Public Notice SES01226

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2010-03-17 > IB > Public Notices > SES01226

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01226                                                                                     Wednesday March 17, 2010

                                          SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES
The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission
reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and
not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any
of these applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications
accepted for filing will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for
administrative purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

SES-AFS-20091221-01601         E E030266                   GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC requests an amendment to its earth station license application in the manner specified herein. GUSA Licensee LLC is
applying for authority to operate an earth station antenna in Clifton, TX, for constellation maintenance and station-keeping. See related File No.

SITE ID:           CLFN-IOT
LOCATION:          848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                   31 ° 48 ' 2.10 " N LAT.                                           97 ° 36 ' 46.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         CLF IOT               1.2 meters         Tecom                                     204056A

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                      N0N                24.00 dBW                    Unmodulated CW for testing

   ANTENNA ID:         CLF IOT               1.2 meters         Tecom                                     203056A

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                      N0N                0.00 dBW                     Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                          EIRP density per carrier is 24.0 dBW in
                                                                                                          any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:


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SES-AFS-20091221-01607         E E970199                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:      Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC requests modification of its earth station license in the manner specified herein. This is an amendment to a pending request
for minor modification to add new telecommand and telemetry emission designators to support Globalstar's replacement satellites, and to change
the location of the Earth Station Remote Control Facility. See related File No. SES-MOD-20081023-01403.

SITE ID:          CLFN-1
LOCATION:         848 County Road, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                  31 ° 48 ' 0.20 " N LAT.                                         97 ° 36 ' 44.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         CLF RFT 1            5.5 meters         ALCATEL                                9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     50K0N0N                                      CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                      WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                      CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                     7K00G1D                                      TELEMETRY CARRIER

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W          55.00 dBW                   CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     50K0N0N          59.00 dBW                   CW FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX          59.00 dBW                   WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                      CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D          68.00 dBW                   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W          55.00 dBW                   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                      SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                     70K0G7D                                      TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                      DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                      SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                      DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                      SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                      CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                     40K0G2D          68.00 dBW                   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     N0N                                          UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                      WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                      SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

                                                               Page 2 of 34

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                   2M46G7W        55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                   2M46G2W        55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                   2M50G2D                    DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                   N0N            59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                  MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                  CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                   2M46G7W                    WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                   76K0F2D        68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

Points of Communication:



SES-LIC-20100312-00307               E E100039         VIDEOLINK INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:    Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1

   ANTENNA ID:       TRUCK 1              2.4 meters         ANDREW               ES24SNG-LTE

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 24M0G7F        65.10 dBW   COMPRESSED DIGITAL TV

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 24M0F8F        73.18 dBW   ANALOG TV FM MODULATION
                                                                                  HALF TRANSPONDER

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 36M0F8F        76.18 dBW   ANALOG TV FM MODULATION
                                                                                  FULL TRANSPONDER

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 36M0F8F                    ANALOG TV FM MODULATION
                                                                                  FULL TRANSPONDER

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 24M0F8F                    ANALOG TV FM MODULATION
                                                                                  HALF TRANSPONDER

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 24M0G7F                    COMPRESSED DIGITAL TV

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

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SES-MFS-20091221-01602         E E970381              GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, all US territories,, all US water

   ANTENNA ID:        Handheld            0 meters          Tele Communications, Inc. for           handheld units

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G7W                                        CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G7W            1.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G1W                                        CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G1W            1.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

   ANTENNA ID:        V Mobile            0 meters          Tele Communications, Inc. for           Vehicular Mobile

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G7W                                        CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G7W            8.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G1W                                        CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G1W            8.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

   ANTENNA ID:        A fixed             0 meters          Tele Communications, Inc. for           Ancillary fixed

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G7W                                        CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G7W            8.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G1W                                        CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G1W            8.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

   ANTENNA ID:        Aviation 1                            ARNAV (Size: 3.93"Lx3"Wx0.88"D)         RCOM-100

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G2W                                        CDMA/ for single-carrier AMSS

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                 1M23G2W            2.00 dBW                    Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                 1M23G1W                                        Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                             Page 4 of 34

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W         2.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

