Public Notice SES02115

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2018-11-21 > IB > Public Notices > SES02115

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-02115                                                                               Wednesday November 21, 2018

                                                     Satellite Communications Services
                                          re: Satellite Radio Applications Accepted For Filing

The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission
reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and
not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any
of these applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications accepted
for filing will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for
administrative purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

SES-ASG-20180731-02060              E E090079                Marshall Communications
Application for Consent to Assignment
Current Licensee:       Marshall Communications
FROM: Marshall Communications
TO:   Science Applications International Corporation
                                                                                                        No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-LIC-20180604-01082               E E180620               WorldVu Satellites Limited
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

WorldVu Satellites Limited requests authority to operate a fixed earth station consisting of twenty six 3.5 meter diameter antennas in Talkeetna,
AK with the OneWeb (S2963) NGSO FSS satellite system in the 17.8-18.6 and 18.8-19.3 GHz (space-to-Earth), and 27.5-29.1 and 29.5 -30.0
GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands. A technical analysis has been provided for the 27.5-28.35 GHz frequency band, in accordance with 47
CFR § 25.136.

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          21518 Comsat Road, Matanuska-Susitna, Talkeetna, AK
                   62 ° 19 ' 59.07 " N LAT.                                          150 ° 1 ' 52.43 " W LONG.

    ANTENNA ID:        1                       3.5 meters         CPI                                   4715000-01

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      250MG7D           66.00 dBW                 using Adaptive Code Modulating with
                                                                                                        QPSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, or 64QAM
                                                                                                        modulations and variable coding rates

           27500.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      250MG7D           66.00 dBW                 using Adaptive Code Modulating with
                                                                                                        QPSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, or 64QAM
                                                                                                        modulations and variable coding rates

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           18800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      20M0G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D -
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

           18800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      2M50G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D -
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

           17800.0000 - 18600.0000 MHz                      20M0G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D -
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

           17800.0000 - 18600.0000 MHz                      2M50G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D -
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

Points of Communication:

   1 - ONEWEB (S2963) - (NGSO)

SES-LIC-20180727-02075               E E181293               WorldVu Satellites Limited
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

WorldVu Satellites Limited requests authority to operate a fixed earth station consisting of thirteen 3.5 meter diameter antennas in Clewiston, FL
with the OneWeb (S2963) NGSO FSS satellite system in the 17.8-18.6 and 18.8-19.3 GHz (space-to-Earth), and 27.5-29.1 and 29.5 -30.0 GHz
(Earth-to-space) frequency bands. A technical analysis has been provided for the 27.5-28.35 GHz frequency band, in accordance with 47 CFR §

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          SSC Space 400 Airglades Blvd, Hendry, Clewiston, FL
                   26 ° 44 ' 51.80 " N LAT.                                          81 ° 2 ' 57.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       3.5 meters         CPI                                   4715000-01

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      250MG7D           66.00 dBW                 using Adaptive Code Modulating with
                                                                                                        QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, or
                                                                                                        64QAM modulations and variable
                                                                                                        coding rates

           27500.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      250MG7D           66.00 dBW                 using Adaptive Code Modulating with
                                                                                                        QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, or
                                                                                                        64QAM modulations and variable
                                                                                                        coding rates

           18800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      20M0G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

                                                                    Page 2 of 20

           18800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                    2M50G7D           0.00 dBW                    emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

           17800.0000 - 18600.0000 MHz                    20M0G7D           0.00 dBW                    emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

           17800.0000 - 18600.0000 MHz                    2M50G7D           0.00 dBW                    emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

Points of Communication:

   1 - ONEWEB (S2963) - (NGSO)

SES-LIC-20180727-02076               E E181294             WorldVu Satellites Limited
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

WorldVu Satellites Limited requests authority to operate a fixed earth station consisting of twenty six 3.5 meter diameter antennas in Southbury,
CT with the OneWeb (S2963) NGSO FSS satellite system in the 17.8-18.6 and 18.8-19.3 GHz (space-to-Earth), and 27.5-29.1 and 29.5 -30.0
GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands. A technical analysis has been provided for the 27.5-28.35 GHz frequency band, in accordance with 47
CFR § 25.136.

