Public Notice SES01302

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2010-12-08 > IB > Public Notices > SES01302

                     PUBLIC NOTICE
                     445 12th STREET S.W.
                     WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                     News media information 202-418-0500
                     Internet: (or
                     TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01302                                                                  Wednesday December 8, 2010

                                                RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

SES-ASG-20100830-01393              E E060048   Global Broadcasting of Southern New England LLC
Application for Consent to Assignment
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:    12/03/2010

                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-ASG-20101006-01244              E E020186   ACC LICENSEE, INC.
Application for Consent to Assignment
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:    12/03/2010

Current Licensee: ACC LICENSEE, INC.
                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-ASG-20101025-01348              E E070103   THE WORLD CO DBA SUNFLOWER BROADBAND
Application for Consent to Assignment
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:    12/03/2010

                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-LIC-20100811-01024             E E100092    HARRIS CORPORATION
Application for Authority                                                                12/02/2010 - 12/02/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                 Date Effective:     12/02/2010

Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Fixed Satellite Service

                                                     Page 1 of 25

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4619 Foreign Trade Zone Blvd, El Paso, Colorado Springs, CO
                    38 ° 45 ' 51.00 " N LAT.                                         104 ° 40 ' 4.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       7.3 meters        Vertex/RSI                            KPC

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W                                    Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and information

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W                                    Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and information

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W           77.24 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and information

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W           48.77 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and information

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         6M00F3W                                    Analog data traffic

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         6M00G7W           72.96 dBW                Analog data traffic

   ANTENNA ID:          2                       7.3 meters        Vertex/RSI                            KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       51K2G7W           55.17 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and infomation

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W           83.64 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and infomation

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W                                    Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and infomation

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       51K2G7W                                    Digital traffic, various FEC, data rates,
                                                                                                        modulation and infomation

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20101012-01279                   E E100111            RADIOHIO INCORPORATED
Application for Authority                                                                              12/02/2010 - 12/02/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:        12/02/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    39 ° 58 ' 15.00 " N LAT.                                         83 ° 1 ' 38.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          3.8M.                   3.8 meters        PRODELIN                              1383

                                                                  Page 2 of 25

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W                              Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                              Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           5925.0000 - 5959.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W     47.77 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           5990.0000 - 6211.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W     47.77 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           6242.0000 - 6271.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W     47.77 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           6302.0000 - 6330.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W     47.77 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           6391.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W     47.77 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           5990.0000 - 6211.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W     72.69 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           5925.0000 - 5959.0000 MHz                        9M00G7W     66.67 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           6242.0000 - 6271.0000 MHz                        9M00G7W     66.67 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

           6302.0000 - 6330.0000 MHz                        9M00G7W     66.67 dBW                Digital traffic, various FEC, various data
                                                                                                 rates, various information

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20101012-01286                 E E100112             RADIOHIO INCORPORATED
Application for Authority                                                                       12/02/2010 - 12/02/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                        Date Effective:         12/02/2010

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    39 ° 58 ' 12.00 " N LAT.                                  83 ° 1 ' 25.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          2.4M.                  2.4 meters        PRODELIN                        1251

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W                              Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                                 FEC, various information

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        3M00G7W                              Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                                 FEC, various information

                                                                 Page 3 of 25

           5925.0000 - 5930.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W     37.07 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6020.0000 - 6048.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W     37.07 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6079.0000 - 6137.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W     37.07 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6242.0000 - 6271.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W     37.07 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6302.0000 - 6330.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W     37.07 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6391.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W     37.07 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           5925.0000 - 5930.0000 MHz                         3M00G7W     54.75 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6020.0000 - 6048.0000 MHz                         3M00G7W     54.75 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6079.0000 - 6137.0000 MHz                         3M00G7W     54.75 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6242.0000 - 6271.0000 MHz                         3M00G7W     54.75 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6302.0000 - 6330.0000 MHz                         3M00G7W     54.75 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

           6391.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         3M00G7W     54.75 dBW     Digital traffic, various data rates, various
                                                                                       FEC, various information

