Public Notice SES01310

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2011-01-05 > IB > Public Notices > SES01310

                         PUBLIC NOTICE
                         445 12th STREET S.W.
                         WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                         News media information 202-418-0500
                         Internet: (or
                         TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01310                                                              Wednesday January 5, 2011

                                                     RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

SES-AMD-20070920-01300                 E E000284     Vizada, Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                           Date Effective:   12/29/2010

Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            Remote
LOCATION:           (1,000 terminals) U.S.

   ANTENNA ID:          Thrane                             Thrane & Thrane         TT360C

           1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz                2K50G1D          16.00 dBW     600 BPS Data BPSK

           1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz                2K50G1D          0.00 dBW      600 BPS Data BPSK

   ANTENNA ID:          Trimble                            Trimble                 TNL7002

           1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz                2K50G1D          16.00 dBW     600 BPS Data BPSK

           1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz                2K50G1D          0.00 dBW      600 BPS Data BPSK

Points of Communication:

   Remote - INMARSAT 4F2 - (52.75)

   Remote - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (15.5 W.L.)

   Remote - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (178 E.L.)

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SES-AMD-20071231-01758                 E E000284           VIZADA, INC.
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:    12/29/2010

Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            Remote
LOCATION:           (1,000 terminals) U.S.

   ANTENNA ID:          Trimble                                 Trimble                              TNL7002

            1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz                  2K50G1D             16.00 dBW                 600 BPS Data BPSK

            1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz                  2K50G1D             0.00 dBW                  600 BPS Data BPSK

   ANTENNA ID:          Thrane                                  Thrane & Thrane                      TT360C

            1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz                  2K50G1D             16.00 dBW                 600 BPS Data BPSK

            1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz                  2K50G1D             0.00 dBW                  600 BPS Data BPSK

Points of Communication:

   Remote - INMARSAT 4F2 - (52.75)

   Remote - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (15.5 W.L.)

   Remote - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (178 E.L.)

SES-ASG-20091218-01645              E E090035              Thornburg Mortgage Advisory Corporation
Application for Consent to Assignment
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:    01/04/2011

Current Licensee: Thornburg Mortgage Advisory Corporation
TO:        Ridgetop Road, LLC
                                                                                                     No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-LIC-20070416-00479                 E E000284           VIZADA, INC.
Application for Authority                                                                            12/29/2010 - 12/29/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                             Date Effective:     12/29/2010

Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            REMOTE
LOCATION:           (1,000 terminals), U.S.& TERRITORIAL

   ANTENNA ID:          Thrane               0.06 meters        THRANE & THRANE                      TT360C

            1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz                  2K50G1D             0.00 dBW                  600 BPS Data BPSK

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           1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz                         2K50G1D           16.00 dBW        600 BPS Data BPSK

   ANTENNA ID:          Trimble                 0.06 meters        TRIMBLE                      TNL7002

           1525.0000 - 1544.0000 MHz                         2K50G1D           0.00 dBW         600 BPS Data BPSK

           1626.5000 - 1645.5000 MHz                         2K50G1D           16.00 dBW        600 BPS Data BPSK

Points of Communication:

   REMOTE - INMARSAT 4F2 - (52.75)

   REMOTE - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (15.5 W.L.)

   REMOTE - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (178 E.L.)

   REMOTE - ISAT List -

SES-LIC-20101119-01453                   E E100125            WXIX License Subsidiary, LLC                                          EZ
Application for Authority                                                                       12/29/2010 - 12/29/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                        Date Effective:   12/29/2010

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.2 meters         MOTOSAT                      MESSENGER

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W           64.47 dBW        One 36Mb MCPC digital carrier for

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W                            One 36Mb MCPC digital carrier for

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20101119-01456                   E E100126            Family Broadcasting Group, Inc.
Application for Authority                                                                       01/03/2011 - 01/03/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                        Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           Various locations throughout CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.8 meters         AvL Technologies             1.8M

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       2M00G7W           59.70 dBW        Digital Video and Audio
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           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   36M0G7W             72.20 dBW                 Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20100927-01241                 E E100051             LightSquared Subsidiary LLC
Application for Modification                                                                          06/25/2010 - 06/25/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:     01/03/2011

Class of Station:        Other

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            SCMS 1
LOCATION:           21091 FM 507, Cameron, Harlingen, TX
                    26 ° 15 ' 11.00 " N LAT.                                        97 ° 39 ' 39.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          M1                     0.76 meters        Westinghouse                         AU-10FS

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     N0N                 16.50 dBW                 Unmodulated signal

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     5K00G9W             16.50 dBW                 4800 bps QPSK data carrier

