Public Notice SAT00347

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2006-03-10 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00347

                      PUBLIC NOTICE
                      445 12th STREET S.W.
                      WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

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 Report No. SAT-00347                                                                                 Friday March 10, 2006

                                              POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                       Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing
The applications listed below have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined the application is not in
conformance with the Commission's rules or its policies. Consideration of each satellite application in this Public Notice
may depend on the Commission's action on another satellite application earlier in the queue. Petitions, oppositions and
other pleadings filed in response to this notice should conform to Section 25.154 of the Commission's rules, unless
otherwise noted. 47 C.F.R. § 25.154.

SAT-AMD-20051114-00216             E S2669          DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
Date Filed: 11/14/2005 15:42:40:27000

On November 14, 2005, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC filed an amendment, SAT-AMD-20051114-00216. The purpose of this
amendment is to: (1) amend its orbital debris mitigation statement (see Public Notice, DA 05-2698, Report No. SPB-112 (rel. Oct. 13,
2005)); (2) change the requested orbital location of the DIRECTV 9S satellite from 101.125° WL to 101.10° WL; and (3) update
ownership information as follows: Exhibit B of original applications (IBFS File Nos. SAT-RPL-20050322-00070 (DBS) and
SAT-LOA-20050822-00165 (Ka-band) (dismissed on November 17, 2005)) listed Liberty Media Corporation as a principal
shareholder of News Corporation, with an approximately 18 percent equity and 9.1 percent voting interest. The amendment notified
us that Liberty now holds an approximately 17 percent equity and 18 percent voting interest in News Corporation. News Corporation
owns Fox Entertainment Group, Inc., which owns 34 percent of the equity and voting stock of DIRECTV Group. DIRECTV Group
owns DIRECTV Holdings, LLC, which owns DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC.

SAT-AMD-20060306-00025             E S2663          Hughes Communications, Inc.
Date Filed: 03/06/2006 18:04:36:18300

Hughes Communications, Inc. (Hughes) has filed an application to amend a pending modification of its authority to launch and operate
a Ka-band fixed-satellite at 95° W.L. Specifically, Hughes now seeks authority to launch and operate its Ka-band satellite
(SPACEWAY 3) at the 94.95° W.L. orbital location. The satellite will operate in the following frequencies: downlink frequencies
19.7-20.2 GHz, and uplink frequencies 29.5-30.0 GHz. The amendment seeks to (1) update the system’s design to incorporate the
technical characteristics of the SPACEWAY 3 spacecraft; (2) combine onto a single satellite at 94.95º W.L. the individual Ka-band
payloads originally authorized for deployment on two satellites at 95° W.L.; and (3) reduce the spectrum to be implemented on the
network from 2 x 1000 MHz in the Ka-band FSS frequencies designated for use by geostationary orbit satellites to the upper 2 x 500
MHz of spectrum in those FSS bands.

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Hughes has also requested several waivers in this application. Hughes has requested a waiver of numerous subsections of
Section 25.114(c)(4) of the Commission’s Rules as applied to Schedule S and on-board processing. In particular, Hughes requests
waivers to provide (1) final amplifier output power and losses to the spacecraft transmit antenna; (2) identification of which antenna
beams are connected to each transponder beam and TT&C function; (3) on FCC Form 312, Schedule S, the relationship between the
satellite receive antenna gain pattern and the gain-to-temperature ("G/T") ratio and saturation flux density ("SFD") for each antenna
beam; (4) the gain of each transponder channel, including adjustable gain-step capabilities; and (5) the predicted receiver and
transmitter channel filter response characteristics. Hughes has also requested waivers of (1) Section 25.114(d)(3), to provide plots of
antenna gain contours for approximately 900 beams in Schedule S; (2) Section 25.202(g), to conduct telemetry, tracking, and
telecommand functions at either or both "edges" of the allocated band, and that frequencies, polarization, and coding are to be selected
to minimize interference into other satellite networks and within the subject system; and (3) Section 25.210(i), to design space station
antennas in the FSS to meet a cross-polarization isolation of 30 dB within the primary coverage area of the antenna.

