Response to comments filed on August 24, 2006

0598-EX-ST-2006 Text Documents



                                           James J. R. Talbot                                   AT&T Services, Inc.
                                           Senior Attorney                                      1120 20"" Street NW
                                                                                                Washington, D.C. 20036
         a   &                                                                                  Phone: 202—457—3050
a    '                                                                                          Fax:   202.457—3073

    August 25, 2006                                                       AUG2 5 2006

    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                        federatcommumcations Commission
    Secretary                                                    o            otficeofSacretmy
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12"" Street, SW                                      ho
    Washington, DC 20554                                     >       C    4

                 Re: AT&T Corp. Request for Experimental Special Temporary Authority,
                 File No. 0598—EX—S$T—2006.

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

           AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") hereby responds to the comments filed on August 24, 2006
    by XM Radio Inc. ("XM") concerning the above—referenced AT&T application for
    Experimental Special Temporary Authority ("STA"), filed on August 17, 2006.‘ AT&T has
    requested such authority to perform propagation testing in the 2305—2390 and 3400—3600
    MHz bands.

            XM requests that the Commiussion limit any grant of the STA to operations outside
    the frequency band licensed to XM (2332.5—2345 MHz) to prevent potential interference and
    require any AT&T test equipment deployed in the 2305—2320 and 2345—2360 MHz bands to
    comply with out—of—band emission limits and other requirements for operations in this band
    specified by Part 27 of the Commission‘s rules. XM Letter at 1. XM further requests that
    the Commission also require any AT&T test equipment deployed in the 2320—2332.5 MHz
    band, which XM asserts is licensed to another Satellite Audio Radio System licensee, to
    comply with out—of—band emission limits and other requirements for operations in this band
    specified by Part 27 of the Commission‘s rules. /d. at 2.

            AT&T has no objection to the limitations and requirements requested by XM.
    Specifically, AT&T undertakes to limit operations pursuant to any grant of the requested
    authority to operations outside the 2332.5—2345 MHz band and to comply with out—of—band
    emission limits and other Part 27 requirements for any test equipment deployed in the 2305—
    2320 and 2345—2360 MHz bands. Additionally, AT&T undertakes further to limit operations
    pursuant to any grant of the requested authority to operations outside the 2320—2332.5 MHz

            AT&T respectfully requests the Commission to grant the requested STA pursuant to
    AT&T‘s application, as amended or conditioned by the undertakings set forth above, to
    allow commencement of the propagation testing in accordance with the schedule described in
    the application.

    ‘ Letter dated August 24, 2006 to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from James Blitz,
    Vice President, Regulatory Counsel, XM ("XM Letter").

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 25, 2006
Page 2

Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Jes |etbet,

                                                  James J. R. Talbot

Copy to:                  James Burtle, FCC
                          John Kennedy, FCC
                          Doug Young, FCC
                          James Blitz, XM Radio

&§9 Drou Sponsor of the U 5. Olympi Team

Document Created: 2006-10-13 14:12:18
Document Modified: 2006-10-13 14:12:18

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