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20101013-01294                   E E100115            WWLP BROADCASTING, LLC
Application for Authority                                                              12/02/2010 - 12/02/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                               Date Effective:        12/02/2010

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.2 meters        AVL TECHNOLOGIES     1210K

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       24M0G7F     61.10 dBW     PSK DIGITAL VIDEO W/DIGITAL
                                                                                       AUDIO/ DATA

                                                                  Page 4 of 25

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20100921-01180                   E E900974            CAPITOL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.
Application for Modification                                                                 11/09/2010 - 11/09/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   12/02/2010

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters        RSI                             2.4SNG

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       51K2G7W        47.20 dBW             DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       45M0G7W        76.60 dBW             QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F        77.10 dBW             ANALOG VIDEO AND OTHER DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       51K2G7W                              DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F                              ANALOG VIDEO AND OTHER DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       45M0G7W                              QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20100930-01240                   E E100060            KAUFMAN BROADCAST SERVICES CORPORATION
Application for Modification                                                                08/10/2010 - 08/10/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                    Date Effective:    12/07/2010

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          T1KU                    2.4 meters        VERTEX CORPORATION              SM-LT

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0F8W        74.40 dBW             ANALOG VIDEO WITH
                                                                                                  ASSOCIATED AUDIO SUBCARRIERS

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W        74.40 dBW             DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO

   ANTENNA ID:          C-2                     2.4 meters        VERTEX CORPORATION              SM-LT

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W        67.50 dBW             DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO
                                                                   Page 5 of 25

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20101005-01246                   E E030180            El Sembrador Ministries
Application for Modification                                                                              11/04/2003 - 11/04/2018
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:   12/02/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    34 ° 14 ' 50.93 " N LAT.                                            118 ° 35 ' 6.11 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       5 meters           SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                      8345

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G3W           69.00 dBW                   Digital QPSK (SCPC compressed digital
                                                                                                           video and associated audio)

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       8M00G3W           71.90 dBW                   Digital QPSK (SCPC compressed digital
                                                                                                           video and associated audio)

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       12M0G3W           73.70 dBW                   Digital QPSK (SCPC compressed digital
                                                                                                           video and associated audio)

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G3W           0.00 dBW                    Digital QPSK (SCPC compressed digital
                                                                                                           video and associated audio)

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       8M00G3W           0.00 dBW                    Digital QPSK (SCPC compressed digital
                                                                                                           video and associated audio)

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       12M0G3W           0.00 dBW                    Digital QPSK (SCPC compressed digital
                                                                                                           video and associated audio)

Points of Communication:

   1 - SATMEX-5 - (116.8 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20101006-01257                   E E090136            MEREDITH CORPORATION - KPHO
Application for Modification                                                                              09/14/2009 - 09/14/2024
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:   12/07/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    33 ° 29 ' 36.50 " N LAT.                                            112 ° 6 ' 50.50 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters         SKYWARE GLOBAL                          62-2435611

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           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W            68.20 dBW                ONE DIGITAL CARRIER FOR

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                     NULL

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20101012-01281                   E E950307            PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Application for Modification                                                                          09/15/2005 - 09/15/2020
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:   12/07/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    38 ° 14 ' 43.70 " N LAT.                                        122 ° 16 ' 50.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       15.2 meters        VERTEX                             15.2 KPC

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      36M0F8F            84.00 dBW                ANALOG TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      30M0F8F            83.20 dBW                ANALOG TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      27M0F8F            82.80 dBW                ANALOG TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      54M0G7F            84.00 dBW                DIGITAL TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      24M0G7F            80.50 dBW                DIGITAL TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      9M80G7F            76.60 dBW                DIGITAL TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      8M00G7F            75.70 dBW                DIGITAL TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      6M50G7F            74.80 dBW                DIGITAL TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      2M70G7F            71.00 dBW                DIGITAL TV

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      1M36G7W            68.00 dBW                DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      1M36G7W                                     DATA

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      1M00G7W            64.00 dBW                DIGITAL DATA, VIDEO OR VOICE

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      72M0G7W            73.00 dBW                DIGITAL DATA, VIDEO OR VOICE

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      1M00G7W                                     DIGITAL DATA, VIDEO OR VOICE

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      72M0G7W                                     DIGITAL DATA, VIDEO OR VOICE

                                                                   Page 7 of 25

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   1 - PAS-4 - (191.0 W.L.)

