Public Notice SES01837

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2016-03-30 > IB > Public Notices > SES01837

                       PUBLIC NOTICE
                       445 12th STREET S.W.
                       WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                       News media information 202-418-0500
                       Internet: (or
                       TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01837                                                                                 Wednesday March 30, 2016

                                                  Satellite Communications Services
                                       re: Satellite Radio Applications Accepted For Filing

The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and not in
conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any of
these applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications accepted
for filing will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for
administrative purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

 SES-AMD-20160122-00089         E E080119                 Global Crossing Americas Solutions, Inc.
 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

 Nature of Service:     Fixed Satellite Service

 See IBFS File No. SES-MOD-20150921-00608 for a description of the application as amended, on Public Notice Report No. SES-01835 as
 accepted for filing on March 23, 2016.

 SITE ID:         1
 LOCATION:        Plaza Cayet Montellano Mall 1st Floor, Cayey, Cayey, PR
                  18 ° 7 ' 30.00 " N LAT.                                          66 ° 8 ' 6.00 " W LONG.

    ANTENNA ID:       CAYE-1                2.4 meters         PRODELIN                               1251

            5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    230KG7D           41.99 dBW                  Digital data carrier

            5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    115KG7D           38.98 dBW                  Digital data carrier

            5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    750KG7D           43.98 dBW                  Digital data carrier

            3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    230KG7D                                      Digital data carrier

            3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    115KG7D                                      Digital data carrier

            3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                    8M45G7D                                      Digital data carrier

 Points of Communication:

    1 - INTELSAT 805 (S2404) - (304.5 E.L.)
                                                                   Page 1 of 9

   1 - PAS-1R - (45.0 W.L.)

SES-LIC-20160323-00269               E E160048               WGBH Educational Foundation
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         1
LOCATION:        1 Guest Street, Suffolk, Boston, MA
                 42 ° 21 ' 27.00 " N LAT.                                            71 ° 8 ' 52.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       4.8 meters         General Dynamics                      KPK/KPC

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W           0.00 dBW

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                      512KG7D           0.00 dBW

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      24M0F8W           75.00 dBW                 Analog Video with Associated Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0F8W           75.00 dBW                 Analog Video with Associated Audio

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      12M0G7W           75.00 dBW                 Digital Data and Video with Associated
                                                                                                        Audio Subcarriers

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      1M02G7D           64.90 dBW                 Digital Data and Video with Associated
                                                                                                        Audio Subcarriers

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      25M0G7W           75.00 dBW                 Digital Data and Video with Associated
                                                                                                        Audio Subcarriers

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      36M0G7W           75.00 dBW                 Digital Data and Video with Associated
                                                                                                        Audio Subcarriers

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      3M00G7W           69.70 dBW                 Digital Data and Video with Associated
                                                                                                        Audio Subcarriers

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                      6M00G7W           72.70 dBW                 Digital Data and Video with Associated
                                                                                                        Audio Subcarriers

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20160325-00272               E E160049               National Public Radio                                                        EZ
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         One
LOCATION:        1111 North Capital Street, NE, District of Columbia, Washington, DC
                 38 ° 54 ' 16.30 " N LAT.                                            77 ° 0 ' 31.30 " W LONG.
                                                                      Page 2 of 9

   ANTENNA ID:         One                  2.4 meters         Prodelin                              1251

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   100KG7W           46.19 dBW                 Digital PSK modulation of audio and
                                                                                                     video content

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   100KF3W           46.19 dBW                 Analog FM modulation of audio and data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   10M0G7W           66.18 dBW                 Digital PSK modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                     and data content

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   10M0F3W           66.18 dBW                 Analog FM modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                     and data content

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   100KG7W                                     Digital PSK modulation of audio and
                                                                                                     data content

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   100KF3W                                     Analog FM modulation of audio and data

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   10M0G7W                                     Digital PSK modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                     and data content

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                   10M0F3W                                     Analog FM modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                     and data content

Points of Communication:

   One - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-LIC-20160325-00274               E E160050            National Public Radio                                                        EZ
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:     Fixed Satellite Service

SITE ID:         One
LOCATION:        1111 North Capital Street, NE, District of Columbia, Washington, DC
                 38 ° 54 ' 14.80 " N LAT.                                         77 ° 0 ' 31.80 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         One                  3.8 meters         Prodelin                              1385

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   100KG7W           50.19 dBW                 Digital PSK modulation of audio and
                                                                                                     data content

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   100KF3W           50.19 dBW                 Analog FM modulation of audio and data

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   10M0G7W           70.18 dBW                 Digital PSK modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                     and data content

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                   10M0F3W           70.18 dBW                 Analog FM modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                     and data content

                                                                   Page 3 of 9

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    100KG7W                                     Digital PSK modulation of audio and
                                                                                                      data content

