Public Notice SES01800

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2015-11-18 > IB > Public Notices > SES01800

                       PUBLIC NOTICE
                       445 12th STREET S.W.
                       WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                       News media information 202-418-0500
                       Internet: (or
                       TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01800                                                                           Wednesday November 18, 2015

                                                   Satellite Communications Services
                                      re: Satellite Radio Applications Accepted For Filing

The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and not in
conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any of
these applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications accepted
for filing will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for
administrative purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

 SES-LIC-20141124-00872               E E140121            Intelsat License LLC
 Application for Authority
 Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

 Nature of Service:    Fixed Satellite Service

 SITE ID:         MTN-1
 LOCATION:        17625 Technology BLVD, Washington, Hagerstown, MD
                  39 ° 35 ' 53.10 " N LAT.                                        77 ° 45 ' 22.30 " W LONG.

    ANTENNA ID:       K78                    13.5 meters        Viasat                              13.5m

            12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                62M5G7W              76.30 dBW               Digital Data

            12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz                36M0G7W              73.90 dBW               Digital Data

            13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                62M5G7W              85.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                36M0G7W              85.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                1M00G7W              73.30 dBW               Digital Data

            13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                62M5G7W              81.20 dBW               Digital Data

            13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                36M0G7W              78.80 dBW               Digital Data

            13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                5M00G7W              68.00 dBW               Digital Data

            13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                62M5G7W              85.00 dBW               Digital Data

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     13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           73.30 dBW   Digital Data

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           73.30 dBW   Digital Data

     10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz             62M0G7W                       Digital Data

     10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             62M5G7W                       Digital Data

     11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz             1M00G7W                       Digital Data

     11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz             250KG7D                       Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           58.30 dBW   Digital Data

ANTENNA ID:    K77                 13.1 meters    Vertex/RSI               ST 13.1

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           75.70 dBW   Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           73.30 dBW   Digital Data

     12875.0000 - 13250.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           57.70 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           85.00 dBW   Digital Data

     13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz             1M00G7W           72.70 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             62M5G7W           81.20 dBW   Digital Data

     13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz             36M0G7W           78.80 dBW   Digital Data

                                                       Page 2 of 5

          13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz            5M00G7W         68.00 dBW   Digital Data

          13778.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz            62M5G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

          13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz            36M0G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

          13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz            1M00G7W         72.70 dBW   Digital Data

          11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz            62M5G7W                     Digital Data

          11200.0000 - 11450.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                     Digital Data

          12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz            62M5G7W                     Digital Data

          12200.0000 - 12500.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                     Digital Data

          11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz            62M0G7W                     Digital Data

          11700.0000 - 11950.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                     Digital Data

          11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            62M5G7W                     Digital Data

          11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                     Digital Data

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz            250KG7D                     Digital Data

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                     Digital Data

          10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz            62M0G7W                     Digital Data

          10700.0000 - 10950.0000 MHz            1M00G7W                     Digital Data

          11950.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz            250KG7D                     Digital Data

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz            62M5G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz            36M0G7W         85.00 dBW   Digital Data

          14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz            1M00G7W         72.70 dBW   Digital Data

Points of Communication:

   MTN-1 - INTELSAT 29e (S2913) - (50.0 W.L.)


SES-LIC-20151103-00802               E E150136    HNS License Sub, LLC
Application for Authority
Class of Station:       Fixed Earth Stations

Nature of Service:    Fixed Satellite Service

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SITE ID:           1
LOCATION:          2896 Crescent Ave, Suite 201, Lane, Eugene, OR
                   44 ° 5 ' 29.70 " N LAT.                                            123 ° 3 ' 38.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:          1                       1.6 meters         AvL Technologies                        1.6m Ka Band Antenna

           29998.5000 - 29998.5000 MHz                       N0N               65.95 dBW                   Continuous Wave (CW)

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       25K0G7D           0.00 dBW                    Digital

Points of Communication:

   1 - JUPITER 97 W(S2834) - (97.1 W. L.)

