Public Notice SES00955

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2007-08-15 > IB > Public Notices > SES00955

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-00955                                                                       Wednesday August 15, 2007

                                                              RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

SES-LIC-20070627-00874                   E E070128            WMC License Subsidiary, LLC
Application for Authority                                                                   08/10/2007 - 08/10/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                    Date Effective:    08/10/2007

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.2 meters         AVL Technologies         AVL-12MUSA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W         64.47 dBW      One 36 Mbit MCPC digital carrier for

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20070706-00902                   E E070137            THE SATELLITE CENTER, INC.
Application for Authority                                                                   08/14/2007 - 08/14/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                    Date Effective:    08/14/2007

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          T1                      4.1 meters         COMTECH                  OFFSAT

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         36M0F8W                        ANALOG VIDEO WITH
                                                                                            ASSOCIATED AUDIO SUBCARRIERS

                                                                   Page 1 of 11

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       100KG7W-                            DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, AND DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       72M0G7W                             DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, AND DATA

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                       36M0F8W     72.40 dBW               ANALOG VIDEO WITH
                                                                                               ASSOCIATED AUDIO SUBCARRIERS

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                       72M0G7W     72.40 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, AND DATA

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                       100KG7W-    57.20 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20070706-00904                 E E070138            THE BOEING COMPANY
Application for Authority                                                                      08/14/2007 - 08/14/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                       Date Effective:   08/14/2007

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           20403 68TH AVE S. (3.7M KENT), KING, KENT, WA
                    47 ° 25 ' 7.50 " N LAT.                                  122 ° 15 ' 11.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          3.7M KENT             3.7 meters        ANDREWS                        ESA37AAP-1

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     32M4G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     29M5G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     24M3G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     20M0G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     11M9G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     6M75G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     5M00G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     4M00G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     3M00G7D     67.08 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     2M00G7D     65.14 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     1M50G7D     64.60 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     1M00G7D     62.60 dBW               Digital Data Carrier

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          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   768KG7D    61.60 dBW   Digital Data Carrier

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   512KG7D    60.10 dBW   Digital Data Carrier

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   256KG7D    57.10 dBW   Digital Data Carrier

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   128KG7D    54.10 dBW   Digital Data Carrier

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   64K0G7D    51.10 dBW   Digital Data Carrier

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   32K0G7D    48.10 dBW   Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   32K0G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   64K0G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   128KG7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   256KG7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   512KG7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   768KG7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   1M00G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   1M50G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   2M00G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   3M00G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   4M00G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   5M00G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   6M75G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   11M9G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   20M0G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   24M3G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   29M5G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   32M4G7D    0.00 dBW    Digital Data Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

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SES-LIC-20070709-00912                 E E070139             INTELSAT LLC
Application for Authority                                                                               08/14/2007 - 08/14/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   08/14/2007

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    39 ° 35 ' 57.49 " N LAT.                                          77 ° 45 ' 18.43 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          MTN-K13                13.1 meters        VERTEX                                 13KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      64K0G7W           61.80 dBW                  DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W           85.00 dBW                  DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      64K0G7W                                      DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MFS-20070306-00299                 E E060351             Loral Skynet Network Services, Inc.
Modification                                                                                            12/12/2006 - 12/12/2021
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   08/08/2007

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            4.6 T14
LOCATION:           1305 Industrial Park Road, Shenandoah, Mt. Jackson, VA
                    38 ° 43 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                          78 ° 39 ' 28.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          4.6 T14                4.6 meters         Vertex                                 4.6M KPC

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      480KG7D           0.00 dBW                   640 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .667

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      319KG7D                                      425 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .667

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      2M13G1D           61.80 dBW                  2110 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .495

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      2M13G1D                                      2110 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .495

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      1M22G1D                                      1300 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .553

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           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    1M22G1D            59.80 dBW                   1300 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .553

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    1M07G7D                                        1695 kbps QPSK, FEC TPC .793

           13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    1M76G7W            57.10 dBW                   1560 kbps QPSK FEC TPC .5333 SCPC

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    624KG1W                                        1560 kbps QPSK FEC TPC .5333 SCPC

Points of Communication:

   4.6 T14 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   4.6 T14 - ESTRELA DO SUL 1 - (63 W.L.)

SES-MFS-20070502-00542                 E E990541           Loral Cyberstar L.L.C.
Modification                                                                                            02/28/2000 - 02/28/2010
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   08/08/2007

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service, International Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            MT JACKSON 9M
                    38 ° 43 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                          78 ° 39 ' 24.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          9M                     9 meters          VERTEX                                  9KPC

