Public Notice SES00495

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2003-05-07 > IB > Public Notices > SES00495

                     PUBLIC NOTICE
                     445 12th STREET S.W.
                     WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                     News media information 202-418-0500
                     Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                     TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-00495                                                                           Wednesday May 7, 2003

                                          SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES
The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and not in
conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any of these
applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications accepted for filing
will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for administrative
purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

SES-ASG-20030418-00580            P E950506         RAMAR COMMUNICATIONS II, LTD.
Application for Consent to Assignment
Current Licensee: INSYNC UPLINK, INC.
                                                                                        No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-ASG-20030501-00564            E E7900           Texas Infinity Broadcasting LP
Application for Consent to Assignment
TO:      Texas Infinity Broadcasting LP
                                                                                        No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-ASG-20030502-00574            E E881213         Arctek Satellite Productions, LLC
Application for Consent to Assignment
Current Licensee: Conus Communications Company Limited Partnership
FROM: Conus Communications Company Limited Partnership
TO:      Arctek Satellite Productions, LLC
                                                                                        No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-LIC-20030327-00386            E E030067         VIACOM COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:     Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:    Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

                                                         Page 1 of 20

SITE ID:        1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     1.4 meters       CONTINENTAL MICROWAVE   DST-144

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                        TELEVISION, DATA MCPC

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0G7W          65.70 dBW     TELEVISION, DATA MCPC

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20030327-00387               E E030068          VIACOM INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     1.4 meters       CONTINENTAL MICROWAVE   DST-144

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0G7W          65.70 dBW     TELEVISION, DATA MCPC

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                        TELEVISION, DATA MCPC

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20030417-00553               P E030093          RELAY HOUSE INC
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     2.4 meters       AVL TECHNOLOGY          2400K USA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0G7W          76.62 dBW     ONE 36 MBIT MCPC DIGITAL
                                                                                    CARRIER FOR VOICE/DATA WITH
                                                                                    AN EMISSION DESIGNATOR

                                                            Page 2 of 20

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0F8W          76.62 dBW               ONE WIDEBAND 36 MHZ
                                                                                              FREQUENCY MODULATION
                                                                                              VIDEO CARRIER WITH
                                                                                              ASSOCIATED AUDIO AND ATIS

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20030418-00497               E E030086          VIACOM COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

Application includes SES-AMD-20030421-00506 to change the antenna. Also, SES-AMD-20030430-00556 to attach radiation
hazard study has been added.

SITE ID:        1
LOCATION:       1170 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     1.5 meters       VERTEX/RSI                        1.5 SMK

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                                  Televison, data, MCPC

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0G7W          66.87 dBW               Television, data, MCPC

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20030428-00548               E E030092          PetroCom License Corporation
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
LOCATION:       East Timbalier Island, Lafourche, Leeville, LA
                29 ° 4 ' 44.40 " N LAT.                                      90 ° 16 ' 32.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     2.4 meters       Prodelin Corp.                    2.4M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 478KG7W                                  Digital Voice and Data

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 478KG7W          42.36 dBW               Digital Voice and Data

Points of Communication:

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   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20030501-00565               E E030094           Amoco Production Company
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        Offshore, Gulf of Mexico
                 28 ° 31 ' 15.00 " N LAT.                                      88 ° 17 ' 20.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     2.4 meters         Channel Master                    62-241-3201

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  1M50G7D                                   BPSK, QPSK data, digital voice, FAX

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                  1M50G7D            16.50 dBW              BPSK, QPSK digital voice, data and

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20030502-00572               E E030097           Glentel Corp.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:       International Mobile Satellite Service

Applicant seeks a blanket license authorizing the operation of up to 50,000 mobile earth station terminals that will communicate with
MSAT-1, a Canadian-licensed satellite that is located at 106.5 WL.

