Public Notice SES01529

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2013-02-20 > IB > Public Notices > SES01529

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01529                                                                      Wednesday February 20, 2013

                                              Satellite Communications Services Information
                                                                  re: Actions Taken
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

SES-LIC-20121026-00967                   E E120101            Island Uplink Corp.
Application for Authority                                                                   02/15/2013 - 02/15/2028
Grant of Authority                                                                                    Date Effective:       02/15/2013

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           PMB 226 #2434 Calle Loiza, San Juan, PR

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       5.5 meters         Comtech                   Offsat

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0F8F           72.40 dBW     Analog Video

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7D           72.40 dBW     digital data

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         51K2G7D           48.90 dBW     Digital Data

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         3M00G7F           68.90 dBW     Digital Video

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7F           72.40 dBW     Digital Video

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W           72.40 dBW     Digital Traffic - various information

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W           48.90 dBW     Digital Traffic - various information

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

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SES-MFS-20121203-01053                 E E050196             EchoStar 77 Corp.
Modification                                                                                             04/18/2006 - 04/18/2021
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   02/19/2013

Class of Station:        Blanket Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Direct Broadcast Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:            Multiple (.66M. Antennas), CONUS, 1,000,000

   ANTENNA ID:          .66M                   0.66 meters        Various - all using the following specs. Various

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W                                          DBS SERVICE

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W                                          DBS SERVICE

Points of Communication:

   1 - ECHOSTAR 4 - (77 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 8 - (76.85)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 8 (MEX) - (76.9)

SES-MFS-20130107-00006                 E E050017             EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Modification                                                                                             06/07/2005 - 06/07/2020
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   02/19/2013

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, Other

SITE ID:            GT7 & GT8
LOCATION:           800 North America Sky Blvd., Maricopa, Gilbert, AZ
                    33 ° 21 ' 55.90 " N LAT.                                         111 ° 48 ' 50.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          GT7                    13.2 meters        Vertex/TIW                              13.2 Meter

           17300.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   300KG7D -             82.10 dBW                  Data Carrier

           17300.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W               87.40 dBW                  Data Carrier

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W                                          Data Carrier

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   300KG7D -                                        Data Carrier

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                   800KG2D                                          Telemetry

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   800KG2D                                          Telemetry

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                   800KG2D               82.10 dBW                  Telecommand

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   800KG2D               82.10 dBW                  Telecommand

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   ANTENNA ID:          GT8                    13.2 meters        Vertex/TIW                            13.2 Meter

           17300.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   300KG7D -             82.10 dBW                Data Carrier

           17300.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W               87.40 dBW                Data Carrier

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   300KG7D -                                      Data Carrier

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W                                        Data Carrier

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                   800KG2D                                        Telemetry

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   800KG2D                                        Telemetry

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                   800KG2D               82.10 dBW                Telecommand

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   800KG2D               82.10 dBW                Telecommand

Points of Communication:

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 2 - (148 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 5 - (129 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 6 - (110 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 8 - (110 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR 8 - (77 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

   GT7 & GT8 - ECHOSTAR-4 - (119 W.L.)

   GT7 & GT8 - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

SES-MFS-20130107-00010                 E E080216             EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Modification                                                                                           01/30/2009 - 01/30/2024
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   02/19/2013

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, Other

SITE ID:            Spokane
LOCATION:           9815 West Hallett Road, Spokane, Spokane, WA
                    47 ° 35 ' 31.70 " N LAT.                                         117 ° 33 ' 4.20 " W LONG.

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ANTENNA ID:    WAT7                13.2 meters    Vertex               13.2

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             1M50F3D       0.00 dBW    Ranging Tones

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             800KG2D       0.00 dBW    Telemetry

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             1M50F3D       0.00 dBW    Ranging Tones

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             1M50F3D       85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             1M50F3D       85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             800KG2D       0.00 dBW    Telemetry

     17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       86.90 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Data

     12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       0.00 dBW    Compressed Digital Video and Data

ANTENNA ID:    WAT5                13.2 meters    Vertex               13.2

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             800KG2D                   Telemetry

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             800KG2D                   Telemetry

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             1M50F3D                   Ranging Tones

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             1M50F3D                   Ranging Tones

     12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz             24M0G7W                   Compressed Digital Video and Data

     17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       86.90 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Data

ANTENNA ID:    WAT8                13.2 meters    Vertex               13.2

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             800KG2D                   Telemetry

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             800KG2D                   Telemetry

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             1M50F3D                   Ranging Tones

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           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D                                        Ranging Tones

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D             85.06 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D             85.06 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W                                        Compressed Digital Video and Data