           1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz                     5K00G9W             0.00 dBW                  4800 bps QPSK data carrier

SITE ID:            SCMS 2
LOCATION:           3877 University Drive, Anchorage Borough, Anchorage, AK
                    61 ° 11 ' 26.00 " N LAT.                                        149 ° 48 ' 30.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          M2                     0.76 meters        Westinghouse                         AU-10FS

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     5K00G9W             16.50 dBW                 4800 bps QPSK data carrier

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     N0N                 16.50 dBW                 Unmodulated signal

           1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz                     5K00G9W             0.00 dBW                  4800 bps QPSK data carrier

SITE ID:            SCMS 3
LOCATION:           7246 Humboldt Hill Road, Humboldt, Eureka, CA
                    40 ° 42 ' 59.00 " N LAT.                                        124 ° 12 ' 13.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          M3                     0.76 meters        Westinghouse                         AU-10FS

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     N0N                 16.50 dBW                 Unmodulated signal

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     5K00G9W             16.50 dBW                 4800 bps QPSK data carrier

           1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz                     5K00G9W             0.00 dBW                  4800 bps QPSK data carrier

SITE ID:            SCMS 4
LOCATION:           10802 Parkridge Boulevard, Fairfax, Reston, VA
                    38 ° 56 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                        77 ° 19 ' 9.00 " W LONG.

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   ANTENNA ID:       M4                    0.76 meters     Westinghouse                       AU-10FS

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                 N0N             16.50 dBW                Unmodulated signal

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                 5K00G9W         16.50 dBW                4800 bps QPSK data carrier

           1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz                 5K00G9W         0.00 dBW                 4800 bps QPSK data carrier

SITE ID:         SCMS 5
                 18 ° 22 ' 7.80 " N LAT.                                   66 ° 11 ' 1.37 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       M5                    0.76 meters     WESTINGHOUSE                       AU-10FS

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                 NON             16.50 dBW                UNMODULATED SIGNAL

           1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz                 5K00G9W                                  4800 BPS QPSK DATA CARRIER

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                 5K00G9W         16.50 dBW                4800 BPS QPSK DATA CARRIER

Points of Communication:

   SCMS 1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

   SCMS 1 - MSAT-2 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 1 - SKYTERRA 1 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 2 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

   SCMS 2 - MSAT-2 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 2 - SKYTERRA 1 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 3 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

   SCMS 3 - MSAT-2 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 3 - SKYTERRA 1 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 4 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

   SCMS 4 - MSAT-2 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 4 - SKYTERRA 1 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 5 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

   SCMS 5 - MSAT-2 - (101.3 W.L.)

   SCMS 5 - SKYTERRA 1 - (101.3 W.L.)

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SES-MOD-20101004-01271                 E E000048            PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Application for Modification                                                                        05/10/2010 - 05/10/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   12/29/2010

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            PAS Atlanta
                    33 ° 39 ' 52.00 " N LAT.                                      84 ° 16 ' 14.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          AK-10                  13 meters         RSI                                 1130

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     64K0G7W         58.00 dBW                 Digital video and data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W         85.00 dBW                 Digital video and data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     18M0F8F         82.00 dBW                 Analog video

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     36M0F8F         85.00 dBW                 Analog video

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     750KF2D         72.40 dBW                 Command carrier

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     64K0G7W

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     18M0F8F

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     36M0F8W

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     750KF2D

           12750.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                     850KF2D         88.20 dBW                 COMMAND CARRIER

           12750.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                     64K0G7W         61.80 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           12750.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                     72M0G7W         89.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     850KF2D         72.40 dBW                 COMMAND CARRIER

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     72M0G7W         89.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                     850KF2D         68.00 dBW                 COMMAND CARRIER

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                     265KG7W         68.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                     850KF2D         68.00 dBW                 COMMAND CARRIER

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                     265KG7W         68.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                     72M0G7W         84.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

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           10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz                    64K0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz                    64K0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz                    64K0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz                    64K0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           12200.0000 - 12750.0000 MHz                    64K0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           12200.0000 - 12750.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W                                   DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   PAS Atlanta - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   PAS Atlanta - INTELSAT 11 - (43.0 W.L.)

   PAS Atlanta - INTELSAT 705 - (50 W.L.)

   PAS Atlanta - INTELSAT 707 - (53 W.L.)

   PAS Atlanta - IS 14 - (45 W.L.)