SAT-MOD-20060228-00017              E S2460           PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Date Filed: 02/28/2006 16:36:44:14300

PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") requests a modification of its license for PAS-5 to permit a change in the position of one of
the spacecraft’s downlink beams. Specifically, it is proposed that PAS-5’s vertically polarized Southeast Asia downlink beam be pointed
further southeast relative to its licensed position in order to provide coverage of New Zealand on the frequency band 12250 - 12750
MHz. PanAmSat is authorized to operate PAS-5 at 166° EL using the frequency bands of 5925 - 6425 MHz, 3700 - 4200 MHz,
14000 - 14500 MHz and 12250 - 12750 MHz (see FCC file Nos. SAT-MOD-19980928-00078, SAT-AMD-19990222-00024,
SAT-AMD-20020326-00055 and SAT-AMD-20051116-00220).

SAT-MOD-20060303-00019              E S2381           PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Date Filed: 03/03/2006 11:59:25:56600

PanAmSat Licensee Corp. requests waivers of footnote NG 104 of the U.S. Table of Allocations and footnote 2 of Section
25.202(a)(1) of the rules so it can provide service between U.S. domestic points via its Galaxy 3C satellite, on a non-interference basis,
using frequencies in the 11.45-11.70 GHz band.

SAT-STA-20060228-00016              E                 PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Date Filed: 02/28/2006 15:26:52:26300
Special Temporary Authority

On January 25, 2006, PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") requested Special Temporary Authority ("STA") for 30 days to
repoint the Southeast Asia downlink beam on PAS-5 (File No. SAT-STA-20060125-00009). The International Bureau granted
PanAmSat’s STA request on February 17, 2006, for the 30-day period ending on March 19, 2006. PanAmSat is requesting a 180-day
extension of its STA. PanAmSat has also is filed a modification of the license for PAS-5 to take into account the repointing of the
Southeast Asia downlink beam (see File No. SAT-MOD-20060228-00017).

SAT-STA-20060302-00018              E                 SES Americom, Inc.
Date Filed: 03/02/2006 18:32:56:76300
Special Temporary Authority

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SES Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom") has filed a request for special temporary authority for a period of 120 days to relocate its
C-band Satcom C-4 satellite from 85º W.L. to the 103.1º W.L. orbital position and to operate the Telemetry, Tracking and Command
frequencies payload at that location. SES Americom does not propose to provide C-band services over the satellite at 103.1º W.L. SES
Americom makes this STA request because it will facilitate its planned further relocation of Satcom C-4 to 105º W.L., where SES
Americom intends to operate pursuant to a license issued by the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority. It will also permit SES Americom to
put Satcom C-4 in position to provide back-up capacity as needed in that portion of the arc.

SAT-STA-20060303-00023              E S2232           EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation
Date Filed: 03/03/2006 19:46:04:43300
Special Temporary Authority

EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation (EchoStar) has filed an application for special temporary authority to move EchoStar 6 to
110.4° W.L. EchoStar proposes to store the satellite at that location as an in-orbit spare for 180 days. In a separate filing, EchoStar
has also applied to move EchoStar 6 from its current position at 110.2° W.L. to 110.35° W.L., where EchoStar proposes to operate
temporarily while traffic is being transferred to the new EchoStar 10 satellite. (See File No. SAT-STA-20060303-00022.) EchoStar
proposes the instant STA to move the EchoStar 6 satellite from 110.35° W.L. to 110.4° W.L. once traffic transfer is complete, where
it will be operated only on its TT&C frequencies as an in-orbit spare.

Accepting this STA request for filing is without prejudice to action on EchoStar's pending application, IBFS File No.
SAT-LOA-20051221-00267 (Call Sign S2694).

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2019-04-20 14:27:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 14:27:39

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