Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                       WIRELSEE KIT

Thank you for purchasing our product! This quick user guide will talk about main usages of the
product.More information can be found on our website and the help center. This user guide may
contain inaccurate content due to hardware and software upgrade.It is subject to change without
previous notice.

Safety Caution
1.Please do not put any fluid container on the product.
2.Please use the product in ventilated environment and prevent blocking the vents.
3.Please use included power supply with the product to prevent damage to the product.
4.Please use the product under its standard working temperature and humidity.(advised in this
manual or distributor’s website)
5.Dust on PCB may cause short circuit.It is suggested to clean the dust on PCB timely to make the
product work properly.
6.Please obey the regulation and policy in your country and area during the installation of this.

Before Installation
This product may require cabling , we suggest to test all products&parts before installation and


1、WIFI Antenna Ports:Double antennas to WIFI range
2、WAN Port:Connect your NVR to Internet
3、VGA Port:For viewing on VGA monitor
4、HDMI Port:For viewing on HDTV
5、USB Ports:For mouse and backup
6、Power Input

1. IPC with RJ45 connector

①W WIFI antenna:: WiFi connecction with NVVR;
②DC  C Port: input power 12V 1A;
③RJJ45 Port: for matching cod de and wiredd connection between IPC and NVR. Ouur WIFI NVR KIT is
alreaady matched d code beforre leaving faactory. If use
                                                       ers need to re‐match coode or use wired
connnection, please refer to ho
                              ow to add IP camera as beelow.
2. IP
    PC without RJ45 conne

 WIFI antenna:: WiFi connecction with NV
  C Port: input power 12V 1A;

③Reeset button::press reset button for 110 seconds to
                                                   t restore fa
                                                              actory settingg and enter into
matcching‐code mode.

Insttallation Instructio
              I         n Of WIFI NVR KIT

Wireless NVR can’t
              c     be co
                        onnected too WIFI route
                                              er wirelessly at presennt. They can be
onlyy connected
              d by networrk cable.

Settup The Syystem
     This system
               m is standalone with eembedded Linux Operrating Systeem in the NVR.
Justt like a deskktop PC, ne
                           eed to hookk a screen to
                                                  t the NVR to enter thhe OS. Any TV ,
mon nitor with VGA
               V or HDM    MI input shoould work fo
                                                  or it.
1、IInstall antenn nas for camerras and the N
2、C Connect a scrreen to the NVR
                             N via its HD  DMI or VGA port(HDMI and VGA cable not included);
3、P Plug the NVR to power(use bigger 12V   V 2A power ad   dapter);
4、P Plug camerass to power(usse smaller 12V   V 1A power adapters);
5、W Within seconds, you should see camerra’s images on the screen;
6、P Plug the mouse(included) to an USB poort on back off NVR. You sh     hall then be aable to operatte on
the ssystem.
In th
    he OS you caan find fullestt functionalitties includingg live view, re
                                                                         ecord, playbaack, video baackup
and all settings.
Defaault ID: admin Password: none (meanss leaving the password em       mpty, just clicck login)
Tips:To protectt your privacyy, please set your passwo     ord at earliesst conveniencce. Right click the
mou use→Go to Syystem Setup→  →System Ad min →User Management to set passw             word.

HD Install
the system may not include hard disk deepending on the kit you selected.
                                                               s         the NVR works most

3.5" SATA HDD or
              o 2.5"SATA HDD
  Unplug your NVR from po
1、U                     ower,unscrew
                                   w and remove
                                              e the top cove

  Connect the SATA power and data ca bles from the NVR to the
                                                            e correspond ing ports on your
  D (as shown).

3、h holding the hard
                 h     drive an
                              nd the DVR ,,gently turn it over and line up the hholes on the hard
drivee with the ho
                 oles on the NVR.
                             N     using a pphillips screw
                                                                     w the provideed screws into
                                                                                               o the
holees and assemble the coverr.

Notee:New HDD D have to be formatted
                            f           beefore recordinng.
      To get better WIFI sign
                            nal, it had bettter place the
                                                        e NVR in open area and hiigh position.

