Public Notice SES01982

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2017-08-16 > IB > Public Notices > SES01982

                        PUBLIC NOTICE
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
                        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01982                                                                              Wednesday August 16, 2017

                                           Satellite Communications Services Information
                                                                  re: Actions Taken
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

SES-MOD-20170412-00417                E E050097              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            SBRG-1
                    27 ° 27 ' 34.30 " N LAT.                                     81 ° 21 ' 26.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          SBR RFT1               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        N0N                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                   consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                   spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec
                                                                                                   channels whose carriers are uniformly

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                        7K00G1D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

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           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz             70K0G7D                     TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             N0N                         Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             N0N             59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                             EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                             any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23XXX         59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G2W         55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G7W         55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                             consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                             spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec
                                                                             channels whose carriers are uniformly

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G7W         55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             2M46G7W         55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             2M46G2W         55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23XXX         59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G2W         55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             N0N             59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                             EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                             any bandwidth.

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz             40K0G2D         68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             N0N                         Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                             EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                             any bandwidth.

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz             76K0F2D         68.00 dBW   FM SUBCARRIER ON
                                                                             TELECOMMAND CARRIER

Points of Communication:


   SBRG-1 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00419             E E030266      GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                 10/14/2010 - 10/14/2025
Withdrawn                                                                              Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Mobile Satellite Service

                                                           Page 2 of 33

SITE ID:            CLFN-IOT
                    31 ° 48 ' 2.10 " N LAT.                                     97 ° 36 ' 46.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          CLF IOT               1.5 meters         ORBITAL SYSTEMS                  1.8AEHT

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                       N0N             22.60 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                  EIRP density per carrier is 22.6 dBW in
                                                                                                  any bandwidth.

   ANTENNA ID:          CLF IOT               1.5 meters         ORBITAL SYSTEMS                  1.8AEHT

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                       N0N             0.00 dBW               Unmodulated CW for testing

Points of Communication:


   CLFN-IOT - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00421                 E E000345            GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                      03/22/2011 - 03/22/2026
Withdrawn                                                                                                   Date Effective:    08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            CLFN-5
LOCATION:           848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                    31 ° 48 ' 3.00 " N LAT.                                     97 ° 36 ' 49.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          Clift-RFT5            5.5 meters         Alcatel                          9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G7W                                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                  direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                  channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                  spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                  Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       50K0N0N                                Unmodulated CW for Testing.

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23XXX                                White noise modulated carrier for

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       N0N                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

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         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz     1M23XXX                     White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz     1M23G2W                     Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz     2M50G2D                     Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                   telemetry data

         6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz     7K00G1D                     Telemetry carrier

         6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz     70K0G7D                     Telemetry carrier

         6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz     7K00G1D                     Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                                   Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                                   @1000.117 bps.

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     50K0N0N         59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for Testing.

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW   Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                   direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                   channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                   spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                   Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     2M46G2W         55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz     N0N             59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                   any bandwidth

         5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz     40K0G2D         68.00 dBW   Telecommand carrier

         5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz     76K0F2D         68.00 dBW   Telecommand Carrier.

         5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz     76K0F2D         68.00 dBW   Telecommand carrier

Points of Communication:


   CLFN-5 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

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SES-MOD-20170412-00422                E E970381         GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                        10/04/2009 - 10/04/2024
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:     08/11/2017

Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

On August 8, 2017, the Satellite Division granted, with conditions, GUSA Licensee LLC's request to modify its blanket mobile earth station
authorization to include a terrestrial low-power ancillary terrestrial component (ATC) network in the 2483.5-2495 MHz frequency band pursuant
to rules adopted in Terrestrial Use of the 2473-2495 MHz Band for Low-Power Mobile Broadband Networks; Amendments to Rules for the
Ancillary Terrestrial Component of Mobile Satellite Service Systems, Report and Order, FCC 16-181 (2016).

