Public Notice SES00252

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2001-01-17 > IB > Public Notices > SES00252

                     PUBLIC NOTICE
                     445 12th STREET S.W.
                     WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                     News media information 202-418-0500
                     Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                     TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-00252                                                                        Wednesday January 17, 2001

                                        SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES
The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and not in
conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any of these
applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. & 309(b). All applications accepted for filing
will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for administrative
purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

SES-AMD-20001213-02367              E990291        SATELLITE CD RADIO, INC.
Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations
Nature of Service:    Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service

Amendment filed to change antenna elevation angle eastern and western limits.
SITE ID:         1
                 41 ° 12 ' 44.90 " N LAT.                                   74 ° 29 ' 41.30 " W LONG.
    ANTENNA ID:      FEEDERS            4.5 meters            VERTEX                         4.5 KPX/S
            7068.0000 - 7072.5000 MHz              4M51G7E             80.23 dBW             TDM QPSK DARS FEEDER
            7060.0000 - 7064.5000 MHz              4M51G7E             80.23 dBW             TDM QPSK DARS FEEDER
            2328.0000 - 2332.5000 MHz              4M51G7E                                   TDM QPSK DARS/ANCILLARY
            2320.0000 - 2324.5000 MHz              4M51G7E                                   TDM QPSK DARS/ANCILLARY
Points of Communication:

SES-ASG-20010102-00006              E980506        PARADIGM MEDIA, INC.
Application for Consent to Assignment
Current Licensee:     PARADIGM MEDIA, INC.
                                                                                           No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-LIC-20001129-02258              E000705        IMPSAT USA, INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

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Nature of Service:        International Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1SHELL
                29 ° 41 ' 36.00 " N LAT.                                        95 ° 24 ' 22.00 " W LONG.
   ANTENNA ID:        1                     3.8 meters            PRODELIN                       1383
           5925.0000 - 6182.1400 MHz                   1M23G7D             34.30 dBW             QPSK DIGITAL 3/4 FEC
           6419.8900 - 6425.0000 MHz                   1M23G7D             34.30 dBW             QPSK DIGITAL 3/4 FEC
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   1M23G7D                                   QPSK DIGITAL 3/4 FEC
Points of Communication:
   1SHELL - INTELSAT 805 - (304.5 E.L.)

SES-LIC-20001206-02284                  E000721        VISION ACCOMPLISHED, INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:         Temporary Fixed Earth Station
Nature of Service:        Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        001
   ANTENNA ID:        001                   4.6 meters            Andrew                         ES46P
           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 36M091W             76.50 dBW             PSK Digital Video with associated data
           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 36M091W                                   PSK Digital Video with associated data
Points of Communication:
   001 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20001229-02431                  E010010        AFRICAN AMERICAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION
Application for Authority
Class of Station:         Temporary Fixed Earth Station
Nature of Service:        Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:        1
   ANTENNA ID:        1                     1.5 meters            RF TECHNOLOGY                  SNG60/140DT
           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 51K2G7D-            43.10 dBW             DIGITAL DATA, 64KBPS, 1/4, 1/2
           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 36M0G7D-            71.60 dBW             DIGITAL DATA, 45 MBPS, 3/4, 1/2
           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 36M0F3F             72.50 dBW             ANALOG VIDEO W/ASSOCIATED
                                                                                                 AUDIO SUBCARRIERS
Points of Communication:
   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)

SES-LIC-20010103-00003                  E010007        IMPSAT USA, INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:         Fixed Earth Stations
Nature of Service:        International Fixed Satellite Service

                18 ° 23 ' 0.00 " N LAT.                                         66 ° 4 ' 8.00 " W LONG.
   ANTENNA ID:        1                     3.8 meters            PRODELIN                       1381

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           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   51K2G7D            0.93 dBW                   QPSK, DIGITAL, 64 KBPS 3/4 FEC
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   1M23G7D
Points of Communication:
   SHELL DAMA - INTELSAT 805 - (304.5 E.L.)

SES-LIC-20010103-00004                 E010008         IMPSAT USA, INC.
Application for Authority
Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations
Nature of Service:       International Fixed Satellite Service

                 18 ° 25 ' 15.00 " N LAT.                                        66 ° 8 ' 22.00 " W LONG.
   ANTENNA ID:       1                     2.4 meters            PRODELIN                            1251
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   51K2G7D            0.76 dBW                   BPSK DIGITAL 19.2 KBPS 1/2
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   1M23G7D
Points of Communication:
   SHELL VSAT - INTELSAT 805 - (304.5 E.L.)

