Public Notice SES02035

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2018-02-14 > IB > Public Notices > SES02035

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-02035                                                                                  Wednesday February 14, 2018

                                                      Satellite Communications Services
                                           re: Satellite Radio Applications Accepted For Filing

The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission
reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and
not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any
of these applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications accepted
for filing will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for
administrative purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

SES-ASG-20180206-00095              E E020243                 Midwest Uplink, Inc.
Application for Consent to Assignment
Current Licensee:       MIDWEST UPLINK, INC.
TO:   IMS Productions, Inc.
                                                                                                           No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-MOD-20171221-01360               E E160094                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Augusta, GA to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          419 11th St, Richmond, Augusta, GA
                   33 ° 28 ' 28.61 " N LAT.                                             81 ° 58 ' 21.88 " W LONG.

    ANTENNA ID:         1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

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            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01361               E E160102                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Pevely, MO to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          1803 Herky Horine Rd, Jefferson, Pevely, MO
                   38 ° 15 ' 53.50 " N LAT.                                             90 ° 24 ' 45.13 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01362               E E160114                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Tracy, CA to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          25726 South Hansen Road, San Juaquine, Tracy, CA
                   37 ° 43 ' 16.58 " N LAT.                                             121 ° 30 ' 38.33 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

                                                                     Page 2 of 13

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01363               E E160104                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Truckee, CA to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          10136 Hirschdale Rd, Nevada, Truckee, CA
                   39 ° 22 ' 55.17 " N LAT.                                             120 ° 4 ' 54.56 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01364               E E160131                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                     Page 3 of 13

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Stockbridge, GA to extend the construction deadline for one year,
until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          457 Thurman Rd, Henry, Stockbridge, GA
                   33 ° 35 ' 35.40 " N LAT.                                             84 ° 13 ' 14.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01365               E E160097                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Portsmouth, VA to extend the construction deadline for one year,
until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          969 Broad St, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA
                   36 ° 50 ' 17.55 " N LAT.                                             76 ° 20 ' 0.66 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

                                                                     Page 4 of 13

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01366               E E160096                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Pittsburgh, PA to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          143 S. 25th St, Allegheny, Pittsburgh, PA
                   40 ° 25 ' 30.18 " N LAT.                                             79 ° 58 ' 11.06 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                            VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW                500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                        500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01367               E E160095                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Pittston, PA to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          1180 Sathers Drive, Luzerne, Pittston, PA
                   41 ° 18 ' 59.30 " N LAT.                                             75 ° 42 ' 54.04 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                            VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW                500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

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           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01368               E E160101                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in North Little Rock, AR to extend the construction deadline for one
year, until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          912 North Pine St, Polaski, North Little Rock, AR
                   34 ° 45 ' 44.56 " N LAT.                                             92 ° 15 ' 36.14 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                          VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW              500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01369               E E160130                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Olive Branch, MS to extend the construction deadline for one year,
until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          7045 Hwy 305 N, DeSoto, Olive Branch, MS
                   34 ° 57 ' 46.83 " N LAT.                                             89 ° 49 ' 52.26 " W LONG.

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   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                            VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW                500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                        500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01370               E E160100                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Detroit, MI to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          1965 Porter St, Wayne, Detroit, MI
                   42 ° 19 ' 30.09 " N LAT.                                             83 ° 4 ' 11.71 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                            VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW                416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW                500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                        416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                        500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01371               E E160103                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

                                                                     Page 7 of 13

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Centerview, MO to extend the construction deadline for one year,
until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          160 SW 701st Rd, Johnson, Centerview, MO
                   38 ° 44 ' 35.79 " N LAT.                                             93 ° 52 ' 42.81 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                          VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW              500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01372               E E160106                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Dousman, MI to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          311 Venture Drive, Waukesha, Dousman, WI
                   43 ° 0 ' 52.28 " N LAT.                                              88 ° 27 ' 58.70 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                          VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW              500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

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Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01373               E E160107                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Chaska, MN to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          3500 Lyman Blvd, Carver, Chaska, MN
                   44 ° 51 ' 3.77 " N LAT.                                              93 ° 35 ' 53.87 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D               61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

            19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                       416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                       500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01374               E E160112                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Ogden, UT to extend the construction deadline for one year, until
January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          526 West 17th Street, Weber, Ogden, UT
                   41 ° 14 ' 17.82 " N LAT.                                             111 ° 59 ' 28.47 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