   PAS Atlanta - IS 16 - (58 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20101022-01323                 E E000158           XM Radio Inc.
Application for Modification                                                                       03/20/2001 - 03/20/2011
Grant of Authority                                                                                           Date Effective:   01/04/2011

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

SITE ID:            1
                    38 ° 54 ' 36.40 " N LAT.                                     77 ° 0 ' 19.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          001/002                7 meters          RSI SATCOM TECH.                   7M S/X

           7056.8450 - 7074.8690 MHz                      1M84G1W          78.00 dBW                AUDIO CONTENT, ANCILLARY
                                                                                                    DATA, QPSK

           7042.6000 - 7074.4000 MHz                      800KF2D          64.00 dBW                COMMAND AND RANGING

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           2332.5000 - 2345.0000 MHz                        100KG2D                                   TELEMETRY

           2332.5000 - 2345.0000 MHz                        1M84G1W                                   AUDIO CONTENT, ANCILLARY
                                                                                                      DATA, QPSK

Points of Communication:

   1 - XM 1 - (85.150 W.L)

   1 - XM 2 - (85.217 W.L)

   1 - XM 3 - (85.083 W.L)

   1 - XM-4 - (115 W.L.)

   1 - XM-5 - (85.2 W)

SES-MOD-20101022-01324                 E E040204             XM Radio Inc.
Application for Modification                                                                         08/06/2004 - 08/06/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                             Date Effective:   01/04/2011

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

SITE ID:            1
                    33 ° 39 ' 51.00 " N LAT.                                       84 ° 16 ' 24.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          AX31/AX32              7.2 meters         VERTEXRSI                           7.2 KPCX/KPKX

           7056.8450 - 7074.8690 MHz                        1M84G1W          78.00 dBW                AUDIO CONTENT, ANCILLARY
                                                                                                      DATA, QPSK

           7042.6000 - 7074.4000 MHz                        800KF2D          74.00 dBW                COMMAND AND RANGING

           2332.5000 - 2345.0000 MHz                        100KG2D                                   TELEMETRY

           2332.5000 - 2345.0000 MHz                        1M84G1W                                   AUDIO CONTENT, ANCILLARY
                                                                                                      DATA, QPSK

Points of Communication:

   1 - XM 1 - (85.150 W.L)

   1 - XM 2 - (85.217 W.L)

   1 - XM 3 - (85.083 W.L)

   1 - XM-4 - (115 W.L.)

   1 - XM-5 - (85.2 W)

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SES-RWL-20101216-01572                   E E910119             FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS CO. II, LP
Renewal                                                                                             01/25/2011 - 01/25/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    42 ° 18 ' 55.00 " N LAT.                                      122 ° 51 ' 57.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.5 meters          SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                8345

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36MOF3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101217-01578                   E E010055             KETV HEARST TELEVISION INC.
Renewal                                                                                             02/27/2011 - 02/27/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    41 ° 15 ' 30.10 " N LAT.                                      95 ° 57 ' 8.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          ES45MPJ-1              4.5 meters          ANDREW CORPORATION                ES45MPJ-1

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7F                                  RECEIVE ONLY

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F8F                                  RECEIVE ONLY

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101220-01575                   E WG32                TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT - ADVANCE/NEWHOUSE PARTNERSHIP
Renewal                                                                                       02/10/2011 - 02/10/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                      Date Effective: 01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    36 ° 3 ' 47.00 " N LAT.                                       79 ° 49 ' 20.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters            SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                8008B
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           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101220-01576                    E WF85                TIME WARNER NY CABLE LLC
Renewal                                                                                              01/30/2011 - 01/30/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                             Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:            Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:           Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:             1
                     40 ° 36 ' 9.00 " N LAT.                                       83 ° 8 ' 8.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:           1                      5 meters            SCIENTIFIC- ATLANTA               8008B

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101220-01577                    E WF88                TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LP
Renewal                                                                                      01/30/2011 - 01/30/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:           01/03/2011

Class of Station:            Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:           Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:             1
                     39 ° 26 ' 36.00 " N LAT.                                      87 ° 23 ' 42.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:           1                      5 meters            SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                8008B

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101221-01573                    E E910122             COMCAST OF CALIFORNIA/MARYLAND/PENNSYLVANIA/VIRGINIA/WEST
                                                                VIRGINIA, LLC
Renewal                                                                                       01/25/2011 - 01/25/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                      Date Effective: 01/03/2011

Class of Station:            Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:           Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

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SITE ID:            1
                    39 ° 9 ' 52.00 " N LAT.                                       123 ° 12 ' 34.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters            ANTENNA TECH CORP.                SIMULSAT 5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36MOF3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101221-01574                   E E910064             COMCAST OF CALIFORNIA/COLORADO/TEXAS/WASHINGTON, INC.
Renewal                                                                                      01/04/2011 - 01/04/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective: 01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    38 ° 0 ' 47.00 " N LAT.                                       121 ° 53 ' 10.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters            ANTENNA TECH CORP.                SIMULSAT 5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36MOF3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101223-01582                   E E900585             BREASNAN COMMUNICATIONS, LLC
Renewal                                                                                             01/04/2011 - 01/04/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    41 ° 7 ' 4.00 " N LAT.                                        104 ° 47 ' 8.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.6 meters          SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                8346PF