ANTENNA ID:    Telemetry              AeroAstro (Size: 2" Diameter, 2"   SRT

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   2M50G2D                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                         telemetry data

ANTENNA ID:    Aviation 2             Qualcomm (Size:                    MDSS

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for multi-carrier
                                                                         air-based or ground-based MSS

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W         2.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for multi-carrier
                                                                         air-based or ground-based MSS

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for multi-carrier
                                                                         air-based or ground-based MSS

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W         2.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for multi-carrier
                                                                         air-based or ground-based MSS

ANTENNA ID:    Handheld 2             Telex for Qualcomm                 GSP-1700

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    V Mobile 3             Tecom for Richardson Electronics   Vehicular Mobile 3

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W         4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W         4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    A Fixed 4              Richardson Electronics             Ancillary Fixed 4

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W         4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W         4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

                                      Page 5 of 34

ANTENNA ID:    MCM-4                 Tecom for Richardson Electronics   MCM-4

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for four-channel
                                                                        voice and data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        7.50 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for four-channel
                                                                        voice and data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for four-channel
                                                                        voice and data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W        7.50 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for four-channel
                                                                        voice and data

ANTENNA ID:    SDVM                  Tecom for Richardson Electronics   GSP-1720

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    V Mobile 2            Qualcomm                           GCK-1410

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        5.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        5.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    A Fixed 2             Qualcomm                           GSP-2900

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        6.70 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W        6.70 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    A Fixed 3             Ericsson                           FAU-200

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G7W        8.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz   1M23G1W        8.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

                                      Page 6 of 34

   ANTENNA ID:        SDM                                      Qualcomm                            GSP-1620

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                   CDMA/Voice and Data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                     1M23G7W          4.50 dBW                 CDMA/Voice and Data

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                     1M23G1W                                   CDMA/Voice and Data

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                     1M23G1W          4.50 dBW                 CDMA/Voice and Data

   ANTENNA ID:        PTracker                                 Axxon                               SPOT

           1610.0000 - 1621.3500 MHz                     2M50G2D          -3.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

Points of Communication:


   1 - GLOBALSTAR 2.0 - (NGSO)

SES-MFS-20091221-01603         E E990337                  GCL Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         LPMA-1
LOCATION:        Road 303 INT. KM 12.1, Caba Rojo, Cabo Rojo, PR
                 17 ° 58 ' 48.00 " N LAT.                                       67 ° 8 ' 15.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        LPMA-1                5.5 meters         Alcatel                             9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                   FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                   CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W          55.00 dBW                FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                   CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     N0N                                       UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W          55.00 dBW                CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                   WHITE NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                   CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

                                                               Page 7 of 34

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                              CARRIER FOR TESTING

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   N0N         59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                              MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                              CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA VOICE AND DATA

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   N0N                     UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                              CARRIER FOR TESTING

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                              CARRIER FOR TESTING

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   N0N         59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                              MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                              CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

Points of Communication:



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SES-MFS-20091221-01604         E E990336                   GCL Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service, Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with second-generation system and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:          LPMA-2
LOCATION:         Road 303 INT. Km12.1 Las Palmas, Caba Rojo, Cabo Rojo, PR
                  17 ° 58 ' 49.00 " N LAT.                                       67 ° 8 ' 14.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        LPA RFT2               5.5 meters         Alcatel                             9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W                                   FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                 FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W                                   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      NON                                       UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                 CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23XXX                                   WHITE NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23G2W                                   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      2M50G2D                                   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                 WHITE NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      NON             59.00 dBW                 UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                                    MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                                    CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      2M46G7W                                   WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      2M46G2W                                   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                 WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

                                                                Page 9 of 34

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W         55.00 dBW                  WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01605         E E990335                  GCL Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service, Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         LPMA-3
LOCATION:        ROAD 303 INT. KM 12.1, Caba Rojo, CABO ROJO, PR
                 17 ° 58 ' 50.00 " N LAT.                                        67 ° 8 ' 13.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        LPA RFT3              5.5 meters         Alcatel                              9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                    FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                  FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                    CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     NON                                        UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                  CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                    WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                    DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                  WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                  DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     NON             59.00 dBW                  UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                                    MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                                    CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                    WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

