Public Notice SAT00035

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Space Station

2000-02-02 > IB > Public Notices > SAT00035

                     PUBLIC NOTICE
                     445 12th STREET S.W.
                     WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                     News media information 202-418-0550
                     Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                     TTY (202) 418-2555
                                                                                            DA No.             00-192
 Report No. SAT-00035                                                                  Wednesday February 2, 2000

                                    SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
INTELSAT L.L.C. Satellite Applications Accepted for Filing in the 3.420-4.200 GHz, 5.850-6.650 GHz, 10.950-11.200
             GHz, 11.450-12.200 GHz, 12.500-12.750 GHz, 13.750-14.500 GHz Frequency Band
INTELSAT L.L.C. has filed multiple space station applications for FCC licenses to operate existing C-band and Ku-band
satellites held by the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization ("INTELSAT") and to also construct,
launch, and operate satellites that are now planned by INTELSAT in these bands. [For purposes of this proceeding, the
C-band may encompass the 3.420-4.200 GHz and 5.850-6.650 GHz frequency bands. The Ku-band may encompass the
10.950-11.200 GHz, 11.450-12.200 GHz, 12.500-12.750 GHz, and 13.750-14.500 GHz frequency bands.] INTELSAT currently
owns and operates this global satellite system as an intergovernmental organization on behalf of its members, pursuant to
the INTELSAT Agreement and Operating Agreement [Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications
Satellite Organization, "INTELSAT", Aug. 20, 1971, 23 U.S.T. 3813 ("INTELSAT Agreement") and Operating Agreement
Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, "INTELSAT", Aug. 20, 1971, 23 U.S.T. 4091
("INTELSAT Operating Agreement").] and the requirements of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio
Regulations. [International Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations, Vol. 1 - Articles, Chapter SIII - Coordination,
notification and recording of frequency assignments and Plan modifications, Articles S9 and S11 (1998).] INTELSAT
L.L.C. expects to acquire this global satellite system upon the privatization of INTELSAT, anticipated on or about April 1,
2001. INTELSAT L.L.C.'s applications are contingent upon INTELSAT's decision to transfer the satellites and the related
ITU orbital registrations or filings to INTELSAT L.L.C.

The INTELSAT L.L.C. applications request FCC licenses for 17 currently operating satellites and 10 satellites presently in
the procurement and planning process. In addition, INTELSAT L.L.C. files 13 applications to modify the authority it
anticipates for its currently operating satellites. [All applications filed in this proceeding have either been "notified" or
are covered by a "request for coordination" or "advance publication information" to the ITU.] In general, these
modifications request consent to relocate certain satellites to alternative orbit locations. The INTELSAT fleet of satellites
will use a wide range of analog and digital signal formats and transmission schemes. The standard INTELSAT services
offered will include public switched telecommunications, business and private network services, and video services,

Upon initial review, we find that the applications listed below are acceptable for filing. Pursuant to the Commission's
rules, we may return any of these applications if we determine upon further review that they are defective or not in
conformance with our rules, regulations, or policies. In addition, coordination with the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA), which has primary jurisdiction over U.S. Government use of the radio frequency
spectrum in the United States, must occur with respect to those bands shared between Government and non-Government
uses prior to any grant of these applications.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00002            S2388        INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate

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The INTELSAT 702 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 177.0º E.L orbit location. The
proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands, and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95,
12.50-12.75* , and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 702 includes up to 27 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable spot, and two global
coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 702 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving three
individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

* Although the 12-GHz bands may be available on an entire series of spacecraft, INTELSAT L.L.C. applies for the use of the
11.7-11.95 GHz and 11.95-12.2 GHz bands only in ITU Region 2 and the 12.5-12.75 GHz band only in ITU Regions 1 and 3.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00003              S2389          INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 602 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 62.0º E.L orbit location. The
proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and
14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 602 includes up to 38 transponders with bandwidths ranging from
36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 602 includes
10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 150 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00004              S2390          INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 604 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 60.0º E.L. orbit location. The
proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and
14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 604 includes up to 38 transponders with bandwidths ranging from
36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 604 includes
10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 150 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00005              S2391          INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 801 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 31.5º W.L. (328.5º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20,
11.45-11.95, 12.50-12.75 and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 801 includes up to 38 transponders
with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At
Ku-band, INTELSAT 801 includes 6 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz, serving two individually steerable
spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00006              S2392          INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 601 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 34.5º W.L. (325.5º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20,
11.45-11.70 and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 602 includes up to 38 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band,
INTELSAT 601 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 150 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam
coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00007              S2393          INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 511 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 29.5º W.L. (330.5º E.L.) orbit
location in an inclined orbit. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and
10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 511 includes up to 26
transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two global coverage, two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, and two
individually steerable spot beams whose pointing is dependent upon Ku-band beam pointing. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 511 includes 6
transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 241 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