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    100KF3W                                     Analog FM modulation of audio and data

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    10M0G7W                                     Digital PSK modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                      and data content

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    10M0F3W                                     Analog FM modulation of audio, video
                                                                                                      and data content

Points of Communication:

   One - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20160122-00082               E E110154             Global Crossing Americas Solutions, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:      Fixed Satellite Service

Global Crossings Americas Solutions, Inc. requests modification of its fixed earth station in Ponce, PR to add two new emission designators,
750KG7D and 8M45G7D. This earth station will continue to operate with Permitted List satellites in the 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) and
3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands

SITE ID:          1
                  17 ° 59 ' 43.70 " N LAT.                                          66 ° 36 ' 29.60 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        C1                     2.4 meters         PRODELIN                              1251

           6421.0000 - 6423.0000 MHz                      1M30G7D           49.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           6421.0000 - 6423.0000 MHz                      230KG7D           42.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           6110.0000 - 6136.0000 MHz                      1M30G7D           49.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           6110.0000 - 6136.0000 MHz                      230KG7D           42.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      2M23G7D                                     DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      230KG7D                                     DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      750KG7D                                     DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                      8M45G7D                                     DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           6110.0000 - 6136.0000 MHz                      750KG7D           44.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

           6382.0000 - 6423.0000 MHz                      750KG7D           44.00 dBW                 DIGITAL VOICE AND DATA

Points of Communication:

                                                                    Page 4 of 9

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20160219-00161               E E030071              Intelsat License LLC
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:        Fixed Satellite Service

Intelsat License LLC requests modification of its fixed earth station in Hagerstown, MD to add two new emission designators, 850KFXD and
1M20FXD, to provide Command and Ranging support for the Intelsat 29e (S2913) satellite at the 50º W.L. orbital location in the 5850-5853.50
MHz and 6421-6426 MHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

SITE ID:          1
                  39 ° 35 ' 57.90 " N LAT.                                         77 ° 45 ' 17.30 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        1                       16.4 meters        VERTEX                              16.4 THC

           6681.0000 - 6725.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              54.50 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6681.0000 - 6725.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W              70.00 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6681.0000 - 6725.0000 MHz                    44M0G7W              70.90 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6669.0000 - 6681.0000 MHz                    12M0G7W              62.30 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6669.0000 - 6681.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              51.50 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6425.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              54.50 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6425.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W              70.00 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           6425.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz                    62M5G7W              72.40 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    36M0F8W              83.00 dBW               ANALOG VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED
                                                                                                     AUDIO CARRIERS

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    800KFXW              79.30 dBW               COMMAND AND RANGE CARRIER
                                                                                                     FOR SATELLITE CONTROL

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W              83.00 dBW               DIGITAL DATA CARRIER

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    100KG7D              70.30 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    72M0G7W              83.00 dBW               DIGITAL DATA CARRIER

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    100KG7D              70.30 dBW               DIGITAL, DATA

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    36M0F8W              83.00 dBW               ANALOG VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED
                                                                                                     AUDIO CARRIERS

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    800KFXW              79.30 dBW               COMMAND AND RANGE CARRIER
                                                                                                     FOR SATELLITE CONTROL

                                                                    Page 5 of 9

          5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz          1M00G7W        80.30 dBW   DIGITAL, DATA

          5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz          36M0G7W        82.00 dBW   DIGITAL, DATA

          5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz          62M5G7W        82.00 dBW   DIGITAL, DATA

          5850.0000 - 5854.0000 MHz          850KG7D        79.60 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          36M0F8W                    ANALOG VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED
                                                                        AUDIO CARRIERS

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          800KFXW                    COMMAND AND RANGE CARRIER
                                                                        FOR SATELLITE CONTROL

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          72M0G7W                    DIGITAL, DATA

          3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz          100KG7D                    DIGITAL, DATA

          3625.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz          72M0G7W                    DIGITAL VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED
                                                                        AUDIO CARRIERS

          3625.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz          36M0F8W                    ANALOG VIDEO WITH ASSOCIATED
                                                                        AUDIO CARRIERS

          3625.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz          100KG7D                    DIGITAL, DATA

          3625.0000 - 3700.0000 MHz          800KFXW                    COMMAND AND RANGE CARRIER
                                                                        FOR SATELLITE CONTROL

          5850.0000 - 5853.5000 MHz          850KFXD        79.60 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

          5850.0000 - 5853.5000 MHz          1M20FXD        81.10 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

          6421.0000 - 6426.0000 MHz          1M20FXD        81.10 dBW   COMMAND AND RANGING

Points of Communication:

   1 - INTELSAT 29e (S2913) - (50.0 W.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT 805 (S2404) - (304.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (310.0 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (325.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (328.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (330.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (332.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (335.5 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (340.0 E.L.)