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, all US territories,, all US WATER

   ANTENNA ID:          Handhld             0 meters          Tele Communications, Inc. for          handheld units

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                   1M23G1W                                       CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                   1M23G1W           1.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

   ANTENNA ID:          V Mobile            0 meters          VARIOUS                                VARIOUS

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                   1M23G1W                                       CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                   1M23G1W           9.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

   ANTENNA ID:          A Fixed             0 meters          Tele Communications, Inc. for          Ancillary fixed

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                   1M23G1W                                       CDMA / Voice and data

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                   1M23G1W           8.00 dBW                    CDMA / Voice and data

   ANTENNA ID:          Aviation1                             ARNAV (Size: 3.93"Lx3"Wx0.88"D)        RCOM-100

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                   1M23G1W                                       CDMA/ for single-carrier AMSS

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                   1M23G1W           2.00 dBW                    Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

   ANTENNA ID:          Telemetry                             VARIOUS                                VARIOUD

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                   1M23XXX                                       DATA

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                   2M50G1D                                       Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                     telemetry data

   ANTENNA ID:          Aviation2                             Qualcomm (Size:                        MDSS

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                   1M23G7W                                       Direct-sequence CDMA for multi-carrier
                                                                                                     air-based or ground-based MSS
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     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G7W        2.00 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for multi-carrier
                                                                        air-based or ground-based MSS

ANTENNA ID:    Handhld2              VARIOUS                            VARIOUS

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    V Mobile3             Tecom for Richardson Electronics   Vehicular Mobile 3

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W        4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    A Fixed4              VARIOUS                            VARIOUS

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W        9.80 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    MCM-4                 Tecom for Richardson Electronics   MCM-4

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for four-channel
                                                                        voice and data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G7W        7.50 dBW                Direct-sequence CDMA for four-channel
                                                                        voice and data

ANTENNA ID:    SDVM                  Tecom for Richardson Electronics   GSP-1720

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W        4.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    V Mobile2             Qualcomm                           GCK-1410

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W        5.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    A Fixed2              Qualcomm                           GSP-2900

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W        6.70 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

ANTENNA ID:    A Fixed3              Ericsson                           FAU-200

     2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz   1M23G1W                                CDMA/Voice and Data

     1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz   1M23G1W        8.00 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

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   ANTENNA ID:          SDM                                     Qualcomm                           GSP-1620

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                       1M23G1W                                 CDMA/Voice and Data

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                       1M23G1W         4.50 dBW                CDMA/Voice and Data

   ANTENNA ID:          PTracker                                VARIOUS                            VARIOUS

           2483.5000 - 2500.0000 MHz                       1M23XXX                                 DATA

           1610.0000 - 1618.7250 MHz                       2M50G1D         -3.00 dBW               Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

Points of Communication:

   1 - GLOBALSTAR (S2115) - (NGSO)

   1 - GLOBALSTAR 2.0 - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00424                 E E970199            GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       02/27/2008 - 02/27/2023
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:   08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            CLFN-1
LOCATION:           848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                    31 ° 48 ' 0.20 " N LAT.                                      97 ° 36 ' 44.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          CLF RFT 1             5.5 meters        ALCATEL                            9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       50K0N0N                                 CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23XXX                                 WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                   CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G7W                                 CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G2W                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M50G2D                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M46G2W                                 WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23XXX                                 WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                   CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M50G2D                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                   SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

                                                                  Page 7 of 33

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                     WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                     CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   NON                         UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                     WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

6900.0000 - 7025.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                     DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                        SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz   7K00G1D                     TELEMETRY CARRIER

6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz   7K00G1D                     TELEMETRY CARRIER

6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz   70K0G7D                     TELEMETRY CARRIER

6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz   70K0G7D                     TELEMETRY CARRIER

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W         55.00 dBW   CDMA, VOICE AND DATA

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   50K0N0N         59.00 dBW   CW FOR TESTING

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX         59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                        CARRIER FOR TESTING

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W         55.00 dBW   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                        SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W         55.00 dBW   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W         55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W         55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                        SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX         59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                        CARRIER FOR TESTING

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W         55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                        SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   NON             59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                        MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                        CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz   40K0G2D         68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz   40K0G2D         68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz   76K0F2D         68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

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           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                        76K0F2D         68.00 dBW              TELECOMMAND CARRIER

Points of Communication:


   CLFN-1 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00426                E E050347              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           1301 W. WINTER CT. (WSLA-1), Matanuska-Susitna, Wasilla, AK
                    61 ° 35 ' 24.60 " N LAT.                                     149 ° 29 ' 2.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          WSL RFT1               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        NON                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White-noise-modulation carrier for

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

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Points of Communication:

   1 - GLOBALSTAR 2.0 - (NGSO)

   1 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00427                E E050346              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           1301 W. Winter Ct. (WSLA-2), Matanuska-Susitna, Wasilla, AK
                    61 ° 35 ' 24.10 " N LAT.                                     149 ° 29 ' 6.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          WSL RFT2               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        NON                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                   consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                   spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec
                                                                                                   channels whose carriers are uniformly