SES-MOD-20001205-02285                 E940246         CATALINA TRANSMISSION CORP.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations
Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service, Fixed Satellite Service, International Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        2813 West Alameda Avenue, LOS ANGELES, BURBANK, CA
                 34 ° 9 ' 27.00 " N LAT.                                         118 ° 19 ' 52.00 " W LONG.
   ANTENNA ID:       1                     10 meters             SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                  8002
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   36M0F3F            81.00 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   4M50G1W            81.00 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   9M00G1W            81.00 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   26M0G7W            81.00 dBW
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   36M0F3F
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   4M59G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   9M00G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   26M0G7W
   ANTENNA ID:       2                     9.2 meters            SATCOM TECH                         920CS
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   36M0F3F            80.00 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   4M50G1W            80.00 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   9M00G1W            80.00 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   26M0G7W            80.00 dBW
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   36M0F3F
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   4M59G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   9M00G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                   26M0G7W
   ANTENNA ID:       3                     4.1 meters            COMTECH                             "18FT" OFFSAT-847130
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                   36M0F3F            72.40 dBW

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           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                4M50G1W          75.70 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                9M00G1W          75.70 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                26M0G7W          75.70 dBW
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                36M0F3F
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                4M59G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                9M00G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                26M0G7W
   ANTENNA ID:       4                    4.1 meters         COMTECH                 "18FT" OFFSAT-847130
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                36M0F3F          72.40 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                4M50G1W          75.70 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                9M00G1W          75.70 dBW
           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                26M0G7W          75.70 dBW
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                36M0F3F
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                4M59G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                9M00G1W
           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                26M0G7W
Points of Communication:
   1 - ALSAT - (ALSAT)
   1 - ANIK E1 - (111.1 W.L.)
   1 - ANIK E2 - (107.3 W.L)
   1 - SOLIDARIDAD F-1 - (109.2 W.L.)
   1 - SOLIDARIDAD F-2 - (113.0 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20001220-02432                E980159       SATCOM SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED
Application for Modification
Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station
Nature of Service:       Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service

Modification filed to add another antenna.
SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        25,000 Full-duplex METs, VARIOUS
   ANTENNA ID:       A7                   0.46 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / KVH SC   M-1015, D-100HF
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz                5K00G7W          16.50 dBW       Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz                5K00G7W          16.50 dBW       TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz                5K00G7W          16.50 dBW       FDMA communications channels
                                                                                     (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                     encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                     of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz                5K00G7W                          FDMA communications channels
                                                                                     (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                     encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                     of 3375 bps

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     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A8                 0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO Dome         AU200A, ST-111D
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      15.00 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      15.00 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      15.00 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                             FDMA communications channels
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A9                 0.6 meters     MITSUBISHI / MELCO Fixed Site   AU500A, ST-121
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                             TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                             FDMA communications channels
                                                                                (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A10                0.35 meters    MITSUBISHI / MELCO Briefcase    ST151
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                transmission rate of 3375 bps

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     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A11                0.25 meters    MITSUBISHI / MELCO Omniquest   ST251
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A12                0 meters       CAL / Calquest                 CQ100
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A13                0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO             AU400A
                                                Transportation Dome

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     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D1                 0 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour   CD-JL01003
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D2                 0.415 meters    NARROWBAND / Narrowband      RST 2000
                                                 Fixed Site
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         13.80 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         13.80 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D3                 0 meters        NARROWBAND / Narrowbanad     MDT 1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         16.00 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

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     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         16.00 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                         (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D4                 0 meters        EATON / Eaton Mobile    SCM
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         16.00 dBW    TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D         16.00 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                         (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A22                0.3 meters      KVH TRACPHONE           AU900A, ST131
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         11.00 dBW    TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         11.00 dBW    FDMA communications channels
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         11.00 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                      FDMA communications channels
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A23                0 meters        MITSUBISHI/MELCO MAST   AU110A, ST111
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW    TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW    FDMA communications channels
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW    Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

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     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A17                0.46 meters   WESTINGHOUSE/WEC M-1075      M-1075, D-100HF
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A14                0.46 meters   MITSUBISHI/MELCO Ominquest   OQFAU, ST251
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                            (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A15                0.85 meters   MITSUBISHI/MELCO Fixed       AU601B, ST221M