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W            84.74 dBW                   QPSK, VOICE, FACSIMILE, VIDEO
                                                                                                         AND DATA SERVICES

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    1M80G7W            60.60 dBW                   QPSK, VOICE, FACSIMILE, VIDEO
                                                                                                         AND DATA SERVICES

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    7M04G7W            66.50 dBW                   QPSK, VOICE, FACSIMILE, VIDEO
                                                                                                         AND DATA SERVICES

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    50K0G1W                                        DIGITAL SCPC CARRIER, QPSK

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    1M80G1W                                        DIGITAL SCPC CARRIER, QPSK

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    4M50G7W                                        QPSK, VOICE, FACSIMILE, VIDEO
                                                                                                         AND DATA SERVICES

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    3M45G1W                                        6.839625 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC,
                                                                                                         0.793, TDMA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    3M45G1W                                        5.6925 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.66,

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    3M45G1W                                        4.55975 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

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11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   3M45G1W                3.795 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.66,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                152.256 KBPS 8PSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                126.72 KBPS 8PSK, FEC TPC, 0.66,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                101.504 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                84.48 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.66,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                68.224 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.533,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                55.168 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.431,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                50.752 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                42.24 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.66,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                34.112 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.533,

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   76K8G1W                27.584 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.431,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   6M90G7W    77.20 dBW   9.1195 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   6M90G7W    77.20 dBW   5.6925 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.495,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   30.3255 MBPS 8PSK, FEC TPC, 0.879,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   27.3585 MBPS 8PSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   20.217 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.879,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   18.239 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   12.259 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.533,

13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   11.385 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.495,

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          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   9.913 MBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.431,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   10,1085 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.879,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   9.1195 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   6.1295 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.533,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   5.6925 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.495,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   13M8G7W    77.20 dBW   4.9565 MBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.431,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   168,768 KBPS 8PSK, FEC TPC, 0.879,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   152.256 KBPS 8PSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   112.512 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.879,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   101.504 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   68.224 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.533,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   63.36 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.495,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   55.168 KBPS QPSK, FEC TPC, 0.431,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   56.256 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.879,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   50.752 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.793,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   34.112 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.533,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   31.68 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.495,

          13800.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   76K8G1W    77.20 dBW   27.584 KBPS BPSK, FEC TPC, 0.431,

Points of Communication:


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   MT JACKSON 9M - ANIK E1 - (118.7 W.L.)

   MT JACKSON 9M - ANIK E2 - (111.1 W.L)


   MT JACKSON 9M - SATMEX-5 - (116.8 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20070427-00525                 E E040125            Intelsat North America LLC c/o Intelsat Corporation
Application for Modification                                                                            04/20/2004 - 04/20/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   08/14/2007

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            Nuevo
LOCATION:           22401 Juniper Flats Road, Riverside, Nuevo, CA
                    33 ° 47 ' 43.60 " N LAT.                                        117 ° 5 ' 20.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          A1                     11 meters         Vertex Comm.                           11 KPC

           6423.5000 - 6423.5000 MHz                       800KFXD           88.50 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           6420.5000 - 6425.0000 MHz                       800KFXD           89.00 dBW                  LEOP

           6176.3000 - 6176.3000 MHz                       800KFXD           89.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           6175.0000 - 6175.0000 MHz                       800KFXD           89.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           6173.7000 - 6173.7000 MHz                       800KFXD           89.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           6108.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                       800KFXD           77.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           6049.0000 - 6078.0000 MHz                       800KFXD           77.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           5960.0000 - 5989.0000 MHz                       800KFXD           77.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           5926.5000 - 5926.5000 MHz                       800KFXD           86.60 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           5925.0000 - 5930.0000 MHz                       800KFXD           77.00 dBW                  TT&C Carrier

           5925.0000 - 5929.5000 MHz                       800KFXD           86.50 dBW                  LEOP

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       350KFXD                                      TT&C Carrier

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       800KFXD                                      TT&C Carrier

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F                                      Analog Video

           6019.6000 - 6271.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F           82.00 dBW                  Analog Video

           6301.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                       36M0F3F           82.00 dBW                  Analog Video

                                                                  Page 8 of 11

           6603.5000 - 6649.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F          82.00 dBW                Analog Video

           6301.3000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      73M0G7W          82.00 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6525.0000 - 6539.0000 MHz                      12M0G7W          82.00 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      72M0G7W                                   Data Video, Voice and Data