   1 - PAS-9 - (58.0 W.L.)

   1 - TDRS-5 - (174.3 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20101014-01296                   E E865140            HEARST STATIONS INC.
Application for Modification                                                           05/15/2007 - 05/15/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                               Date Effective:   12/02/2010

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters        ANDREW               G/TESA SERIES

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F       74.64 dBW   VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED AUDIO
                                                                                       AND DATA SUBCARRIERS

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       3M50G7F       64.61 dBW   DIGITAL MCPC QPSK CARRIER
                                                                                       USED FOR VIDEO, AUDIO, AND

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F       74.64 dBW   DIGITAL MCPC QPSK CARRIER
                                                                                       USED FOR VIDEO, AUDIO, AND

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       12M0F3F       69.97 dBW   VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED AUDIO
                                                                                       AND DATA SUBCARRIERS

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       3M50G7F                   DIGITAL MCPC QPSK CARRIER
                                                                                       USED FOR VIDEO, AUDIO, AND

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                   DIGITAL MCPC QPSK CARRIER
                                                                                       USED FOR VIDEO, AUDIO, AND

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F                   VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED AUDIO
                                                                                       AND DATA SUBCARRIERS

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       12M0F3F                   VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED AUDIO
                                                                                       AND DATA SUBCARRIERS

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

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SES-MOD-20101021-01308                   E E881163            Liberty Broadcasting Network, Inc.
Application for Modification                                                                            06/02/2009 - 06/02/2024
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    37 ° 21 ' 17.50 " N LAT.                                          79 ° 10 ' 49.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       9.1 meters         ANDREW                                ESA 91-46

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0F3F           80.43 dBW                 ANALOG VIDEO

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         36M0F3F                                     ANALOG VIDEO

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W           80.43 dBW                 DIGITAL TRAFFIC WITH VARIOUS
                                                                                                         FEC, MODULATION, DATA RATES

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W           51.96 dBW                 DIGITAL TRAFFIC WITH VARIOUS
                                                                                                         FEC, MODULATION, DATA RATES

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W                                     DIGITAL TRAFFIC WITH VARIOUS
                                                                                                         FEC, MODULATION, DATA RATES

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W                                     DIGITAL TRAFFIC WITH VARIOUS
                                                                                                         FEC, MODULATION, DATA RATES

   ANTENNA ID:          2                       4.1 meters         COMTECH                               OFFSAT

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         11M2G7W           69.60 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W           46.20 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         11M2G7W                                     DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W                                     DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20101026-01342                   E E070218            MTN License Corp.
Application for Modification                                                                            10/16/2007 - 10/16/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   12/07/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

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SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        200 Telegraph Hill Road, Monmouth, Holmdel, NJ
                 40 ° 23 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                          74 ° 10 ' 25.50 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       HOM-E61-1              6.1 meters        Vertex Corporation                      6.1 KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   9K60G7D         46.90 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   45M0G7D         74.90 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   9K60G7D                                      Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   45M0G7D                                      Digital Data Services

   ANTENNA ID:       HOM-E61-2              6.1 meters        Vertex Corporation                      6.1 KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W         71.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W         53.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           13800.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W         71.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           13800.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W         53.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W                                      Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W                                      Digital Data Services

   ANTENNA ID:       HOM-E61-3              6.1 meters        Vertex Corporation                      6.1 KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W         71.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W         53.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           13800.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W         71.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           13800.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W         53.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W                                      Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W                                      Digital Data Services

   ANTENNA ID:       HOM-E61-4              6.1 meters        Vertex Corporation                      6.1 KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W         71.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W         53.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           13800.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   40M5G7W         71.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

           13800.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   58K0G7W         53.85 dBW                    Digital Data Services

                                                              Page 10 of 25

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      40M5G7W                                       Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      58K0G7W                                       Digital Data Services

   ANTENNA ID:          HOM-E6.3-1             6.3 meters         Vertex Corporation                      6.3 KXK1

           13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      40M5G7W           83.03 dBW                   Digital Data Services

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      40M5G7W                                       Digital Data Services

   ANTENNA ID:          HOM-E4.5-1             4.5 meters         ANDREW                                  ES45MPJ-1

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      40M5G7W           74.48 dBW                   DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      40M5G7W                                       DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   1 - ESTRELA DO SUL 1 - (63 W.L.)