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     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A18                0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE/WEC D DOME   CD-JL01003, D-1000H
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A19                0 meters       WEC D-1000MH MARITIME     CDJL01003-G02
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 10 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                        of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A20                16.5 meters   MITSUBISHI/MELCO DOME    AU201A, ST-211D
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      15.00 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      15.00 dBW        FDMA communications channels
                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                        of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      15.00 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                        of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A21                0.6 meters    MITSUBISHI/MELCO Fixed   AU601A, ST-221
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW        FDMA communications channels
                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                        of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW        Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                        of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A16                0.46 meters   EMS/GETS                 0955-A-0100
     1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz            5K00G7W      17.50 dBW        TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                Page 11 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     17.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W     17.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                          TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1559.0000 MHz              5K00G7W                          FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A1                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mast      CD-JL01080, P-1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     12.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     12.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     12.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                          TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                          FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A2                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour   CD-JL01003, D-1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                          FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 12 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A3                 0.92 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CD-JL01083, F-1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A4                 0.76 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CK-JL01083, F-1000
                                                (0.76 m)
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A5                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Maritime CD-JL01003-G02
                                                Contour Dome
     1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 13 of 31

           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channels
                                                                                     (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                     encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                     of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                                     (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                     encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                     of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
   ANTENNA ID:       A6                1.2 meters         WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mult.   F-1000MC
                                                          Fixed Site
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channels
                                                                                     (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                     encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                     of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                                     (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                     encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                     of 3375 bps
Points of Communication:
   1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20001221-02403             E980159        SATCOM SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED
Application for Modification
Class of Station:     Mobile Earth Station
Nature of Service:    Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        25,000 Full-duplex METs, VARIOUS
   ANTENNA ID:       A1                0 meters           WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mast    CD-JL01080, P-1000
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W         12.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                     differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                     transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                           Page 14 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      12.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      12.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A2                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour    CD-JL01003, D-1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A3                 0.92 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CD-JL01083, F-1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 15 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A4                 0.76 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CK-JL01083, F-1000
                                                (0.76 m)
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A5                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Maritime CD-JL01003-G02
                                                Contour Dome
     1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A6                 1.2 meters     WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mult.      F-1000MC
                                                Fixed Site
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 16 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A7                 0.46 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / KVH SC     M-1015, D-100HF
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A8                 0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO Dome   AU200A, ST-111D
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     15.00 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     15.00 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     15.00 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 17 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A9                 0.6 meters    MITSUBISHI / MELCO Fixed Site   AU500A, ST-121
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A10                0.35 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Briefcase    ST151
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A11                0.25 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Omniquest    ST251
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                 Page 18 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   FDMA communications channels
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                   TDM signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                   FDMA communications channels
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A12                0 meters       CAL / Calquest        CQ100
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   FDMA communications channels
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                   TDM signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                   FDMA communications channels
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A13                0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO    AU400A
                                                Transportation Dome
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW   FDMA communications channels
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                   TDM signaling channel using
                                                                      differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                      transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                   FDMA communications channels
                                                                      (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                      encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                      of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 19 of 31

ANTENNA ID:   D1                 0 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour   CD-JL01003
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.50 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.50 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D2                 0.415 meters    NARROWBAND / Narrowband      RST 2000
                                                 Fixed Site
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       13.80 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       13.80 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D3                 0 meters        NARROWBAND / Narrowbanad     MDT 1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D4                 0 meters        EATON / Eaton Mobile         SCM
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D5                 0.07 meters     EMS                          PDT-100
                                                  Page 20 of 31

Points of Communication:
   1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20001221-02433             E980159        SATCOM SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED
Application for Modification
Class of Station:     Mobile Earth Station
Nature of Service:    Domestic Mobile-Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        25,000 Full-duplex METs, VARIOUS
   ANTENNA ID:       A1                0 meters           WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mast       CD-JL01080, P-1000
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W          12.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W          12.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                        of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W          12.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                               TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                               FDMA communications channels
                                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                        of 3375 bps
   ANTENNA ID:       A2                0 meters           WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour    CD-JL01003, D-1000
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W          16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W          16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
           1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W          16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                        of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                               FDMA communications channels
                                                                                        (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                        encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                        of 3375 bps
           1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                               TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                        differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                        transmission rate of 3375 bps
   ANTENNA ID:       A3                0.92 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CD-JL01083, F-1000

                                                           Page 21 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A4                 0.76 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Fixed Site CK-JL01083, F-1000
                                                (0.76 m)
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A5                 0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Maritime CD-JL01003-G02
                                                Contour Dome
     1646.5000 - 1660.5000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 22 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channels
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A6                 1.2 meters     WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Mult.   F-1000MC
                                                Fixed Site
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channels
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channels
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A7                 0.46 meters    WESTINGHOUSE / KVH SC      M-1015, D-100HF
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW          FDMA communications channels
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                        FDMA communications channels
                                                                           (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                           encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                           of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                        TDM signaling channel using
                                                                           differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                           transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A8                 0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO Dome    AU200A, ST-111D

