Public Notice SAT00180

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2003-12-05 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00180

                      PUBLIC NOTICE
                      445 12th STREET S.W.
                      WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                      News media information 202-418-0500
                      Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                      TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SAT-00180                                                                               Friday December 5, 2003

                                               POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                        Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing
The applications listed below have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined the application is not in
conformance with the Commission's rules or its policies. Petitions, oppositions and other pleadings filed in response to
this notice should conform to Section 25.154 of the Commission's rules, unless otherwise noted. 47 C.F.R. § 25.154.

SAT-AMD-20031125-00340             E KS49            SES Americom, Inc.
Date Filed: 11/25/2003 17:43:46:39000

SES AMERICOM, Inc. (“SES AMERICOM”) has filed an application to amends its pending modification application (File No.
SAT-MOD-20030828-00285) to permanently assign SN-4 to 172° E.L., where it has been operating pursuant to special temporary
authority since November 2000. Technical information regarding Satcom SN-4, which was originally authorized to operate at 101°
W.L., is a matter of record before the Commission, and no changes in the spacecraft’s operation are proposed. This amendment
provides antenna gain contour maps for Satcom SN-4 at 172° E.L. SES AMERICOM is submitting a copy of the initial STA request
for SN-4 at 172° E.L., which included an analysis demonstrating that the spacecraft would not cause harmful interference to adjacent
satellites. In addition, SES AMERICOM requests a waiver of Section 25.114(c)(7), which specifies the requirements for contour maps
to be submitted with space station applications.

SAT-AMD-20031201-00344             E S2455           DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
Date Filed: 12/01/2003 18:20:07:81600

DIRECTV Enterprises, Inc. has filed an amendment to its pending application to launch and operate a direct broadcast satellite,
DIRECTV 7S, and collocate the satellite at the 119º W.L. orbit location with its DIRECTV 5 satellite. The DIRECTV 7S satellite will
operate in the 17300-17800 and 12200-12700 MHz frequency bands. Additional information regarding telemetry, tracking and
control frequencies is set forth in the technical annex to the narrative application filed on June 11, 2003 (See File No.
SAT-LOA-20030611-00115). DIRECTV requests a limited waiver of 47 CFR § 25.202(g) to use 14 GHz FSS frequencies solely for the
purpose of conducting transfer orbit TT&C operations for DIRECTV 7S.

In a separate filing on November 26, 2003, DIRECTV filed a Form 312 to be associated with its June 11, 2003 filing. This filing will
be treated as an amendment and may be found at File No. SAT-AMD-20031126-00341.

SAT-LOA-20031113-00328             E S2602           PANAMSAT LICENSEE CORP.
Date Filed: 11/13/2003 19:24:49:41600
Launch and Operating Authority

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PanAmSat Licensee Corporation has filed an application for authority to operate SBS-4, an in-orbit Ku- band fixed-satellite service
(FSS) satellite, at 125° W.L. The SBS-4 satellite will operate in the 14-14.5 and 11.7-12.2 GHz frequency bands. PanAmSat proposes
to operate SBS-4 on a non-common carrier basis. In addition, PanAmSat is requesting a waiver of the Commission's rule requiring full
frequency reuse.

SAT-LOA-20031119-00336             E S2603           Pegasus Development Corporation
Date Filed: 11/19/2003 17:23:11:09300
Launch and Operating Authority

Pegasus Development Corporation ("Pegasus") has filed an application to launch and operate a Geostationary Orbit Fixed-Satellite
Service ("GSO FSS") system operating in the Ka band at the 87° W orbital location. The satellite system will provide a broad range of
multimedia services, including video and data transmissions.

The satellite will operate in the entire 1000 MHz of Ka-band spectrum allocated to GSO FSS (i.e. in the 18.3 - 18.8 GHz and 19.7 -
20.2 GHz bands for downlinks and in the 28.35 - 28.6 GHz and 29.25 - 30.0 GHz bands for uplinks). The 1,000 MHz of spectrum is
divided into four 250 MHz segments, thereby providing eight 250 MHz uplink-downlink paths, 4 on each of two circular polarizations.
Fifty-four co-axial uplink downlink spot beams (split between the two satellites), two CONUS coverage downlink beams (one on each
satellite), and two CONUS coverage uplink beams (one on each satellite) will provide coverage of CONUS. Of the 1,000 MHz
allocation, one 250 MHz segment will be assigned to CONUS beams and three 250 MHz segments will be assigned to the spot beams.
The TT&C system will operate in the Ka-band using omni-directional and higher gain antennas.