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SAT-A/O-20000119-00008               S2394         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 605 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 27.5º W.L. (332.5º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20,
11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 605 includes up to 38 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band,
INTELSAT 605 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 150 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam
coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00009               S2395         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 705 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 18.0º W.L. (342.0º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20,
11.45-11.95, 12.50-12.75, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 705 includes up to 27
transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable
spot and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 705 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112
MHz, serving three individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00010               S2396         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 709 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 50.0º W.L. (310º E.L.) orbit location.
The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95,
12.50-12.75, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 709 includes up to 27 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable spot and two global
coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 709 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving three
individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00011               S2397         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 704 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 66º E.L. orbit location. The proposed
satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95, 12.50-12.75 and
14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 704 includes up to 27 transponders with bandwidths ranging from
36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable spot and two global coverage beams. At
Ku-band, INTELSAT 704 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving three individually steerable
spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00012               S2398         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 707 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 1.0º W.L. (359.0º E.L.) orbit location.
The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95,
12.50-12.75, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 707 includes up to 27 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable spot and two global
coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 707 includes 18 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving three
individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00013               S2399         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate

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The INTELSAT 603 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 24.5º W.L. (335.5º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20,
11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT-603 includes up to 38 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band,
INTELSAT 603 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 150 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam
coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00014              S2400         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 701 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 180.0º E.L. orbit location. The
proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95,
12.50-12.75, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 701 includes up to 27 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable spot and two global
coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 701 includes 10 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving three
individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00015              S2401         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 706 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 53.0º W.L. (307.0º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3700-4200 and 5925-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20,
11.45-11.95, 12.50-12.75, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 706 includes up to 27
transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal, a dual-polarized steerable
spot and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 706 includes 18 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112
MHz, serving three individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00016              S2402         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 802 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 174º E.L. orbit location. The
proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95,
12.50-12.75 and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 802 includes up to 38 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band,
INTELSAT 802 includes 6 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam
coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00017              S2403         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 804 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 64.0º E.L. orbit location. The
proposed satellite is to operate in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.95,
12.50-12.75 and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 804 includes up to 38 transponders with
bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band,
INTELSAT 804 includes 6 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam
coverage areas.

SAT-A/O-20000119-00018              S2404         INTELSAT LLC
Authorization to Operate
The INTELSAT 805 application requests a license for a satellite that is already operating at the 55.5º W.L. (304.5º E.L.) orbit
location. The proposed satellite is to operate in the 3420-4200 and 5890-6650 MHz C-band frequency bands and 12.50-12.75 and
14.00-14.25 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT-805 includes up to 28 transponders with bandwidths ranging from
36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT-804 includes 3 transponders with bandwidths
ranging from 72 to 77 MHz, serving a single steerable spot-beam coverage area.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00029              S2388         INTELSAT LLC

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INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 702 at the 177.0º E.L orbit location
and requests authority to relocate it in October 2000 and continue operating from the 176.0º E.L orbit location.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00030               S2389           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 602 at the 62.0º E.L orbit location and
requests authority to relocate it in April 2001 and continue operating from the 178.0º E.L orbit location in an inclined orbit mode.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00031               S2390           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 604 at the 60.0º E.L orbit location and
requests authority to relocate it in May 2001 and continue operating from the 33.0º E.L orbit location in an inclined orbit mode.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00032               S2399           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 603 at the 24.5º W.L. (335.5º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it to the 62.0º E.L. orbit location in August 2001 as an in-orbit spare. It proposes to
only operate TT&C transmissions for this satellite.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00033               S2392           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 601 at the 34.5º W.L. (325.5º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it in October 2001 and continue operating in inclined orbit mode from the 85.0º E.L.
orbit location in an inclined orbit mode.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00034               S2394           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 605 at the 27.5º W.L. (332.5º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it in January 2002 and continue operating from the 20.0º W.L. (340.0º E.L.) orbit