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

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           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        NON             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - GLOBALSTAR 2.0 - (NGSO)

   1 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00428                E E050345              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            WSLA-3
LOCATION:           1301 W. WINTER CT., Matanuska-Susitna, Wasilla, AK
                    61 ° 35 ' 24.90 " N LAT.                                     149 ° 29 ' 9.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          WSL RFT3               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        NON                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for testing

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           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

Points of Communication:


   WSLA-3 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00429                E E050100              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            SBRG-4
                    27 ° 27 ' 35.60 " N LAT.                                     81 ° 21 ' 26.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          SBR RFT4               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                        7K00G1D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                        70K0G7D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        N0N                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

                                                                   Page 12 of 33

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                        40K0G2D         68.00 dBW              TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                        76K0F2D         68.00 dBW              FM SUBCARRIER ON
                                                                                                   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

Points of Communication:


   SBRG-4 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00430                E E050099              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            SBRG-3
                    27 ° 27 ' 35.60 " N LAT.                                     81 ° 21 ' 28.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          SBR RFT3               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                        7K00G1D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                        70K0G7D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White- noise- modulated carrier for

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA VOICE AND DATA

                                                                   Page 13 of 33

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        N0N                                    Unmodulated CW for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White- noise- modulated carrier for

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                        40K0G2D         68.00 dBW               TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                        76K0F2D         68.00 dBW              FM SUBCARRIER ON
                                                                                                   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

Points of Communication:


   SBRG-3 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00431                E E050098              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       01/04/2007 - 01/04/2022
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:    08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            SBRG-2
                    27 ° 27 ' 34.30 " N LAT.                                     81 ° 21 ' 28.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          SBR RFT2               5.5 meters         ALCATEL                          9775

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                        7K00G1D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                        70K0G7D                                TELEMETRY CARRIER

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                   telemetry data

                                                                   Page 14 of 33

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             1M23G7W                    CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             N0N                        Unmodulated CW for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             2M46G7W                    Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             2M46G2W                    Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             1M23XXX                    White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           6875.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz             1M23G2W                    Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             N0N            59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                            EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                            any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23XXX        59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G7W        55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                            consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                            spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec
                                                                            channels whose carriers are uniformly

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G2W        55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             1M23G7W        55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             2M46G7W        55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz             2M46G2W        55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz             40K0G2D        68.00 dBW   TELECOMMAND CARRIER

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz             76K0F2D        68.00 dBW   FM SUBCARRIER ON
                                                                            TELECOMMAND CARRIER

Points of Communication:


   SBRG-2 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00432             E E990337      GCL Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                06/23/2010 - 06/23/2025
Withdrawn                                                                             Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Mobile Satellite Service

                                                        Page 15 of 33

SITE ID:         LPMA-1
LOCATION:        Road 303 INT. KM 12.1, Caba Rojo, Cabo Rojo, PR
                 17 ° 58 ' 48.00 " N LAT.                                     67 ° 8 ' 15.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:       LPMA-1                 5.5 meters         Alcatel                           9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                 FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                 CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                 CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     N0N                                     UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                 WHITE NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                 CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                 SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W                                 CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     N0N                                     UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W                                 WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M46G2W                                 WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                 SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX                                 WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                 CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                 SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                     2M50G2D                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                 SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW               CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23XXX         59.00 dBW               WHITE-NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                 CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G2W         55.00 dBW               DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                 SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     N0N             59.00 dBW               UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                                 MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                                 CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     1M23G7W         55.00 dBW               CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     2M46G7W         55.00 dBW               WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

                                                                Page 16 of 33

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW               WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW               WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW               DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW               UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                                    MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                                    CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

           5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW               FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

Points of Communication:


   LPMA-1 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00433                E E990336              GCL Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       06/23/2010 - 06/23/2025
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:   08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            LPMA-2
LOCATION:           Road 303 INT. Km12.1 Las Palmas, Caba Rojo, Cabo Rojo, PR
                    17 ° 58 ' 49.00 " N LAT.                                     67 ° 8 ' 14.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          LPA RFT2               5.5 meters         Alcatel                           9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                 FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                 CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        NON                                     UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                 WHITE NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                 WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

                                                                   Page 17 of 33

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                 WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW               CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW               WHITE NOISE MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW               DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        NON             59.00 dBW               UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                                                                    MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                                                                    CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW               WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW               WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                                                                    SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

