This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20150428-00031 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                             FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

           APPLICANT INFORMATION Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 See Attachment 1
1. Applicant

         Name:         Viatel Bermuda (Holding) Limited Phone Number:               011−44−1784−494−248
         DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:                   011−44−1784−494−281
         Street:       Inbucon House                  E−Mail:
                       Wick Road
         City:                                        State:
         Country:      United Kingdom                 Zipcode:                      −
         Attention:    James P. Prenetta


2. Contact

          Name:           James P. Prenetta                     Phone Number:         011441784494248
          Company:        Viatel Bermuda (Holding) Limited Fax Number:                011441784494281
          Street:         Inbucon House                         E−Mail:     
                          Wick Road
          City:           Egham, Surrey TW20 0HR                State:
          Country:         United Kingdom                       Zipcode:                 −
          Contact Title: Senior Vice President & General        Relationship:

    3. Place of Incorporation of ApplicantBermuda
 4. Other Company(ies) and Place(s) of Incorporation

5. Service Type(s) (check all that apply)
    Global or Limited Global Facilities−Based Authority (Section 63.18(e)(1))
    Global or Limited Global Resale Authority (Section 63.18(e)(2))
    Individual Facilities−Based Service (Section 63.18(e)(4))
    Individual Switched Resale Service (Section 63.18(e)(4))
    Individual Facilities−Based and Resale Service (Section 63.18(e)(4))
    Switched Services over Private Lines (ISR) (Section 63.16 and/or 63.18 (e)(4))
    Inmarsat and Mobile Satellite Service (Section 63.18(e)(4))
    Overseas Cable Construction (Section 63.18(e)(4))
    Individual Non−Interconnected Private Line Resale Service (Section 63.18(e)(4))
    Other (Section 63.18(e)(4))


     6.       New Request          Extend STA Date           Other              7. Date Authorization Needed:05/21/2002

8.            Is a fee submitted with this application?
          If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
          Governmental Entity      Noncommercial educational licensee
          Other(please explain):

9. Description of Special Temporary Authority Requested.
(If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
                         See Attachment 1

10. In Attachment 1, provide justification of need for special temporary authority requested.

11. If this request for Special Temporary Authority is associated with any pending applications filed with the Commission, enter the file number
[e.g., ITC−214−19930101−23412] AND go to question 16.)
File Number
Applicant certifies that its responses to questions 11 through 17 are true:

    12. If the applicant is a foreign carrier, or is affiliated (as defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 63.09(e)) with a foreign carrier, provide in Attachment 1
    the information and certifications required by Section 63.18(i) through (m).


13. Does the applicant seek authority to provide service to any destination described in paragraphs (1) through (4)          Yes            No
of Section 63.18(j)? If yes, list those destinations in Attachment 1 as a response to question 12.

14. Does the applicant seek authority to provide service to any destinations other than those listed in response to          Yes            No
question 12 where it has an affiliation with a foreign carrier? If yes, list those destinations in Attachment 1 as a
response to question 13.

    15. [Section 63.18(h)] In Attachment 2, provide the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the applicant ’s ten percent or greater
    direct and indirect shareholders or other equity holders, and identify any interlocking directorates.

    16. In Attachment 1, respond to paragraphs (d), (e)(4) and (g) of Section 63.18.

17. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is              Yes            No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti−Drug Act of
1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See
47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

18. By checking Yes, the applicant certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or                Yes            No
indirectly from a foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses
sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and will
not enter into such agreements in the future.


19. Typed Name of Person Signing                             20. Title of Person Signing
James P. Prenetta                                            Senior Vice President & General Counsel
                (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                 (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

        21.1:   Attach. 1                  2:                                     3:


Document Created: 2019-04-15 04:24:20
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 04:24:20

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