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36MOF3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

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SES-RWL-20101226-01595                   E E2615               CHARTER VIDEO ELECTRONICS, INC.
Renewal                                                                                             02/25/2011 - 02/25/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    45 ° 29 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                      91 ° 46 ' 22.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.6 meters          SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                8005

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101226-01596                   E WG59                CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS VI, LLC
Renewal                                                                                             02/28/2011 - 02/28/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    37 ° 42 ' 48.00 " N LAT.                                      75 ° 40 ' 32.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      6 meters            SCIENTIFIC-ATLANTA                8008B

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101227-01635                   E KG54                CC VIII OPERATING, LLC
Renewal                                                                                             03/07/2011 - 03/07/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    40 ° 14 ' 37.00 " N LAT.                                      96 ° 43 ' 21.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.5 meters          ANDREW CORPORATION                ESA5-4HP

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36000F9
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Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101227-01636                   E E2183               FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS CO. II, LP
Renewal                                                                                             03/01/2011 - 03/01/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:    01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    36 ° 19 ' 5.00 " N LAT.                                       121 ° 14 ' 15.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters              MICRODYNE                       AFC/PR16.4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101227-01637                   E E2182               FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS CO. II, LP
Renewal                                                                                             03/01/2011 - 03/01/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:    01/03/2011

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    36 ° 11 ' 45.00 " N LAT.                                      121 ° 8 ' 50.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters              MICRODYNE                       RE/AFFC-16.4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-STA-20060314-00435                   E E000284             Vizada, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                             Date Effective:   12/29/2010

Class of Station:

This STA request has been Granted as Moot, due to the underline License and Amendments applications was granted on December 29, 2010.

Points of Communication:

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SES-STA-20091027-01367               E E000284         VIZADA, INC.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/29/2010

Class of Station:

This STA request has been Granted as Moot, due to the underline License and Amendments applications was granted on December 29, 2010.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20100301-00284               E E000284         VIZADA, INC.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/29/2010

Class of Station:

This STA request has been Granted as Moot, due to the underline License and Amendments applications was granted on December 29, 2010.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20100429-00499               E E000284         VIZADA, INC.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/29/2010

Class of Station:

This STA request has been Granted as Moot, due to the underline License and Amendments applications was granted on December 29, 2010.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20100715-00910               E E000166         HNS LICENSE SUB, LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    01/04/2011

Class of Station:

Administratively granted period 16 Jul 2010 to 16 Sep 2010

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20100914-01162               E E000166         HNS LICENSE SUB, LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    01/04/2011

Class of Station:

Administratively granted period 16 Sep 2010 to 16 Nov 2010

Points of Communication:

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SES-STA-20101026-01344                  E E000284          VIZADA, INC.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   12/29/2010

Class of Station:

This STA request has been Granted as Moot, due to the underline License and Amendments applications was granted on December 29, 2010.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101112-01426                  E E000166          HNS LICENSE SUB, LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/04/2011

Class of Station:

Extension of Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED WITH CONDITION for a period of 60 days beginning November 16, 2010, and ending
January 16, 2011.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101213-01549                  E E920590          CSC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:   01/04/2011

Class of Station:

Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED for a period of 60 days beginning December 16, 2010 and ending February 13, 2011.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101105-01402                  E040204         XM Radio Inc.
This STA request has been Dismissed as MOOT, due to the underlined MOD application was granted.
SES-STA-20101105-01403               E000158       XM Radio Inc.
This STA request has been Dismissed as MOOT, due to underline applications Mod were granted.
SES-RWL-20001108-02153                  E2668           CC VIII OPERATING, LLC
License has been surrendered per letter filed December 16, 2010.
SES-RWL-20001206-02292                  WL28           Falcon Cable Media, a California Limited Partnership
License has been surrendered per letter filed December 16, 2010.
SES-RWL-20001206-02299                  E900587        FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS CO. II, LP
License has been surrendered per letter filed December 16, 2010.
SES-RWL-20010817-01554                  E3264          Service Electric Cablevision, Inc.
License has been surrendered per letter filed January 4, 2011.
SES-RWL-20011119-02220                  E3773            Service Electric Cablevision, Inc.
License has been surrendered per letter filed January 4, 2011.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2011-01-04 17:14:20
Document Modified: 2011-01-04 17:14:20

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