SAT-AMD-20000119-00035               S2395           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 705 at the 18.0º W.L. (342.0º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it in July 2002 and continue operating from the 178.0º E.L. orbit location.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00036               S2389           INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated authority to operate INTELSAT 602 at the 178.0º E.L. orbit location
in an inclined orbit mode and requests authority to relocate it in August 2002 and continue operating from the 157.0º E.L. orbit
location in an inclined orbit mode.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00037               S2391           INTELSAT LLC

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INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 801 at the 31.5º W.L. (328.5º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it in October 2002 and continue operating from the 29.5º W.L. (330.5º E.L.) orbit

SAT-AMD-20000119-00038              S2396          INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 709 at the 50.0º W.L. (310.0º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it in April 2003 and continue operating from the 157.0º E.L. orbit location.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00039              S2398          INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 707 at the 1.0º W.L. (359.0º E.L.)
orbit location and requests authority to relocate it in July 2003 and continue operating from the 66.0º E.L. orbit location.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00040              S2397          INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 704 at the 66.0º E.L. orbit location and
requests authority to relocate it in August 2003 and continue operating from the 33.0º E.L. orbit location.

SAT-AMD-20000119-00041              S2390          INTELSAT LLC
INTELSAT L.L.C. files an application to modify its anticipated license to operate INTELSAT 604 at the 60.0º E.L. orbit location,
and subsequent modification authority to operate INTELSAT 604 from the 33.0º E.L. orbit location in inclined orbit mode, and
requests authority to relocate it to the 62.0º E.L. orbit location in September 2003 as an in-orbit spare in inclined orbit mode. It
proposes to only operate TT&C transmissions for this satellite.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00019              S2405          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT 901 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in March 2001 as part of its global
C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 62.0º E.L. in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band
frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 901 includes
up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five fixed zonal and two global
coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 901 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz, serving two
individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas

SAT-LOA-20000119-00020              S2406          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT 902 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in May 2001 as part of its global
C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 60.0º E.L. in the 3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band
frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT 902 includes
up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five fixed zonal and two global
coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 902 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 77 MHz, serving two
individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00021              S2407          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority

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The INTELSAT 903 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in July 2001 as part of its global
C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 24.5º W.L. (335.5º E.L.) in the 3625-4200 and
5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band,
INTELSAT 903 includes up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five
fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku band, INTELSAT 903 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00022              S2408          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT 904 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in September 2001 as part of its
global C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 34.5º W.L. (325.5º E.L.) in the 3625-4200 and
5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band,
INTELSAT 904 includes up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five
fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 904 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00023              S2409          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT 905 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in January 2002 as part of its global
C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 27.5º W.L. (332.5º E.L.) in the 3625-4200 and
5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band,
INTELSAT 905 includes up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five
fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 905 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00024              S2410          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT 906 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in June 2002 as part of its global
C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 18.0º W.L. (342.0º E.L.) in the 3625-4200 and
5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band,
INTELSAT 906 includes up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five
fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 906 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00025              S2411          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT 907 application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in October 2002 as part of its global
C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 31.5º W.L. (328.5º E.L.) in the 3625-4200 and
5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, and 14.00-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. At C-band,
INTELSAT 907 includes up to 48 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to 72 MHz serving two fixed hemispheric, up to five
fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT 907 includes 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
77 MHz, serving two individually steerable spot-beam coverage areas.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00026              S2412          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT ALPHA-1 (NI-ALPHA 1) application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in February
2003 as part of its global C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 50.0º W.L. (310.0º E.L.) in the
3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, 11.70-12.20, and 13.75-14.50 GHz Ku-band
frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT ALPHA-1 (NI-ALPHA 1) includes up to 36 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
72 MHz serving four fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT ALPHA-1 (NI-ALPHA 1) includes up to 20
transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving a dual-polarized fixed beam serving Brazil and a single-polarized
fixed beam serving the Andean Nations.