            27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D               60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

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           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW              500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01375               E E160110                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Las Vegas, NV to extend the construction deadline for one year,
until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

SITE ID:           SAN 1
LOCATION:          4485 E Sahara Ave, Clark, Las Vegas, NV
                   36 ° 8 ' 33.70 " N LAT.                                              115 ° 4 ' 38.10 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       4.1 meters          ViaSat, Inc.                          VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                       417MG7D               60.00 dBW              416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                       500MG7D               61.60 dBW              500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                       417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                       500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20171221-01376               E E160098                ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ViaSat, Inc. requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in San Antonio, TX to extend the construction deadline for one year,
until January 19, 2019, pursuant to section 25.117(e) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR § 25.117(e).

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SITE ID:          SAN 1
LOCATION:         1203 North Frio Street, Bexter, San Antonio, TX
                  29 ° 26 ' 18.32 " N LAT.                                            98 ° 30 ' 25.32 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       4.1 meters         ViaSat, Inc.                           VA-41-KA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      417MG7D              60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27600.0000 - 29100.0000 MHz                      417MG7D              60.00 dBW               416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           27500.0000 - 28100.0000 MHz                      500MG7D              61.60 dBW               500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17800.0000 - 19300.0000 MHz                      417MG7D                                      416.6 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Data

           17700.0000 - 18300.0000 MHz                      500MG7D                                      500 MBd M-ary PSK Digital Carrier

Points of Communication:

   SAN 1 - VIASAT-2 (S2902) - (69.9 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20180209-00108               E E030038               EchoStar Broadcasting Holding Corporation
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

EchoStar Broadcasting Holding Corporation requests modification of the license for its fixed earth station in Cheyenne, WY to update the site

SITE ID:          KA1
                  41 ° 7 ' 56.80 " N LAT.                                             104 ° 44 ' 16.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         KA1                     5.6 meters         ANDREW CORPORATION                     5.6M

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      1M55G7W              67.80 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      20M2G7W              78.90 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      20M3G7W              79.00 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W              81.40 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      1M55G7W-                                     DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W                                      DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   KA1 - ECHOSTAR -9 - (121 W.L.)

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SES-REG-20180205-00084         E E180012                    Oklahoma State University
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:        Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:          1
LOCATION:         726 W Sheridan Avenue, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK
                  35 ° 27 ' 58.00 " N LAT.                                         97 ° 31 ' 31.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        3.7M.                   3.7 meters         GD Satcom                           3.7 meter

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       30K0F1D                                   Data Carrier

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       10M3G7W                                   Data Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-REG-20180208-00102         E E180014                    Cox Radio, Inc.
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:        Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:          1
LOCATION:         1611 South Main St, Montgomery, Dayton, OH
                  39 ° 44 ' 8.30 " N LAT.                                          84 ° 11 ' 10.70 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        1                       5 meters           ANTENNA TECH CORP                   SIMULSAT 5M

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W            0.00 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO AUDIO AND DATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-STA-20180207-00097                 E E140121            Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Intelsat License LLC requests special temporary authority for 180 days, beginning April 18, 2018, to operate its Hagerstown, MD fixed earth
station to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) services for the SES-12 satellite on the following center frequencies: 13998.0 MHz,
13996.5 MHz, 13999.5 MHz, 14494.5 MHz, 14496.0 MHz, 14497.5 MHz, and 14499.0 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 11499.5 MHz and 11703.5
MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20180207-00100                 E KA258              Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

                                                                  Page 12 of 13

Intelsat License LLC requests special temporary authority for 180 days, beginning April 18, 2018, to operate its Hagerstown, MD fixed earth
station to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) services for the SES-12 satellite on the following center frequencies: 13998.0 MHz,
13996.5 MHz, 13999.5 MHz, 14494.5 MHz, 14496.0 MHz, 14497.5 MHz, and 14499.0 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 11499.5 MHz and 11703.5
MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-T/C-20180202-00086                E E140126       Midwest Information Systems, Inc.
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Current Licensee:       Midwest Information Systems, Inc.
TO:   Lance Knudson
                                                                                                    No. of Station(s) listed: 2

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

                                                              Page 13 of 13

Document Created: 2018-02-13 15:53:42
Document Modified: 2018-02-13 15:53:42

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