Public Notice SES00661

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2004-11-17 > IB > Public Notices > SES00661

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-00661                                                                            Wednesday November 17, 2004

                                                              RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

SES-ASG-20040915-01384                 E E980486          Carolina Uplink, Inc.
Application for Consent to Assignment
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    11/16/2004

TO:        Carolina Uplink, Inc.
                                                                                                 No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-ASG-20041004-01494                 E E940509          JOHN A. TAYLOR ( d/b/a J A TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES )
Application for Consent to Assignment
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    11/16/2004

                                                                                                 No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-LIC-20040816-01179                 E E040338          GCI COMMUNICATION CORP.
Application for Authority                                                                         11/15/2004 - 11/15/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:    11/15/2004

Class of Station:          Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:           1
                   68 ° 4 ' 21.65 " N LAT.                                        162 ° 51 ' 29.63 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                     3.6 meters         VIASAT                             8136

                                                                Page 1 of 24

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0G7D            62.60 dBW              PHASE MODULATED VOICE,
                                                                                               VIDEO, AND DATA SERVICES.

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 6K72G7D                                   NULL

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 36M0G7D                                   NULL

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 6K72D7D            45.20 dBW              PHASE AND AMPLITUDE
                                                                                               MODULATED VOICE, VIDEO, AND
                                                                                               DATA SERVICES.

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0D7D            62.60 dBW              PHASE AND AMPLITUDE
                                                                                               MODULATED VOICE, VIDEO, AND
                                                                                               DATA SERVICES.

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 6K72D7D                                   NULL

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 36M0D7D                                   NULL

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 6K72G7D            45.20 dBW              PHASE MODULATED VOICE,
                                                                                               VIDEO, AND DATA SERVICES.

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20040914-01380               E E040368           SES Americom, Inc.
Application for Authority                                                                      11/15/2004 - 11/15/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                        Date Effective:   11/15/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
LOCATION:       11 Edsall Drive, Sussex, NJ
                41 ° 12 ' 10.00 " N LAT.                                      74 ° 31 ' 39.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     11.3 meters        Viasat                           8016A

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               8M00G7W                                   phase modulated digital carrier

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               8M00G7W            92.30 dBW              phase modulated digital carriers

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

                                                              Page 2 of 24

SES-LIC-20040924-01477               P E040388           LIBERTY UPLINK, INC.
Application for Authority                                                                        11/12/2004 - 11/12/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:   11/12/2004

Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     1.8 meters         VERTEX                             1.8SMK LT-4P

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               24M0G7F               62.24 dBW             PSK DIGITAL VIDEO W/DIGITAL

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0F8F               68.65 dBW             ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOCIATED
                                                                                                 AUDIO SUBCARRIERS AND ATIS

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               24M0F8F               65.65 dBW             ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOCIATED
                                                                                                 AUDIO SUBCARRIERS AND ATIS

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20040927-01462               E E040383           Terremark Worldwide Incorporated
Application for Authority                                                                        11/16/2004 - 11/16/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:   11/16/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        Miami
LOCATION:       50 NE 9th Street, Miami-Dade, Miami, FL
                25 ° 46 ' 56.60 " N LAT.                                        80 ° 11 ' 34.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       A1                    16.4 meters        Vertex/RSI                         16.4 Meter THC

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 112KG7W -                                   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           5925.0000 - 5989.0000 MHz                 112KG7W -             58.30 dBW             Digital Audio, Video and Data

           5925.0000 - 5989.0000 MHz                 11M6G7W               78.40 dBW             Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6019.0000 - 6107.0000 MHz                 112KG7W -             58.30 dBW             Digital Audio, Video and Data

           6138.0000 - 6182.0000 MHz                 112KG7W -             58.30 dBW             Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6138.0000 - 6182.0000 MHz                 11M6G7W               78.40 dBW             Digital Audio, Video, and Data