SITE ID:           SNP Gateway SOU2508
LOCATION:          COMSAT, Inc. 2120 River Road, New Haven, Southbury, CT
                   41 ° 27 ' 6.40 " N LAT.                                         73 ° 17 ' 21.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         CPI 3.5m              3.5 meters         CPI                                     4715000-01

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                    250MG7D           66.00 dBW                   using Adaptive Code Modulating with
                                                                                                        QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, or
                                                                                                        64QAM modulations and variable
                                                                                                        coding rates

           27500.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                    250MG7D           66.00 dBW                   using Adaptive Code Modulating with
                                                                                                        QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, or
                                                                                                        64QAM modulations and variable
                                                                                                        coding rates

           18800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                    20M0G7D           0.00 dBW                    emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

           18800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                    2M50G7D           0.00 dBW                    emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                        20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                        Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                        32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                        variable coding rates

                                                                  Page 3 of 20

           17800.0000 - 18600.0000 MHz                   20M0G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                     20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                     Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                     32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                     variable coding rates

           17800.0000 - 18600.0000 MHz                   2M50G7D           0.00 dBW                  emission range of 2M50G7D to
                                                                                                     20M0G7D using Adaptive Code
                                                                                                     Modulating with QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM,
                                                                                                     32QAM, or 64QAM modulations and
                                                                                                     variable coding rates

Points of Communication:

   SNP Gateway SOU2508 - ONEWEB (S2963) - (NGSO)

SES-LIC-20181008-03141               E E020257            Westar Satellite Services LP
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        777 Westar Lane, Dallas, Cedar Hill, TX
                 32 ° 34 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                          96 ° 58 ' 56.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       AK4                    7 meters           SATCOM                                700 KS

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   36M0G1F                                     Digital TV

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   36M0G1F           71.00 dBW                 Digital TV

Points of Communication:

   1 - AMC-15 (S2180) - (105.0 W.L.)

SES-LIC-20181008-03144               E E020259            Westar Satellite Services LP
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        777 Westar Lane, Dallas, Cedar Hill, TX
                 32 ° 34 ' 42.00 " N LAT.                                          96 ° 58 ' 56.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       AK5                    6.1 meters         Vertex Communications                 61KPK

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   36M0G1F                                     Digital TV

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   36M0G1F           71.00 dBW                 Digital TV

Points of Communication:

   1 - GALAXY 16 (S2687) - (99 W.L.)

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SES-MOD-20180720-02560               E E160102               ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of its fixed earth station in Pevely, MO, to relocate the fixed earth station five miles from its currently
authorized location. This earth station is currently authorized to operate in the following frequency bands: (i) 18.3-18.8 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz,
28.35-28.6 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz on a primary basis; (ii) 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz on a secondary basis to NGSO FSS systems; (iii)
17.8-18.3 GHz on a secondary basis to fixed terrestrial services; (iv) 27.5-28.35 GHz on a secondary basis to Upper Microwave Flexible Use
Services ("UMFUS") services with the rights and protections afforded by Section 25.136; and (v) 17.7-17.8 GHz on an unprotected,
non-interference basis pursuant to a waiver. A technical analysis has been provided for the 27.5-28.35 GHz frequency band, in accordance with
47 CFR §25.136.

SITE ID:          SAN 1
LOCATION:         1803 Herky Horine Rd, Jefferson, Pevely, MO
                  38 ° 15 ' 53.50 " N LAT.                                             90 ° 24 ' 45.13 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                          VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW              500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20180720-02561               E E160094               ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of its fixed earth station in Augusta, GA, to relocate the fixed earth station 6.5 miles from its currently
authorized location. This earth station is currently authorized to operate in the following frequency bands: (i) 18.3-18.8 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz,
28.35-28.6 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz on a primary basis; (ii) 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz on a secondary basis to NGSO FSS systems; (iii)
17.8-18.3 GHz band on a secondary basis to fixed terrestrial services; (iv) 27.5-28.35 GHz on a secondary basis to Upper Microwave Flexible
Use Services (UMFUS) services with the rights and protections afforded by Section 25.136; and (v) in the 17.7-17.8 GHz on an unprotected,
non-interference basis pursuant to a waiver. A technical analysis has been provided for the 27.5-28.35 GHz frequency band, in accordance with
47 CFR §25.136

SITE ID:          SAN 1
LOCATION:         419 11th St, Richmond, Augusta, GA
                  33 ° 28 ' 28.61 " N LAT.                                             81 ° 58 ' 21.88 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                          VA-41-KA

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            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW                500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                        500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20180720-02562               E E160100                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of its fixed earth station in Detroit, MI, to relocate the fixed earth station 150 feet from its currently authorized
location. This earth station is currently authorized to operate in the following frequency bands: (i) 18.3-18.8 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz, 28.35-28.6
GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz on a primary basis; (ii) 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz frequencies on a secondary basis to NGSO FSS systems; (iii)
17.8-18.3 GHz band on a secondary basis to fixed terrestrial services; (iv) 27.5-28.35 GHz frequencies on a secondary basis to Upper
Microwave Flexible Use Sevices(UMFUS) services with the rights and protections afforded by Section 25.136; and (v) in the 17.7-17.8 GHz on
an unprotected, non-interference basis pursuant to a waiver. A technical analysis has been provided for the 27.5-28.35 GHz frequency band, in
accordance with 47 CFR §25.136.