           5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW               FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

Points of Communication:


   LPMA-2 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00434                E E990335              GCL Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       06/23/2010 - 06/23/2025
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:   08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            LPMA-3
LOCATION:           ROAD 303 INT. KM 12.1, Caba Rojo, CABO ROJO, PR
                    17 ° 58 ' 50.00 " N LAT.                                     67 ° 8 ' 13.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          LPA RFT3               5.5 meters         Alcatel                           9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                 FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                                                                    CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                 CDMA VOICE AND DATA

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        NON                                     UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                 WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                                                                    CARRIER FOR TESTING

                                                                   Page 18 of 33

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz    1M23G2W                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz    2M46G7W                 WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz    2M46G2W                 WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz    1M23XXX                 WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                              CARRIER FOR TESTING

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz    1M23G2W                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

         6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz    2M50G2D                 DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER TELEMETRY

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                              CARRIER FOR TESTING

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    NON         59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                              MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                              CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA VOICE AND DATA

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA VOICE AND

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   WIDEBAND CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   WHITE-NOISE-MODULATED
                                                              CARRIER FOR TESTING

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   DIRECT-SEQUENCE CDMA FOR
                                                              SINGLE-CARRIER AMSS

         5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    N0N         59.00 dBW   UNMODULATED CW FOR TESTING;
                                                              MAXIMUM EIRP DENSITY PER
                                                              CARRIER IS 59.0 dBW IN ANY

         5091.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz    1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   FEEDER LINK & TELEMETRY -
                                                              CDMA 1.23 MC/SEC/QPSK

Points of Communication:


                                            Page 19 of 33

   LPMA-3 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00435                E E050237              GCL Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       10/17/2005 - 10/17/2020
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:      08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            LPMA-4
LOCATION:           Road 303 INT. KM 12.1 Las Palmas, Cabo Rojo, Cabo Rojo, PR
                    17 ° 58 ' 48.00 " N LAT.                                     67 ° 8 ' 12.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          LPA RFT4               5.5 meters         Alcatel                           9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1H0N0N                                  Unmodulated CW for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                 White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                 CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                    consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                    spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec
                                                                                                    channels whose carriers are uniformly

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                    telemetry data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                 CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        NON                                     Unmodulated CW for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W                                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W                                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        2M50G2D                                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                    telemetry data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1H0N0N          59.00 dBW               Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                    EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                    any bandwidth.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW               White noise modulated carrier for testing

                                                                     Page 20 of 33

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data: QPSK waveform
                                                                                                   consists of multiple direct-sequence
                                                                                                   spread-spectrum 1.23 Mchip/sec
                                                                                                   channels whose carriers are uniformly

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        NON             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth.

Points of Communication:


   LPMA-4 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00436                E E000342              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       03/22/2011 - 03/22/2026
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            CLFN-2
LOCATION:           848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                    31 ° 47 ' 57.50 " N LAT.                                     97 ° 36 ' 44.70 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          CLF RFT2               5.5 meters         Alcatel                          9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                   direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                   channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                   spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                   Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        50K0N0N                                Unmodulated CW for Testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX                                White noise modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

                                                                   Page 21 of 33

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   N0N                     Unmodulated CW for Testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz   7K00G1D                 Telemetry carrier

6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz   70K0G7D                 Telemetry carrier

6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz   7K00G1D                 Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                    Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                    @ 1000.117 bps

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   50K0N0N     59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for Testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   Waveform consists of multiple
                                                    direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                    channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                    spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                    Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   N0N         59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                    EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                    any bandwidth

5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz   40K0G2D     68.00 dBW   Telecommand Carrier

5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz   76K0F2D     68.00 dBW   Telecommand Carrier

5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz   76K0F2D     68.00 dBW   Telecommand Carrier

                                  Page 22 of 33

Points of Communication:


   CLFN-2 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00437                 E E000344            GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                      03/22/2011 - 03/22/2026
Withdrawn                                                                                                   Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            CLFN-4
LOCATION:           848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                    31 ° 48 ' 0.10 " N LAT.                                     97 ° 36 ' 48.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          Clift-RFT4            5.5 meters         Alcatel                          9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G7W                                Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                  direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                  channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                  spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                  Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23XXX                                White noise modulated carrier for

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       50K0N0N                                Unmodulated CW for Testing.

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G7W                                CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       N0N                                    Unmoduldated CW for Testing.