                                                  Page 23 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       15.00 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       15.00 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       15.00 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A9                 0.6 meters    MITSUBISHI / MELCO Fixed Site   AU500A, ST-121
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A10                0.35 meters   MITSUBISHI / MELCO Briefcase    ST151
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W       16.50 dBW              FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps

                                                 Page 24 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A11                0.25 meters    MITSUBISHI / MELCO Omniquest   ST251
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A12                0 meters       CAL / Calquest                 CQ100
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                               (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                               encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                               of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A13                0 meters       MITSUBISHI / MELCO             AU400A
                                                Transportation Dome
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                               differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                               transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 25 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                              (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                              encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                              of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D1                 0 meters        WESTINGHOUSE / WEC Contour   CD-JL01003
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D2                 0.415 meters    NARROWBAND / Narrowband      RST 2000
                                                 Fixed Site
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D      13.80 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D      13.80 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D3                 0 meters        NARROWBAND / Narrowbanad     MDT 1000
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D      16.00 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D      16.00 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                              differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                              transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                              (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)

                                                  Page 26 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D4                 0 meters        EATON / Eaton Mobile    SCM
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW      TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7D       16.00 dBW      Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                         (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7D                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A22                0.3 meters      KVH TRACPHONE           AU900A, ST131
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       11.00 dBW      TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       11.00 dBW      FDMA communications channels
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       11.00 dBW      Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                      FDMA communications channels
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A23                0 meters        MITSUBISHI/MELCO MAST   AU110A, ST111
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW      TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW      FDMA communications channels
                                                                         (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                         encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                         of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W       16.50 dBW      Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                      TDM signaling channel using
                                                                         differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                         transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 27 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A17                0.46 meters   WESTINGHOUSE/WEC M-1075      M-1075, D-100HF
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A14                0.46 meters   MITSUBISHI/MELCO Ominquest   OQFAU, ST251
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
                                                                            (MT-DRr-data or MT-DRd-data)
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           TDM signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                           FDMA communications channels
                                                                            (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                            encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                            of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A15                0.85 meters   MITSUBISHI/MELCO Fixed       AU601B, ST221M
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W      16.50 dBW            TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                            differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                            transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                Page 28 of 31

     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A18                0 meters       WESTINGHOUSE/WEC D DOME   CD-JL01003, D-1000H
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A19                0 meters       WEC D-1000MH MARITIME     CDJL01003-G02
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         FDMA communications channels
                                                                          (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                          encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                          of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz              5K00G7W     16.50 dBW         Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz              5K00G7W                       TDM signaling channel using
                                                                          differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                          transmission rate of 3375 bps

                                                  Page 29 of 31

     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A20                16.5 meters   MITSUBISHI/MELCO DOME         AU201A, ST-211D
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        15.00 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        15.00 dBW           FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        15.00 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   A21                0.6 meters    MITSUBISHI/MELCO Fixed        AU601A, ST-221
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        16.50 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        16.50 dBW           FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        16.50 dBW           Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                            TDM signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz            5K00G7W                            FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps
ANTENNA ID:   D5                               EMS/Packet Data/half duplex   PDT-100
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        16.50 dBW           TDMA signaling channel using
                                                                             differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                             transmission rate of 3375 bps
     1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz            5K00G7W        16.50 dBW           FDMA communications channels
                                                                             (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                             encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                             of 3375 bps

                                                 Page 30 of 31

          1646.5000 - 1660.0000 MHz         5K00G7W         16.50 dBW              Slotted Aloha signaling channel using
                                                                                   differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                   transmission rate of 3375 bps
          1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz         5K00G7W                                TDM signaling channel using
                                                                                   differentially encoded QPSK at a
                                                                                   transmission rate of 3375 bps
          1545.0000 - 1558.5000 MHz         5K00G7W                                FDMA communications channels
                                                                                   (voice or data) using differentially
                                                                                   encoded QPSK at a transmission rate
                                                                                   of 3375 bps
Points of Communication:
   1 - MSAT-1 - (106.5 W.L.)

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite and Radiocommunication Division at 418-0719; TTY

                                                     Page 31 of 31

Document Created: 2019-04-17 00:27:57
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 00:27:57

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