   1 - IS-3R - (317.0 E.L.)

   1 - TELSTAR 11N - (37.55 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20101028-01356                 E KA333               Corporate Satellite Communications, Florida Inc.
Application for Modification                                                                              01/21/2004 - 01/21/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:    12/06/2010

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           7007 N.W. 32ND AVENUE, DADE, MIAMI, FL
                    25 ° 50 ' 14.30 " N LAT.                                           80 ° 14 ' 58.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          11M-1,3                11 meters          VERTEX                                  KPC 11M

           6607.0000 - 6607.0000 MHz                        72M0G7W           82.95 dBW                   DIGITAL DATA, VIDEO & VOICE
                                                                                                          INCL. IBS, IDR via New Skies Satellite,
                                                                                                          N.V. 806 only

           6572.0000 - 6572.0000 MHz                        72M0G7W           82.95 dBW                   DIGITAL DATA, VIDEO & VOICE
                                                                                                          INCL. IBS, IDR via New Skies Satellite,
                                                                                                          N.V. 806 only

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7F           79.90 dBW                   DIGITAL VIDEO

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        51K2G7W-          51.50 dBW                   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W           79.90 dBW                   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

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     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz               36M0G7F       79.90 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz               51K2G7W-      51.50 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz               36M0G7W       79.90 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7F                   DIGITAL VIDEO

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               51K2G7W-                  DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

ANTENNA ID:    11M-4             11 meters        VERTEX               5263

     6607.0000 - 6607.0000 MHz               72M0G7W       82.95 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,
                                                                       IDR via New Skies Satellite, N.V. 806

     6572.0000 - 6572.0000 MHz               72M0G7W       82.95 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,
                                                                       IDR via New Skies Satellite, N.V. 806

     6125.0000 - 6125.0000 MHz               25M0F8F       74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     6125.0000 - 6125.0000 MHz               25M0G7W       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     6125.0000 - 6125.0000 MHz               25M0G7F       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     6005.0000 - 6005.0000 MHz               25M0F8F       74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     6005.0000 - 6005.0000 MHz               25M0G7W       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     6005.0000 - 6005.0000 MHz               25M0G7F       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5985.0000 - 5985.0000 MHz               36M0F8F       74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     5985.0000 - 5985.0000 MHz               36M0G7W       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     5985.0000 - 5985.0000 MHz               36M0G7F       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5965.0000 - 5965.0000 MHz               36M0F8F       74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     5965.0000 - 5965.0000 MHz               36M0G7F       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5965.0000 - 5965.0000 MHz               36M0G7W       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

                                                  Page 12 of 25

     5945.0000 - 5945.0000 MHz               3M00G7W      76.20 dBW   IBS, IDR

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7F      79.90 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               51K2G7W-     51.50 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7W      79.90 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz               36M0G7F      79.90 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz               51K2G7W-     51.50 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz               36M0G7W      79.90 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7F                  DIGITAL VIDEO

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               51K2G7W-                 DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                  DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

ANTENNA ID:    11M-5             11 meters        COMSAT RSI          110CS

     6607.0000 - 6607.0000 MHz               72M0G7W      82.95 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,
                                                                      IDR via New Skies Satellite, N.V. 806

     6572.0000 - 6572.0000 MHz               72M0G7W      82.95 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,
                                                                      IDR via New Skies Satellite, N.V. 806

     6125.0000 - 6125.0000 MHz               25M0F8F      74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     6125.0000 - 6125.0000 MHz               25M0G7W      84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     6125.0000 - 6125.0000 MHz               25M0G7F      84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     6005.0000 - 6005.0000 MHz               25M0F8F      74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     6005.0000 - 6005.0000 MHz               25M0G7W      84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     6005.0000 - 6005.0000 MHz               25M0G7F      84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5985.0000 - 5985.0000 MHz               36M0F8F      74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     5985.0000 - 5985.0000 MHz               36M0G7W      84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

                                                  Page 13 of 25

     5985.0000 - 5985.0000 MHz                 36M0G7F       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5965.0000 - 5965.0000 MHz                 36M0F8F       74.40 dBW   ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOC.