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M46G7W                                Wideband CDMA voice and data

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M46G2W                                Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23XXX                                White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       1M23G2W                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                       2M50G2D                                Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                                                                  telemetry data

           6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz                       7K00G1D                                Telemetry carrier

           6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz                       70K0G7D                                Telemetry carrier

           6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz                       7K00G1D                                Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                                                                  Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                                                                  @ 1000.117 bps.

                                                                  Page 23 of 33

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              Waveform consists of multiple
                                                                                                   direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                                                                   channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                                                                   spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                                                                   Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        50K0N0N         59.00 dBW              Unmoduldated CW for Testing.

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G7W         55.00 dBW              CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G7W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA voice and data

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        2M46G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23XXX         59.00 dBW              White noise modulated carrier for

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        1M23G2W         55.00 dBW              Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                        N0N             59.00 dBW              Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                   EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                   any bandwidth

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                        40K0G2D         68.00 dBW              Telecommand carrier

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                        76K0F2D         68.00 dBW              Telecommand carrier

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                        76K0F2D         68.00 dBW              Telecommand carrier

Points of Communication:


   CLFN-4 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170412-00438                E E000343              GUSA Licensee LLC
Application for Modification                                                                       03/22/2011 - 03/22/2026
Withdrawn                                                                                                    Date Effective:    08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Mobile Satellite Service

SITE ID:            CLFN-3
LOCATION:           848 County Road 4290, Bosque, Clifton, TX
                    31 ° 47 ' 57.40 " N LAT.                                     97 ° 36 ' 47.90 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          CLF RFT3               5.5 meters         Alcatel                          9775

           6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz                        50K0N0N                                Unmodulated CW for Testing

                                                                   Page 24 of 33

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White noise modulated carrier for testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 Waveform consists of multiple
                                                    direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                    channels whose carriers are unifromly
                                                    spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                    Mc.sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G7W                 CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   NON                     Unmodulated CW for testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G7W                 Wideband CDMA voice and data

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M46G2W                 Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23XXX                 White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   1M23G2W                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

6900.0000 - 7055.0000 MHz   2M50G2D                 Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier
                                                    telemetry data

6875.9500 - 6877.1500 MHz   7K00G1D                 Telemetry carrier

6875.9000 - 6879.1000 MHz   70K0G7D                 Telemetry carrier

6875.0000 - 6878.0000 MHz   7K00G1D                 Telemetry Carrier using a
                                                    Manchester-Encoded Formatted Signal
                                                    @ 1000.117 bps

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   Waveform consists of multiple
                                                    direct-sequence spread-spectrum
                                                    channels whose carriers are uniformly
                                                    spaced. Each CDMA channel is 1.23
                                                    Mc/sec. Each CDMA Waveform is

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   50K0N0N     59.00 dBW   Unmodulated CW for Testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White noise modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G7W     55.00 dBW   CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G7W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA voice and data

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   2M46G2W     55.00 dBW   Wideband CDMA for single-carrier

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23XXX     59.00 dBW   White-noise-modulated carrier for testing

5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz   1M23G2W     55.00 dBW   Direct-sequence CDMA for single-carrier

                                  Page 25 of 33

           5096.0000 - 5250.0000 MHz                     NON                  59.00 dBW               Unmodulated CW for testing; maximum
                                                                                                      EIRP density per carrier is 59.0 dBW in
                                                                                                      any bandwidth

           5091.3800 - 5091.6200 MHz                     40K0G2D              68.00 dBW               Telecommand Carrier

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D              68.00 dBW               Telecommand Carrier

           5091.0000 - 5092.0000 MHz                     76K0F2D              68.00 dBW               Telecommand Carrier

Points of Communication:


   CLFN-3 - IRIDIUM (S2110) - (NGSO)

SES-MOD-20170510-00548                E E100118              Intelsat License LLC
Application for Modification                                                                          02/10/2011 - 02/10/2026
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:    08/14/2017

Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           17625 Technology Blvd., Washington, Hagerstown, MD
                    39 ° 35 ' 55.00 " N LAT.                                        77 ° 45 ' 22.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          MTN-C65                16.4 meters        VERTEX                              16.4 Meter

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                     2M00G7F              83.00 dBW               DIGITAL VIDEO

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                     72M0G7W              88.70 dBW               Digital Audio and Data

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                     100KG7W              76.00 dBW               Digital Audio Data