Reccord Video
Recoord video is very
                  v     easy on camera
                                 c       syste m.
1、TTime Recordiing: Setup pe     eriod of timee of recordingg on NVR GUUI .Right clickk mouse→Syystem
   up→Record setup→Reco          ord Plan.Clicck “time”aand put mo     ouse icon onn the upperr left
   ner(for examp   ple“1”as picture
                                p       showss),press and drag the mou  use to the rigght to choose
                                                                                                  e the
timee.The list will turn to red.
2、M Motion Reco  ording: Only detect
                                 d      motioon and then start
                                                           s     recordin
                                                                        ng.Right clickk mouse→Syystem
   up→Record setup→Reco         ord Plan.Clickk“motion”and put mo       ouse icon onn the upperr left

   ner(for examp   ple“1”as picture
                                 p      showss),press and drag the mou   use to the rigght to choose  e the
timee. The list willl turn to gree
3、A Alarm record    ding: Right click mousee→System Setup→Reco
                                                           S             rd setup→RRecord Plan.Click
“Allarm”and put     p     mouse icon on thhe upper le      eft corner(foor example “1”as piccture
showws),press and d drag the mo  ouse to the riight to choose the time. The list will tu rn to yellow.
Notee: Users can setup any periodp           me they want,for example
                                        of tim                          e 0:00:00‐23: 59:59,That’s 24
hourrs *7 days recording.Whe     en NVR deteccts hard disk,tthe default setting will bee 24 hours*7 days

  deo Playbaack
Step ps:right clik mouse
                   m     in maain menu→V    Video playbaack→choose date,channeel,record mode→
clickk search→theen can view playback
                             p        file.
Warrm prompt:

1. IIIustration fo
                 or playback button:
                             b                 play,       pause:         fast forward *2,*4,*8;
2. Play file: Cho
                oose the recoording file in file list,as nu
                                                          umber“1”sshown in piccture. Choose    e one
   of the recordding, click “p
                             play”to playy to recordingg file;
3. Video backup: Choose th   he recording file in file lisst,as numberr“1”shownn in picture.insert
   the U flash disk, click “video backup”   ”to backup thet file;
4. Timeline: Click “date”a    and “time”   ”at left bottom to check   k the timelinee of recordin
                                                                                                ng, as
   number“2”    ”shown in picture;
5. On the timeline with reco ording file,leftt click the mo
                                                          ouse, the can playback thee file.

  deo Backup

Usee U disk to
             o copy vide
                       eo,so easyy and convvenient!
1、22 USB ports: Plug U flash disk
                             d into the USB port of NVR.
                                                    N    Right click on main m

backkup→choose backup chan
                         nnel→choosee video mode                     →search→cho
                                               e→setup searching time→         oose

   ording file on the list→video backup (s upport 32G U flash disk at
                                                                   a max. Recorrding file is

packked one hourr per time.)

2、1 USB port: Riight click on main  →video backup→choose backup
                              m menu→                    b      channnel→choose video

  de→setup seaarching time→search→chhoose record
mod                                            ding file on the list→videoo backup, inse
                                                                                       ert U

    h disk within reminding 1 minute, thenn the system will
flash                                                  w backup re
                                                                 ecording file to U flash dissk.

Vieew On PC Via
            V IE(Inte
                    ernet Explorer)
  When your PC is in same LAN
                          L with the NVR(normally means th
                                                         hey are conneected to the same

   p1.Find the IP address an
                           nd port# of yyour NVR(IP address can be found inn System Setup→
Netwwork Setup).

   p2.Enter the NVR’s
                  N        IP ad
                               ddress in yourr IE browser for
                                                          f example: the de
WEBB port 80 hass been changed e.g. to 1000,you’ll need to add new port numbber when inp       put IP
addrress in the brrowser, for exxample: http:://192.168.1..7:100).

2、W When your PCP is out of local area nnetwork with   h the NVR(Fo or example: view your home
cameras from your office PC).Access with D  Device Cloud
                                                       d ID
   p 1. Open you
               ur Internet Exxplorer(IE) broowser and vissit:www.e‐se
   p2. Input Device ID, User name
                             n     and passsword to loggin.
(Devvice ID can be found at the right bbottom corne    er of the NV VR monitor, status should be
“ONLINE”, default User name is “admin”, aand default Paassword is emmpty.)

Vieew On Mo
1、D Download thee APP “IP PRO O3.0”
Userrs can use cellphone to sccan the QR coode below to
                                                      o install the APP
                                                                    A free of chharge,or users can
searrch “IP Pro 3.0”on
                3        APP store or Googgle Play then install the APP .

Notee:For IOS systtem,it require
                               es IOS 8.0 verrsion or abovve.For android
                                                                       d, android 4.44 or above.
2、A Add the NVR system to yo   our APP devicce list
Run the APP “IP PRO”,
                  P            w your accoount or choosse Trial→Click“+”to “A
                         login with                                                 Add device by
                                                                                                b ID”
(finnd it the NV VR’s Networkk setup, or rright bottom corner on screen),Descr
                                                                       s           ription(e.g. Home
Cammera), User naame (default user name iis “admin”)an     nd password(default is em
                                                                                   mpty)→Subm   mit to
    back to your device list→C
get b                           Click the deviice to view th
                                                           he cameras.
Tips: if you’ve sett a password on your NVR R system, pleaase update yoour passwordd on APP to view.