     5965.0000 - 5965.0000 MHz                 36M0G7W       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     5965.0000 - 5965.0000 MHz                 36M0G7F       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5945.0000 - 5945.0000 MHz                 3M00G7W       76.20 dBW   IBS, IDR

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0G7F       79.90 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 51K2G7W-      51.50 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0G7W       79.90 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                 36M0G7F       79.90 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                 51K2G7W-      51.50 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE

     5854.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                 36M0G7W       79.90 dBW   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 36M0G7F                   DIGITAL VIDEO

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 51K2G7W-                  DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 36M0G7W                   DIGITAL DATA & VOICE INCL. IBS,

ANTENNA ID:    11M                 11 meters        VERTEX               KPC

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0F3F       87.54 dBW   STANDARD ANALOG VIDEO WITH
                                                                         ASSOCIATED AUDIO SUBCARRIERS

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0G7W       87.54 dBW   DIGITAL TRAFFIC, VARIOUS
                                                                         INFORMATION, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                         RATES, VARIOUS FEC

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               51K2G7W       59.07 dBW   DIGITAL TRAFFIC, VARIOUS
                                                                         INFORMATION, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                         RATES, VARIOUS FEC

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               36M0F3F                   STANDARD ANALOG VIDEO WITH
                                                                         ASSOCIATED AUDIO SUBCARRIERS

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                   DIGITAL TRAFFIC, VARIOUS
                                                                         INFORMATION, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                         RATES, VARIOUS FEC

                                                    Page 14 of 25

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            51K2G7W                        DIGITAL TRAFFIC, VARIOUS
                                                                                 INFORMATION, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                 RATES, VARIOUS FEC

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   1 - COL515 - (37.7 W.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT 805 - (304.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (307.0 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (310.0 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (319.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (325.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (328.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (328.6 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (330.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (332.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (335.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (338.7 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (342.0 E.L.)

   1 - New Skies 806 - (319.5 E.L.)

   1 - NSS-5 - (183 E.L.)

   1 - PAS-1R - (45.0 W.L.)

   1 - PAS-3R - (43.0 W.L.)

   1 - PAS-9 - (58.0 W.L.)

   1 - STATSIONAR 11 - (11 W.L.)

   1 - STATSIONAR 4 - (14.0 W.L.)

   1 - STATSIONAR 8 - (25 W.L.)

   1 - TDRS-6 - (47.0 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20101203-01499                E E980420    USA Mobility Wireless, Inc.
Application for Modification                                                     03/29/2009 - 03/29/2024
Grant of Authority                                                                         Date Effective:   12/06/2010

Class of Station:      Fixed Earth Stations

                                                        Page 15 of 25

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1 REMOTE

   ANTENNA ID:          REMT 1.2                1.2 meters         CHANNEL MASTER

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       61K4G7D          40.00 dBW                38.4 KBPS DATA, 1/2 RATE FEC,

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       410KG7D                                   128 KBPS DATA, 1/2 RATE FEC,

   ANTENNA ID:          REMT 1.8                1.8 meters         CHANNEL MASTER

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       61K4G7D          43.50 dBW                38.4 KBPS DATA, 1/2 RATE FEC,

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       410KG7D                                   128 KBPS DATA, 1/2 RATE FEC,

Points of Communication:


SES-RWL-20101129-01464                   E E980250            Emerging Markets Communications, Inc.
Renewal                                                                                               12/05/2010 - 12/05/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:      12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    21 ° 20 ' 12.60 " N LAT.                                        158 ° 5 ' 21.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       13 meters          VERTEX                              13KPC

           6689.0000 - 6699.0000 MHz                         51K2G7D-         46.00 dBW                Digital Data