SITE ID:         US Nationwide
LOCATION:        8501 Commerce Court, CANADA, Burnaby

   ANTENNA ID:       A1                    0.02 meters        Westinghouse / WEC Mast           CD-JL01080, P-1000

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                  5K00G7W            12.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                  5K00G7W            12.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

           1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz                  5K00G7W            12.50 dBW              FDMA communications channel
                                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                                of 3375 bps

                                                              Page 4 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channel
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A2                 0.27 meters   Westinghouse / WEC Contour   CD-JL01003, D-1000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5M00G7W       16.50 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW           FDMA communications channel
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channel
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A3                 0.92 meters   Westinghouse / WEC Fixed     CD-JL01083, F-1000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5M00G7W       16.50 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW           FDMA communications channel
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps

                                               Page 5 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A4                 0.76 meters   Westinghouse / WEC Fixed      CD-JL01083, F-1000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A5                 0.27 meters   Westinghouse / WEC Maritime   CD-JL01003-G02
                                               Contour Dome

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

                                               Page 6 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                                TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                                FDMA communications channel
                                                                                 (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                 encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                 of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A6                 1.2 meters    Westinghouse / WEC Multichannel   F-1000 MC

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW                TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW                Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW                FDMA communications channel
                                                                                 (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                 encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                 of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                                TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                                FDMA communications channel
                                                                                 (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                 encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                 of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A7                 0.46 meters   Westinghouse / KVH Single Channel M-1015, D-100HF

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW                TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW                Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW                FDMA communications channel
                                                                                 (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                 encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                 of 3375 bps

                                               Page 7 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                          TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                          FDMA communications channel
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A8                 0.165 meters   Mitsubishi / MELCO Dome    AU200A, ST-111D

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         15.00 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         15.00 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         15.00 dBW        FDMA communications channel
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                          TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                          FDMA communications channel
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A9                 0.6 meters     Mitsubishi / MELCO Fixed   AU500A, ST-121

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW        FDMA communications channel
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps

                                                Page 8 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                              TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channel
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A10                0.495 meters   Mitsubishi / MELCO Briefcase   ST151

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                              TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channel
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A11                0.28 meters    Mitsubishi / MELCO Omnipoint   ST251

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channel
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

                                                Page 9 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                     TDM signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                     FDMA communications channel
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A12                0.15 meters    CAL / Calquest        CQ100

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW   TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW   Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW   FDMA communications channel
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                     TDM signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                     FDMA communications channel
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   A13                0.295 meters   Mitsubishi / MELCO    AU400A
                                                Transportation Dome

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW   TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW   Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W         16.50 dBW   FDMA communications channel
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps

                                                Page 10 of 20

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                                TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7W                                FDMA communications channel
                                                                                 (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                 encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                 of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D1                 0.27 meters    Westinghouse / WEC Contour       CD-JL01003

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D         16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D         16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                                 (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7D                                TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D2                 0.425 meters   Narrowband / Narrowband Mobile   RST 2000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D         13.80 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D         13.80 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                                 (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

     1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz            5K00G7D                                TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

ANTENNA ID:   D3                 0.295 meters   Narrowband / Narrowband Mobile   MDT 1000

     1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7D         16.00 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                 differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                 transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                Page 11 of 20

          1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7D            16.00 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                                  (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

          1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz               5K00G7D                         TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

   ANTENNA ID:       D4                 0.27 meters        Eaton / Eaton Mobile   SCM

          1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7D            16.00 dBW    TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

          1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7D            16.00 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                                  (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

          1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz               5K00G7D                         TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

   ANTENNA ID:       D5                 0.2 meters         EMS Technologies       PDT-100

          1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7D            11.50 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                                  (MT-DTr-data or MT-DRd-data)

          1626.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz               5K00G7D            11.50 dBW    TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

          1525.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz               5K00G7D                         TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                  differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                  transmission rate of 3375 bps

Points of Communication:

   US Nationwide - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20030410-00558            P E920055           TV Guide Networks, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

                                                          Page 12 of 20

"MOD" to add antenna.

SITE ID:         1
                 36 ° 3 ' 34.00 " N LAT.                                     95 ° 57 ' 39.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     9.1 meters        ANDREW CORP.                     ESA91-46

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 36M0F8W           80.90 dBW

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                 36M0F8W

   ANTENNA ID:       2                     1.8 meters        CHANNEL MASTER                   1.8M

           5925.0000 - 6132.7000 MHz                 10K7G7W-          31.70 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           5925.0000 - 6132.7000 MHz                 256KG7W           45.50 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           613.9200 - 6271.0000 MHz                  10K7G7W-          31.70 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           6138.2000 - 6271.0000 MHz                 256KG7W           45.50 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           6331.1000 - 6384.7000 MHz                 10K7G7W-          31.70 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           6331.1000 - 6384.7000 MHz                 256KG7W           45.00 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           6390.2000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 10K7GW7-          31.70 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

           6390.2000 - 6425.0000 MHz                 256KG7W           45.50 dBW              DIGITAL DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20030428-00546               E E870419          KIRO-TV Holdings, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

"MOD" to add new emission designator and related service and to replace antenna.