                                                               Page 10 of 34

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                  CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W         55.00 dBW                WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                  CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                  SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                                  MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                                  CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01606         E E050237                  GCL Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         LPMA-4
LOCATION:        Road 303 INT. KM 12.1 Las Palmas, Cabo Rojo, Cabo Rojo, PR
                 17 ° 58 ' 48.00 " N LAT.                                      67 ° 8 ' 12.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        LPA RFT4              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1H0N0N                                   Unmodulated CW for testing

                                                               Page 11 of 34

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1H0N0N      59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                    EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                    any bandwidth.

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White noise modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                    whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                    whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   NON                     Unmodulated CW for testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

                                  Page 12 of 34

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     NON             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01608         E E000342                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         CLFN-2
LOCATION:        848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                 31 ° 47 ' 57.50 " N LAT.                                      97 ° 36 ' 44.70 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        CLF RFT2              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                  direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                  channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                  spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                  Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     50K0N0N         59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for Testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     50K0N0N                                  Unmodulated CW for Testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz                     7K00G1D                                  Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                                                                  Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                                                                  @ 1000.117 bps

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                  direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                  channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                  spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                  Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand Carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                     70K0G7D                                  Telemetry carrier

                                                               Page 13 of 34

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                 N0N                                          Unmodulated CW for Testing

          6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                 7K00G1D                                      Telemetry carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                 2M46G7W                                      Wideband CDMA voice and data

          5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                 76K0F2D            68.00 dBW                 Telecommand Carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                 1M23G7W            55.00 dBW                 CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                 2M46G2W                                      Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                 40K0G2D            68.00 dBW                 Telecommand Carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                 1M23XXX                                      White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                 2M46G7W            55.00 dBW                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                 1M23G2W                                      Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                 2M46G2W            55.00 dBW                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                 2M50G2D                                      Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                 telemetry data

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                 1M23XXX            59.00 dBW                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                 1M23G2W            55.00 dBW                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                 N0N                59.00 dBW                 Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                 EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                 any bandwidth

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01609         E E000343              GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

                                                           Page 14 of 34

SITE ID:         CLFN-3
LOCATION:        848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                 31 ° 47 ' 57.40 " N LAT.                                      97 ° 36 ' 47.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       CLF RFT3               5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                  direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                  channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                  spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                  Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     50K0N0N         59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for Testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     50K0N0N                                  Unmodulated CW for Testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz                     7K00G1D                                  Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                                                                  Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                                                                  @ 1000.117 bps

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand Carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                  direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                  channels whose carriers are unifromly
                                                                                                  spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                  Mc.sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                     70K0G7D                                  Telemetry carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     NON                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                     7K00G1D                                  Telemetry carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                  Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand Carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                     40K0G2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand Carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA voice and data
                                                               Page 15 of 34

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    2M46G2W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                 telemetry data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    NON             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                 EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                 any bandwidth

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01610         E E000344                 GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         CLFN-4
LOCATION:        848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                 31 ° 48 ' 0.10 " N LAT.                                      97 ° 36 ' 48.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        Clift-RFT4           5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                 direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                 channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                 spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                 Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    1M23G7W                                  Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                 direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                 channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                 spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                 Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    50K0N0N         59.00 dBW                Unmoduldated CW for Testing.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing.

                                                              Page 16 of 34

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White noise modulated carrier for testing.

          6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz   7K00G1D                 Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                              Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                              @ 1000.117 bps.

          5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz   76K0F2D     68.00 dBW   Telecommand carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   50K0N0N                 Unmodulated CW for Testing.

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data

          6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz   70K0G7D                 Telemetry carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   N0N                     Unmoduldated CW for Testing.

          6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz   7K00G1D                 Telemetry carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

          5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz   76K0F2D     68.00 dBW   Telecommand carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz   40K0G2D     68.00 dBW   Telecommand carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                              telemetry data

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for testing.