The 18 GHz band is shared on a co-primary basis with terrestrial Fixed Services until the sunset dates (the year 2010 for the 18.58 -
18.8 GHz band and the year 2012 for the 18.3 - 18.58 GHz band). Portions of the 29 GHz band are shared on a co-primary basis with
the Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") and terrestrial FS.

SAT-LOA-20031119-00337             E S2604           Pegasus Development Corporation
Date Filed: 11/19/2003 17:24:16:31300
Launch and Operating Authority

Pegasus Development Corporation ("Pegasus") has filed an application to launch and operate a Geostationary Orbit Fixed-Satellite
Service ("GSO FSS") system operating in the Ka band at the 79° W orbital location. The satellite system will provide a broad range of
multimedia services, including video and data transmissions.

The satellite will operate in the entire 1000 MHz of Ka-band spectrum allocated to GSO FSS (i.e. in the 18.3 - 18.8 GHz and 19.7 -
20.2 GHz bands for downlinks and in the 28.35 - 28.6 GHz and 29.25 - 30.0 GHz bands for uplinks). The 1,000 MHz of spectrum is
divided into four 250 MHz segments, thereby providing eight 250 MHz uplink-downlink paths, 4 on each of two circular polarizations.
Fifty-four co-axial uplink downlink spot beams (split between the two satellites), two CONUS coverage downlink beams (one on each
satellite), and two CONUS coverage uplink beams (one on each satellite) will provide coverage of CONUS. Of the 1,000 MHz
allocation, one 250 MHz segment will be assigned to CONUS beams and three 250 MHz segments will be assigned to the spot beams.
The TT&C system will operate in the Ka-band using omni-directional and higher gain antennas.

The 18 GHz band is shared on a co-primary basis with terrestrial Fixed Services until the sunset dates (the year 2010 for the 18.58 -
18.8 GHz band and the year 2012 for the 18.3 - 18.58 GHz band). Portions of the 29 GHz band are shared on a co-primary basis with
the Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") and terrestrial FS.

SAT-LOA-20031119-00338             E S2605           Pegasus Development Corporation
Date Filed: 11/19/2003 17:26:45:29300
Launch and Operating Authority

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Pegasus Development Corporation ("Pegasus") has filed an application to launch and operate a Geostationary Orbit Fixed-Satellite
Service ("GSO FSS") system operating in the Ka band at the 73° W orbital location. The satellite system will provide a broad range of
multimedia services, including video and data transmissions.

The satellite will operate in the entire 1000 MHz of Ka-band spectrum allocated to GSO FSS (i.e. in the 18.3 - 18.8 GHz and 19.7 -
20.2 GHz bands for downlinks and in the 28.35 - 28.6 GHz and 29.25 - 30.0 GHz bands for uplinks). The 1,000 MHz of spectrum is
divided into four 250 MHz segments, thereby providing eight 250 MHz uplink-downlink paths, 4 on each of two circular polarizations.
Fifty-four co-axial uplink downlink spot beams (split between the two satellites), two CONUS coverage downlink beams (one on each
satellite), and two CONUS coverage uplink beams (one on each satellite) will provide coverage of CONUS. Of the 1,000 MHz
allocation, one 250 MHz segment will be assigned to CONUS beams and three 250 MHz segments will be assigned to the spot beams.
The TT&C system will operate in the Ka-band using omni-directional and higher gain antennas.

The 18 GHz band is shared on a co-primary basis with terrestrial Fixed Services until the sunset dates (the year 2010 for the 18.58 -
18.8 GHz band and the year 2012 for the 18.3 - 18.58 GHz band). Portions of the 29 GHz band are shared on a co-primary basis with
the Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") and terrestrial FS.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 202-418-0719; TTY 202-418-2555.

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Document Created: 2019-04-19 09:26:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 09:26:39

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