Playback On Mobiles
In th
    he IP PRO AP PP,while viewing live vvideo of the system, click k Playback, yyou will enter the
remote playbackk menu. The APP A automattically playbaack camera 1, you can sw witch channels the
Tips: Videos in playback are HD@real
                              H       timee which requuires very goo
                                                                   od transmissiion condition
                                                                                            n. We
sugggest to playbaack in LAN. Remote
                              R                        AN may not 100% work ddue to connection
                                     playbback out of LA
& neetwork condittion.


Meenu bar

                  n you can entter the main menu; click right button again you ca n exit the current
Clickk right button
men nu or return.

Splitt screen: chaange status of
                               o live view. YYou can choo ose to view multiple
                                                                       m        cameeras or any single
Videeo Manage: manage
                  m        IP cameras and NV  VR channels.
System setup: all system settings.
Videeo playback: playback reco  orded videoss.
Videeo backup: baackup recorded videos.
   or adjust: adjust the image
Colo                            e setting of e ach camera.
Man nual record: shortcut
                  s         to ch
                                hange the reccord settings..
   ume: Adjust volume
                  v       of auddio cameras(w  works only fo
                                                           or audio cameeras).
   up Wizard: steep by step gu  uide of 1st tim
                                              me general seettings.
Fast Network: sh hortcut to nettwork settinggs.
Wifi add: add IP cameras into  o NVR channeels wirelessly.
Adjuust channel: adjust
                   a     the ordder of the NV VR channels.
Exit System: logo out, reboot, close screen ooutput and sh hut down thee system.

Sysstem Setup
Clickk right button n→Choose Syystem setup;; you then sh
                                                       hall enter the menu that eenables you to
                                                                                             t do
all seettings relateed to this systtem.
 General setup(This enab        bles you to seet)
Dispplay resolution
HDD D informaion
 System adm      min(This enab  bles you to seet)
System version
System maintenaance including system upggrade
Userr and passwo   ord managem   ment
Resttore to default settings

System log
 Record setu    up(This enables you to sett)
Recoord plan for each
                 e    channel video detecttion
 Network settup(This enables you to seet)
 All network relaated settings
 Channel settup(This enab    bles you to seet)
Mannage channelss and camera  as

  d wirelesss camera
   ore leaving faactory, NVR kit is already m
Befo                                        matched code, the image will come ouut when the kit is
powwered. Anywaay, there is range limitatioon for the WIFI signal from
                                                                     m NVR. Whenn cameras aree out
    his range, they can’t be connected
of th                         c           too NVR wirelessly. Then ussers can use network cab
                                                                                            ble to
connnect camerass and NVR, as picture show  wed below:

Stepp 1: plug NV VR and cammeras to pow wer, after NVR
                                                   N start, right click moouse→Wifi add
→m  match‐code interface, NVR will search camera unde          er matchinng code model
auto omatically.
Stepp 2: wirelesss camera hash two kinnds, includiing camera with RJ45 connector and
cammera withou   ut RJ45 conn
                            nector, theirr way to maatch code ass below:
① for camera with RJ45 connector,, after startt, use network cable tto connect with
NVR R, match code automattically, no n eed to resto ore.
② for camera without RJ45 connecttor, after staar, hold the bottom lin e of cameraa for
10 sseconds to get in mattch code m odel, it will match cod    de automattically, no need
netw work cable..
Stepp 3: when youy can find d IP addresss of cameraa on screen,, matching ccode complete,
clickk “Exit” to finish.
Nottes: for cam mera withou ut RJ45 connnector, its process
                                                    p       of getting
                                                               g       into matching code
will last 10 minuets. Afte  er 10 minueets, please restore cam mera to gett into matcching
code model again.

Exttend WIFI Range
Wireeless connecttion is easy and
                              a convenieent, but it’ss not universal applicationn. Because of
                                                                                           o the
charracter of WIFI, the WIFI signal will ddecrease wh
                                                    hen going through some obstacles. Some
methods can be applied
               a       to byypass obstaclees and extend WIFI range.

1、Position The Anten
                   nna Correectly
WIFI range is likee an apple and
                               d the antenn a of NVR is in            o it. WIFI signnal is strong all
                                                         n the center of

   und the WIFI range. Anten
arou                       nna of NVR shhould be put straight up, if not, WIFI siignal will be weak.

   ording to the signal transm
                             mission charaacter of anten
                                                       nna, the antenna of camerras should

overrlap or paralleel to NVR WIFI range, as ppictures show
                                                         wed below:

2、Use Ante
         enna Exten
                  nsion Cord
                           d to prolo
                                    ong WIFI distance
Instaallation meth
                 hod of antenn
                             na extension cord

Notees:When WIFFI signal is not strong enouugh against walls,users
                                                       w           can take off thee original antenna
and subtitute an
               ntenna exten  nsion cord. DDrill a hole on
                                                       o the wall to let the eextension corrd go
   ough and simp
               ply it where WIFI
                              W signal is strong.