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                     36M0G7F              85.20 dBW               Digital Video

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                     36M0F8F              82.00 dBW               Analog Video with Associated Audio

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                     1M50G7D              81.70 dBW               Digital Data

           3625.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     72M0G7W                                      Digital Audio and Data

           3625.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     100KG7W                                      Digital Audio and Data

           3625.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0G7F                                      Digital Video

           3625.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     2M00G7F                                      Digital Video

           3625.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                     36M0F8F                                      Analog Video with Associated

                                                                    Page 26 of 33

           3625.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         1M50G7D                                     DIGITAL DATA

           5853.0000 - 5853.0000 MHz                         1M20F7D           85.70 dBW                 TT&C

           5853.0000 - 5853.0000 MHz                         850KF7D           85.00 dBW                 TT&C

           6424.5000 - 6424.5000 MHz                         1M20F7D           85.70 dBW                 TT&C

           6424.5000 - 6424.5000 MHz                         850KF7D           85.00 dBW                 TT&C

           4197.7500 - 4197.7500 MHz                         500KF7D                                     TT&C

           4198.2500 - 4198.2500 MHz                         500KF7D                                     TT&C

           4198.7500 - 4198.7500 MHz                         500KF7D                                     TT&C

           4199.2500 - 4199.2500 MHz                         500KF7D                                     TT&C

Points of Communication:

   1 - AMC 10 - (135 W.L.)

   1 - GALAXY 13 - (127 W.L.)

   1 - INTEL 903 (S2407) - (34.5 W.L.)

   1 - INTEL 907 (S2411) - (27.5 W.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT 35e(S2959) - (34.5 W.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT 37e (S2972) - (18.0 W.L.)

   1 - Intelsat 905 (S2409) - (24.5 W.L.)

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20170523-00586                   E E940452            Scripps Networks Interactive
Application for Modification                                                                            10/07/2004 - 10/07/2019
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   08/10/2017

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
                    35 ° 54 ' 57.50 " N LAT.                                          84 ° 6 ' 40.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       7.6 meters         ANDREW CORP.                          ES76

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0F8W           79.20 dBW                 ANALOG VIDEO, W/AUDIO & DATA

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         36M0G7W           79.20 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

                                                                     Page 27 of 33

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F8W                                    ANALOG VIDEO, W/AUDIO & DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7F                                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W           79.20 dBW                DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

   ANTENNA ID:          2                      8.1 meters         VERTEX                               8.1KPC

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0F8W           79.20 dBW                ANALOG VIDEO W/AUDIO & DATA

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W           79.20 dBW                DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA &

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F8W           0.00 dBW                 ANALOG VIDEO W/AUDIO & DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0F7W           0.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA &

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W           79.20 dBW                DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

   ANTENNA ID:          3                      9 meters           VERTEX                               9.0KXC

           5850.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W           79.24 dBW                DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        36M0G7W                                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO, DATA, &

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20170621-00669                   E E120025           Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
Application for Modification                                                                           12/06/2012 - 12/06/2027
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   08/09/2017

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Earth Exploration Satellite Service

SITE ID:            RGS-FB-1
LOCATION:           GCI Communications Corp. 1300 Van Horn Road, Fairbanks North Star, Fairbanks, AK
                    64 ° 48 ' 47.40 " N LAT.                                         147 ° 44 ' 0.20 " W LONG.

                                                                    Page 28 of 33

   ANTENNA ID:          ES 1                   2.4 meters        ORBITAL SYSTEMS LLC             2.4TSX1

           8379.8720 - 8380.1280 MHz                        256KG1D      0.00 dBW                Digital/Telemetry

           8374.8720 - 8375.1280 MHz                        256KG1D      0.00 dBW                Digital/Telemetry

           8374.7440 - 8375.2560 MHz                        512KF1D                              BPSK TELEMETRY

           8295.0000 - 8355.0000 MHz                        60M0G1D      0.00 dBW                Digital/Data Downlink

           8170.0000 - 8230.0000 MHz                        60M0G1D      0.00 dBW                Digital/Data Downlink

           8045.0000 - 8105.0000 MHz                        60M0G1D      0.00 dBW                Digital/Data Downlink

           2082.8970 - 2083.1030 MHz                        110KF1D      42.50 dBW               Digital/Telecommand

           2080.8970 - 2081.1030 MHz                        110KF1D      42.50 dBW               Digital/Telecommand

