
March 31, 1995.
FAA Notificati

FAA notification is not required pursuant to part 17 of the Rules.

Waiver.        Section        304

As required by Section 304 of the Communications Act, AT&T waives any claim to the use of
any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of
the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.

Please address any questions concerning this application to:

                         AT&T Corp.
                         Mr. Stanley Edinger — Manager
                         Federal Government Affairs
                         295 North Maple Avenue Room 1136K3
                         Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
                         Telephone: (908) 221—3064


n [Phbils
 James A. McCullough

 Attachments: FCC Filing Fee $45.00
              FCC Form 159
              FCC Form 442
              Exhibits 1 and 2

 Copy to: Mr. Franklin Wright (FCC) Washington, D.C.

Document Created: 2003-11-18 08:00:23
Document Modified: 2003-11-18 08:00:23

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