Public Notice SAT00464

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2007-08-10 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00464

Filings Included

File NumberService
SAT-AMD-20070731-00108Satellite Space Station
SAT-MOD-20070730-00107Satellite Space Station
SAT-AMD-20070716-00102Satellite Space Station
SAT-MOD-20070628-00090Satellite Space Station

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SAT-00464                                                                                           Friday August 10, 2007

                                                 POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                           Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing
The applications listed below have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission
reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined the application is not in
conformance with the Commission's rules or its policies. Consideration of each satellite application in this Public
Notice may depend on the Commission's action on another satellite application earlier in the queue. Petitions,
oppositions and other pleadings filed in response to this notice should conform to Section 25.154 of the Commission's
rules, unless otherwise noted. 47 C.F.R. § 25.154.

SAT-AMD-20070716-00102            E S2237                 PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Date Filed: 07/16/2007 15:20:03:69600

PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (PanAmSat) filed an amendment to its pending request to modify (SAT-MOD-20070207-00027) its existing
authorization to launch and operate a C/Ku-band satellite (Call Sign: S2237) in the 3700-4200 MHz, 5925-6425 MHz, 12.25-12.75 GHz, and
14.0-14.5 GHz frequency bands. In its amendment, PanAmSat seeks to change the orbital location to the 43.1 W.L. orbital location, to revise its
orbital debris mitigation statement, and requests a waiver of section 25.283(c) (requiring discharge of all stored energy sources remaining in the
satellite upon de-orbiting) of the Commission's rules.

SAT-AMD-20070731-00108            E S2423                 PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp.
Date Filed: 07/31/2007 15:27:39:21000

PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp. (PanAmSat) filed an amendment of its pending modification request (SAT-MOD-20070628-00090). PanAmsat
seeks to revise its orbital debris mitigation statement and to requests a waiver of section 25.283(c) (requiring discharge of all stored energy
sources remaining in the satellite upon de-orbiting). See description of SAT-MOD-20070628-00090 for more information.

SAT-MOD-20070628-00090            E S2423                 PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp.
Date Filed: 06/28/2007 16:01:41:65000

PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp. (PanAmSat) filed a modification to its existing authorization to operate a Ku-band space station (Call Sign:
S2423) in the 11.7-12.2 GHz (space to Earth) and 14.0-14.5 (Earth to space) frequency bands. PanAmSat seeks to change the orbital location
from 74.0 W.L. to 74.05 W.L., and to make a number of technical changes to the spacecraft and its operating parameters. PanAmSat requests a
waiver of section 25.114(d)(3) (requiring predicted antenna gain contour plots).

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SAT-MOD-20070730-00107            E S2129               DG Consents Sub, Inc.
Date Filed: 07/30/2007 19:54:42:95600

DG Consent Sub, Inc. (DG Consent) has filed a modification to its existing Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS), nongeostationary orbit
(NGSO) satellite system authorization which operates in the 8025-8400 MHz frequency bands. In its modification request, DG Consent seeks to:
(1) make adjustments to the WorldView 60 satellite's orbital apogee and perigee, (2) add a new satellite, WorldView 110, into its EESS
constellation thereby bringing the total number of additional authorized satellites in its non-GSO EESS system to three, and (3) update the
emission designators for the WorldView 60 satellite (with the updated parameters also applying to the WorldView 110 satellite).

Consistent with DigitalGlobe, Inc., Modification of Authorization to Construct, Launch and Operate a Remote-Sensing Satellite System, Order
and Authorization, DA 05-2640 (rel. Sept. 30, 2005), we will consider DG Consents's application pursuant to the first-come, first-served
procedure adopted in the Amendment of the Commission's Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order, IB Docket No.
02-34, 18 FCC Rcd 10760 (2003).

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2007-08-09 16:46:33
Document Modified: 2007-08-09 16:46:33

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