File Number: SES-T/C-20110718-00837 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 09/21/2011 | Callsign: E070238 | Action Taken PN Date: 11/02/2011 | Streamlined: N/A | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: N | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Taken Public Notice | Date Filed: 07/18/2011 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 11/02/2011 | | Last Action: Grant of Authority | Last Action Date: 11/01/2011 | Grant Date: 11/01/2011 | Bond Date: None | DA #: None | Adopted Date: 11/01/2011 | Released Date: 11/01/2011 | Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service
Applicant: | Contact: Mitchell F. Brecher | Enlaces Integra, R. L. de C.V. | Greenberg Traurig, LLP | Av. Paseo de la Reforma 222 Piso 20 y 21 | 2101 L Street, NW | | Suite 1000 | Colonia Juarez, MEX | Washington, DC 20037 USA
FROM: | TO: | DEUTSCHE BANK MEXICO | Holdsat Mexico, S.A.P.I. de C.V.
| TRUST F 589 DEUTSCHE BANK MEXICO | Blvd. M. Avila Camacho 24-6
| RIO DUERO 31 |
| MEXICIO CITY, MEX | Mexico City, MEX