           6689.0000 - 6699.0000 MHz                         36M0G7D          74.50 dBW                Digital Data

           6689.0000 - 6699.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W-         46.00 dBW                Digital Data, Combination of Carriers

           6689.0000 - 6699.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W          74.50 dBW                Digital Data, Combination of Carriers

           6587.0000 - 6687.0000 MHz                         51K2G7D-         46.00 dBW                Digital Data

           6587.0000 - 6687.0000 MHz                         36M0G7D          74.50 dBW                Digital Data

           6587.0000 - 6687.0000 MHz                         51K2G7W-         46.00 dBW                Digital Data, Combination of Carriers

                                                                   Page 16 of 25

6587.0000 - 6687.0000 MHz   36M0G7W    74.50 dBW   Digital Data, Combination of Carriers

6425.0000 - 6650.0000 MHz   36M0F9W    82.80 dBW   Analog TV/FM with associated audio

6425.0000 - 6650.0000 MHz   36M0G7W    80.00 dBW   QPSK, FEC 7/8, Data, Voice & Video
                                                   48.38 kbps

6425.0000 - 6650.0000 MHz   360KG7W    60.00 dBW   QPSK, FEC 1/2 FEC, Data, Voice &
                                                   Video 256 kbps

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   882KG7D    64.00 dBW   Digital Data

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   36M0G7W    80.00 dBW   Digital Multiplex, QPSK / data, voice &

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   50K0G1W    51.50 dBW   Digital SCPC, QPSK / data, voice &

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   960KF2D    82.80 dBW   Tracking, Control and In Orbit Testing

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   1M00N0N    77.60 dBW   Tracking, Control and In Orbit Testing

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   36M0F9W    80.60 dBW   Analog TV/FM with associated audio

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   360KG7W    60.00 dBW   Digital SCPC, QPSK, Data, Voice&
                                                   Video, 1/2FEC, 256 kbps

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   36M0G7W    80.00 dBW   Digital Multiplex, QPSK, Data, Voice &
                                                   Video, 7/8 FEC, 48.38 kbps

5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz   36M0F9W    82.80 dBW   Analog TV/FM with associated audio

5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz   360KG7W    60.00 dBW   Digital SCPC, QPSK, Data, Voice&
                                                   Video, 1/2FEC, 256 kbps

5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz   36M0G7W    80.00 dBW   Digital Multiplex, QPSK, Data, Voice &
                                                   Video, 7/8 FEC, 48.38 kbps

4199.0000 - 4199.0000 MHz   960KF2D                Tracking, Control and In Orbit Testing

4199.0000 - 4199.0000 MHz   1M00N0N                Tracking, Control and In Orbit Testing

3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz   882KG7D                Digital Data

3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz   36M0G7W                Digital Multiplex, QPSK / data, voice &

3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz   50K0G1W                Digital SCPC, QPSK / data, voice &

3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz   960KF2D                Tracking, Control and In Orbit Testing

                                 Page 17 of 25

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        1M00N0N                                 Tracking, Control and In Orbit Testing

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F9W                                 Analog TV/FM with associated audio

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        360KG7W                                 Digital SCPC, QPSK, Data, Voice&
                                                                                                    Video, 1/2FEC, 256 kbps

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                 Digital Multiplex, QPSK, Data, Voice &
                                                                                                    Video, 7/8 FEC, 48.38 kbps

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                 QPSK, FEC 7/8, Data, Voice & Video
                                                                                                    48.38 kbps

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        360KG7W                                 QPSK, FEC 1/2 FEC, Data, Voice &
                                                                                                    Video 256 kbps

           3659.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz                        360KG7W                                 Digital SCPC, QPSK, Data, Voice&
                                                                                                    Video, 1/2FEC, 256 kbps

           3650.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz                        36M0F9W                                 Analog TV/FM with associated audio

           3650.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                 Digital Multiplex, QPSK, Data, Voice &
                                                                                                    Video, 7/8 FEC, 48.38 kbps

           3625.0000 - 3650.0000 MHz                        36M0F9W                                 Analog TV/FM with associated audio

           3625.0000 - 3650.0000 MHz                        360KG7W                                 Digital SCPC, QPSK, Data, Voice&
                                                                                                    Video, 1/2FEC, 256 kbps

           3625.0000 - 3650.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                 Digital Multiplex, QPSK, Data, Voice &
                                                                                                    Video, 7/8 FEC, 48.38 kbps

Points of Communication:

   1 - APSTAR V - (138 E.L.)