                                                              Page 3 of 24

6212.0000 - 6241.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   58.30 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6212.0000 - 6241.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     78.40 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6271.0000 - 6300.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     78.40 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6331.0000 - 6359.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   58.30 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6331.0000 - 6359.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     78.40 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6390.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   58.30 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6390.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     78.40 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

5925.0000 - 5989.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   54.70 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6019.0000 - 6107.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   54.70 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6019.0000 - 6107.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     74.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6138.0000 - 6182.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   54.70 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6138.0000 - 6182.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     74.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6212.0000 - 6241.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     74.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6271.0000 - 6359.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   54.70 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6271.0000 - 6359.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     74.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6390.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   54.70 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

5925.0000 - 6182.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   48.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

5925.0000 - 6182.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     68.90 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6212.0000 - 6241.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   48.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6212.0000 - 6241.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     68.90 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6271.0000 - 6359.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   48.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6390.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   48.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

6390.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     68.90 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   112KG7W -   45.80 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz   11M6G7W     65.90 dBW   Digital Audio, Video, and Data

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           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               11M6G7W                                        Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6019.0000 - 6107.0000 MHz               11M6G7W           78.40 dBW                    Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6271.0000 - 6300.0000 MHz               112KG7W -         58.30 dBW                    Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           5925.0000 - 5989.0000 MHz               11M6G7W           74.80 dBW                    Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6212.0000 - 6241.0000 MHz               112KG7W -         54.70 dBW                    Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6390.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               11M6G7W           74.80 dBW                    Digital Audio, Video, and Data

           6271.0000 - 6359.0000 MHz               11M6G7W           68.90 dBW                    Digital Audio, Video, and Data

Points of Communication:

   Miami - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   Miami - NSS-7 - (22 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20031118-01879            P E980179         Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
Application for Modification                                                                      11/23/2001 - 11/30/2009
Grant of Authority                                                                                        Date Effective:    11/16/2004

Class of Station:     Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:    Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service, International Mobile Satellite Service

See File: MSV ATC License DA 04-3553.doc >>

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        100,000 Full-duplex METs & "EMS" half-duplex data METs, VARIOUS

   ANTENNA ID:       A12                0 meters          CAL / Calquest                          CQ100

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7W           16.50 dBW                    TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7W           16.50 dBW                    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7W           16.50 dBW                    FDMA communications channel
                                                                                                  (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                                  encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                                  of 3375 bps

                                                          Page 5 of 24

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A13                0 meters        MITSUBISHI / MELCO           AU400A
                                                 Transportation Dome

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D1                 0 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour   CD-JL01003

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                 Page 6 of 24

ANTENNA ID:   D2                 0.415 meters    NARROWBAND / Narrowband       RST 2000
                                                 Fixed Site

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D       13.80 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D       13.80 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                               (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7D                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A2                 0 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour    CD-JL01003, D-1000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channel
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A3                 0.92 meters     WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CD-JL01083, F-1000
                                                 (0.92 m)

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                 Page 7 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A4                 0.76 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CD-JL01083, F-1000
                                                (0.76 m)

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A5                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Maritime CD-JL01003-G02
                                                Contour Dome

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                 Page 8 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW        FDMA communications channel
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channel
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D3                 0 meters        NARROWBAND / Narrowband   MDT 1000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                           (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7D                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D4                 0 meters        EATON/ Eaton Mobile       SCM

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                           (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7D                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A1                 0 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mast   CD-JL01080, P-1000

                                                 Page 9 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      12.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      12.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      12.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                         TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                         FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A6                 1.2 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mult.   F-1000MC
                                               Fixed Site

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                         TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                         FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A7                 0.46 meters   WESTINGHOUSE / KVH SC      M-1015, D-100HF

                                               Page 10 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channel
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                             FDMA communications channel
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A8                 0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO Dome         AU200A, ST-111D

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      15.00 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      15.00 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      15.00 dBW              FDMA communications channel
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                             FDMA communications channel
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A9                 0.6 meters     MITSUBISHI / MELCO Fixed Site   AU500A, ST-121

                                                Page 11 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW             TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW             Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW             FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                             FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A10                0.35 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Briefcase   ST151