           17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                   24M0G7W             86.90 dBW                  Compressed Digital Video and Data

Points of Communication:

   Spokane - CIEL 2 - (128.85 W.L)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 11 - (110 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 4 - (77 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 5 - (148 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 6 - (72.7 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR 8 - (77 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   Spokane - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

   Spokane - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

SES-MFS-20130107-00011                 E E080213             EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Modification                                                                                           01/30/2009 - 01/30/2024
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:    02/19/2013

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, Fixed Satellite Service, Other

SITE ID:            New Braunfels
LOCATION:           710 Conrads Lane, Comal, New Braunfels, TX
                    29 ° 45 ' 35.80 " N LAT.                                         98 ° 3 ' 49.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          TXT7                   13.2 meters        Vertex                                13.2 meter

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                   1M5F3D              0.00 dBW                   Ranging Tones

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   1M5F3D              0.00 dBW                   Ranging Tones

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   800KG2D             0.00 dBW                   Telemetry

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     12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       0.00 dBW    Compressed Digital Video and Data

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       86.90 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Data

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             800KG2D       0.00 dBW    Telemetry

ANTENNA ID:    TXT8                13.2 meters    Vertex               13.2

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        0.00 dBW    Ranging Tones

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             800KG2D       0.00 dBW    Telemetry

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        0.00 dBW    Ranging Tones

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             800KG2D       0.00 dBW    Telemetry

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       0.00 dBW    Compressed Digital Video and Data

     17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz             24M0G7W       86.90 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Data

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

ANTENNA ID:    TXT5                13.2 meters    Vertex               13.2 meter

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             800KG2D                   Telemetry

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             800KG2D                   Telemetry

     17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz             800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

     12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz             1M5F3D                    Ranging Tones

     12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz             1M5F3D                    Ranging Tones

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          17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

          12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz                24M0G7W                   Compressed Digital Video and Data

          17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                24M0G7W       86.90 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Data

   ANTENNA ID:       TXT6                  13.2 meters    Vertex               13.2 meter

          12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                800KG2D                   Telemetry

          12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                800KG2D                   Telemetry

          17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

          17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                800KG2D       82.30 dBW   Telecommand

          12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                1M5F3D                    Ranging Tones

          12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                1M5F3D                    Ranging Tones

          17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

          17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                1M5F3D        85.06 dBW   Ranging Tones

          17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                24M0G7W       86.90 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Data

          12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                24M0G7W                   Compressed Digital Video and Data

Points of Communication:

   New Braunfels - CIEL 2 - (128.85 W.L)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 11 - (110 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 4 - (77 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 5 - (148 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 6 - (72.7 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 8 - (77 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

   New Braunfels - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

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SES-MFS-20130108-00012                   E E120024           EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Modification                                                                                           03/28/2012 - 03/28/2027
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   02/19/2013

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, Other

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           1161 E 6000 N Road, Kankakee, Bourbonnais, IL
                    41 ° 12 ' 36.80 " N LAT.                                         87 ° 51 ' 14.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      13.2 meters         Vertex                               13.2 Meter

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                     800KG2D           78.90 dBW                  TELECOMMAND

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                     800KG2D           78.90 dBW                  TELECOMMAND

           17300.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                     24M0G7W           87.00 dBW                  DIGITAL VIDEO, VOICE, DATA

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                     800KG2D           0.00 dBW                   TELEMETRY

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                     800KG2D           0.00 dBW                   TELEMETRY

           12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                     24M0G7W           0.00 dBW                   DIGITAL VIDEO, VOICE, DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - CIEL 2 - (128.85 W.L)

   1 - ECHO-3 - (61.5 DEG)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 11 - (110 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 12 - (61.35 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 14 - (119 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 15 - (61.55 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   1 - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

SES-MOD-20130108-00024                   E E070283           EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Application for Modification                                                                           02/05/2008 - 02/05/2023
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   02/19/2013

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Other

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SITE ID:            Monee
LOCATION:           6737 West Steger Road, Will, Monee, IL
                    41 ° 28 ' 5.80 " N LAT.                                         87 ° 46 ' 33.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          ILT2                  13.2 meters        Vertex                                13.2 meter

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D             85.06 dBW                  Telemetry

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D             85.06 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                  24M0G1W             86.90 dBW                  Compressed Digital Video and Data

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D             85.06 dBW                  Telemetry

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D             85.06 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D             0.00 dBW                   Telemetry

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D             0.00 dBW                   Ranging Tones

           12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz                  24M0G1W             0.00 dBW                   Compressed Digital Video and Data