SITE ID:         1

   ANTENNA ID:       1                     2.4 meters        ANDREW                           ESA24VSM-124

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz               36M0F3F           76.30 dBW

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           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             36M0F8F            77.10 dBW                 ONE WIDE BAND 36 MHZ
                                                                                                FREQUENCY MODULATED VIDEO
                                                                                                CARRIER WITH ASSOCIATED
                                                                                                AUDIO AND ATIS SUBCARRIERS

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             36M0G7W            77.10 dBW                 ONE 36 MBIT MCPC DIGITAL
                                                                                                CARRIER FOR VOICE/DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-MOD-20030501-00566            E E010016          Transvision International Teleport, L.P.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Domestic Fixed Satellite Service, International Fixed Satellite Service

Applicant seeks Commission consent to remove the 13 meter antenna from this license and to add ALSAT and the MEASAT-2
satellite as a point of communication.

SITE ID:         1
                 21 ° 20 ' 8.00 " N LAT.                                     158 ° 5 ' 25.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       9.3M               9.3 meters        ANDREW CORP.                          ESA93L

           6681.0000 - 6723.0000 MHz               1M23G7W-           63.80 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6681.0000 - 6723.0000 MHz               36M0G7W            78.50 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6651.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz               1M23G7W-           63.80 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6651.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz               36M0G7W            78.50 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6633.0000 - 6639.0000 MHz               1M23G7W-           63.80 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6633.0000 - 6639.0000 MHz               36M0G7W            78.50 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6587.0000 - 6627.0000 MHz               1M23G7W-           63.80 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

           6587.0000 - 6627.0000 MHz               36M0G7W            78.50 dBW                 DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                                COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

                                                          Page 14 of 20

     3600.0000 - 3698.0000 MHz               1M23G7W-                  DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                       COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

     3600.0000 - 3698.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                   DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                       COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

ANTENNA ID:   11M                11 meters        VERTEX               KPC

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               51K2G7D-      59.50 dBW   DIGITAL, QPSK, 3/4 1/2 FEC

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7D       84.00 dBW   DIGITAL, QPSK, 3/4 1/2 FEC

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               51K2G7D-                  DIGITAL, QPSK, 3/4 1/2 FEC

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7D                   DIGITAL, QPSK, 3/4 1/2 FEC

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7W       82.40 dBW   DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                       COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               51K2G7W       59.50 dBW   DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                       COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7W                   DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                       COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               51K2G7W                   DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                       COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7D       82.40 dBW   DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC,
                                                                       3/4, 1/2 ETC., VARIOUS MOD.,
                                                                       QPSK, ETC.

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               51K2G7D       59.50 dBW   DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC,
                                                                       3/4, 1/2 ETC., VARIOUS MOD.,
                                                                       QPSK, ETC.

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0G7D                   DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC,
                                                                       3/4, 1/2 ETC., VARIOUS MOD.,
                                                                       QPSK, ETC.

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               51K2G7D                   DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC,
                                                                       3/4, 1/2 ETC., VARIOUS MOD.,
                                                                       QPSK, ETC.

ANTENNA ID:   7M                 7 meters         SATCOM TECH          700C

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7F       77.40 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               3M00G7F       73.40 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO. Emission range:
                                                                       3M00G7F to 36M0G7F

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          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz          36M0G7W          77.40 dBW             DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                    COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz          51K2G7W          57.40 dBW             DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                    COMBINATION OF CARRIERS.
                                                                                    Emission range: 51K2G7W to

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz          36M0G7D          77.40 dBW             DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC 3/4,
                                                                                    1/2 ETC VARIOUS MOD QPSK,

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz          51K2G7D          57.40 dBW             DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC 3/4,
                                                                                    1/2 ETC VARIOUS MOD QPSK,
                                                                                    ETC. Emission range: 51K2G7D to