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW             TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW             Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW             FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                             FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A11                0.25 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Omniquest   ST251

                                               Page 12 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A19                0 meters       WEC D-1000MH MARITIME     CDJL01003-G02

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channel
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A20                0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO DOME   AU201A, ST-211D

                                                Page 13 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     15.00 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     15.00 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W     15.00 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A21                0.6 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Fixed   AU601A,ST-221

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A22                0.3 meters   KVH TRACPHONE              AU900A, ST131

                                              Page 14 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       11.00 dBW               TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       11.00 dBW               Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       11.00 dBW               FDMA communications channel
                                                                                  (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                  encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                  of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                               TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                               FDMA communications channel
                                                                                  (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                  encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                  of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A23                0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO MAST           AU110A,ST111

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW               TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW               Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW               FDMA communications channel
                                                                                  (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                  encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                  of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                               TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                               FDMA communications channel
                                                                                  (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                  encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                  of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D5                                EMS / Packet Data / half duplex   PDT-100

                                                Page 15 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D      11.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D      11.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7D                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7D                             FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A14                0.46 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Omniquest   OQFAU, ST251

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      0.00 dBW               TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      0.00 dBW               FDMA communications channel
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A15                0.85 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Fixed       AU601B,ST221M

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                               Page 16 of 24

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A16                0.46 meters   EMS/GETS                  0955-A-0100

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     17.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     17.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     17.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channel
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A17                0.46 meters   WESTINGHOUSE/WEC M-1075   M-1075, D-100HF

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                               Page 17 of 24

        1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W    16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

        1626.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W    16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

        1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

        1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

  ANTENNA ID:     A18               0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE/WEC D DOME   CD-JL01003, .D-1000H

        1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W    16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

        1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W    16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

        1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W    16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

        1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

        1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

Points of Communication:

  1 - AMSC-1 - (101.0 W.L.)

  1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

                                                   Page 18 of 24

SES-MOD-20040506-00656                E E020010           DIGITAL BROADBAND APPLICATIONS CORP.
Application for Modification                                                                  05/07/2003 - 05/07/2018
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   11/10/2004

Class of Station:        VSAT Network

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         HUB
LOCATION:        Route 60, Maricopa, Wickenburg, AZ
                 33 ° 57 ' 21.40 " N LAT.                                     112 ° 44 ' 17.70 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       Hub                    7.2 meters       Vertex                            7.2 KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               24M0M1F           78.30 dBW               Compressed Digital Data and Video

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               24M0M1F                                   Compressed Digital Data and Video

SITE ID:         Remote 1
LOCATION:        Up to 1000000 remote units, CONUS

   ANTENNA ID:       Remote 1               0.75 meters      Channel Master                    755 (62cm x 89cm)

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               160KG7D           39.30 dBW               128 kbps, QPSK, 1/2 FEC Data

Points of Communication:

   HUB - GALAXY XI - (91 W.L.)

   Remote 1 - GALAXY XI - (91 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20040830-01272                E E020339           NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION
Application for Modification                                                                  02/06/2003 - 02/06/2018
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   11/15/2004

Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

"MOD" of the existing license for temporary-fixed satellite earth station E020339 to increase EIRP and EIRP density power, also for
facilities for which environmental assessment and radiation hazard reporting is required.

SITE ID:         1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                      1.8 meters       VERTEX RSI                        18QD

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               6M55G7W           52.52 dBW               8.192 MBPS, QPSK, FEC

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               6M55G7W                                   8.192 MBPS, QPSK, FEC

                                                             Page 19 of 24

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20040924-01426               E E873910          RCN LICENSE SUBSIDIARY, INC.
Application for Modification                                                                12/19/1997 - 12/19/2007
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   11/16/2004

Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

"MOD" to change emission designator and related service, to increase EIRP and EIRP density and to replace antenna.