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          1965 Porter St, Wayne, Detroit, MI
                   42 ° 19 ' 30.06 " N LAT.                                             83 ° 4 ' 13.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                            VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW                500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                        500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

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SES-REG-20180509-00615         E E180257                   Benton-Weatherford Broadcasting Inc. of Tennessee
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        110 India Road, Henry, Paris, TN
                 36 ° 18 ' 51.00 " N LAT.                                             88 ° 17 ' 37.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters          Dawnco                                  TVRO-4.5

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      30M0G7W            0.00 dBW                    Analog and Digital Audio and Video
                                                                                                         modulation with subcarriers

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180517-00839         E E180425                   AMC Networks Broadcasting and Technology LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        620 Hicksville Road, Nassau, Bethpage, NY
                 40 ° 44 ' 39.60 " N LAT.                                             73 ° 29 ' 38.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       7 meters            ATCI                                    SS-7

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0F3F                                        Analog Video Carrier

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G3F                                        Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180531-01047         E E180601                   Canfin Enterprises, Inc.
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        402 Cypress St., Taylor, Abilene, TX
                 32 ° 27 ' 10.70 " N LAT.                                             99 ° 44 ' 4.14 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       2                       3.8 meters          Prodelin                                3.8

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                        Digital Audio and Video signals

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       3.8 meters          Patriot                                 3.8

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           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Audio and Video signals

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180621-01844         E E181116                   Sunrise Broadcasting, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        1110 E Wausau ave (WXCO), marathon, wausau, WI
                 44 ° 58 ' 29.00 " N LAT.                                            89 ° 36 ' 45.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       WXCO-1                  3.8 meters         Com Tech                               3.8 AzEl

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W           0.00 dBW                   Analog and Digital Video/Audio with
                                                                                                       associated subcarriers

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180703-01982         E E181227                   Charter Communications Operating, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        12101 Airport Way, Broomfield, Broomfield, CO
                 39 ° 54 ' 54.20 " N LAT.                                            105 ° 6 ' 31.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       3                       4.6 meters         Andrew                                 ESA46

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       5 meters           ATCi                                   Simulsat 5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       2                       5 meters           Scientific-Atlanta                     8008B

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       4                       4.6 meters         Scientific-Atlanta                     8346

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       5                       4.5 meters         Andrew                                 ESA45

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           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       6                       4.5 meters         DH Satellite                           4.5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       7                       4.5 meters         Scientific-Atlanta                     8345

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       8                       3.8 meters         Comtech                                934D0015-G5

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       9                       3.7 meters         Prodelin                               1374

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       10                      1.8 meters         Patriot                                TX-INT180KU

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180703-01983         E E181228                   Charter Communications Operating, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        11011 E Peakview Ave, Arapahoe, Centennial, CO
                 39 ° 35 ' 57.90 " N LAT.                                            104 ° 51 ' 37.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       5 meters           ATCi                                   Simulsat 5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       2                       5 meters           Scientific-Atlanta                     8008B

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       3                       4.6 meters         Andrew                                 ESA46

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       4                       4.6 meters         Scientific-Atlanta                     8346

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

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   ANTENNA ID:       5                       4.5 meters         Andrew                                 ESA45

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       6                       4.5 meters         DH Satellite                           4.5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       7                       4.5 meters         Scientific-Atlanta                     8345

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       8                       3.8 meters         Comtech                                934D0015-G5

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       9                       3.7 meters         Prodelin                               1374

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       10                      1.8 meters         Patriot                                TX-INT180KU

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180703-01984         E E181229                   Charter Communications Operating, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        2345 Alaska Ave, Los Angeles, El Segundo, CA
                 33 ° 54 ' 27.70 " N LAT.                                            118 ° 22 ' 53.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       5 meters           ATCi                                   Simulsat 5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       2                       5 meters           Scientific-Atlanta                     8008B

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       3                       4.6 meters         Andrew                                 ESA46

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       4                       4.6 meters         Scientific-Atlanta                     8346