   1 - Mabuhay (AGILA 2) - (146 E.L.)

SES-RWL-20101129-01466                   E KF77                WINDJAMMER COMMUNICATIONS LLC
Renewal                                                                                     01/10/2011 - 01/10/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                    Date Effective:             12/07/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    37 ° 2 ' 52.00 " N LAT.                                       100 ° 54 ' 35.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.3 meters          ANDREWS

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F3F

                                                                   Page 18 of 25

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101130-01467                   E E010061             COX COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
Renewal                                                                                                 02/26/2011 - 02/26/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    33 ° 34 ' 1.20 " N LAT.                                           117 ° 43 ' 42.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.5 meters            SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                  8345

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F9W                                      ANALOG AND DIGITAL VIDEO

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101201-01474                   E E990034             Vizada, Inc.
Renewal                                                                                                 02/20/2011 - 02/20/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Land Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service, International Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    41 ° 27 ' 6.00 " N LAT.                                           73 ° 17 ' 23.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          2.2M                   2.2 meters            SEATEL                              8885

           1660.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                        600HG1D           15.00 dBW                  AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                                                         Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                                                         Coordination Station

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                        24K0F3E           39.70 dBW                  STD A VOICE, SCPC-FM, , to support
                                                                                                         the Fourth Ocean Region Standard A
                                                                                                         Network Coordination Station

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                        NON               37.00 dBW                  PILOT

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                        1K20G1D           16.00 dBW                  STD-C, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                                                         Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                                                         Coordination Station

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                        600HG1D           16.00 dBW                  STD-C, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                                                         Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                                                         Coordination Station

                                                                    Page 19 of 25

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz     600KFXN     39.70 dBW   test signal

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz     1K20G1D     18.00 dBW   AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz     2K40G1D     21.00 dBW   AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz     10K5G1E     27.00 dBW   AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     24K0F3E     0.00 dBW    STD A VOICE, SCPC-FM, to support
                                                                 the Fourth Ocean Region Standard A
                                                                 Network Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     NON                     PILOT

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     1K20G1D                 STD A TEL, BPSK, to support the
                                                                 Fourth Ocean Region Standard A
                                                                 Network Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     1K20G1D                 STD-C, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     600HG1D                 STD-C, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     600HG1D                 AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     1K20G1D                 AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     2K40G1D                 AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

           1530.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz     10K5G1E                 AERO, BPSK, to support the Fourth
                                                                 Ocean Region Standard A Network
                                                                 Coordination Station

Points of Communication:

   1 - INMARSAT Ltd-3 - (15.5 W.L.)

   1 - INMARSAT-2 AOR-EAST - (17 W.L.)

   1 - INMARSAT-2 AOR-WEST - (98 W.L.)

   1 - ISAT List -

                                               Page 20 of 25

SES-RWL-20101201-01475                   E E910146             Parker Broadcasting of Dakota, LLC
Renewal                                                                                                  02/22/2011 - 02/22/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           1350 21ST AVENUE S., CASS, FARGO, ND
                    46 ° 50 ' 47.00 " N LAT.                                           96 ° 48 ' 7.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.6 meters           ANDREW                                ESA46-124

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F            72.40 dBW

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101202-01478                   E E2628               BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
Renewal                                                                                                  12/03/2010 - 12/03/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   12/03/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    46 ° 24 ' 15.00 " N LAT.                                           112 ° 43 ' 48.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters             SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                    8008

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101202-01479                   E E2786               WAVEDIVISION VI, LLC
Renewal                                                                                                  02/25/2011 - 02/25/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   12/03/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    38 ° 52 ' 26.00 " N LAT.                                           121 ° 10 ' 23.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.6 meters           SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                    8005
                                                                    Page 21 of 25

