Public Notice SES01936

Action Taken Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2017-03-08 > IB > Public Notices > SES01936

                          PUBLIC NOTICE
                          445 12th STREET S.W.
                          WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                          News media information 202-418-0500
                          Internet: (or
                          TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01936                                                                                    Wednesday March 8, 2017

                                            Satellite Communications Services Information
                                                                  re: Actions Taken
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

 SES-AMD-20160927-00803                 E E140121             Intelsat License LLC
 Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date Effective:   03/01/2017

 Class of Station:        Fixed Earth Stations

 Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

 SITE ID:            MTN-1
 LOCATION:           17625 Technology BLVD, Washington, Hagerstown, MD
                     39 ° 35 ' 53.10 " N LAT.                                        77 ° 45 ' 22.30 " W LONG.

    ANTENNA ID:          K78                    13.5 meters        Viasat                              13.5m

            12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                   62M5G7W              76.30 dBW               Digital Data

            12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                   36M0G7W              73.90 dBW               Digital Data

            13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                   62M5G7W              85.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                   36M0G7W              85.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                   1M00G7W              73.30 dBW               Digital Data

            13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                   62M5G7W              81.20 dBW               Digital Data

            13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                   36M0G7W              78.80 dBW               Digital Data

            13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                   5M00G7W              68.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   62M5G7W              85.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                   1M00G7W              73.30 dBW               Digital Data

                                                                      Page 1 of 19

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   62M5G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   36M0G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   1M00G7W         73.30 dBW   Digital Data

10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz   62M0G7W                     Digital Data

10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                     Digital Data

11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                     Digital Data

11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                     Digital Data

12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                     Digital Data

12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                     Digital Data

11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                     Digital Data

11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                     Digital Data

11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                     Digital Data

11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                     Digital Data

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                     Digital Data

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   250KG7D                     Digital Data

12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz   1M00G7W         58.30 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   34M0G7D         88.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   43K0G7D         59.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   72M0G7D         88.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA

13753.0000 - 13753.0000 MHz   850KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13995.0000 - 13995.0000 MHz   850KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14001.0000 - 14001.0000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14003.0000 - 14003.0000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14006.0000 - 14006.0000 MHz   1M00G9D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14497.0000 - 14497.0000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13750.5000 - 13750.5000 MHz   1M00G9D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

                                        Page 2 of 19

13750.5000 - 13750.5000 MHz   850KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13994.5000 - 13994.5000 MHz   1M00G9D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13995.5000 - 13995.5000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13997.5000 - 13997.5000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13998.5000 - 13998.5000 MHz   1M00G9D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14000.5000 - 14000.5000 MHz   850KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14000.5000 - 14000.5000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14003.5000 - 14003.5000 MHz   1M00G9D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14494.5000 - 14494.5000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14498.5000 - 14498.5000 MHz   850KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14499.5000 - 14499.5000 MHz   750KF2D         85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

11450.0000 - 11452.0000 MHz   N0N                         BEACON

11697.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   N0N                         BEACON

11700.0000 - 11705.0000 MHz   N0N                         BEACON

12198.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   N0N                         BEACON

11445.0000 - 11460.0000 MHz   500KG7W                     TELEMETRY

11695.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   500KG7D                     TELEMETRY

11700.0000 - 11710.0000 MHz   1M60G7D                     TELEMETRY

11700.0000 - 11710.0000 MHz   500KG7D                     TELEMETRY

12195.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   500KG7D                     TELEMETRY

10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz   43K0G7D                     DIGITAL DATA

10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz   72M0G7D                     DIGITAL DATA

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   43K0G7D                     DIGITAL DATA

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   72M0G7D                     DIGITAL DATA

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   43K0G7D                     DIGITAL DATA

11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   72M0G7D                     DIGITAL DATA

                                        Page 3 of 19

     11195.5000 - 11195.5000 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11198.0000 - 11198.0000 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11198.5000 - 11198.5000 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11194.2500 - 11194.2500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11196.2500 - 11196.2500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11199.2500 - 11199.2500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11199.7500 - 11199.7500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

