Letter (Aug 17, 2007)

0042-EX-RR-2007 Text Documents



                                                                                             WEW YORK
                                                                                             Lob A N O W
WILLIAM K. KEANE                                                                             HOrnN
DIRECT DIAL: 202.ll6.5243                                                                    HANOI
E-MAIL: k    k   ~    ~   ~    ~    .   w   r   n                                            RII-A
                                                                                             SAN D1WO
                                                                                             SAN FRANCISCO
August 17,2007                                                                               WASHINOTON. DC
                                                                                             LW VeCAS
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                                        WlLMlNmON
Secretary                                                                                    PRIN(aTDN
Federal Communications Commission                                                            IAUTAHOE
                                                                                             HO CWl MlNH CITY
C/ONatek, Inc.
Suite 110
236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002

                              Re:       WDZXDQ

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Presently pending before the Commission is the above-referenced application filed by
AT&T Corp. for renewal of an experimental license to test equipment in various frequency
bands, including 2385-2390 MHz.

         The band 2385-2390 MHz is designated exclusively for flight test telemetry. Aerospace
and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council ("AFTRCC") is the Commission- and NTIA-
recognized coordinator for Non-Government use of the shared GovemmentMon-Government
flight test spectrum, such as the band 2385-2390 MHz.

        Flight testing is by definition a high-risk enterprise. The frequencies are used to transmit
on a real-time basis data vital to the condition and performance of the aircraft under test. The
data transmitted are vital to the safety of the aircrew and persons on the ground. Interference to
the frequencies poses a risk to flight safety, and can not be permitted. According to AFTRCC's
records, AT&T never requested AFTRCC coordination for use of these exclusive flight test
frequencies. And in all events such coordination was never granted. Thus, the initial license
should never have been granted.

       Accordingly, AFTRCC urges that, should the Commission be inclined to give any further
consideration to this application, the flight test band 2385-2390 MHz be expressly excluded.

1667 K STREET. N.W.. SUITE 700 WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006-1608            PHONE: 202.776.7800 FAX: 202.776.71101

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
August 17,2007
Page 2

      Any questions regarding this filing, may be directed to the undersigned.
                                                   Respectfidly subqitted,

                                                   William K. Keane

cc:   Ira Keltz
      James Burtle
      James J.R. Talbot
      Jane M. Vaughan
      Lany Sutliff

Document Created: 2007-08-23 07:10:11
Document Modified: 2007-08-23 07:10:11

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