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          36M0G7F                                DIGITAL VIDEO

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          3M00G7F                                DIGITAL VIDEO. Emission range:
                                                                                    3M00G7F to 36M0G7F

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          36M0G7W                                DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                    COMBINATION OF CARRIERS

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          51K2G7W                                DIGITAL, VARIOUS
                                                                                    COMBINATION OF CARRIERS.
                                                                                    Emission range: 51K2G7W to

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          36M0G7D                                DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC 3/4,
                                                                                    1/2 ETC VARIOUS MOD QPSK,

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          51K2G7D                                DIGITAL DATA, VARIOUS FEC 3/4,
                                                                                    1/2 ETC VARIOUS MOD QPSK,
                                                                                    ETC. Emission range: 51K2G7D to

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   1 - JCSAT-3 - (128 E.L.)

   1 - Mabuhay (AGILA 2) - (146 E.L.)

   1 - MEASAT-2 - (148 E.L.)

SES-MOD-20030502-00570            E E2941     Ascent Media Network Services, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

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Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service, International Fixed Satellite Service

Modification filed to add a Ku-band transmit/receive antenna to an existing license. The antenna will be used for the domestic
transmission of data and compressed digital video.

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        2813 W. Alameda Avenue, LOS ANGELES, BURBANK, CA
                 34 ° 9 ' 27.00 " N LAT.                                        118 ° 19 ' 53.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       3                     4.1 meters        COMTECH                               "18FT OFFSAT"-847130

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                  36M0F3F            72.40 dBW

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                  4M50G1W            75.70 dBW

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                  9M00G1W            75.70 dBW

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                  26M0G7W            75.70 dBW

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                  36M0G7W            75.70 dBW                 QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  36M0F3F

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  4M50G1W

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  9M00G1W

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  26M0G7W

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                  36M0G7W                                      QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

   ANTENNA ID:       KU 1                  3.7 meters        ANDREW                                ESA37

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                36M0F8F                                      FM, ANALOG VIDEO WITH AUDIO

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                27M7G7W                                      QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                20M8G7W                                      QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                18M4G7W                                      QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                13M8G7W                                      QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                11M5G7W                                      QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                9M23G7W                                      QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

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     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             7M69G7W                   QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             6M15G7W                   QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             4M62G7W                   QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             2M08G1D                   QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             27M7G7W     77.20 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             20M8G7W     76.00 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             18M4G7W     75.40 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             13M8G7W     74.20 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             11M5G7W     73.40 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             9M23G7W     72.40 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             7M69G7W     71.60 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             6M15G7W     70.70 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             4M62G7W     69.40 dBW     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO, DATA

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             2M08G1D     66.00 dBW     QPSK, DATA

ANTENNA ID:   1                  10 meters        SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA   8002

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0F3F     81.00 dBW

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               4M50G1W     81.00 dBW

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               9M00G1W     81.00 dBW

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               26M0G7W     81.00 dBW

     5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz               36M0G7W     81.00 dBW     QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               36M0F3F

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               4M50G1W

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               9M00G1W

     3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz               26M0G7W

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          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz              36M0G7W                                   QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

   ANTENNA ID:      2                  9.2 meters        SATCOM TECH                       920CS

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz              36M0F3F           80.00 dBW

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz              4M50G1W           80.00 dBW

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz              9M00G1W           80.00 dBW

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz              26M0G7W           80.00 dBW

          5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz              36M0G7W           80.00 dBW               QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz              36M0F3F

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz              4M50G1W

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz              9M00G1W

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz              26M0G7W

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz              36M0G7W                                   QPSK DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

   1 - ANIK -

   1 - MOR/SOL -

SES-T/C-20030428-00539            E E970315         Varina Knight Mason Testamentary Trust II
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
TO:     Varina Knight Mason Testamentary Trust II
                                                                                          No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-T/C-20030429-00549            E E980078         Cidera, Inc.
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Current Licensee: CIDERA, INC.
TO:     VOIPnet, Inc.
                                                                                          No. of Station(s) listed: 1

                                                         Page 19 of 20

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite and Radiocommunication Division at 418-0719; TTY

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Document Created: 2019-04-10 08:57:01
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 08:57:01

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