Form 405

2463-EX-RR-1997 Text Documents



 FCC 405           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS. COMMISSION                           Approved by OMB| FCC USE OnLy
                          Wushington, D.C, 20554                                  3080~0093
                                                                               Explres 03/31/97

                                      Est. Avg. Burden Hours Par Response: 2.25 Hrs.


            (Specified Services iflF::‘::l:np:nl:‘:fi.'l, 22, 23 and 25)                                   _Fi%.:g                  T     "77           WZXJf
               Read instructions and Notice on Back Before Completing                                        Service                    Class of Station

  1. Name of Applicant (must be identical with that—shown on current author@ation)                                         Call Sign or Other FCC identifier
                                                  ue     ‘          .                                                      (If applicabie)
      Auseska            PiPeune                  Fefruce Empawy.                                                          KKA XILI
 2, Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and ZIP Code of Applicant                                              3. dentify   Rulepart under which
                                                                                                                              this mz\g is made
 1825 Soury inraGAat,                            Arcuonahte AMGI5SI2 _                                                                  3302
 4, Fee Dats, Refor to 47 CFR Section 1.1108 or io appropriate Fee Fiing Guids for information. | FCC Use Only
 (1) Fee Type Code         (b) Foe Muliple, if required   {c) Fae Dus fgrofiu Typs Code in 4(a)
       2AE                                                                               45.
 8.     lication is for renewal of license in exact conformity with the existing ficense as specified below:
 (a) File Number                                       (b) Date Issued .                  (c) Catl Sign                    (d) Locstion
        )        ——                                                        >                                                                                         '
  RIGB —EX—R—45.                                       / BEec 75                          l|nrKAXSS                        Srare of AtaskA
 (e) Nature of Service          j                      (f} Class of Station               .                                (g) Expration Date

 EPEXTAL                                                     xn                __mo                                          [                97
  .         any chenges such as discontnuance of useof a frequency, or of a type of emnisgion or of a ir                                     er          Ir have bean
made since the last application emm this station wes filed:

 teme 7(a) and                Part_ 21 fcensees only,                                            —
 Xa) Has there been removel of equipment or afteration of facilties so as to render the station not operationgi?
        it vES," whene                                                          :                                                             Oves                  BM
  ) I.f'm lan |wl*l2'fl= DistrQution MB:’m;;:mht"m? an ov?onnb imerest in, control by,                                                                 ves            no
 .           repre!             ore hos                       app                            ;     rs       en ho        ar of controi or
changes in the applicant‘s relation to the station, or financial responsibliky; that appifcant‘s most recent application or report
embodying this information, ss identified below, i to be considered as a part of this appiication, and the truth of the statements
therein contained is hereby reaffirmed. Note here any further exceptions, not already covered in question 6 or 7.
File Ne,                                                            Date

9. Would a Commission grant of this application come within— 47 CFR 1,1307, such thet it may have a
   . significant erwironmentai mpact?                                                                  — Qves                                                       mw
         if "YES,* attach as Exhlb® No.           an Environmental Assessment required by 47 CFR 1.1311.
         If "NO," expiain briefly why not,
                                                                        10. Certification—
The applicant certifias that, in tme case of an individual applicant, he or she—is not subject to a denist of federal benefits pursuant
to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 US.C. 9§3a, or, in the case of a nonindividual applicant (e.4, cor—
paration, partnershis ar other unincorporated assoolation), no party to the application is subject to a denisi of federi! benens
pursuamt to that section. For the definition of a "party" for these purposes, see 47 CFR 1,20020).                                            es                O
a Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particuiar frequency or of the electromagnetis spectrum 28 agsinst the reguistory
power of the Unied Ststes because of the pravious use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests a station
license in accordance with this spplication. Applicant scknowledges thit all attached exhibhs are a material part hereof.
b. The undersigned, individualy and for the applicant, hereby certifies that the statements mede in this application are true, com~
plete and correct to the best of the signer‘s knowiedomand belief, and are made in good faith.
Date                          Name of Appficant Onust correspond with ftem 1)                                              Title of Applicant (if any)
  ////5{]/9}7'           _ |awrEsrh                    Posuime Seance Comrany                                          PELLLOM®3                      § 24¢
Signature                                              Designate Appropriate Classification                            —
                                                   |         row.                   or               FICER     MEM, OF Te             aum.    reer.      Dormics.    of
                                                       D»n.             Ufi?‘                  Dg'mlauav"s A830¢.                  mm Cone."           Dg'uv'rc Tufity
                               e on            are pun         y      and/or                .8.    e, Ti     , Section 100 11,
and/or revoent        of any station lisense or construction permit (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312i@(10, and/or ftorterture
(V.8. Code, Title 47, Section §03).                                                                                           .
                                                                                                                                                             rCC s0%
                                                                                                                                                         Mgren 1994

Document Created: 2001-08-26 15:16:58
Document Modified: 2001-08-26 15:16:58

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