Public Notice SAT00277

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2005-03-10 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00277

                      PUBLIC NOTICE
                      445 12th STREET S.W.
                      WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                      News media information 202-418-0500
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                      TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SAT-00277                                                                               Friday March 11, 2005

                                               POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                        Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing
The applications listed below have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined the application is not in
conformance with the Commission's rules or its policies. Consideration of each satellite application in this Public Notice
may depend on the Commission's action on another satellite application earlier in the queue. Petitions, oppositions and
other pleadings filed in response to this notice should conform to Section 25.154 of the Commission's rules, unless
otherwise noted. 47 C.F.R. § 25.154.

SAT-AMD-20050224-00049             E S2394           Intelsat LLC
Date Filed: 02/24/2005 17:40:29:41000

See File No. SAT-MOD-20050214-00037, below

SAT-MOD-20050214-00037             E S2394           Intelsat LLC
Date Filed: 02/14/2005 17:33:03:08300

On February 14, 2005, Intelsat, LLC filed an application for modification of its authorization to operate its INTELSAT 605 satellite,
pursuant to the streamlined fleet management procedures under section 25.118(e) of the Commission's rules to move INTELSAT 605,
operating on the 3625-4200, 5850-6425, 10950-11200, 11450-11700, and 14000-14500 MHz frequency bands, from the 32.9° E.L.
orbital location to 174.0° E.L.orbital location. This modification will be effective on March 16, 2005. Intelsat expects to have the
INTELSAT 605 satellite at the 174.0° E.L. location in March/April 2005.

INTELSAT 605 was previously operating at 77.0° W.L. pursuant to STA. See IntelsatLLC Request for Special Temporary Authority
for INTELSAT 605, IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20041018-00203 (stamp grant on Dec. 20, 2004). The Commission granted Intelsat
STA to drift INTELSAT 605 to 174.0° E.L. on February 1, 2005. See Intelsat LLC Request for Special Temporary Authority for
INTELSAT 605, IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20050128-00015 (stamp grant on Feb. 1, 2005). This action is without prejudice to IBFS.
File No. SAT-RPL-20041015-00201.

SAT-MOD-20050307-00057             E S2617           XM Radio Inc.
Date Filed: 03/07/2005 20:22:06:08300

XM Radio, Inc. has filed an application for modification of its authorization to operate the XM-3 Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
satellite at 85º W.L. The satellite is authorized to operate S-bands frequencies (2332.5 - 2345 MHz (space-to-Earth)) for service links
and X-band frequencies (7025-7075 MHz (Earth-to-space)) for feeder links. In this modification, XM Radio requests authority to
operate at 85.10º W.L. with an East-West stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.05º rather than the 85º W.L. orbital location.

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SAT-MOD-20050307-00058              E S2119           XM Radio Inc.
Date Filed: 03/07/2005 20:47:04:53000

XM Radio, Inc. has filed an application for modification of its authorization to operate the XM-2 (aka XM-Rock) Satellite Digital
Audio Radio Service satellite at 115º W.L. The satellite is authorized to operate S-bands frequencies (2332.5 - 2345 MHz
(space-to-Earth)) for service links and X-band frequencies (7025-7075 MHz (Earth-to-space)) for feeder links. In this modification,
XM Radio requests authority to operate at 115.10º W.L. with an East-West stationkeeping tolerance of + 0.05º rather than the 115º
W.L. orbital location.

SAT-MOD-20050308-00059              E S2499           EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.
Date Filed: 03/08/2005 20:35:53:68000

EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. has filed an application for modification of its authorization to operate a geostationary Ka-band satellite 97º
W.L. specifying tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) frequencies as required by Condition 8 of its authorization. (See Grant
Stamp, File Nos. SAT-LOA-20030827-00186 and SAT-AMD-20041203-00345, granted March 8, 2004.) EchoStar specifies the
following TT&C frequencies: 29.999 GHz (using Right Hand Circular Polarization) as the command frequency and 19.701 GHz and
20.199 GHz (both using Left Hand Circular Polarization) as the telemetry frequencies. EchoStar provided emission designators,
allocated bandwidth and typical link budgest for these T&TC frequencies. In addition, EchoStar requests further modification to its
authorization to use 14.001 GHz and 14.003 GHz (both using Right Hand Circular Polarization) as the command frequencies and
11.7055 GHz and 12.198 GHz (both using Left Hand Circular Polarization) as the telemetry frequencies during the launch and transfer
orbit operations and provides emission designators, allocated bandwidth and typical link budgets for these frequencies. EchoStar
requests a limited waiver of the rules under Section 25.202(g), 47 CFR § 25.202(g), to allow for such operations.

SAT-STA-20050310-00060              E                 SES Americom, Inc.
Date Filed: 03/10/2005 12:09:04:87000
Special Temporary Authority

SES Americom, Inc has filed a request for special temporary authority to operate the AMC-15 Ka-band payload and Ku-band
TT&C at 113.075º W.L. +/- 0.025 degrees for the period from March 21, 2005 to May 21, 2005. Earlier this year SES Americom was
granted authority to operate at 113º W.L. in these frequencies for this period. (See File No. SAT-STA-20041012-00198, SES
Americom, Inc., Memorandum Opinion & Order, DA 05-39 (Sat. Div. rel. Jan. 6, 2005).) SES Americom now seeks to operate at a
slight offset from 113º W.L. in order to simplify the coordination of stationkeeping maneuvers with SatMex, which operates the
Solidaridad 2 spacecraft at 113º W.L.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2005-03-11 09:19:04
Document Modified: 2005-03-11 09:19:04

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