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D             0.00 dBW                   Telemetry

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D             0.00 dBW                   Ranging Tones

Points of Communication:

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 2 - (148 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 5 - (129 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 6 - (110 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR 8 - (110 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   Monee - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

   Monee - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20130108-00025                 E E080008            EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Application for Modification                                                                          03/18/2008 - 03/18/2023
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:    02/19/2013

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Other

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SITE ID:            Mt. Jackson
LOCATION:           335 Dish Drive, Shenandoah, Quicksburg, VA
                    38 ° 43 ' 21.70 " N LAT.                                         78 ° 39 ' 57.70 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          VAT2                   13.2 meters        Vertex                                13.2 meter

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                    1M50G2D            85.06 dBW                  Telemetry

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                    1M50F3D            85.06 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                    24M0G1W            86.90 dBW                  Compressed Digital Video and Data

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                    1M50G2D            85.06 dBW                  Telemetry

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                    1M50F3D            85.06 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                    1M50G2D            0.00 dBW                   Telemetry

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                    1M50F3D            0.00 dBW                   Ranging Tones

           12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz                    24M0G1W            0.00 dBW                   Compressed Digital Video and Data

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                    1M50G2D            0.00 dBW                   Telemetry

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                    1M50F3D            0.00 dBW                   Ranging Tones

Points of Communication:

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 2 - (148 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 5 - (129 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 6 - (110 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 8 - (110 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

   Mt. Jackson - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20130108-00026                 E E070284             EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Application for Modification                                                                           02/05/2008 - 02/05/2023
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:    02/19/2013

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service, Other

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SITE ID:            New Braunfels
LOCATION:           710 Conrads Lane, Comal, New Braunfels, TX
                    29 ° 45 ' 35.10 " N LAT.                                        98 ° 3 ' 47.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          TXT2                   13.2 meters        Vertex                               13.2 meter

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   1M50G2D             85.06 dBW                 Telemetry

           17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D             85.06 dBW                 Ranging Tones

           17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                   24M0G1W             86.90 dBW                 Compressed Digital Video and Data

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                   1M50G2D             85.06 dBW                 Telemetry

           17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D             85.06 dBW                 Ranging Tones

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   1M50G2D             0.00 dBW                  Telemetry

           12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D             0.00 dBW                  Ranging Tones

           12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz                   24M0G1W             0.00 dBW                  Compressed Digital Video and Data

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                   1M50G2D             0.00 dBW                  Telemetry

           12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                   1M50F3D             0.00 dBW                  Ranging Tones

Points of Communication:

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110.2 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 2 - (148 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 5 - (129 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 6 - (110 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR 8 - (110 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   New Braunfels - ECHOSTAR/DISH - ()

   New Braunfels - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

SES-REG-20130103-00002                 E E130004             CBS Communications Services Inc.                                          EZ
Registration                                                                                          01/03/2013 - 01/03/2028
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:    02/12/2013

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

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SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           1255 NW 210Th ST., Miam-Dade, Miami, FL
                    25 ° 25 ' 8.00 " N LAT.                                         80 ° 13 ' 19.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                     4.5 meters         COMMSCOPE                             4.5 M

            3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Audio/Video, data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-T/C-20121210-01138                 E E050285            The Outdoor Channel, Inc.
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    02/19/2013

Current Licensee:  The Outdoor Channel, Inc.
FROM: Outdoor Channel Holdings, Inc.
TO:        InterMedia Partners VII, L.P.
                                                                                                       No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-T/C-20130125-00118                 E E020186            ACC Licensee, LLC
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    02/12/2013

Current Licensee: ACC Licensee, LLC
                                                                                                       No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-T/C-20130125-00123                 E E865001            HARRISBURG TELEVISION, INC.
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    02/13/2013

                                                                                                       No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-T/C-20130125-00126                 E E860191            WSET, Incorporated
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    02/14/2013

Current Licensee: WSET, Incorporated
                                                                                                       No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-T/C-20130131-00131                 E E060018            State University of New York/New York Network
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Withdrawn                                                                                                         Date Effective:    02/13/2013

Current Licensee: State University of New York/New York Network
TO:        State of New York
                                                                                                       No. of Station(s) listed: 4

                                                                 Page 12 of 13

SES-T/C-20130203-00148                 E E900563          BD ION Media GP Holdings LLC
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:    02/14/2013

TO:       BD ION Media GP Holdings LLC
                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-RWL-20110620-00715                 E910440         ACC Licensee, LLC
License has been surrendered per letter filed on February 14, 2013.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2013-02-19 17:17:07
Document Modified: 2013-02-19 17:17:07

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