ANTENNA ID:    K77                 13.1 meters    Vertex/RSI               ST 13.1

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           75.70 dBW   Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           73.30 dBW   Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           57.70 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           72.70 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           81.20 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           78.80 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             5M00G7W           68.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           72.70 dBW   Digital Data

     11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz             62M0G7W                       Digital Data

     11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

                                                    Page 4 of 19

           11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz          62M5G7W                     Digital Data

           11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz          1M00G7W                     Digital Data

           11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz          250KG7D                     Digital Data

           11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz          1M00G7W                     Digital Data

           10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz          62M0G7W                     Digital Data

           10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz          1M00G7W                     Digital Data

           11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz          250KG7D                     Digital Data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz          62M5G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz          36M0G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz          1M00G7W         72.70 dBW   Digital Data

           11196.7500 - 11196.7500 MHz          500KG7D                     TELEMETRY

Points of Communication:

   MTN-1 - GALAXY 23 (S2592) - (121 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - GALAXY 3C (S2381) - (95.05 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 11 (S2237) - (43.0 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 16 (S2750) - (58.10 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 16 (S2750) - (58.10 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 1R (S2368) - (50.1 W.L)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 21 (S2863) - (58.0 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 29e (S2913) - (50.0 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 30 (S2887) - (95.05 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 31 (S2924) - (95.05 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 9 (S2380) - (43.1 W.L.)


SES-LIC-20161024-00853             E E160161     ViaSat, Inc.
Application for Authority                                                   03/07/2017 - 03/07/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                    Date Effective:   03/07/2017

Class of Station:     Fixed Earth Stations

                                                         Page 5 of 19

Nature of Service:          Earth Exploration Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           1236 Wayne Poultry Rd (TT&C), Jackson, Pendergrass, GA
                    33 ° 10 ' 29.00 " N LAT.                                           83 ° 40 ' 19.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          TTC                     5.4 meters         ViaSat, Inc.                          841054

           2025.0000 - 2120.0000 MHz                         1M31F1D              53.20 dBW              FM TT&C Command

Points of Communication:

   1 - Planet Labs (S2912) - (NGSO)

SES-LIC-20170103-00001                    E E170002           Actualidad Media Group LLC
Application for Authority                                                                                03/01/2017 - 03/01/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   03/01/2017

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           2090 NW 79th Avenue, Miami-Dade, Doral, FL
                    25 ° 47 ' 35.20 " N LAT.                                           80 ° 19 ' 28.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       3.8 meters         Prodelin                              1385

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                         500KG7D                                     Digital Data Carrier

           6209.0000 - 6210.0000 MHz                         500KG7D              59.00 dBW              Digital Data Carrier

           6273.0000 - 6291.0000 MHz                         500KG7D              59.00 dBW              Digital Data Carrier

           6420.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                         500KG7D              59.00 dBW              Digital Data Carrier

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170120-00049                    E E170005           WPDE Licensee, LLC                                                         EZ
Application for Authority                                                                                02/28/2017 - 02/28/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:   02/28/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.4 meters         Avl Technologies                      1410K

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           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W           65.47 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00069                    E E170050           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                  03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                   Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters         AVL Technologies        2410

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F           73.82 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F           64.28 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00088                    E E170023           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                  03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                   Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.35 meters        GD Satcom               C135M

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F           64.30 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F           54.76 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

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Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00091                    E E170026           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                 03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters         AVL Technologies       2410

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F          73.77 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F          64.23 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00092                    E E170027           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                 03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.8 meters         AVL Technologies       1800

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F          72.37 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F          62.83 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

                                                                     Page 8 of 19

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00094                    E E170029           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                 03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.8 meters         AVL Technologies       1810

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F          72.11 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F          62.57 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00097                    E E170032           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                 03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                  Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters         AVL Technologies       2410

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F          73.77 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F          64.23 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                      Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