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           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       5                       4.5 meters         Andrew                                  ESA45

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       6                       4.5 meters         DH Satellite                            4.5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       7                       4.5 meters         Scientific-Atlanta                      8345

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       8                       3.8 meters         Comtech                                 934D0015-G5

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       9                       3.7 meters         Prodelin                                1374

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

   ANTENNA ID:       10                      1.8 meters         Patriot                                 TX-INT180KU

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video, Audio, Data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180705-01996         E E181237                   Ethel Huff Broadcasting, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        202 E 2nd St (Station), Laurel, London, KY
                 37 ° 7 ' 39.73 " N LAT.                                             84 ° 4 ' 54.22 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       AMC-18                  3.7 meters         DAWNc0-DH                               #D37F48-4PC-5.5

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W

Points of Communication:

   1 - SES-11 (S2964) - (104.95 W.L)

SES-REG-20180718-02476         E E181589                   ARRIS Enterprises LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                 Page 11 of 20

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        900 Chelmsford St T3-3, Middlesex, Lowell, MA
                 42 ° 36 ' 50.70 " N LAT.                                71 ° 19 ' 31.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                      3.8 meters       Comtech                        3.8 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       2                      2.4 meters       Prodelin                       2.4 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       3                      8.5 meters       Simulsat                       5 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

SITE ID:         2
LOCATION:        3701 FAU Blvd, Palm Beach, Boca Raton, FL
                 26 ° 23 ' 2.60 " N LAT.                                 80 ° 5 ' 55.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       4                      3.1 meters       unknown                        unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       5                      3.8 meters       unknown                        unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

SITE ID:         3
LOCATION:        6450 Sequence Drive, San Diego, San Diego, CA
                 32 ° 54 ' 31.50 " N LAT.                                117 ° 10 ' 50.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       6                      2.6 meters       unknown                        unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       7                      3.6 meters       unknown                        unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       8                      3.65 meters      unknown                        Patriot PRT380-style

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       9                      3.048 meters     unknown                        CM 10' mesh style

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7W                            Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       10                     2.5 meters       unknown                        unknown

                                                              Page 12 of 20

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       11                    3.7 meters       Prodelin                             Series 1374

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       12                    3.8 meters       Challenger                           Prime Focus

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

SITE ID:         4
LOCATION:        2450/2500 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
                 37 ° 22 ' 8.50 " N LAT.                                      121 ° 58 ' 15.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       13                    3.2 meters       unknown                              unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       14                    3.7 meters       unknown                              unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       15                    1.8 meters       unknown                              unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       16                    1.2 meters       unknown                              unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       17                    3.2 meters       KTI (Kaul Tronics Inc)               mesh style

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       18                    3.2 meters       Winegard                             mesh style

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       19                    2.4 meters       unknown                              unknown

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

SITE ID:         5
LOCATION:        101 Tournament Drive, Montgomery, Horsham, PA
                 40 ° 12 ' 6.50 " N LAT.                                      75 ° 9 ' 42.50 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       20                    3 meters         Comtech                              3.0 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       21                    3.8 meters       Comtech                              3.8 Meter

                                                             Page 13 of 20

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

   ANTENNA ID:       22                      5 meters           DH Satellite                       Gibraltar

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

SITE ID:         6
LOCATION:        3871 Lakefield Drive, Forsyth, Suwanee, GA
                 34 ° 3 ' 52.10 " N LAT.                                        84 ° 9 ' 16.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       23                      3 meters           Prodelin                           Series 1304

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Broadcast TV reception

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

   2 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

   3 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

   4 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

   5 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

   6 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180809-03133         E E181924                   Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        550 W 22nd Street, Roosevelt, Portales, NM
                 34 ° 9 ' 48.00 " N LAT.                                        103 ° 20 ' 20.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       5 meters           Andrew                             5 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

   ANTENNA ID:       2                       3.8 meters         Comtech                            945 6446

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

   ANTENNA ID:       3                       3.8 meters         Comtech                            945 7573 16

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

   ANTENNA ID:       4                       3.6 meters         DH                                 3.6 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

                                                                Page 14 of 20

   ANTENNA ID:       5                       3.8 meters         Patriot                            PRT-380

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

   ANTENNA ID:       6                       3.8 meters         Prodelin                           3.8 Meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180810-03196         E E181949                   Cox Communications California, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        1175 N Cuyamaca st., San Diego, EL CAJON, CA
                 32 ° 48 ' 39.20 " N LAT.                                        116 ° 58 ' 44.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       5 meters           SCIENTIFIC-ATLANTA, INC            8008 5.0 METER

