Public Notice TEL01808

International Telecommunications

Action Taken Public Notice

2016-08-18 > IB > Public Notices > TEL01808

                    PUBLIC NOTICE
                    445 12th STREET S.W.
                    WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                    News media information 202-418-0500
                    Internet: (or
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                                                                                                DA No.        16-939
 Report No. TEL-01808                                                                   Thursday August 18, 2016

                                         International Authorizations Granted
                       Section 214 Applications (47 C.F.R. § 63.18); Section 310(b) Requests
The following applications have been granted pursuant to the Commission’s streamlined processing procedures set forth
in Section 63.12 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, other provisions of the Commission’s rules, or
procedures set forth in an earlier public notice listing applications accepted for filing.

Unless otherwise noted, these grants authorize the applicants (1) to become a facilities-based international common
carrier subject to 47 C.F.R. § 63.22; and/or (2) to become a resale-based international common carrier subject to 47
C.F.R. § 63.23; or (3) to exceed the foreign ownership benchmark applicable to common carrier radio licensees under
47 U.S.C. § 310(b).

It contains general and specific conditions, which are set forth below. Newly authorized carriers should carefully
review the terms and conditions of their authorizations. Failure to comply with general or specific conditions of an
authorization, or with other relevant Commission rules and policies, could result in fines and forfeitures.

Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission's
rules in regard to the grant of any of these applications may be filed within thirty days of this public notice (see 47 CFR
§ 1.4(b)(2)).

For additional information, please contact the FCC Reference and Information Center, Room CY-A257, 445 12th Street
SW, Washington, D.C. 20554, (202) 418-0270.

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ISP-PDR-20140716-00009                 E                   Limitless Mobile, LLC
Petition for Declaratory Ruling
Grant of Authority                                                                                                    Date of Action:      08/10/2016

Limitless Mobile, LLC (Limitless) and its 100 percent parent company, Limitless Mobile Holdings, LLC (LMH) (together, Petitioners) have filed
a petition for declaratory ruling (Petition), as modified on July 30, 2015, pursuant to section 1.990(a)(1) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR §
1.990(a)(1), that the public interest would be served by allowing foreign ownership of Limitless to exceed the 25 percent benchmark in section
310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 310(b)(4). Petitioners state that Limitless holds Personal
Communications Service (PCS) licenses in several markets in the northeastern U.S. It also holds numerous private microwave licenses. Limitless
is a member managed Delaware limited liability company whose sole member is LMH, also a Delaware limited liability company.

According to the Petition, LMH is owned by more than a dozen investors and is controlled by an investor group comprised of LMH's principal
equity investors, each of which is a U.S. citizen: Richard B. Worley (25.22% equity and 25.52% voting interests, including fractional interests
held by his wife (approximately 1%) and by two family trusts (each less than 2%) of which Mr. Worley serves as trustee); Sarah Miller Coulson
(18.98% equity and 19.07% voting interests); and Peter Morse (11.07% equity and 11.44% voting interests, including the interest held by the
Morse Charitable Foundation, Inc. (less than 1%) of which Mr. Morse serves as a director and officer).

Pursuant to section 1.991(i) of the rules, Petitioners request that the Commission specifically approve the uninsulated membership interests held
by two non-U.S. citizens: Atte Miettinen, a citizen of Finland (0.430% equity and 0.452% voting interests), and James Edward Croal, a U.K.
citizen (0.289% equity and 0.141% voting interests). Messrs. Miettinen and Croal serve as LMH's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology
Officer, respectively. As such, their membership interests are not insulated within the meaning of section 1.993 of the Commission's rules and
thus require specific approval under section 1.991(i). (See also 47 CFR § 1.992(b)(2)(ii)(A).) Petitioners state that aggregate foreign ownership of
LMH at present is otherwise below the 25 percent amount specified in section 310(b)(4) (2.603% equity and 0.593% voting interests).

Pursuant to section 1.991(k) of the rules, Petitioners additionally seek advance approval for Messrs. Miettinen and Croal to hold, individually and
in the aggregate, up to and including ten percent of the equity and/or voting interests in LMH to account for fluctuations in ownership percentages
as a result of future capital calls and to account for any additional membership units that may be issued to Mr. Miettinen in the future.

