Public Notice SAT00377

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2006-08-04 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00377

Filings Included

File NumberService
SAT-PPL-20060726-00082Satellite Space Station
SAT-PPL-20060724-00079Satellite Space Station
SAT-STA-20060718-00077Satellite Space Station

                      PUBLIC NOTICE
                      445 12th STREET S.W.
                      WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                      News media information 202-418-0500
                      Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                      TTY (202) 418-2555
                                                                                             DA No.                      06-1590
 Report No. SAT-00377                                                                                  Friday August 4, 2006

                                                 POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                                            Actions Taken
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
date of these actions is the release date of this Notice, except were an effective date is specified.

SAT-PPL-20060724-00079              E S2592           Intelsat North America LLC
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to be Added to the Permitted List
                                                                                                       Effective Date:

Nature of Service:     Fixed Satellite Service

Intelsat North America LLC filed a pro forma transfer of control of the C-band portion of Intelsat Americas-13 satellite (IA-13),
owned by Intelsat North America LLC, from Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. to Intelsat Intermediate Holding Company, Ltd. The IA-13
satellite is on the Commission's Permitted List. The pro forma transaction was consummated on July 3, 2006, and took place
consistent to the Commission's authorization of the transfer of control of Intelsat Corporation (formerly PanAmSat Corporation) to
Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. See Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 06-85 (rel. June 19, 2006)(Intelsat/PAS Order).

Pursuant to section 25.137(g) of the Commission's rules, the Satellite Division seeks comment on whether the transaction affected any
of the considerations made when the previous satellite operator was allowed to enter the U.S. market. See Public Notice, Report No.
SAT-00288 (rel. April 29, 2005).

SAT-PPL-20060726-00082              E S2475           Horizons Satellite LLC
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to be Added to the Permitted List
                                                                                                       Effective Date:

Nature of Service:     Direct to Home Fixed Satellite, Fixed Satellite Service

Intelsat Holdings, Ltd., acquired 50% ownership of Horizons Satellite LLC, which owns the Horizons I satellite. The Horizons I
satellite is on the Commission's Permitted List. The transaction was consummated on July 3, 2006, and took place consistent to the
Commission's authorization of the transfer of control of Intelsat Corporation (formerly PanAmSat Corporation) to Intelsat Holdings,
Ltd. See Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 06-85, (rel. June 19, 2006)(Intelsat/PAS Order). Pursuant to Section 25.137(g) of
the Commission's rules, the Satellite Division seeks comment on whether the transaction affects any of the considerations made when
the original satellite operator, Horizons Satellite LLC, was allowed to enter the U.S. market.

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SAT-STA-20060718-00077              E S2377           PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                         Effective Date:    07/27/2006

Nature of Service:     Fixed Satellite Service

On July 27, 2006, the Policy Branch granted with conditions PanAmSat Licensee Corp.'s (PanAmSat's) application,
SAT-STA-20060718-00077 (Call Sign: S 2377). Accordingly, PanAmSat is authorized, for the period of 30 days commencing on July
31, 2006, to relocate Galaxy 4R from 99.0 W.L. to 98.9 W.L. for the purpose of handing off communications traffic to its
replacement satellite, Galaxy 16, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, the
attachment to grant, and the Federal Communications Commission's Rules.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2019-04-12 08:58:45
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 08:58:45

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