SITE ID:            RGS-FB-2
LOCATION:           c/o GCI Communications Corp. 1300 Van Horn Road, Fairbanks North Star, Fairbanks, AK
                    64 ° 48 ' 47.40 " N LAT.                                  147 ° 44 ' 0.20 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          ES 2                   2.4 meters        ORBITAL SYSTEMS LLC             2.4TSX1

           8379.7440 - 8380.2560 MHz                        512KF1D                              BPSK TELEMETRY

           8295.0000 - 8355.0000 MHz                        60M0G1D                              MPSK DATA DOWNLINK

           8170.0000 - 8230.0000 MHz                        60M0G1D                              MPSK DATA DOWNLINK

           8045.0000 - 8105.0000 MHz                        60M0G1D                              MPSK DATA DOWNLINK

           2082.9380 - 2081.0620 MHz                        124KF1D      42.50 dBW               FSK TELECOMMAND

Points of Communication:





SES-RWL-20170809-00897                E E020137              MOBILE SATELLITE CONNECTION,LLC
Renewal                                                                                         08/26/2017 - 08/26/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                        Date Effective:   08/10/2017

Class of Station:        Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:       Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                  Page 29 of 33

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           Various Locations U.S. and it's territories, VARIOUS
                    0 ° 0 ' 0.00 " N LAT.                                         0 ° 0 ' 0.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                      2.4 meters        VertexRSI                           2.4 MVO

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0G7F          65.00 dBW               Compressed Digital Video, 45 Mbps, 3/4

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        4M00G7F -        61.50 dBW               Compressed Digital Video, 5000 kbps,
                                                                                                     3/4 FEC

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                        36M0F3F          65.00 dBW               Standard video with associated audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-RWL-20170811-00901                   E E020194           NBC Telemundo License LLC
Renewal                                                                                             09/13/2017 - 09/13/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           (NBC-22LIC) #2, VARIOUS

   ANTENNA ID:          NBC22LIC               2.4 meters        ANDREW                              ES24SNGLT25

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W          74.44 dBW               ONE 36MB MCPC DIGITAL CARRIER
                                                                                                     FOR VOICE/DATA WITH EMISSION
                                                                                                     DESIGNATOR OF 36M0G7W.

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0F8W          74.44 dBW               THE MAIN RF CARRIER WILL BE A
                                                                                                     WIDEBAND 36MHZ FREQUENCY
                                                                                                     MODULATION VIDEO CARRIER
                                                                                                     WITH ASSOCIATED AUDIO AND
                                                                                                     ATIS SUBCARRIERS WITH AN
                                                                                                     EMISSION DESIGNATOR OF

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-RWL-20170811-00902                   E E020193           NBC Telemundo License LLC
Renewal                                                                                             09/13/2017 - 09/13/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                            Date Effective:     08/14/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

                                                                   Page 30 of 33

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           (NBC-23WDC) #1, VARIOUS

   ANTENNA ID:          NBC23WDC           2.4 meters         ANDREW                                  ES24NGLT25

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                  36M0G7W           74.44 dBW                   ONE (1) 36 MB MCPC DIGITAL
                                                                                                      CARRIER FOR VOICE/DATA WITH
                                                                                                      EMISSION DESIGNATOR 36M0G7W.

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                  36M0F8W           74.44 dBW                   THE MAIN RF CARRIER WILL BE A
                                                                                                      WIDEBAND 36 MHZ FREQUENCY
                                                                                                      MODULATED VIDEO CARRIER
                                                                                                      WITH ASSOCIATED AUDIO & ATIS
                                                                                                      SUBCARRIERS WITH A
                                                                                                      DESIGNATOR OF 36M0G8W.

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-STA-20170523-00590               E E060300           Iridium Satellite LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:    08/11/2017

Class of Station:

On August 11, 2017, Iridium Satellite LLC was granted special temporary authority for 180 days, beginning August 11, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth station in Fairbanks, AK to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) services to the Iridium NEXT NGSO satellites in the 19.4-19.6
GHz (space-to-Earth) and 29.1-29.3 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170523-00591               E E960131           Iridium Satellite LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:    08/11/2017

Class of Station:

On August 11, 2017, Iridium Satellite LLC was granted special temporary authority for 180 days, beginning August 11, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth station in Tempe, AZ to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) services to the Iridium NEXT NGSO satellites in the 19.4-19.6 GHz
(space-to-Earth) and 29.1-29.3 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170728-00830               E E170123           Skyview Satellite Networks
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:    08/09/2017