Pursuant to the rules and policies established by the Commission's Foreign Ownership Second Report and Order, we find that the public interest
would not be served by prohibiting foreign ownership of LMH, as the controlling U.S. parent of Limitless, in excess of the 25 percent benchmark
in section 310(b)(4) of the Act. Specifically, this ruling permits the uninsulated membership interests held by Atte Miettinen (0.430% equity and
0.452% voting interests) and James Edward Croal (0.289% equity and 0.141% voting interests) in LMH. In addition, this ruling specifically
permits Messrs. Miettinen and Croal to hold, individually and in the aggregate, up to and including ten percent of the equity and/or voting
interests in LMH.

The Petitioners have an affirmative duty to monitor their foreign equity and voting interests, calculate these interests consistent with the standards
and criteria set forth in sections 1.992 through 1.993 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR §§ 1.992-1.993, and otherwise ensure continuing
compliance with this ruling and the provisions of section 310(b) of the Act.

Grant of this declaratory ruling is without prejudice to the Commission's action on any other related pending application(s).

ITC-214-20151027-00245               E                  Westcon Group, Inc.
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                                    Date of Action:      08/08/2016

Application for authority to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

ITC-214-20160209-00052               E                  Tbass, LLC
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                                    Date of Action:      08/10/2016

Application for authority to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

ITC-214-20160714-00189               E                   Global Communication Networks, Inc.
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Facilities-Based Service, Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                              Date of Action:            08/12/2016

Application for authority to provide facilities-based service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission’s rules, and also to provide
resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1), (2).

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ITC-214-20160722-00192               E                  Stratford Mutual Telephone Company
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                                   Date of Action:    08/12/2016

Application for authority to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

ITC-214-20160722-00193               E                  FARMERS MUTUAL COOP. TELE. COMPANY
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                                   Date of Action:    08/12/2016

Application for authority to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

ITC-214-20160727-00194               E                  Goldfield Telephone Co Inc
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                                   Date of Action:    08/12/2016

Application for authority to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

ITC-214-20160727-00195               E                  Goldfield Access Network, L.C.
International Telecommunications Certificate
Service(s):          Global or Limited Global Resale Service
Grant of Authority                                                                                                   Date of Action:    08/12/2016

Application for authority to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

ITC-214-19960425-00002                                  Long Distance Consolidated Billing Company
Applicant notified the Commission that they will be providing service under the d/b/a name of Beyond Wireless.
ITC-214-19960830-00414                                 AT&T CORP
By letter dated August 11, 2016, AT&T Corp. notified the Commission that it agrees to accept the terms and conditions for a waiver of the
benchmark rate applicable to Cuba set forth in the FCC's April 8, 2011, Memorandum Opinion and Order, IB Docket No. 10-95, 26 FCC
Rcd 5217 (IB 2011). See also International Settlements Policy Reform, IB Docket No. 11-80, Report and Order, 27 FCC Rcd 15521 (2012)
(eliminating the application of the International Settlements Policy, except the nondiscrimination requirement, on the U.S.-Cuba route).
ITC-214-20061129-00560                                  DBR360,LLC
Applicant notified the Commission of the Surrender of its international section 214 authorization effective July 18, 2016.

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(1) These authorizations are subject to the Exclusion List for International Section 214 Authorizations, which identifies
restrictions on providing service to particular countries or using particular facilities. The most recent Exclusion List is at
the end of this Public Notice. The list applies to all U.S. international carriers, including those that have previously
received global or limited global Section 214 authority, whether by Public Notice or specific written order. Carriers are
advised that the attached Exclusion List is subject to amendment at any time pursuant to the procedures set forth in
Streamlining the International Section 214 Authorization Process and Tariff Requirements, IB Docket No. 95-118, 11
FCC Rcd 12884 (1996), para. 18. A copy of the current Exclusion List will be maintained in the FCC Reference and
Information Center and will be available at It also will be attached to
each Public Notice that grants international Section 214 authority.

(2) The export of telecommunications services and related payments to countries that are subject to economic sanctions
may be restricted. For information concerning current restrictions, call the Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S.
Department of the Treasury, (202) 622-2520.