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   N0N         59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                              EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                              any bandwidth

Points of Communication:


                                            Page 17 of 34


SES-MFS-20091221-01611         E E000345                 GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         CLFN-5
LOCATION:        848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                 31 ° 48 ' 3.00 " N LAT.                                      97 ° 36 ' 49.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        Clift-RFT5           5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                    76K0F2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand Carrier.

           6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz                    7K00G1D                                  Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                                                                 Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                                                                 @1000.117 bps.

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    1M23G7W                                  Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                 direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                 channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                 spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                 Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    50K0N0N         59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for Testing.

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    50K0N0N                                  Unmodulated CW for Testing.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing.

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                    1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                 direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                 channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                 spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                 Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                    70K0G7D                                  Telemetry carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                    7K00G1D                                  Telemetry carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                    2M46G7W                                  Wideband CDMA voice and data

                                                              Page 18 of 34

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                     40K0G2D         68.00 dBW                Telecommand carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01612         E E050347                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         WSLA-1
LOCATION:        1301 W. Winter Ct., Matanuska-Susitna, Wasilla, AK
                 61 ° 35 ' 24.60 " N LAT.                                      149 ° 29 ' 2.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        WSL RFT1              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

                                                               Page 19 of 34

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   N0N         59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                    EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                    any bandwidth.

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White noise modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for testing

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                    whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                    whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   NON                     Unmodulated CW for testing

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulation carrier for

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulation carrier for

                                  Page 20 of 34

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     NON             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01613         E E050346                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         WSLA-2
LOCATION:        1301 W. Winter Ct., Matanuska-Susitna, Wasilla, AK
                 61 ° 35 ' 24.10 " N LAT.                                      149 ° 29 ' 6.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        WSL RFT2              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

                                                               Page 21 of 34

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     NON                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                  Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     NON             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01614         E E050345                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         WSLA-3
LOCATION:        1301 W. Winter Ct., Matanuska-Susitna, Wasilla, AK
                 61 ° 35 ' 24.90 " N LAT.                                      149 ° 29 ' 9.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        WSL RFT3              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

                                                               Page 22 of 34

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White noise modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for testing

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                    whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                    whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   NON                     Unmodulated CW for testing

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   IM23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   NON         59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                    EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                    any bandwidth.

                                  Page 23 of 34

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01615         E E050097                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         SBRG-1
LOCATION:        Building #735 185 Sabre Dr., Highlands, Sebring, FL
                 27 ° 27 ' 34.30 " N LAT.                                      81 ° 21 ' 26.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        SBR RFT1              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                  Wideband CDMA voice and data

                                                               Page 24 of 34

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01616         E E050098                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         SBRG-2
LOCATION:        Building #735 185 Sabre Dr., Highlands, Sebring, FL
                 27 ° 27 ' 34.30 " N LAT.                                      81 ° 21 ' 28.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        SBR RFT2              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

                                                               Page 25 of 34

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                              telemetry data

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                              consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                              spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                              whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                              consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                              spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                              whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   N0N                     Unmodulated CW for testing

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                              telemetry data

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   N0N         59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                              EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                              any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:

                                            Page 26 of 34


SES-MFS-20091221-01617         E E050099                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         SBRG-3
LOCATION:        Building #735 185 Sabre Dr., Highlands, Sebring, FL
                 27 ° 27 ' 35.60 " N LAT.                                      81 ° 21 ' 28.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        SBR RFT3              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                  Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

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Points of Communication:



SES-MFS-20091221-01618         E E050100                  GUSA Licensee LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC request to modify its mobile satellite service earth station licenses and mobile earth terminal licenses to authorize
communications with Second-Generation System and to incorporate previously-granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority. GUSA also
request waiver of Section 304 of the Commission's rules.

SITE ID:         SBRG-4
LOCATION:        Building #735 185 Sabre Dr., Highlands, Sebring, FL
                 27 ° 27 ' 35.60 " N LAT.                                      81 ° 21 ' 26.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        SBR RFT4              5.5 meters         Alcatel                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     N0N                                      Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW                Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                  White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                  Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                  CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW                CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                  consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                  spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec channels
                                                                                                  whose carriers are uniformly spaced.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                  Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                  Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW                Wideband CDMA voice and data
                                                               Page 28 of 34

Points of Communication:



SES-MOD-20081023-01403               E E970199             GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

GUSA Licensee LLC filed a modifications application to its CLFN-1 earth station license, to add new telecommand and telemetry emission
designators to support Globalstar’s replacement satellites, and to change the location of the Earth Station remote control facility. Amendment
application file, see File No. AES-AFS-20091221-01607.