           5925.0000 - 5930.0000 MHz                      4M80G7W          82.00 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6019.6000 - 6271.0000 MHz                      72M0G7W          82.00 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6551.0000 - 6579.0000 MHz                      26M0G7W          82.00 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6603.5000 - 6650.0000 MHz                      44M5G7W          82.00 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-                                  Data Video, Voice and Data

           5925.0000 - 5930.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-         62.70 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6019.6000 - 6271.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-         62.70 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6301.3000 - 6425.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-         62.70 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6525.0000 - 6539.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-         62.70 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6551.0000 - 6579.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-         62.70 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

           6603.5000 - 6650.0000 MHz                      43K8G7W-         62.70 dBW                Data Video, Voice and Data

Points of Communication:

   Nuevo - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   Nuevo - INTELSAT 805 - (304.5 E.L.)

   Nuevo - LEOP - (LEOP)

SES-MOD-20070706-00903                   E E5945               BLUESTONE LICENSE HOLDINGS INC.
Application for Modification                                                                       07/08/2003 - 07/08/2018
Grant of Authority                                                                                           Date Effective:     08/14/2007

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    32 ° 30 ' 19.40 " N LAT.                                     99 ° 45 ' 20.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      7 meters            SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA               8010

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7F                                   COMPRESSED DIGITAL VIDEO

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           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F                                         STANDARD ANALOG VIDEO

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20070806-01045                   E E873597             Service Electric Cable TV of NJ
Renewal                                                                                                  08/21/2007 - 08/21/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   08/08/2007

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    48 ° 8 ' 34.00 " N LAT.                                            74 ° 32 ' 24.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters             ATC/SIMULSAT

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20070807-01049                   E E870895             Cox Communications Kansas, LLC
Renewal                                                                                                  09/04/2007 - 09/04/2022
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   08/08/2007

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    37 ° 48 ' 38.00 " N LAT.                                           100 ° 3 ' 2.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      5 meters             SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                    8008

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36000F9

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-STA-20070112-00112                   E E070006             Horizon Mobile Communications, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
                                                                                                                   Date Effective:
Class of Station:

                                                                    Page 10 of 11

On August 14, 2007, the Satellite Division granted the request of Horizon Mobile Communications Inc ("Horizon") to designate its application for
special temporary authority to provide Mobile Satellite Services in the L-band with Inmarsat's 4F2 satellite, to be located at 52.75° W.L. as
"permit-but-disclose" for purposes of the Commission's rules governing ex parte communications. See Motion to Designate Proceeding as
"Permit-But-Disclose," filed by Horizon Mobile Communications Inc. on August 7, 2007. We find that designating Horizon's application as
"permit-but-disclose" will facilitate resolution of the complex policy issues raised by the application. Thus, we designate IBFS File No.
SES-STA-20070112-00112 as "permit-but-disclose," effective August 14, 2007. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200(a), 1.1206 and 1.1208 note 2. This
action is without prejudice to any determination regarding the processing of the application.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20070709-00908                 E E060382           HNS License Sub, LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:     08/10/2007

Class of Station:

Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED with condition for a period of 30 days beginning August 14, 2007 and ending September 13, 2007.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20070709-00909                 E E060383           HNS License Sub, LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:     08/10/2007

Class of Station:

Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED with condition for a period of 30 days beginning August 14, 2007 and ending September 13, 2007.

Points of Communication:

SES-MFS-20070514-00640                  KB34            Telenor Satellite, Inc.
Telenor Satellite, Inc. (Telenor) modification application is without prejudice dismissed as defective, see DA 07-3616, released August 14,
SES-MFS-20070607-00768                   E000285         Telenor Satellite, Inc.
Telenor Satellite, Inc. (Telenor) modification application is without prejudice dismissed as defective, see DA 07-3614, released August 14,
SES-MOD-20070802-01029                   E060382         HNS License Sub, LLC
HNS License Sub, LLC (HNS) modification application is without prejudice dismissed as defective, see DA 07-3591, released August 13,
SES-MOD-20070802-01030            E060383          HNS License Sub, LLC
HNS License Sub, LLC (HNS) modification application is without prejudice dismissed as defective, see DA 07-3591, released August 13,
SES-RWL-19970729-01025                  E873415         AT&T BROADBAND OF OHIO, LLC
Licensee has surrendered license, per letter dated August 3, 2007.
SES-RWL-20020705-01100                  E920689         Comcast of San Joaquin, Inc.
Licensee has surrendered license, per letter dated August 3, 2007.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite and Radiocommunication Division at 418-0719; TTY

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Document Created: 2007-08-14 16:52:02
Document Modified: 2007-08-14 16:52:02

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