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W          0.00 dBW                Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03187         E E181940                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        340 Edwards Ave, Jefferson Parish, Harahan, LA
                 29 ° 56 ' 45.30 " N LAT.                                        90 ° 11 ' 24.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters         Andrew Corporation                 ESA45-4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03188         E E181941                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                Page 15 of 20

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        340 Edwards Ave, Jefferson Parish, Harahan, LA
                 29 ° 56 ' 45.20 " N LAT.                                        90 ° 11 ' 24.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters         Andrew Corporation                 ESA45-4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03189         E E181942                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        340 Edwards Ave, Jefferson Parish, Harahan, LA
                 29 ° 56 ' 45.50 " N LAT.                                        90 ° 11 ' 24.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters         Andrew Corporation                 ESA45-4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03190         E E181943                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        340 Edwards Ave, Jefferson Parish, Harahan, LA
                 29 ° 56 ' 45.80 " N LAT.                                        90 ° 11 ' 25.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters         Andrew Corporation                 ESA45-4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                  Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03191         E E181944                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                Page 16 of 20

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        41107 Hwy 621, Ascension Parish, Gonzales, LA
                 30 ° 16 ' 9.00 " N LAT.                                           90 ° 55 ' 5.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters         Andrew Corporation                    ESA45-4

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03193         E E181946                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        41107 Hwy 621, Ascension Parish, Gonzales, LA
                 30 ° 16 ' 8.50 " N LAT.                                           90 ° 55 ' 5.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.2 meters         DAWNCo                                DH/DH42GAE-8P

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180821-03194         E E181947                   Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        41107 Hwy 621, Ascension Parish, Gonzales, LA
                 30 ° 16 ' 7.90 " N LAT.                                           90 ° 55 ' 4.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       5 meters           Andrew Corporation                    8008

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Digital Video Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180822-03192         E E181945                   Bible Broadcasting Network, Inc.
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                 Page 17 of 20

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        1609 Conwell Ave., Huron, Willard, OH
                 41 ° 2 ' 6.30 " N LAT.                                             82 ° 42 ' 48.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       3 meters            Prodelin                             1304-990

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W            0.00 dBW                 Digital audio and data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180822-03195         E E181948                   Bible Broadcasting Network, Inc.
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        18754 Robinsonville Rd., Sussex, Belltown, DE
                 38 ° 43 ' 30.80 " N LAT.                                           75 ° 10 ' 56.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       3 meters            Channel Master                       6346-6969

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W            0.00 dBW                 Digital audio and data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180823-03098         E E181899                   Hearst Properties Inc.
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        100 South Commercial Street (WMUR-TV), Hillsborough, Manchester, NH
                 42 ° 59 ' 4.20 " N LAT.                                            71 ° 27 ' 57.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters          Andrew                               ESA45-46A

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Digital video, audio, data

   ANTENNA ID:       2                       3.7 meters          Prodelin                             1374

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Digital video, audio, data

   ANTENNA ID:       3                       3.7 meters          Prodelin                             1374

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                     Digital video, audio, data

   ANTENNA ID:       4                       4.5 meters          EASI                                 4.5 meter

                                                                 Page 18 of 20

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital video, audio, data

   ANTENNA ID:       5                       4.5 meters          EASI                                   4.5 meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital video, audio, data

SITE ID:         2
LOCATION:        100 South Commercial Street (WMUR-TV), Hillsborough, Manchester, NH
                 42 ° 59 ' 4.20 " N LAT.                                              71 ° 27 ' 57.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       6                       2.1 meters          Digiwave                               DWD210T

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital video, audio, data

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

   2 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180926-03065         E E181884                   Alabama 810, LLC
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        188 Broadcast Blvd (WCKA-AM), Calhoun, Jacksonville, AL
                 33 ° 50 ' 56.63 " N LAT.                                             85 ° 45 ' 44.22 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       A                       3.7 meters          DawnCo                                 D37F48-4PC-5.5

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      30M0G7W            0.00 dBW                   Modulation and Services Digital Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20181001-03090         E E181892                   Liberty University, Inc.
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, VA
                 37 ° 21 ' 28.80 " N LAT.                                             79 ° 10 ' 22.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       1                       4.5 meters          Challenger Communications              Navigator 45-III

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                       Digital Video

                                                                 Page 19 of 20

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz         36M0F8F                               Analog Video with Associated

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

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Document Created: 2018-11-20 17:06:17
Document Modified: 2018-11-20 17:06:17

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