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SES-LIC-20170127-00098                    E E170033           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                  03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                   Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       2.4 meters         GD Satcom               2.4 DMK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F           68.67 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F           59.13 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20170127-00099                    E E170034           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                  03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                   Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.2 meters         AVL Technologies        1200

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F           64.47 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F           54.93 dBW   Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                       Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

                                                                     Page 10 of 19

SES-LIC-20170127-00102                    E E170037           PSSI Global Services LLC
Application for Authority                                                                               03/02/2017 - 03/02/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   03/02/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           4415 Wagon Trail Ave, 4415 Wagon Trail Ave, Las Vegas, NV

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.6 meters         AVL Technologies                     1610

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F           68.17 dBW                Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F           58.63 dBW                Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                                    Compressed Digital Video and Audio

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       4M00G7F                                    Compressed Digital Video and Audio

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20160620-00555                    E E140121           Intelsat License LLC
Application for Modification                                                                            02/11/2016 - 02/11/2031
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:   03/01/2017

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            MTN-1
LOCATION:           17625 Technology BLVD, Washington, Hagerstown, MD
                    39 ° 35 ' 53.10 " N LAT.                                          77 ° 45 ' 22.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          K78                     13.5 meters        Viasat                               13.5m

           12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                       62M5G7W           76.30 dBW                Digital Data

           12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W           73.90 dBW                Digital Data

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                       62M5G7W           85.00 dBW                Digital Data

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W           85.00 dBW                Digital Data

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                       1M00G7W           73.30 dBW                Digital Data

           13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                       62M5G7W           81.20 dBW                Digital Data

           13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W           78.80 dBW                Digital Data

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13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz   5M00G7W     68.00 dBW   Digital Data

13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz   62M5G7W     85.00 dBW   Digital Data

13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz   1M00G7W     73.30 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   62M5G7W     85.00 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   36M0G7W     85.00 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   1M00G7W     73.30 dBW   Digital Data

10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz   62M0G7W                 Digital Data

10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                 Digital Data

11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                 Digital Data

11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                 Digital Data

12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                 Digital Data

12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                 Digital Data

11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                 Digital Data

11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                 Digital Data

11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   62M5G7W                 Digital Data

11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                 Digital Data

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   1M00G7W                 Digital Data

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   250KG7D                 Digital Data

12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz   1M00G7W     58.30 dBW   Digital Data

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   34M0G7D     88.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   43K0G7D     59.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA

14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz   72M0G7D     88.00 dBW   DIGITAL DATA

13753.0000 - 13753.0000 MHz   850KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13995.0000 - 13995.0000 MHz   850KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14001.0000 - 14001.0000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14003.0000 - 14003.0000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

                                    Page 12 of 19

14006.0000 - 14006.0000 MHz   1M00G9D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14497.0000 - 14497.0000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13750.5000 - 13750.5000 MHz   1M00G9D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13750.5000 - 13750.5000 MHz   850KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13994.5000 - 13994.5000 MHz   1M00G9D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13995.5000 - 13995.5000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13997.5000 - 13997.5000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

13998.5000 - 13998.5000 MHz   1M00G9D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14000.5000 - 14000.5000 MHz   850KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14000.5000 - 14000.5000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14003.5000 - 14003.5000 MHz   1M00G9D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14494.5000 - 14494.5000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14498.5000 - 14498.5000 MHz   850KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

14499.5000 - 14499.5000 MHz   750KF2D     85.00 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

11450.0000 - 11452.0000 MHz   N0N                     BEACON

11697.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   N0N                     BEACON

11700.0000 - 11705.0000 MHz   N0N                     BEACON

12198.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   N0N                     BEACON

11445.0000 - 11460.0000 MHz   500KG7W                 TELEMETRY

11695.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   500KG7D                 TELEMETRY

11700.0000 - 11710.0000 MHz   1M60G7D                 TELEMETRY

11700.0000 - 11710.0000 MHz   500KG7D                 TELEMETRY

12195.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz   500KG7D                 TELEMETRY

10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz   43K0G7D                 DIGITAL DATA

10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz   72M0G7D                 DIGITAL DATA

11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz   43K0G7D                 DIGITAL DATA