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SAT-LOA-20000119-00027              S2413          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT BETA-1 (NI-BETA) application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in June 2003 as part
of its global C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 85.0º E.L. in the 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70,
12.50-12.75 and 13.75-14.50 GHz Ku-band frequency bands. The INTELSAT BETA-1 (NI-BETA) satellite will operate exclusively
in the Ku-band. It includes up to 42 transponders, each with a bandwidths of 36 MHz, serving five dual-polarized individually steerable
spot beams.

SAT-LOA-20000119-00028              S2414          INTELSAT LLC
Launch and Operating Authority
The INTELSAT ALPHA-2 (NI-ALPHA 2) application requests a license for a satellite to construct, launch and operate in July 2003
as part of its global C-band and Ku-band satellite system. The proposed satellite is to operate at 1.0º W.L. (359.0º E.L.) in the
3625-4200 and 5850-6425 MHz C-band frequency bands and 10.95-11.20, 11.45-11.70, 12.50-12.75, and 13.75-14.50 GHz Ku-band
frequency bands. At C-band, INTELSAT ALPHA-2 (NI-ALPHA 2) includes up to 45 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 36 to
72 MHz serving three fixed hemispheric, two fixed zonal and two global coverage beams. At Ku-band, INTELSAT ALPHA-2
(NI-ALPHA 2) includes up to 16 transponders with bandwidths ranging from 72 to 112 MHz, serving one dual-polarized and two
single-polarized individually steerable spot beams.

Comments, petitions, or informal objections regarding these applications may be filed on or before March 6, 2000. Replies
to comments and oppositions to petitions or informal objections may be filed on or before March 16, 2000. Responses
may be filed on or before March 21, 2000. All comments, petitions, informal objections, replies, and responses shall be
consistent with section 25.154 of our rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.154. Copies of the referenced applications and subsequent
filings will be available for public inspection in the Federal Communications Commission Reference Center, Room
CY-A257, 445 12th St., S.W., Washington D.C., 20554, (202) 418-0270 and from ITS Duplicating Services, 1231 20th St.,
N.W., Washington D.C. 20036, (202) 857-3800. For further information, contact Kathleen Campbell at (202) 418-0753 or
Michael McCoin at (202) 418-0774.

Ex Parte Status of Proceeding. The proceeding captioned above is an adjudicative proceeding and is generally restricted
under Commission ex parte rules. [47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1202(d) and 1.1208.] INTELSAT L.L.C. requests that the proceeding be
declared "non-restrictive" "permit-but-disclose" for purposes of our ex parte rules. [INTELSAT L.L.C. Application at Vol.
1, 69-71. See also, generally, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200 et seq.] INTELSAT L.L.C. states that declaring this proceeding
permit-but-disclose would "best ensure that the public interest is served." INTELSAT L.L.C. asserts that this is because
of the "unusual nature" and "numerous broad international policy issues" related to the privatization of an
intergovernmental organization -- INTELSAT -- and the subsequent requirement to have its C-/Ku-band satellite
applications licensed by a national licensing authority, such as the Federal Communications Commission. [INTELSAT
L.L.C. Application at Vol. 1, 69-70. See also INTELSAT L.L.C. Application at Vol. 1, 1-2.] The Commission has
discretion to change the status of a restricted proceeding where it involves primarily issues of broadly applicable policy
rather than rights and responsibilities of specific parties. [47 C.F.R. § 1.1208, n. 2.] The INTELSAT L.L.C. applications
raise broad policy and unique issues associated with licensing an intergovernmental organization, currently in the
process of privatizing its operations. Consequently, we believe that the opportunity for a full discussion throughout the
licensing process would be in the public interest. Accordingly, by this public notice, [47 C.F.R. § 1.1200(a).] we consider
the pending applications as a non-restrictive permit-but-disclose licensing proceeding. Thus, effective February 2, 2000,
ex parte presentations relating to this proceeding are subject to the disclosure requirements set forth in Section 1.1206 of
the Commission's rules. [47 C.F.R. § 1.1206.] This action is taken pursuant to the authority in Section 4(i) and 303 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i) and 303 and pursuant to Section 0.51, 0.261, and 1.1200(a)
of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.51, 0.261, and 1.1200(a).

By the Chief, International Bureau

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Document Created: 2019-04-08 04:12:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 04:12:49

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