SES-MFS-20150923-00605                    E E140114           ISAT US Inc.
Class of Station: Other

Nature of Service:          Fixed Satellite Service

ISAT US Inc. requests modification of its earth station aboard aircraft authorization to add the Inmarsat 5F3 satellite at the 179.6º orbital location
as a point of communication in the 29500-30000 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 19700-20200 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

SITE ID:           Aero 1

   ANTENNA ID:          MCS 8200                                   Honeywell                               MCS 8200

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       460KG7W           44.60 dBW                   Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       7M34G7W           46.00 dBW                   Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       32M0G7W           0.00 dBW                    Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       5M00G1W           7.00 dBW                    Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

SITE ID:           Aero 2

   ANTENNA ID:          MCS 8000                0.3 meters         Honeywell                               MCS 8000

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       460KG7W           32.60 dBW                   Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

           29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                       7M34G7W           44.60 dBW                   Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

           19700.0000 - 20200.0000 MHz                       32M0G7W           0.00 dBW                    Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                           Digital Data Link

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            29500.0000 - 30000.0000 MHz                 5M00G1W             7.00 dBW                    Various Modulations up to 32APSK;
                                                                                                        Digital Data Link

 Points of Communication:

    Aero 1 - INMARSAT 5F2 - (55.0 W.L.)

    Aero 1 - INMARSAT 5F3 - (179.6 W.L.)

    Aero 2 - INMARSAT 5F2 - (55.0 W.L.)

    Aero 2 - INMARSAT 5F3 - (179.6 W.L.)

 SES-MSC-20151021-00760                E                 O3b Limited
 Miscellaneous Filing
 Class of Station:

 O3b Limited has filed a waiver request in connection with its operation of earth stations on up to 30 non-U.S.-registered maritime vessels in or
 near U.S. territorial waters. O3b's earth stations will communicate with O3b's FSS NGSO satellite system, licensed by the United Kingdom. O3b
 will operate up to three 2.2-meter antennas on each non-U.S.-registered maritime vessel that will transmit in the 27.6-28.4 GHz (Earth-to-space)
 and 17.8-18.6 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands. O3b Limited seeks a waiver of the Commission's Ka-band Plan and the U.S. Table of
 Frequency Allocations with respect to its operations on non-U.S.-registered maritime vessels in or near U.S. territorial waters. Operations will
 include testing, demonstrations, and commercial service.

 Points of Communication:

 SES-STA-20151111-00824                E E060445         HNS License Sub, LLC
 Special Temporary Authority
 Class of Station:

 HNS License Sub, LLC requests special temporary authority for a period of 180 days to operate up to 100,000 remote earth terminals with the
 following satellites and orbital locations: SPACEWAY 1 at 103° W.L., SPACEWAY 2 at 99° W.L., SPACEWAY 3 at 94.95° W.L., AMC-15
 (S2180) at 105° W.L., AMC-16 at 85° W.L., DIRECTV 11 at 99.2° W.L., DIRECTV 10 at 102.8° W.L., ECHOSTAR-9 at 121° W.L.,
 ECHOSTAR XVII at 107.1° W.L., and DIRECTV 11 at 99.2° W.L. Operations will be in the 28.35-28.6 GHz and 29.25-30.0 GHz
 (Earth-to-space), and 18.3-18.8 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

 Points of Communication:

 SES-T/C-20151016-00705                E E950479       Shareholders of Meredith Media General Corporation
 Application for Consent to Transfer of Control
 Current Licensee:       Young Broadcasting of Albany, Inc.
 FROM: Shareholders of Media General, Inc.
 TO:   Shareholders of Meredith Media General Corporation
                                                                                                        No. of Station(s) listed: 1

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

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Document Created: 2015-11-17 17:44:54
Document Modified: 2015-11-17 17:44:54

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