SITE ID:           CLFN-1
LOCATION:          848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                   31 ° 48 ' 0.20 " N LAT.                                          97 ° 36 ' 44.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         CLF RFT 1             5.5 meters         ALCATEL                                  9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      50K0N0N                                        CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23XXX                                        WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                         CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                      7K00G1D                                        TELEMETRY CARRIER

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W           55.00 dBW                    CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      50K0N0N           59.00 dBW                    CW FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23XXX           59.00 dBW                    WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                         CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                      76K0F2D           68.00 dBW                    TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                      1M23G2W           55.00 dBW                    DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                         SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                      70K0G7D                                        TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23G2W                                        DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                         SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      2M50G2D                                        DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                         SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W                                        CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                      40K0G2D           68.00 dBW                    TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                      1M23G7W                                        CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

                                                               Page 29 of 34

          6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                  70K0G7D                       TELEMETRY CARRIER

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                  NON                           UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

          6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                  7K00G1D                       TELEMETRY CARRIER

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                  2M46G7W                       WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

          5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                  76K0F2D           68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                  1M23G7W           55.00 dBW   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                  2M46G2W                       WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          5091.3800 - 509.6200 MHz                   40K0G2D           68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                  1M23XXX                       WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                   CARRIER FOR TESTING

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                  2M46G7W           55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

          6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz                  1M23G2W                       DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                  2M46G2W           55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                  2M50G2D                       DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                  1M23XXX           59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                   CARRIER FOR TESTING

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                  1M23G2W           55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

          5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                  NON               59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                   MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                   CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

Points of Communication:



SES-MOD-20100218-00214               E E070273         EchoStar Corporation
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Direct Broadcast Satellite Service

                                                            Page 30 of 34

EchoStar Corporation seeks a modification to its authority to operate its transmit/receive earth station with the EchoStar 6 satellite at 61.65 W.L.

SITE ID:           Mt. Jackson
LOCATION:          335 Dish Drive, Shenandoah, Quicksburg, VA
                   38 ° 43 ' 24.30 " N LAT.                                           78 ° 40 ' 0.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          VAD 1                 9 meters           Vertex                                    9 meter

            17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D              82.96 dBW                    Ranging Tones

            17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D              82.96 dBW                    Telecommand

            17790.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                  800KG2D              80.20 dBW                    TT&C

            17310.0000 - 17790.0000 MHz                  24M0G1W              86.90 dBW                    Compressed Digital Video and Data

            17300.0000 - 17800.0000 MHz                  24M0G7W              86.90 dBW                    Digital data and compressed video

            17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D              82.96 dBW                    Ranging Tones

            17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D              82.96 dBW                    Telecommand

            17300.0000 - 17310.0000 MHz                  800KG2D              80.20 dBW                    TT&C

            12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D              0.00 dBW                     Ranging Tones

            12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D              0.00 dBW                     Telemetry

            12690.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                  800KG2D                                           TT&C

            12210.0000 - 12690.0000 MHz                  24M0G1W              0.00 dBW                     Compressed Digital Video and Data

            12200.0000 - 12700.0000 MHz                  24M0G7W                                           Digital data and compressed video

            12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                  1M50F3D              0.00 dBW                     Ranging Tones

            12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                  1M50G2D              0.00 dBW                     Telemetry

            12200.0000 - 12210.0000 MHz                  800KG2D                                           TT&C

Points of Communication:

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 10 - (110 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 11 - (110 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 2 - (148 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 3 - (61.5 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 5 - (129 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 6 - (110 W.L.)

                                                                 Page 31 of 34

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 6 - (61.65 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 7 - (119 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR 8 - (110 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - ECHOSTAR I - (148.0 W.L.)