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101203-01495                   E E000650             Alascom, Inc.
Renewal                                                                                                  01/08/2011 - 01/08/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    63 ° 41 ' 28.60 " N LAT.                                           144 ° 36 ' 3.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      4.5 meters           ANDREW CORP                           ESA45-46

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        1M77G7W             56.20 dBW                 QPSK, VOICE/DATA, FEC 7/8

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        30K0F3W             48.60 dBW                 FM, VOICE/DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        1M77G7W

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        30K0F3W

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20101206-01500                   E E910084             Mt Mansfield Television Inc
Renewal                                                                                                  01/18/2011 - 01/18/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    44 ° 27 ' 2.00 " N LAT.                                            73 ° 12 ' 4.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      6.1 meters           VERTEX                                6.1KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F             74.10 dBW

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      25M0F3F             74.10 dBW

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

                                                                    Page 22 of 25

SES-RWL-20101206-01506                   E E900950           CBS Corporation
Renewal                                                                                               12/07/2010 - 12/07/2025
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:       12/06/2010

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service, International Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      2.4 meters          ANDREW                              ESA24SNG

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F            76.40 dBW

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      64K0G7E            42.60 dBW

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      26K0F3E            38.70 dBW

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   1 - PANAMSAT 5 - (194 W.L.)

   1 - PAS-1R - (45.0 W.L.)

   1 - PAS-3R - (43.0 W.L.)

   1 - PAS-4 - (191.0 W.L.)

   1 - TELSTAR 11 - (37.5 W.L.)

   1 - TELSTAR 12 - (15 W.L.)

SES-STA-20101025-01346                   E E080031           LightSquared Subsidiary LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:     12/03/2010

Class of Station:

STA granted for a period of 30 days from December 3, 2010 to January 1, 2011. Applicant seeks authority to conduct certain in-orbit testing of
SkyTerra 1.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101025-01347                   E E080030           LightSquared Subsidiary LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:     12/03/2010

Class of Station:

"STA" granted for a period of 30 days from December 3, 2010 to January 1, 2011. Applicant seeks authority to conduct certain in-orbit testing of
SkyTerra 1.

                                                                   Page 23 of 25

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101112-01422              E E990143         COMTECH MOBILE DATACOM CORP.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/07/2010

Class of Station:

Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS for a period of 60 days beginning December 7, 2010 and ending February 4,

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101112-01423              E E090027         COMTECH MOBILE DATACOM CORP.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/07/2010

Class of Station:

Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS for a period of 60 days beginning December 7, 2010 and ending February 4,

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101112-01424              E E090029         COMTECH MOBILE DATACOM CORP.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/07/2010

Class of Station:

Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS for a period of 60 days beginning December 7, 2010 and ending February 4,

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101129-01477              E E920218         Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/07/2010

Class of Station:

"STA" is granted for a period of 60 days from December 7, 2010 - February 5, 2011 for modification application SES-MOD-20101129-01476 to
operate SNG truck.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20101203-01498              E E100131         Vietnamese International Network Association
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    12/06/2010

Class of Station:

                                                           Page 24 of 25

"STA" is granted for a period of 60 days from December 6, 2010 - February 4, 2011 for pending application SES-LIC-20101203-01492. VINA
is the only source of information for more than one hundred thousand Vietnamese residents living across the United States who have limited
English ability.

Points of Communication:

SES-LIC-20101112-01421                  E100124         Vietnamese International Network Association
Application has been dismissed at applicant's request, applicant has filed a new application.
SES-STA-20101115-01429                 E100124          Vietnamese International Network Association
Application has been dismissed at applicant's request, applicant will be filing a new STA to go with the new application that has been filed.
SES-STA-20101129-01465                 KA333            Corporate Satellite Communications, Florida Inc.
STA application has been dismissed, underlying application SES-MOD-20101028-01356 has been granted.
SES-MOD-20080521-00669                  E030205         ARINC Inc
Licensee has surrendered license per letter dated September 27, 2010.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2010-12-07 17:18:09
Document Modified: 2010-12-07 17:18:09

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