                                    Page 13 of 19

     11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz             72M0G7D                       DIGITAL DATA

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             43K0G7D                       DIGITAL DATA

     11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             72M0G7D                       DIGITAL DATA

     11195.5000 - 11195.5000 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11198.0000 - 11198.0000 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11196.2500 - 11196.2500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11194.2500 - 11194.2500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     111198.500 - 11198.5000 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11196.7500 - 11196.7500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11199.2500 - 11199.2500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

     11199.7500 - 11199.7500 MHz             500KG7D                       TELEMETRY

ANTENNA ID:    K77                 13.1 meters    Vertex/RSI               ST 13.1

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           75.70 dBW   Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           73.30 dBW   Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           57.70 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           72.70 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           81.20 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           78.80 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             5M00G7W           68.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           72.70 dBW   Digital Data

     11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

                                                   Page 14 of 19

         12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz            62M5G7W                 Digital Data

         12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                 Digital Data

         11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz            62M0G7W                 Digital Data

         11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                 Digital Data

         11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            62M5G7W                 Digital Data

         11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                 Digital Data

         11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz            250KG7D                 Digital Data

         11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                 Digital Data

         10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz            62M0G7W                 Digital Data

         10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                 Digital Data

         11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            250KG7D                 Digital Data

         14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz            62M5G7W     85.00 dBW   Digital Data

         14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz            36M0G7W     85.00 dBW   Digital Data

         14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz            1M00G7W     72.70 dBW   Digital Data

Points of Communication:

   MTN-1 - GALAXY 23 (S2592) - (121 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - GALAXY 3C (S2381) - (95.05 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 11 (S2237) - (43.0 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 16 (S2750) - (58.10 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 1R (S2368) - (50.1 W.L)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 21 (S2863) - (58.0 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 29e (S2913) - (50.0 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 30 (S2887) - (95.05 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 31 (S2924) - (95.05 W.L.)

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 9 (S2380) - (43.1 W.L.)


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SES-MOD-20161003-00824                    E E150031           Overon America
Application for Modification                                                                           05/27/2015 - 05/27/2030
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   03/01/2017

Class of Station:           Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1
LOCATION:           7291 NW 74th Street (Overon Miami), Miami-Dade, Miami, FL
                    25 ° 50 ' 28.00 " N LAT.                                         80 ° 18 ' 59.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          Antenna 1               4.9 meters         ASC Signal                          ES49MPJ-1

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F            74.00 dBW              Digital Modulation

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7F                                   Digital Modulation

           13750.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W            74.70 dBW              Digital Modulation

Points of Communication:

   1 - E117 WB (S2926) - (117 W.L.)

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-RWL-20170306-00237                    E E020040           CBS Communications Services Inc.
Renewal                                                                                                04/19/2017 - 04/19/2032
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   03/06/2017

Class of Station:           Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:          Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:            1

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.5 meters         VERTEX RSI                          1.5 SMK-LT

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W            65.90 dBW              ONE 36 MBIT MCPC DIGITAL
                                                                                                       CARRIER FOR VOICE/VIDEO/SATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                       36M0G7W                                   ONE 36 MBIT MCPC DIGITAL
                                                                                                       CARRIER FOR VOICE/VIDEO/SATA

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-STA-20170208-00140                    E E120106           AC BidCo LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                               Date Effective:   03/01/2017

Class of Station:

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On March 1, 2017, AC BidCo LLC was granted special temporary authority for 60 days, beginning March 1, 2017, to operate up to 200 earth
stations aboard aircraft (ESAAs), to communicate with the ARSAT-2 satellite (Call Sign S2956) at the 81° W.L. orbital location, in the
14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170213-00159                E E170054         SES Americom, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    03/02/2017

Class of Station:

On March 2, 2017, SES Americom, Inc. was granted special temporary authority for 60 days, beginning March 3, 2017, to use its
temporary-fixed earth stations, to communicate with the SES-1 (S2807) satellite at the 101 W.L. orbital location in the 14.00-14.50 GHz
(Earth-to-space), and 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170223-00196                E E010074         Orbital Media Networks, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    03/02/2017