(3) Carriers shall comply with the requirements of Section 63.11 of the Commission's rules, which requires notification
by, and in certain circumstances prior notification by, U.S. carriers acquiring an affiliation with foreign carriers. A
carrier that acquires an affiliation with a foreign carrier will be subject to possible reclassification as a dominant carrier
on an affiliated route pursuant to the provisions of Section 63.10 of the rules.

(4) A carrier may provide switched services over its authorized resold private lines in the circumstances specified in
Section 63.23(d) of the rules, 47 C.F. R. § 63.23(d).

(5) Carriers shall comply with the "No Special Concessions" rule, Section 63.14, 47 C.F.R. § 63.14.

(6) Carriers regulated as dominant for the provision of a particular communications service on a particular route for any
reason other than a foreign carrier affiliation under Section 63.10 of the rules shall file tariffs pursuant to Section 203 of
the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 203, and Part 61 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 61.
Carriers shall not otherwise file tariffs except as permitted by Section 61.19 of the rules, 47 C.F.R. § 61.19. Except as
specified in Section 20.15 with respect to commercial mobile radio service providers, carriers regulated as
non-dominant, as defined in Section 61.3, and providing detariffed international services pursuant to Section 61.19,
must comply with all applicable public disclosure and maintenance of information requirements in Sections 42.10 and

(7) Carriers shall file the annual traffic and revenue reports required by Section 43.62(b). See

(8) Carriers shall file annual circuit capacity reports required by Section 43.62(a). See

(9) Carriers should consult Section 63.19 of the rules when contemplating a discontinuance, reduction or impairment of

(10) If any carrier is reselling service obtained pursuant to a contract with another carrier, the services obtained by
contract shall be made generally available by the underlying carrier to similarly situated customers at the same terms,
conditions and rates. 47 U.S.C. § 203.

(11) To the extent the applicant is, or is affiliated with, an incumbent independent local exchange carrier, as those terms
are defined in Section 64.1902 of the rules, it shall provide the authorized services in compliance with the requirements
of Section 64.1903.

(12) Except as otherwise ordered by the Commission, a carrier authorized here to provide facilities-based service that (i)
is classified as dominant under Section 63.10 of the rules for the provision of such service on a particular route and (ii)
is affiliated with a carrier that collects settlement payments for terminating U.S. international switched traffic at the
foreign end of that route may not provide facilities-based switched service on that route unless the current rates the
affiliate charges U.S. international carriers to terminate traffic are at or below the Commission's relevant benchmark
adopted in International Settlement Rates, IB Docket No. 96-261, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 19806 (1997). See
also Report and Order on Reconsideration and Order Lifting Stay in IB Docket No. 96-261, FCC 99-124 (rel. June 11,
1999). For the purposes of this rule, "affiliated" and "foreign carrier" are defined in Section 63.09.
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(13) Carriers shall comply with the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), see 47 C.F.R. §§
1.20000 et seq.

(14) Every carrier must designate an agent for service in the District of Columbia. See 47 U.S.C. § 413, 47 C.F.R. §§
1.47(h), 64.1195.

Exclusion List for International Section 214 Authorizations

The following is a list of countries and facilities not covered by grant of global Section 214 authority under Section
63.18(e)(1) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1). Carriers desiring to serve countries or use facilities
listed as excluded hereon shall file a separate Section 214 application pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the
Commission's Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.22(c).




Any non-U.S.-licensed space station that has not received Commission approval to operate in the U.S. market pursuant
to the procedures adopted in the Commission's DISCO II Order, IB Docket No. 96-111, Report and Order, FCC 97-399,
12 FCC Rcd 24094, 24107-72 paragraphs 30-182 (1997) (DISCO II Order). Information regarding non-U.S.-licensed
space stations approved to operate in the U.S. market pursuant to the Commission's DISCO II procedures is maintained

This list is subject to change by the Commission when the public interest requires. The most current version of the list is
maintained at

For additional information, contact the International Bureau's Telecommunications and Analysis Division, (202)

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Document Created: 2016-08-18 08:26:34
Document Modified: 2016-08-18 08:26:34

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