Sett up cascading conn
                     nection in
                              n a reasonable soluttion,extennd wifi siggnal

   nsfer distaance


1. Reepeater functtion can’t strengthen
                             s          W
                                        WIFI signal for wireless NVR
                                                                   R kit, but can extend the

distaance by repeaaters ‐‐ WIFI cameras.

2. Only when thee repeater cameras and reepeated came
                                                    eras are posittioned correcctly, WIFI

distaance will be extended.

3. Reepeater functtion and 3 meters antennna extension cord
                                                       c    are two methods to eextend WIFI

rangge. Users can choose one according
                             a         to real situation

  peater Settup
Step                         G left clickk “video management”→ then left cclick “repeatter”
   p 1: Right click on NVR’S GUI,

   p 2: Add repeater

As p
   picture shown
               n below, clickk icon + besidees channel 3,, choose othe
                                                                     er channel.

   p 3: As picturee shown belo                        ected to NVR through IPC22 and IPC3. IP
                             ow, it means IPC1 is conne                                     PC2

is co
    onnected to NVR
                N through IPC3. IPC3 is connected to
                                                   o NVR directlyy.

   p 4: Click “Apply” and th
Step                       hen click “reefresh” to check
                                                   c     if the se
                                                                 etting is succeessful.

Dellete Repeaater
Movve the mousee to targeted channels, left             ete, and then click “Applly” and “O
                                         ft click to dele                                 OK”.

  plication Example

As p
   picture shown
               n above, when IPCAM1 is put somewhe
                                                 ere is out of NVR
                                                               N WIFI rannge, and there is

   AM2 between
             n them with strong
                         s      WIFI s ignal, users can
                                                    c put IPCAM
                                                              M1 close to N
                                                                          NVR and powe
                                                                                     er it,

   up IPCAM1 repeated by IPCAM2, and thhen install IPCAM1 to the presupposedd place.


Devvice will not in
                  n guarantee if caused by bbelow reason  n:
A.Acccident;negligence;disaste er; mis‐operaation.
B.Doo not conform to the environment
                               e               and conditio ons,such as power imprroper, workin
  mperature Too   o hight or too
                               o low, lightninng stroke.ectt.
C.Evver be maintaained by othe er center whiich not belong to the real factory.

   Goods alreadyy sold more than
                            t    12 montths.


This device complies with Pa  art 15 of thee FCC Rules. Operation is subject to tthe followingg two
condditions: (1) th
                  his device maay not causee harmful inteerference, an
                                                                     nd (2) this deevice must acccept
any interference received, inccluding interfeerence that may
                                                         m cause undesired operration.

  C Compliance Statement
This equipment has h been testted and founnd to comply with the limits for a Classs B digital de    evice,
purssuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thesse limits are designed to provide reasoonable protection
against harmful interference
                   i             in a residenttial installatio
                                                             on. This equip
                                                                          pment generaates uses and  d can
radiaate radio freqquency energgy and, if nott installed and  d used in accordance withh the instructtions,
mayy cause harmful interferen   nce to radio communicattions. However, there is nno guarantee      e that
interrference will not occur in i a particulaar installatio  on. If this equipment doees cause harrmful
interrference to raadio or televiision receptioon, which can  n be determined by turninng the equipment
off aand on, the user is enco   ouraged to trry to correctt the interferrence by onee or more of the
    owing measurres:
‐ Reo orient or relo
                   ocate the rece
                                eiving antennna.
‐ Inccrease the sepparation betwween the equuipment and receiver.
‐Con nnect the equipment into   o an outlet oon a circuit different from that to whicch the receivver is
conn nected.
‐Con nsult the dealler or an expe
                                erienced radiio/TV techniccian for help.

  C Radiatio
           on Exposure Statem
This equipment complies with
                          w     FCC rad iation expossure limits set forth for an uncontrrolled
environment. Th
              his equipmen nt should be installed andd operated with
                                                                 w minimu m distance 20cm
   ween the radiator & your body.

The Federal Commmunicationss Commissionn warns the user that changes or moodifications to
                                                                                        o the
unit not expresssly approved d by the parrty responsib
                                                     ble for comp
                                                                pliance couldd void the user’s
   hority to operrate the equip

Document Created: 2018-10-26 10:12:22
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 10:12:22

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC