Public Notice SAT00502

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2008-02-15 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00502

                     PUBLIC NOTICE
                     445 12th STREET S.W.
                     WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                     News media information 202-418-0500
                     Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                     TTY (202) 418-2555
                                                                                          DA No.              08-394
 Report No. SAT-00502                                                                Friday February 15, 2008

                                             POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                                              Actions Taken
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
date of these actions is the release date of this Notice, except where an effective date is specified.

SAT-AMD-20071113-00156             E S2617            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                          Effective Date:    02/14/2008

Nature of Service:    Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

See File No. SAT-MOD-20070912-00125, granted Feb. 14, 2008.

SAT-AMD-20071113-00158             E S2119            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                          Effective Date:    02/14/2008

Nature of Service:    Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

See File No. SAT-MOD-20070912-00123, granted Feb. 14, 2008.

SAT-AMD-20080129-00031             E S2118            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                          Effective Date:    02/14/2008

Nature of Service:    Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

See File No. SAT-MOD-20070912-00124, granted Feb. 14, 2008.

SAT-AMD-20080129-00032             E S2119            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                          Effective Date:    02/14/2008

Nature of Service:    Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

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See File No. SAT-MOD-20070912-00123, granted Feb. 14, 2008.

SAT-AMD-20080129-00033                E S2617            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Effective Date:     02/14/2008

Nature of Service:      Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

See File No. SAT-MOD-20070912-00125, granted Feb. 14, 2008.

SAT-MOD-20070911-00123                E S2119            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Effective Date:     02/14/2008

Nature of Service:      Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

On February 14, 2008, the Satellite Policy Branch granted, subject to conditions, the application of XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio) to modify its
authorization to operate the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) satellite, XM-2 (Call Sign S2119). Specifically, XM Radio is
authorized to operate the XM-2 satellite at the 85.217º W.L. orbital location as a non-transmitting (except for telemetry transmissions in the
2332.5-2345 MHz frequency band) in-orbit spare for the duration of the license term of the satellite. XM Radio is authorized to activate the
communications payloads of XM-2 in the 2332.5-2345 MHz frequency band in the event of a service outage of the XM-3 (Call Sign S2617) or
XM-4 (Call Sign S2616) satellites.

SAT-MOD-20070912-00124                E S2118            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Effective Date:     02/14/2008

Nature of Service:      Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

On February 14, 2008, the Satellite Policy Branch granted, subject to conditions, the application of XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio) to modify its
authorization to operate the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) satellite, XM-1 (Call Sign S2118). Specifically, XM Radio is
authorized to operate the XM-1 satellite at the 85.150º W.L. orbital location as a non-transmitting (except for telemetry transmissions in the
2332.5-2345 MHz frequency band) in-orbit spare for the duration of the license term of the satellite. XM Radio is authorized to activate the
communications payloads of XM-1 in the 2332.5-2345 MHz frequency band in the event of a service outage of the XM-3 (Call Sign S2617) or
XM-4 (Call Sign S2616) satellites.

SAT-MOD-20070912-00125                E S2617            XM Radio Inc.
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Effective Date:     02/14/2008

Nature of Service:      Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

On February 14, 2008, the Satellite Policy Branch granted, subject to conditions, the application of XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio) to modify its
authorization to operate the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) satellite, XM-3 (Call Sign S2617). Specifically, XM Radio is
authorized to operate the XM-3 satellite at the 85.083º W.L. orbital location.

SAT-PPL-20071113-00159                 E S2742            Star One S.A.
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to be Added to the Permitted List
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Effective Date:     02/07/2008

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Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

On February 7, 2008, the Policy Branch granted with conditions pursuant to Sections 303(r), 308, 309, and 310 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 303(r), 308, 309, 310, and Sections 0.261 and 25.137(c) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.261,
25.137(c), the Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed by Star One SA to add the hybrid C and Ku-band Star One C5 satellite (Call Sign: S2742)
located at the 68° W.L. orbital location, which is licensed by Brazil, to the Commission's Permitted Space Station List. Accordingly, each
U.S.-licensed earth station with "ALSAT" designated as a point of communication may provide Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) in the 14000-14500
MHz (Earth-to-space), 11700-12200 MHz (space-to-Earth), 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency
bands, to, from, or within the United States, by accessing the Star One C5 satellite (Call Sign: S2742) at the 68° W.L. orbital location, in
accordance with the terms, conditions and technical specifications set forth in Star One's Petition for Declaratory Ruling, the Commission's Rules,
and subject to the conditions attached to grant.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2008-02-14 17:21:52
Document Modified: 2008-02-14 17:21:52

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