   Mt. Jackson - RAINBOW1 - (61.5 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20100218-00215               E E980082               EchoStar Corporation
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Direct Broadcast Satellite Service

EchoStar Corporation seeks a modification to its authorization to operate its transmit/receive earth station with the EchoStar 6 satellite at 61.65

SITE ID:           1
                   41 ° 7 ' 58.30 " N LAT.                                            104 ° 44 ' 9.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      13.2 meters        TIW                                      13.2 METER

            17301.0000 - 17302.0000 MHz                    1M00G2D            87.40 dBW

            12698.5000 - 12699.5000 MHz                    1M00G2D

            12202.5000 - 12203.5000 MHz                    1M00G2D

            12200.5000 - 12201.5000 MHz                    1M00G2D

Points of Communication:

   1 - ECHO2 - (118.8 DE)

   1 - ECHO-3 - (61.5 DEG)

   1 - ECHOS - (119.2 DE)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 6 - (61.65 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20100218-00216               E E980081               EchoStar Corporation
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Direct Broadcast Satellite Service

EchoStar Corporation seeks to modify its authorization to operate its transmit/receive earth station with the EchoStar 6 satellite at 61.65 W.L.

SITE ID:           1
                   41 ° 7 ' 58.30 " N LAT.                                            104 ° 44 ' 9.10 " W LONG.

                                                                  Page 32 of 34

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       13.2 meters        TIW                                   13.2 METER

           17301.0000 - 17302.0000 MHz                   1M00G2D              87.40 dBW

           12698.5000 - 12699.5000 MHz                   1M00G2D

           12202.5000 - 12203.5000 MHz                   1M00G2D

           12200.5000 - 12201.5000 MHz                   1M00G2D

Points of Communication:

   1 - ECHO2 - (118.8 DE)

   1 - ECHO-3 - (61.5 DEG)

   1 - ECHOS - (119.2 DE)

   1 - ECHOSTAR 6 - (61.65 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20100226-00265               E E900081               GeoLogic Solutions, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:         Mobile Satellite Service

This application seeks to modify the license of satellite earth station E900081 to permit GeoLogic to operate its authorized half-duplex METS in
the lower L-band until April 30, 2011. All technical parameters remain the same.

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          30,000 half-duplex METs in CONUS, AK, HI PR, USVI & coastal areas up to 200 miles, offshore

   ANTENNA ID:         3                                          VISTAR                                1000000 standard C
                                                                  TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.

           1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                     2K40G1D              6.00 dBW                  Multimode Mobile Messaging Service

           1545.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz                     2K40G1D                                        Multimode Mobile Messaging Service

Points of Communication:

   1 - AMSC 1 - (103 W.L.)

   1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

   1 - SKYTERRA 1 - (101.3 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20100301-00279            E E070245                  SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY COMPANY
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       VSAT Network

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

"MOD" to add emission designators, increase number of remotes units, and increase power on it's existing VSAT Network System.

                                                                  Page 33 of 34

SITE ID:         2REMOTE

   ANTENNA ID:       REMT 1               1.2 meters        PRODELIN CORP.                   1134

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 873KG7D      47.90 dBW                DIGITAL DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 873KG7D                               DIGITAL DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 4M13G7W      52.75 dBW                DIGITAL

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 1M03G7W      46.75 dBW                DIGITAL

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 5M45G7W                               DIGITAL

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 1M36G7W                               DIGITAL

SITE ID:         1HUB
                 35 ° 4 ' 5.90 " N LAT.                                   92 ° 25 ' 8.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       HUB1                 3.8 meters        PRODELIN CORP.                   1383

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 833KG7D      48.20 dBW                DIGITAL DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 833KG7D                               DIGITAL DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 5M45G7W      53.95 dBW                DIGITAL

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 1M36G7W      47.95 dBW                DIGITAL

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 4M13G7W                               DIGITAL

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 1M03G7W                               DIGITAL

Points of Communication:


   1HUB - AMC-15 - (105 W.L.)


   2REMOTE - AMC-15 - (105 W.L.)

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

                                                            Page 34 of 34

Document Created: 2010-03-16 17:29:06
Document Modified: 2010-03-16 17:29:06

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