SITE ID:         1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     4.1 meters       COMTECH                          OFFSAT

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0F3F         71.93 dBW               STANDARD VIDEO WITH
                                                                                             ASSOCIATED AUDIO

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0G7W         71.93 dBW               BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, FEC
                                                                                             RATES 1/2-7/8, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                             RATES TO 45MBPS, VARIOUS

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 51K2G7W         54.30 dBW               BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, FEC
                                                                                             RATES 1/2-7/8, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                             RATES TO 64KBPS, VARIOUS

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-REG-20040920-01398               E E040372          DAKOTA CIRCLE TIPI, INC.
Registration                                                                                09/20/2004 - 09/20/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   11/12/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
                 48 ° 1 ' 0.00 " N LAT.                                   98 ° 54 ' 27.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     3.7 meters       PRODELIN CORPORATION             136-750

                                                            Page 20 of 24

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  10M3G7W       0.00 dBW                DIGITAL BROADCAST AUDIO

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  30K0F1D       0.00 dBW                DIGITAL BROADCAST AUDIO

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-REG-20040929-01470               E E040387          KEYA RADIO, INC
Registration                                                                                09/29/2004 - 09/29/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   11/12/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
                48 ° 50 ' 28.00 " N LAT.                                   99 ° 45 ' 1.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       3.8M.                 3.8 meters       COMTECH                         1380

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  30K0F1D                               DIGITAL BROADCAST AUDIO

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  10M3G7W                               DIGITAL BROADCAST AUDIO

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20041105-01653               E E8221            ADELPHIA OF THE MIDWEST, INC., DEBTOR-IN-POSSESSION
Renewal                                                                                     01/18/2005 - 01/18/2020
Grant of Authority                                                                                     Date Effective:   11/10/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
                41 ° 25 ' 0.00 " N LAT.                                    81 ° 20 ' 52.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     5 meters         SIMULSAT/ATC

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  36000F9

Points of Communication:

                                                            Page 21 of 24

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20041109-01664               E E950008          AT&T CORP
Renewal                                                                                   12/16/2004 - 12/16/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                   Date Effective:   11/15/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
                30 ° 4 ' 13.00 " N LAT.                                  85 ° 35 ' 32.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     4.6 meters       ANDREWS                       ES46P

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               1M98G7W        68.30 dBW

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               3M96G7W        71.30 dBW

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               1M98G7W

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               3M96G7W

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20041109-01665               E E950010          AT&T CORP
Renewal                                                                                   12/16/2004 - 12/16/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                   Date Effective:   11/15/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
                35 ° 48 ' 56.00 " N LAT.                                 84 ° 0 ' 10.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     4.6 meters       ANDREWS                       ES46P

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               1M98G7W        68.30 dBW

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               3M96G7W        71.30 dBW

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               1M98G7W

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               3M96G7W

                                                            Page 22 of 24

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-RWL-20041109-01666                E KA446           AT&T CORP
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:   11/16/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       International Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
                40 ° 53 ' 34.20 " N LAT.                                        76 ° 26 ' 23.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     32 meters             NIPPON ELECTRIC                 CASS

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 1M13F8W-         71.70 dBW                FDM/FM

Points of Communication:

SES-RWL-20041112-01677                E E950024         Federal Broadcasting Company
Renewal                                                                                          12/23/2004 - 12/23/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                          Date Effective:   11/12/2004

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
                31 ° 27 ' 10.00 " N LAT.                                        89 ° 17 ' 2.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     3.6 meters            ANDREW CORP.                    ES36MPJK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 36M0F8W          67.90 dBW

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 36M0F8W

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

                                                             Page 23 of 24

SES-T/C-20041105-01656              E E010334        PANAMSAT LICENSEE CORP.
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Consummated                                                                                    Date Effective:    11/02/2004

                                                                                    No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-RWL-20010509-00863              KA23           AT&T CORP.

AT&T Corp respectfully requests cancellation of this earth station authorization.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite and Radiocommunication Division at 418-0719; TTY

                                                          Page 24 of 24

Document Created: 2019-04-05 04:40:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-05 04:40:22

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