Class of Station:

On August 9, 2017, Skyview Satellite Networks was granted special temporary authority for 60 days, beginning August 9, 2017, to operate a new
fixed earth station in Phoenix, AZ to communicate with the AMC-18 (S2713) satellite at the 105° W.L. orbital location in the 5925.0-5989.5
MHz, 6049.15-6182.24 MHz, and 6390.1-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

                                                                Page 31 of 33

SES-STA-20170728-00836                E E4132            Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:    08/08/2017

Class of Station:

On August 8, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning August 28, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth station in Fillmore, CA to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) services for the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System
(IRNSS-1H) satellite at the 55° E.L. orbital location (licensed by the Government of India), on the following center frequencies: 6415 MHz and
6421.48 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 4194 MHz and 4199.28 MHz (space-to-Earth). IRNSS-1H satellite is scheduled for launch in August 2017.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170728-00837                E E040125          Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:    08/08/2017

Class of Station:

On August 8, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning August 28, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth station in Riverside, CA to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) services for the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System
(IRNSS-1H) satellite at the 55° E.L. orbital location (licensed by the Government of India), on the following center frequencies: 6415 MHz and
6421.48 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 4194 MHz, and 4199.28 MHz (space-to-Earth). IRNSS-1H satellite is scheduled for launch in August 2017.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170803-00856                E E000296          Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:    08/08/2017

Class of Station:

On August 8, 2017, Intelsat License, LLC was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning August 16, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth station in Hagerstown, MD to provide in-orbit testing (IOT) of the Intelsat 35e (S2959) satellite at the 33° W.L., orbital location in
5925-5929 MHz, 6080-6107 MHz, 6169-6181 MHz, 6199-6210 MHz, 6258-6299 MHz, 6332-6359 MHz, and 6392-6425 MHz
(Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170803-00859                E E940532          Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:    08/08/2017

Class of Station:

On August 8, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning August 13, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth stations in Ellenwood, GA to provide telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services to the Intelsat 9 (S2380) satellite as it drifts from
43.1° W.L. to 29.5° W.L., and on-station at 29.5° W.L., on the following center frequencies: 14000.50 MHz and 14494.50 MHz
(Earth-to-space), and 11700.50 MHz, and 11702.00 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170804-00871                E KA275            Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:    08/11/2017

Class of Station:

                                                                 Page 32 of 33

On August 11, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning August 16, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth station in Hagerstown, MD to provide in-orbit testing (IOT) services to the Intelsat 35e satellite at the 33.0° W.L. orbital location in the
5925-5929 MHz, 6080-6107 MHz, 6169-6181 MHz, 6199-6210 MHz, 6258-6299 MHz, 6332-6359 MHz, and 6392-6425 MHz
(Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-T/C-20170811-00908                E E020026           WSFA License Subsidiary, LLC
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:     08/15/2017

Current Licensee: WSFA License Subsidiary, LLC
TO:         Raycom TV Broadcasting, LLC
                                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-T/C-20170811-00910                E E000168           WBRC License Subsidiary, LLC
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:     08/15/2017

Current Licensee: WBRC License Subsidiary, LLC
FROM: Raycom Holdings, LLC
TO:         Raycom TV Broadcasting, LLC
                                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 2

SES-T/C-20170811-00911                E E010178           WFIE License Subsidiary, LLC
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:     08/15/2017

Current Licensee: WFIE License Subsidiary, LLC
TO:         Raycom TV Broadcasting, LLC
                                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-T/C-20170811-00912                E E980177           WTOL License Subsidiary, LLC
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
Grant of Authority                                                                                                  Date Effective:     08/15/2017

Current Licensee: WTOL License Subsidiary, LLC
TO:         Raycom TV Broadcasting, LLC
                                                                                                         No. of Station(s) listed: 1

SES-STA-20170719-00782                 E100118         Intelsat License LLC
Application dismissed, SES-MOD-20170510-00548 has been granted.
SES-LIC-20170310-00256                 E170081         Intelsat License LLC
License reissued to remove emission designator 1M00G7W in the 13.75-14.0 GHz frequency band, and to remove condition 6590,
"[o]perations in the 13.75-14.0 GHz band below 68 dBW EIRP are not permitted per footnote US356 of the Table of Frequency

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

                                                                  Page 33 of 33

Document Created: 2017-08-15 18:31:32
Document Modified: 2017-08-15 18:31:32

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