                                                       Page 6 of 9

   1 - INTELSAT AOR - (342.0 E.L.)

   1 - INTELSAT AOR(S2398) - (307.0 E.L.)

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20160219-00162               E E150002              Intelsat License LLC
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:        Fixed Satellite Service

Intelsat requests modification of its fixed earth station in Hagerstown, MD to add two new emission designators, 850KFXD and 1M20FXD, to
provide Command and Ranging support for the Intelsat 29e (S2913) satellite at the 50º W.L. orbital location in the 5850-5853.50 MHz and
6421-6426 MHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

SITE ID:          1
                  39 ° 35 ' 53.90 " N LAT.                                         77 ° 45 ' 23.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        1                       16.4 meters        GENERAL DYNAMICS                    ST 16.4

           6681.0000 - 6725.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              54.00 dBW               Digital Data

           6681.0000 - 6725.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W              69.50 dBW               Digital Data

           6681.0000 - 6725.0000 MHz                    44M0G7W              70.40 dBW               Digital Data

           6669.0000 - 6681.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              51.00 dBW               Digital Data

           6669.0000 - 6681.0000 MHz                    12M0G7W              61.80 dBW               Digital Data

           6425.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              54.00 dBW               Digital Data

           6425.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W              69.50 dBW               Digital Data

           6425.0000 - 6669.0000 MHz                    62M5G7W              71.90 dBW               Digital Data

           6421.0000 - 6426.0000 MHz                    850KG7D              79.60 dBW               TT&C, Ranging

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              80.30 dBW               Digital Data

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W              83.00 dBW               Digital Data

           5925.0000 - 6425.0000 MHz                    62M5G7W              83.00 dBW               Digital Data

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    1M00G7W              80.30 dBW               Digital Data

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W              83.00 dBW               Digital Data

           5850.0000 - 5925.0000 MHz                    62M5G7W              83.00 dBW               Digital Data

           5850.0000 - 5851.0000 MHz                    850KG7D              79.60 dBW               TT&C, Ranging
                                                                    Page 7 of 9

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        250KG7D                                     Digital Data, Beacon

           5850.0000 - 5853.5000 MHz                        850KFXD           79.60 dBW                 COMMAND AND RANGING

           5850.0000 - 5853.5000 MHz                        1M20FXD           81.10 dBW                 COMMAND AND RANGING

           6421.0000 - 6426.0000 MHz                        1M20FXD           81.10 dBW                 COMMAND AND RANGING

Points of Communication:

   1 - INTELSAT 29e (S2913) - (50.0 W.L.)

SES-MOD-20160322-00264               E E040331               Dayton Public Radio, Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

Dayton Public Radio, Inc. requests modification of its fixed earth station in Dayton, OH, to relocate the earth station, and to change the antenna
from a 4.5-meter antenna to a 3.8-meter antenna. This earth station will continue to operate with Permitted List satellites on the 3700-4200 MHz
(space-to-Earth) frequency band.

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          126 North Main Street, MONTGOMERY, DAYTON, OH
                   39 ° 45 ' 43.00 " N LAT.                                          84 ° 11 ' 31.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       3.8 meters         DH SATELLITE                          3.8METER

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        10M3G7W           0.00 dBW                  DIGITAL AUDIO CARRIER

           3700.0000 - 4200.0000 MHz                        30K0F1D           0.00 dBW                  DIGITAL AUDIO CARRIER

Points of Communication:

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-MOD-20160324-00270               E E020331               Allen Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Allen Communications
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:         Fixed Satellite Service

Allen Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Allen Communications requests modification its fixed earth station to relocate from Nuevo Riverside, CA to Napa,
CA. This earth station will continue to operate with Permitted List satellites in the 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 14.0-14.5 GHz
(Earth-to-space) frequency bands.

SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          961 Anselmo Court, NAPA, NAPA, CA
                   38 ° 14 ' 42.50 " N LAT.                                          122 ° 15 ' 50.50 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         1                       8.1 meters         VERTEX COMM.                          KPC

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          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz       36M0G7W         85.24 dBW             BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, FEC
                                                                                  RATES 1/2 - 7/8, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                  RATES, VARIOUS INFORMATION.

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz       51K2G7W         56.77 dBW             BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, FEC
                                                                                  RATES 1/2 - 7/8, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                  RATES, VARIOUS INFORMATION.

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       36M0G7W         0.00 dBW              BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, FEC
                                                                                  RATES 1/2 - 7/8, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                  RATES, VARIOUS INFORMATION.

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       51K2G7W         0.00 dBW              BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, FEC
                                                                                  RATES 1/2 - 7/8, VARIOUS DATA
                                                                                  RATES, VARIOUS INFORMATION.

 Points of Communication:

    1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

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Document Created: 2016-03-29 17:39:56
Document Modified: 2016-03-29 17:39:56

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