
0196-EX-RR-2003 Text Documents

ABC Radio Network, Inc.




1. Continuing Waiver Request     (if required)

If it is deemed necessary in order to renew this authorization,
ABC Radio Network, Inc., hereby seeks any waiver required to
continue to operate an INMARSAT terminal within the boundaries
of the United States in event such INMARSAT operation is
excluded due to the AMSC satellite operation.  ABC Radio owns
and operates an INMARSAT B terminal and an INMARSAT A terminal
with high speed data option.  These terminals are used primarily
during breaking news stories and only when no other means of
transmission are available.  These events have included
hurricanes,   earthquakes,   and plane crashes.   Nearly all of ABC‘s
transmissions at these events are by means of high speed data
at 56 kbps or 64 kbps.  Using this transmission mode, ABC Radio
is able to transmit an audio signal of much higher quality than
otherwise possible and provide better coverage to the radio
listening audience.

ABC personnel spoke to representatives of AMSC prior to last
renewal in 1998 about migrating over to their service and were
advised firmly that AMSC would not provide a high speed data
service, thus making the AMSC service not acceptable as a
replacement for INMARSAT services for the purposes of ABC Radio.
ABC has had no further contact with AMSC as a result.

2.   Radiation Hazard Studies

Since the two terminals owned by ABC Radio are quite different,
separate radiation hazard studies have been provided for each of
the two terminals.  The exhibit labeled WAZXGY covers the
INMARSAT B terminal and the exhibit labeled KM2XFF covers the
INMARSAT A terminal, which was included under this authorization
by the terms of the last renewal.


                                    Page 1

                                                         Exhibit 1               WArXCGy
                                        Radiation Hazard Summary Table
                                                   INMARSAT Terminal

Region                                        Agsessment
Far Field, R; = 2.0 m        4.13             Not considered a Potential Hazard for operating personnel.

                                              Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                              warning signs will be posted)

Near Fiekd, R,, = 0.8 m      15.9             Potential Hazard for operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessed by operating personnel
                                              unless power is off, warning signs will be posted)

                                              Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                              warning signs will be posted)

Transition Region, R,       <15.9             Potential Hazard for operating personnel (site control required at each
Rn < RQ <Rf                                   deployment to ensure that the area is not accessed by operating personnel
                                              unless power is off, warning signs will be posted)

                                              Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                              waming signs will be posted)

Between Main                 NA               NA
Reflector and Sub—

Reflector Surface            5.31             Potential Hazard for operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessed by operating personnel
                                              unless power is off, warning signs will be posted)

                                              Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                              warning signs will be posted)

Between Antenna and         <5.31             Potential Hazard for operating personnel (site control required at each
Ground                                        deployment to ensure that the area is not accessed by operating personnel
                                              unless power is off, warning signs will be posted)

                                              Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                              deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                              wamning signs will be posted)

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                                                      October 13,   2003

CONCLUSION: Based on the above analysis it is concluded that harmful levels of radiation will not exist in regions
occupied by the public or the earth station‘s operating personnel. The earth station is marked with the standard
radiation hazard warnings warning personnel to avoid the area in front of the reflector when the transmitter is
operational. At each deployment of this transportable earth station appropriate site control measures will be taken to
ensure that the area in front of the antenna and around the antenna is not accessible to non operating personnel.
The appropriate measures will atways include the posting of warning signs along with other markings and temporary
access control measures as required. Additionally, access to the earth station will be controlled by the operating
personnél. To ensure compliance with the safety limits, the earth station transmitters will be turned off whenever
maintenance and repair personnel are required to work in an area where the radiation level exceeds the level
recommended by applicable guidelines.

                                                       Page 2 of 2
                                                   October 13, 2003

                                                     Exhibit 1                  w Ar xX 6y
                                        Radiation Hazard Summary Table
                                        A1     INMARSAT Terminal
                                                                   (Fo imer                  KMm2xrP)

Region                     Radiation      Assessment
                             Level _

Far Field, R;=7.4 m           0.73        Not considered a Potential Hazard for operating personnel.

                                          Not considered a Potential Hazard for non operating personnel.

Near Field, R,, = 3.1 m       4.53        Not considered a Potential Hazard for operating personnel.

                                          Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                          depioyment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                          wamning signs will be posted)

Transition Region, R,        <4.53        Not considered a Potential Hazard for operating personnel.
Rn < R‘l <Rf
                                          Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                          deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                          warning signs will be posted)

Between Main                   NA         NA
Reflector and Sub—

Reflector Surface             1.41        Not considered a Potential Hazard for operating personnel.

                                          Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                          deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                          warning signs will be posted)

Between Anterna and          <1.41        Not considered a Potential Hazard for operating personnel.
                                          Potential Hazard for non operating personnel (site control required at each
                                          deployment to ensure that the area is not accessible to non operating personnel,
                                          waming signs will be posted)

CONCLUSION: Based on the above analysis it is concluded that harmful levels of radiation will not exist in regions
occupied by the public or the earth station‘s operating personnel. The earth station is marked with the standard
radiation hazard warnings warning personnel to avoid the area in front of the reflector when the transmitter is
operational. At each deployment of this transportable earth station appropriate site control measures will be taken to
ensure that the area in front of the antenna and around the antenna is not accessible to non operating personnel.
The appropriate measures will always include the posting of warning signs along with other markings and temporary
access control measures as required. Additionally, access to the earth station will be controlled by the operating

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                                                  October 13, 2003

Document Created: 2003-12-02 10:15:37
Document Modified: 2003-12-02 10:15:37

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