Public Notice SCL00013

Action Taken Public Notice

Submarine Cable Landing

2005-12-13 > IB > Public Notices > SCL00013

Filings Included

File NumberService
SCL-ASG-20051025-00027Submarine Cable Landing

                    PUBLIC NOTICE
                    445 12th STREET S.W.
                    WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

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                                                                                           DA No.            05-3176
 Report No. SCL-00013                                                                  Tuesday December 13, 2005

   Section 1.767(a) Cable Landing Licenses, Modifications, and Assignments or Transfers of Control of Interests in
                                   Cable Landing Licenses (47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a))

By the Chief, Policy Division, International Bureau:

Pursuant to An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39
(Cable Landing License Act), Executive Order No. 10530, Exec. Ord. No. 10530 reprinted as amended in 3 U.S.C. § 301, and
section 1.767 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767, the following applications ARE GRANTED. These grants of
authority are taken under section 0.261 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261. Petitions for reconsideration under
section 1.106 or applications for review under section 1.115 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be
filed within 30 days of the date of this public notice.

This public notice serves as each cable landing licensee's Cable Landing License, or modification thereto, pursuant to the
Cable Landing License Act and sections 1.767 and 1.768 of the Commission's rules. Cable landing licensees should
review carefully the terms and conditions of their licenses. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions or relevant
Commission rules and policies could result in fines or forfeitures.

The Commission most recently amended its rules applicable to submarine cable landing licenses in Review of Commission
Consideration of Applications under the Cable Landing License Act, IB Docket No. 00-106, FCC 01-332, 16 FCC Rcd
22167 (2001), 67 Fed. Reg. 1615 (Jan. 14, 2002). An updated version of sections 1.767 and 1.768 of the rules is available at See also for a March 13, 2002 Public Notice; for the December 14, 2001 Report and Order.

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SCL-ASG-20051025-00027             P                 PC Landing Corp.
Grant of Authority                                                                                      Date of Action:    12/12/2005

Current Licensee: PC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession)
FROM: PC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession)
TO:      PC Landing Corp.
Action Taken: Grant of authority to assign the non-common carrier Pacific Crossing cable system ("PC-1"),
SCL-LIC-19980807-00010 (formerly, SCL-98-006), from PC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession) to the reorganized PC Landing
Corp. The PC-1 cable consists of four segments connecting each of its four landing stations: Ajiguara, Japan to Habour Pointe,
Washington; Shima, Japan to Grover Beach, California; Ajiguara to Shima; and Habour Pointe to Grover Beach.

Conditions and Requirements: See PC Landing Corp., Application for a License to Land and Operate in the United States a Private
Fiber Optic Submarine Cable System Extending Between the United States and Japan, File No. SCL-98-006, Cable Landing License, DA
98-2351, 13 FCC Rcd 23384, 23389-91, para. 19 (Int'l Bur. 1998); Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act,
SCL-MOD-20020807-00086, Public Notice, DA No. 02-3177, 17 FCC Rcd 22962 (2002) (modifying conditions to add new pro forma
condition set out in 47 C.F.R. 1.767(g)(7)).

Licensees shall comply with the requirements of Section 1.768 (notifications and prior approval for submarine cable landing licensees
that are or propose to become affiliated with a foreign carrier), 47 C.F.R. § 1.768.

Licensee Information: On July 19, 2002, Pacific Crossing Ltd., and its wholly-owned subsidiary PC Landing Corp., entered into
bankruptcy (see SCL-ASG-20020913-00076). Pursuant to the Second Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization of PC Landing Corp.
(Second Amended Plan), filed September 30, 2005, PC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession) will emerge from bankruptcy and will be a
wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of the reorganized Pacific Crossing Ltd. Each holder of Class 4 General Unsecured Claims will convert
their debt into equity, receiving a pro rata share of equity in the reorganized Pacific Crossing Ltd., and thus ownership in the
reorganized PC Landing Corp. The Second Amended Plan was confirmed by the bankruptcy court on November 10, 2005. In re PC
Landing Corp., et al., Chapter 11, Case No. 02-12086 (PJW) (Bankr. D. Del.).

Pursuant to the Second Amended Plan, all the property of Pacific Crossing Ltd (Debtor-in-Possession) and its bankruptcy estate will
revest in the reorganized Pacific Crossing Ltd. Thus, the reorganized PC Landing Corp. will own the U.S. cable landing stations,
including real property, buildings, and terminal equipment, and will own the U.S. territory portions of PC-1. PC Landing will be a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Crossing UK, Ltd., which in turn will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Crossing Ltd.
Consequently, PC Landing will be a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Pacific Crossing Ltd.

Regulatory Status of Cable: The Pacific Crossing cable system operates on a non-common carrier basis. See Cable Landing License,
File No. SCL-98-006, 13 FCC Rcd 23384, 23386-87, paras. 1, 6-9.

Cable Design and Capacity: See Cable Landing License, File No. SCL-98-006, 13 FCC Rcd 23384-85, 23387-88, paras. 3-4, 13,
Exhibit A.

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Document Modified: 2019-04-18 13:37:43

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