Class of Station:

On March 2, 2017, Orbital Media Networks, Inc. was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning March 5, 2017, to operate its
fixed earth station in Englewood, CO to communicate with the AMC 18 satellite at the 105° W.L. orbital location, in the 5925-6425 MHz
(Earth-to-space) and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170223-00198                E E170071         MCI Communications Services, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    03/01/2017

Class of Station:

On March 1, 2017, MCI Communications Services, Inc., was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning March 15, 2017, to
operate a 1.8-meter fixed earth station in Aguada, PR with Permitted List satellites in the 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 11.7-12.2 GHz
(space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170223-00200                E E170072         MCI Communications Services, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                Date Effective:    03/01/2017

Class of Station:

On March 1, 2017, MCI Communications Services, Inc., was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning March 15, 2017, to
operate a 1.2-meter Ku-band antenna at its Norfolk, VA with Permitted List satellites in the14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth -to-space) and 11.7-12.2 GHz
(Space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

                                                                Page 17 of 19

SES-STA-20170228-00211                E E030096          Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:     03/01/2017

Class of Station:

On March 1, 2017, Intelsat License, LLC was granted special temporary authority, for 30 days, beginning March 3, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth stations in Castle, Rock, CO to conduct telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) services to the Intelsat 1R (S2368) satellite as it drifts
from the 50.1° W.L. orbital location to the 169.2° E.L. orbital location on the following center frequencies: 13995.00 MHz and 14498.50 MHz
(Earth-to-space); and 11696.00 MHz and 11697.00 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170228-00212                E KA258            Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:     03/01/2017

Class of Station:

On March 1, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority, for 30 days, beginning March 3, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth stations in Hagerstown, MD to conduct telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) services to the Intelsat 1R (S2368) satellite as it drifts
from the 50.1° W.L. orbital location to the 169.2° E.L. orbital location on the following center frequencies: 13995.00 MHz and 14498.50 MHz
(Earth-to-space); and 11696.00 MHz and 11697.00 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170228-00213                E E060384          Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:     03/01/2017

Class of Station:

On March 1, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority, for 30 days, beginning March 3, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth stations in Riverside, CA to conduct telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) services to the Intelsat 1R (S2368) satellite as it drifts from
the 50.1° W.L. orbital location to the 169.2° E.L. orbital location on the following center frequencies: 13995.00 MHz and 14498.50 MHz
(Earth-to-space); and 11696.00 MHz and 11697.00 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170228-00216                E KL92             Intelsat License LLC
Special Temporary Authority
Grant of Authority                                                                                                 Date Effective:     03/01/2017

Class of Station:

On March 1, 2017, Intelsat License LLC was granted special temporary authority, for 30 days, beginning March 3, 2017, to operate its fixed
earth stations in Castle, Rock, CO to conduct telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) services to the Intelsat 1R (S2368) satellite as it drifts
from the 50.1° W.L. orbital location to the 169.2° E.L. orbital location on the following center frequencies: 13995.00 MHz and 14498.50 MHz
(Earth-to-space); and 11696.00 MHz and 11697.00 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

                                                                 Page 18 of 19

 SES-STA-20170228-00221               E                 North Slope Borough
 Special Temporary Authority
 Grant of Authority                                                                                             Date Effective:   03/06/2017

 Class of Station:

 On March 6,2017, North Slope Borough was granted special temporary authority, for 30 days, beginning on March 8, 2017, to operate 2.4-meter
 and a 3.8-meter fixed earth station antennas in Lacey, WA with Permitted List satellites in the 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 5925-6425
 MHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands. Operations are for testing a new public safety land mobile radio communication system.

 Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20170224-00204                E170005        WPDE Licensee, LLC
Request for special temporary authority dismissed as Moot. See IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20170120-00059 granted on February 28, 2017.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

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Document Created: 2017-03-07 17:49:53
Document Modified: 2017-03-07 17:49:53

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